Casey's Ghost Writer Breaks His Silence ...

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I can't do it. :( I'm going to donate some money to Tim Miller. He cared about Caylee. I'm scared they will make a dime. So sorry, but I just can't do it. :(

Tulessa, if the book is "loanable", you'll be the first person I loan it to!

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^^^Gosh, when you say that, it really hits home- what 2 year old does that? What 2 year old has to learn that? I have never known ONE and I have known dozens and dozens of two year olds- personally.

I hope every one of the Anthony's rot in hell- I do!

I can remember George bragging about it and I'm thinking poor kid, at 2 yrs old you regularly have to get your own breakfast because your mother's in bed. I would have been afraid for her to get into the fridge at that age...
I hear you, but IMO an important point to consider re his truth is that he names the agent (Judith Ehrlich) who edited the CM/Namey book. surely she heard some tapes (?) because he describes her as " ... a strong and forceful personality. She was relentless in her insistence that our book resemble the work of Alan Dershowitz. Editing the proposal and the book in progress, she nit-picked every paragraph, sentence and word until it conformed to her view of Professor Dershowitz's highly objective and scholarly style." *

I don't mean to come off like I'm arguing with you, but she is named and she sounds like nobody's fool (?). I found links to her agency/her career via google

* kindle edition: Casey's Ghost by Rick Namey (giving credit where it is due)

Oh, that may not have been the best idea. Alan Dershowitz had always garnered my respect (a brilliant mind, IMO)...that is until he joined the OJ defense team.
I look forward to following the thread. If anything, it has renewed interest.

ETA: For the life of me, I don't get that! Why would they want CM to come off like AD???
Casey's Ghost by Rick Namey/kindle location 1874

As these discussions evolved, it was slowly revealed to me that, besides a scheme to recover Cheney's legal fees and expenses, the purpose was to make Casey financially independent in order to make Casey no longer dependent on Cheney. He frequently made statements such as, "I can't support her forever."

When we discussed the timetable, I would express the concern that interest in Casey might wane, and her value would diminish. He told me that he had to dispose of the various lawsuits first. The most troublesome was the defamation suit brought by Zenaida Fernandez Gonzalez ... John Morgan, a local celebrity attorney with an enormous television and multi-media advertising campaign, is handling the suit.


... the case was problematic because it could force Casey to testify, thereby diminishing the cash value of whatever revelations she had to offer.


So there continues to exist the strong possibility that Morgan could get some kind of judgment. I asked Cheney what he planned to do about it. He said that before any of that can happen, he'd file a bankruptcy for Casey "and stop the whole damn thing ..."

There were also lawsuits from Tim Miller and Texas Equusearch for the cost of the search conducted in 2008 before the remains were found, and another defamation suit from Roy Kronk ...


In Cheney's opinion, none of these suits had any merit and a strategically timed bankruptcy filing would discharge all such debts. The problem was that if we made a book, TV or movie deal for Casey's story before the cases were disposed or dismissed he might have to settle out of court to prevent Casey from being forced to testify, as he ended up doing with Equusearch. This too, he was loath to do. "John Morgan will never get a damn dime out of this, I can tell you that!"

When they decided to go for bankruptcy Baez obviously helped out by coming up with that $500K bill that no one had ever heard of. I would like to see that bill, to see if it was itemized or just a figure he came up with out of thin air....
"In Cheney's opinion, none of these suits had any merit", OH WOW! I am going to ware out my delete button with what I want to say about CM's opinions.

Apparently at some stage he was well respected locally, but he is well past his sell-by date. He needs to retire. He's already a laughing stock among his peers.... time to ride off into the sunset!
When they decided to go for bankruptcy Baez obviously helped out by coming up with that $500K bill that no one had ever heard of. I would like to see that bill, to see if it was itemized or just a figure he came up with out of thin air....

Really!!! None of this is about getting to the bottom of Casey's finances. You have the Trustee cutting a deal with CM for $25,000 so he can get paid. And now you have the attorney for the Trustee seeking payment of $22,000 for 70+ hours worth of "work". Nice guy that he is, that's a discounted rate. Where the heck does that money come from? There is definitely something wrong with our legal system.
Cheney Mason would have made more money had Casey been convicted. Too bad. So sad. And now he is stuck with her. I also am not getting my hopes up that they will be held responsible for all their crimes and yes they have been committing crimes. No one seems to really care except us.
This has been going on all week now and I emailed numerous media people with details of this book and his claims of bankruptcy fraud, plus the BK Trustee and the Regional Trustee. I don't expect to hear back from the Trustees because I am aware they do not discuss investigations that are ongoing (if they are even doing that) but I wrote to Kathi Belich, Nancy Grace, Hal Boedeker, Amy Pavuk( both are O-S journalists), Tony Pipitone - and Tony is the only one to have responded... I wonder why?
Sometime over the weekend I shall sit down and write to Bill Sheaffer to see what he thinks. If anyone Facebooks or Twitters can you let Richard Hornsby know what's happening ?
Cheney Mason would have made more money had Casey been convicted. Too bad. So sad. And now he is stuck with her. I also am not getting my hopes up that they will be held responsible for all their crimes and yes they have been committing crimes. No one seems to really care except us.

