Casey's Lies, Stealing, Social/Sex Life: "Irrelevant and Scandalous"

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I put a lot of faith in what Faefrost has to say. But in this case I still have questions because for me -

ICA IS Lies, Stealing and Promiscuous - this is who she is. She was like this before she killed Caylee, and this was her continued behavior after she killed Caylee. So I do not understand how you can erase a personality because that person is on trial.

ICA's stealing is relevant to me because it seems to be the event that precipitated the fight with Cindy and getting tossed out of the house. Stealing =fight=get out = not taking "snothead with me. To me it's a pretty clear pattern of thought. And she is a convicted felon - is she not? Convicted of stealing.

ICA IS a liar - again, even she admits she lied to the LE at Universal. She lied about the sitter, she lied about having a job, etc. etc. She lied constantly for 31 days before she was forced to admit she no longer had Caylee "in her care". It is a major personality trait. How can this possibly be erased?

And for me - her sex life is tawdry and kind of boring. Being the flavor of a nanosecond doesn't impress me at all. But while she was Tony's little toy, where was Caylee? The defense is also going to state ICA was a very good mother, but three in a bed as a regular and recurring thing will not go over well with any jury.

Not doubting the word of our WS well-informed. but I definitely need more legal information to understand excluding this "history".

Very, very straight-forward to show to a jury that Casey lied & stoled over a long period of time...goes to her character. Much objective & irrefutable evidence...impossible for the defense to overcome when dealing w/ fair jurors, IMHO. Dunno how you'd keep these out.
So I have a question about the knife and I do know that BJB is watching and don't want a :slap:, but I don't see where we are discussing this.

However, I just listened to Bill Schaeffer's post motion comments "thums24" just posted in Today's News. Bills says the knife will not get in because there is no evidence Caylee was stabbed so it is not relevant.

But he said nothing about the duct tape. I think there was residue on the knife, and we had a long thread about it, so does this mean it could not be introduced as evidence unless it can be proven the residue was from the tape?
So I have a question about the knife and I do know that BJB is watching and don't want a :slap:, but I don't see where we are discussing this.

However, I just listened to Bill Schaeffer's post motion comments "thums24" just posted in Today's News. Bills says the knife will not get in because there is no evidence Caylee was stabbed so it is not relevant.

But he said nothing about the duct tape. I think there was residue on the knife, and we had a long thread about it, so does this mean it could not be introduced as evidence unless it can be proven the residue was from the tape?

I read that and thought the same thing. They had residue evidence and those mysterious pics with a piece of thread on a serration. I'm thinking the knife is about cutting the duct tape, not stabbing Caylee.
I disagree that her passed sexual acts and the explicit IMs will be tossed as irrelevant. They show what was important to her, what she was doing all day when she was supposedly at work, but was actually "watching" Caylee, and what she was doing at night when she was supposedly "at work". It goes to state of mind...she wanted to be free and single.
So I have a question about the knife and I do know that BJB is watching and don't want a :slap:, but I don't see where we are discussing this.

However, I just listened to Bill Schaeffer's post motion comments "thums24" just posted in Today's News. Bills says the knife will not get in because there is no evidence Caylee was stabbed so it is not relevant.But he said nothing about the duct tape. I think there was residue on the knife, and we had a long thread about it, so does this mean it could not be introduced as evidence unless it can be proven the residue was from the tape?

How does he know Caylee wasn't stabbed? the ME doesn't know the COD.

Hi all my fellow posters. I haven't posted in months because I've had poster's block when it comes to this, my favorite case. But then comes this slew of motions from the Defense and I feel compelled to join all of my hard working posters and peeps.

Casey Anthony would steal your car and help you look for it!

While some of the legal experts on Wesh and Wftv seem to think that most of the information her parents gave (via her history of lying and stealing) won't come in...there is still a lot that the HHJP will allow in.

The Defense is not going to be able to say ICA's behavior after Caylee went "missing"/"was murdered by her mother" was inconsistent with previous behavior. Meaning that the Defense would love for the Public and ultimately, the Jury to believe that somehow, ICA was this hardworking, truthful, loyal, responsible, trustworthy gal, just trying to balance all of the responsibilities of her young life with all of the demands on a young, scared, strapped single mother. :innocent:

In reality, ICA carried on with her life as though Caylee's disappearance/cold callous murder was nothing more than a speed bump in her day. Her actions reflect the sick, heartless, soulless, vapid, superficial, dishonest, insensitive, lying, stealing, sexually promiscuous, disloyal, uncaring and evil person that she is now. :furious:

If you look at how ICA raided Cindy's bank account alone for mindless can see how a forensic accountant might conclude that it is an anatomy of a murder. :waitasec:

I can't wait until the next hearing. I am glad to be sucked back into this case again. I still discuss it with friends but kinda have had poster's block for a while in regards to this case. I am glad to be posting again. Hi Everyone! :woohoo:
Hi all my fellow posters. I haven't posted in months because I've had poster's block when it comes to this, my favorite case.