Mason wants Casey to be stuck with him.
He does not have to be stuck with her, it's his choosing.
Casey means money to Mason, and that's why he's sticking with her.
I'm not so sure if no one else cares, I hope the bankruptcy court will care that KC and Mason lied to them, and they are looking into it as we speak.

This could be huge!

So CM thinks of FCA as a "little girl", and he says he likes "her rack" WTH, he sounds very creepy to me.

I seriously threw up in my mouth a little when Cheney was going on about her "rack" right after going on & on about Casey's small hands & how child-like she was. Gross.

I hope Casey and Mason are stuck with each other for the rest of his life. I hope he has to keep supporting her forever and she has to stay in this dirty old man's good graces however she can. Eww. That sounds worse than prison.

But really, after reading this book, those two (Casey & Mason) deserve each other. They're both narcissists. I never thought CM was anything but a jerk, but I had no clue how big of a jerk he is. It almost made me feel badly for Jose Baez to have to put up with both of them (however, he didn't really have to & it's not like I have a ton of respect for Baez....but at least he isn't as gross as CM turned out to be) and that CM would have let Baez take the fall if Casey had been found guilty. Anyone who can make me almost feel sympathy for Baez is really a piece of work.
Okay, I don't want to delve into a political conversation here but I have to say, among the many things that CM said to Namey that pi$$ed me off or grossed me out was one of the things he said about jurors. He said that he didn't want any "young Republicans" on the jury because they would have found her guilty.

I'm a progressive Democrat and I 110% believe Casey is guilty and would have hung that jury (I was in my late 20s during the trial). I was insulted by his insinuation that non-Republicans in my age group would have automaticaly voted not guilty. My husband is a liberal Republican (also in his late 20s during the trial) and he would have voted guilty and hung that jury. Our good friend is a libertarian (again, in his late 20s during the trial) and he would have voted guilty and hung the jury also. I could see being concerned about someone's politics for the penalty phase and perhaps hoping for a liberal for the death penalty phase (not that all liberals are anti-DP, though) but the way CM talked about it for guilty/not guilty part made me angry. I took offense as a young, progressive Democrat that he thought only young Republicans would find her guilty. Regardless of politics, anyone with a brain who took their job as jurors seriously would have found her guilty (the jurors did not do this IMO).

Hey Mason- this young progressive Democrat would have voted GUILTY had I been on that jury!
Rant over.
This is just opening up raw wounds for me. I would have raised that angel, and given her all the love she would have ever wanted. :( I think the entire WS forum would have taken her in a heartbeat. So very sorry baby girl. You deserved so much more.
Cheney Mason would have made more money had Casey been convicted. Too bad. So sad. And now he is stuck with her. I also am not getting my hopes up that they will be held responsible for all their crimes and yes they have been committing crimes. No one seems to really care except us.
I believe Namey when he says Mason makes comments about his frustration with having to support her, and having no where else to put her (that will forever be my favorite! :floorlaugh: ), etc. And knowing Mason like we do, I'm sure there's been those private moments where he's let his frustration show or had a heated argument where he really lets her know how it is. I mean this certainly hasn't played out like he thought it would...And I take pleasure in knowing she's felt unwanted, like a burden nobody wants, and that the only person stupid enough to take her in can't wait to get rid of her...

All jmo.
Honestly, listening to Cheney Mason's ignorant rhetoric in the book raised my blood pressure many times, and I have consistently low blood pressure. He's the kind of man that really causes a reaction in me, but the good part was it solidified everything I already believed and felt about him, in the first place.

I have no doubt Cheney bad mouths a good deal of his so called friends, behind their backs. He really and truly is a bully. I have to admit something another poster stated up-thread (sorry cant remember who)- I actually felt sorry for Jose Baez a few times. I never in my life thought I would say that- but its the truth. Cheney and Casey are two sides of the same coin. I hope she has something on him- because the public at large knows who she is- I'd like for them to understand who he is, as well.
I just purchased it on kindle app for ipad. Can't wait to start reading, I'm curious.

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I believe Namey when he says Mason makes comments about his frustration with having to support her, and having no where else to put her (that will forever be my favorite! :floorlaugh: ), etc. And knowing Mason like we do, I'm sure there's been those private moments where he's let his frustration show or had a heated argument where he really lets her know how it is. I mean this certainly hasn't played out like he thought it would...And I take pleasure in knowing she's felt unwanted, like a burden nobody wants, and that the only person stupid enough to take her in can't wait to get rid of her...

All jmo.

I take a GREAT deal of pleasure knowing this ONE fact alone.

There have been times that I have thought some young fool (or old fool) found her attractive and dangerous and had taken her as a lover. How many times did we hear the 'rumors' that she had a wealthy boyfriend and was living the life of luxury somewhere. I had visions of her pregnant again at some point, with some poor newborn at risk of certain death...and it just about killed me.

If nothing comes of this BK fraud I can live with the fact that she is shuffled between an old married coot's house (who actually probably secretly despises her- if not now, certainly when the millions don't materialize and her stay looks long term and indefinite) and a balding, unattractive washed up PI's house (Pat McKenna's, according to the book). The felon is probably put there whenever the Mason's travel or have real family or guests visiting.

This alone makes me happy, happy, happy- I have to admit- and IF her parents have actually shunned her for real- even more.
I can think of a few places CM could put FCA. He could start with throwing her in a swamp.
This is all just my opinion.
There is no way Cheney ever wanted this book to come out. It is even more damaging to Cheney than Casey. Cheney never let the ghost writer talk directly to Casey and I don't know how it will be proven that it really was Casey on the other end of the phone. Maybe phone records or if he could hear her talking? Helps has direct quotes from Cheney that will sink him though. In the book Cheney says that she will do whatever they need for the book because she owes him for legal represenation and she still needs him as he is her main attorney. I sure hope that is on tape. I wonder if Rick contacted the other attorneys and maybe that is why they all just jumped ship about the same time? If the information in the book os not true Cheney would be all over the medoa denying it.
The mainstream media does love a story that will bring in the bucks. Yet no one is covering this. Why? Something is up with the silence of the media. This is just too big for the media to not be reporting on. I am hoping that this is the beginning of the fall of Cheney and Casey. Let's hope that Caylee is going to finally get her justice.
Sorry for the errors. I have a had a hard time just getting this to post from my tablet.
I agree that perhaps the best of the best weren't available, but they would certainly have drawn a professional. I can think of a hundred ragsheet journalists who would have done it.

I respect everyone and their opinion on this one. I just don't buy it. I think it is part of the game that is being played still.

Writing for Casey, Cheney, or anyone closely connected to Casey is not profitable. No reputable writer would touch them.

People forget that OJ Simpson was a respected and beloved athlete before the murder of Nicole and Ron. A lot of people believed in his innocence (not me) and were interested in what he had to say (not me). So he had a story to sell.

Casey Anthony is not OJ Simpson. Not to take anything away from Nicole and Ron, but Casey not only killed a baby, but her own daughter and threw her away like garbage. Feelings are a lot stronger when a baby is involved and no one is even going to forgive Casey for what she did to Caylee. They are never going to support those who support her. Casey does not have a story to sell.

So, they were never going to get the best of the best ghost writers. No reputable publishing company would endorse them.

Does anyone even have a current number of books Cheney has sold since the release?

Just looked at Cheney's book sales rank on Barnes and Noble and he's ranked 172,923rd.
This is all just my opinion.
There is no way Cheney ever wanted this book to come out. It is even more damaging to Cheney than Casey. Cheney never let the ghost writer talk directly to Casey and I don't know how it will be proven that it really was Casey on the other end of the phone. Maybe phone records or if he could hear her talking? Helps has direct quotes from Cheney that will sink him though. In the book Cheney says that she will do whatever they need for the book because she owes him for legal represenation and she still needs him as he is her main attorney. I sure hope that is on tape. I wonder if Rick contacted the other attorneys and maybe that is why they all just jumped ship about the same time? If the information in the book os not true Cheney would be all over the medoa denying it.
The mainstream media does love a story that will bring in the bucks. Yet no one is covering this. Why? Something is up with the silence of the media. This is just too big for the media to not be reporting on. I am hoping that this is the beginning of the fall of Cheney and Casey. Let's hope that Caylee is going to finally get her justice.
Sorry for the errors. I have a had a hard time just getting this to post from my tablet.

I agree with you, and about the media - I think if the tapes have the goods and are released to the media then that's when I think the story will be huge, with the msm...

All jmo.
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