... I am glad to be posting again. Hi Everyone! :woohoo:

Glad to have you back, LittleBitty. We've missed you. :)
Going for the trifecta post...

Reminder...thread topic: "Lies, Stealing, Social/Sex Life: "Irrelevant and Scandalous"

The, "Guns, bottles, knives!", thread can be found in the West Side Story Forum. ;)
Going for the trifecta post...

Reminder...thread topic: "Lies, Stealing, Social/Sex Life: "Irrelevant and Scandalous"

The, "Guns, bottles, knives!", thread can be found in the West Side Story Forum. ;)

Sometimes I forget which thread I'm on!!:innocent:
I believe the Stealing and lying was the entire precursor to the murder.

IIRC, a few months before caylee's demise was when cindy officially changed her bank account that casey could no longer easily access her greedy paws to her mothers funds...putting her in the red.

I do think past stealing is highly relevant. It's the Motive.
Past history re: Tony Rusciano has to be allowed-Not only did KC refer to Caylee as a snothead in IM's to AR, she used the name Zanny in those same exchanges (On 05/06/08, IIRC)-
Problem with the exchanges are that every other sentence is about sex. In order for the state to present these two things about KC's references, they almost have to include the fact that KC had sex with AR. Otherwise, they'd have to redact all of the content/context.

And, IIRC, wasn't there some mention of the nanny not being able to keep Caylee in those texts?
I believe the Stealing and lying was the entire precursor to the murder.

IIRC, a few months before caylee's demise was when cindy officially changed her bank account that casey could no longer easily access her greedy paws to her mothers funds...putting her in the red.

I do think past stealing is highly relevant. It's the Motive.

It is important to show that she was not paying a nanny - a nanny who did not exist.

I would think that her staying at Ricardo's house earlier in the year (he says some five days a week with Caylee) would be important since she told her mother that she was staying with the Nanny. Cindy says no more than twice a month. But it shows that Casey was NOT "crashing" at Zanny's house twice a month as she told her mother. I don't know they may or may not allow it.
I believe the Stealing and lying was the entire precursor to the murder.

IIRC, a few months before caylee's demise was when cindy officially changed her bank account that casey could no longer easily access her greedy paws to her mothers funds...putting her in the red.

I do think past stealing is highly relevant. It's the Motive.


If they take out the stealing and the lying, they can pretend she never stole from her grandpa's nursing home account, never got caught by grandma, never accused by CA over the theft or the no clothes party (You were working, huh?). THEN we can pretend there was no fight June 15. And we can all join hands and sing Hallelujahs. :angel:
Excellent points LancelotLink - and we know Cindy is already pretending Caylee is alive, and that would close the circle, so now we know why at the last hearing Baez said he didn't know why they were all there.

Okay I would sing Hallelujahs with you cause I'm sure not feeling this is a Kumbaya moment! :banghead::banghead::furious:
Excellent points LancelotLink - and we know Cindy is already pretending Caylee is alive, and that would close the circle, so now we know why at the last hearing Baez said he didn't know why they were all there.

Okay I would sing Hallelujahs with you cause I'm sure not feeling this is a Kumbaya moment! :banghead::banghead::furious:

Yeah, I'm not feeling it either.
Perhaps this will be the other half of the story. The Star Wars Defense. Obi Wen Kenobi will appear and wave his hand. "This is not the lying stealing muderer you are looking for," and we are compelled by the force to repeat. "She is free to go."
Move along...:leia::hypno:
IMO the only thing irrelevant and scandalous is Casey herself. I have posted about these motions in the lawyer thread, so I won't repeat myself here, but suffice it to say I think the defense team suffers from a lack of creativity in thinking about how these things might be relevant.
Yeah, I'm not feeling it either.
Perhaps this will be the other half of the story. The Star Wars Defense. Obi Wen Kenobi will appear and wave his hand. "This is not the lying stealing muderer you are looking for," and we are compelled by the force to repeat. "She is free to go."
Move along...:leia::hypno:

Somebody shake LancelotLink a bit but gently please! He's in the middle of a nightmare and we need to bring him back to reality. It must be awful for him.

At least that's what I think he is doing - I hope it's not that funny stuff people smoke.....LOL

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