Casey's Lies, Stealing, Social/Sex Life: "Irrelevant and Scandalous"

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How about the night that Caylee disappeared in the middle of the night when KC stayed overnight with RM? KC claims her mother called and told her to bring Caylee home and CA denies it ever happened. Where was Caylee? ...

Um, in the trunk with her mouth taped shut so passers-by could not hear her cries? I think so.
Absolutely but it might frushtrate me so bad, I may not be able to schwollow!!:innocent:

You are on a roll today!
If her sex life is left out prior to 6/16, then we have no Caylee being born?

And what else would they claim she was up to? Her life revolved around nothing other than hooking up with "boys"...I mean she didn't work, etc. Claiming to have an "interest" in "photography" because you snap photos of your friends can only go so far.
Thank you, faefrost. Very well said.

IMHO, there isn't a mountain of overwhelming evidence to suggest to a jury that Casey was neglectful BEFORE Caylee was allegedly kidnapped. Rather, from some of the earliest interview transcripts most described her as taking care of Caylee's needs well enough. IIRC, one of Tony's roomies, Nate(?) indicated he'd only seen Casey get mildly upset w/ Caylee for drumming on her leg w/ a drumstick while @ the apartment. Otherwise, they noted that Casey fed Caylee, kept her clean, etc.

Of course, it seems Cindy & George were doing the basic providing while Casey was irresponsible financially. So, Caylee's extended family helped to make most outward appearances fine w/o any obvious neglect.

So...not sure there'd be much to be gained...yet definitely some risk calling Casey an unfit mother to impugn her character in the courtroom and support her as a murderer. IOW...the charge is murder...stick to proving that one. Keep the most important thing the most important thing. Much, much easier for the jury to consider her behavior AFTER Caylee was allegedly kidnapped to pass their judgement, IMHO.

I actually think ICA's behavior with Caylee was deteriorating - first off, none of her friends who she regularly hung with had kids yet, so their take on motherhood may not be all that relevant - feeding and cleaning aside. Making a 2 year old sit next to mommy on the couch, while mommy plays - rather than run around and act like the baby she was - PPFFTT

Caylee was 2 months shy of her 3rd Birthday and not potty trained. While many 3 year olds aren't, most female children potty train by 2 1/2 years IIRC. An only child who lives with nothing but grown ups generally potty train quite easily - monkey see, monkey do! Had ICA put some effort into this Caylee probably would have been out of diapers months before but another thing that may have come into play - little kids in crises - this is something they can control - nothing momster said or did could make Cays use the potty if she didn't wanna!

Also, the folks who hung with TL were telling a different story than her older group of friends - she had started smoking dope, she hid out behind TL's closed bedroom door leaving Caylee in a room full of adults that she really didn't know very well, if at all. Caylee even managed to get herself out on the balcony, all by her little lonesome... Not MOTY material IMHO.

No no no...not even Darth Vader or any Sith Lord is touching this one! We don't even need Obi Wan Kenobi saying "This is the lying, stealing murderer you're looking for." That's going to be painfully obvious to the jury.

Nope, the Force is definitely staying out of this one. I can't believe Baez is gong to allow this to go into a courtroom. It'll be the fastest conviction in history - "the jury was only gone five minutes!"

BBM - Really? That long? I'm figuring they aren't even going to have time to sit down - GUILTY as charged, show of hands? 1, 2, 3, 4... etc - Not Guilty? deafening silence from the jurors. OK! GUILTY she is! Even if they count twice, 45 seconds max!

EU, haven't finished the thread yet, but I think you are spot-on here. They want to try and present her post-June 15 behavior as anomalous given her previous behavior. To do this they have to erase questions about her past sexual activity. However, I think the debacle of Rick P's wedding would IMO still be admissible.

Astounding, the lengths to which they are going for this woman, who, in the final analysis, just did what countless "mothers"-against-their-will before her did.

ICA was so predictable, aside from the lengths she was willing to travel to back up her lies - Taking that long walk from the parking lot and down the hallway where her office wasn't located! But LE had already figured her out! They knew everything she had told them after her name was totally false and then she even admitted she was doing NOTHING to find / help Caylee.

Lies are a lifestyle choice for ICA, when the truth came out, everyone discovered ICA was really no one at all, her whole life was a lie. She killed the only thing that made her special, then dumped her in the swamp.

Stealing is also a lifestyle choice, it enabled her to keep up a false reality of what she wanted people to think her life was about - instead her life was nothing and she was / is a liar and a thief!

No one cares who ICA was bedding prior to June 16, but it sure does go a long way to painting the picture of ICA's life choices! The fact that she put her baby in those beds too - disgusting!

What's left if HHJP finds for the defense?

We have Sex, Lies and 2 Kinds of Tape - video of ICA at BlockBuster with no Caylee, when she told LE she was out looking for Zanny the Nanny - If that isn't horrible enough - Caylee's little remains are found with 3 pieces of duct tape wrapped around her precious nose and mouth. Literally hours after Caylee is last seen, ICA is with her new Boy Toy, nowhere to go the next morning - she never even got her lazy azz out of bed! Caylee who?

I think HHJP may just use these requests dumped on his door as he is about to begin his vacation - to his advantage. He has a whole week to think about what a chump JB is and he'll be dealing with said chump his first day back! And guess what? Now JB can sweat his dumb decision all the way to 2011!

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year JB and CM! How's this working for you tonight!
Get this motion granted and the whole murder trial is just going to be everyone sitting around mute and staring at each other... with Baez wearing one heckuva smirk on his face.
Does anyone else feel the word "scandalous" is a poor choice of words when used in this motion considering her child was found dumped in a swamp with duct tape around her skull? jmo
Does anyone else feel the word "scandalous" is a poor choice of words when used in this motion considering her child was found dumped in a swamp with duct tape around her skull? jmo

UMMMMMMMMMMMM considering JB gave a radio interview and talked about "what's juicy...what's sexy" regarding news about his client....I would say it is on par with his line of thinking.
Thank you, faefrost. Very well said.

IMHO, there isn't a mountain of overwhelming evidence to suggest to a jury that Casey was neglectful BEFORE Caylee was allegedly kidnapped. Rather, from some of the earliest interview transcripts most described her as taking care of Caylee's needs well enough. IIRC, one of Tony's roomies, Nate(?) indicated he'd only seen Casey get mildly upset w/ Caylee for drumming on her leg w/ a drumstick while @ the apartment. Otherwise, they noted that Casey fed Caylee, kept her clean, etc.

Of course, it seems Cindy & George were doing the basic providing while Casey was irresponsible financially. So, Caylee's extended family helped to make most outward appearances fine w/o any obvious neglect.

So...not sure there'd be much to be gained...yet definitely some risk calling Casey an unfit mother to impugn her character in the courtroom and support her as a murderer. IOW...the charge is murder...stick to proving that one. Keep the most important thing the most important thing. Much, much easier for the jury to consider her behavior AFTER Caylee was allegedly kidnapped to pass their judgement, IMHO.

BBM Thanks BJB, that all makes sense. But isn't one of the charges against her aggravated child abuse? I would think all her text messaging, partying, phone calls, promiscuity, etc would come into play to prove child neglect and abuse. IMO.

ETA: Just basing this on reasoning, as I have no background (or knowledge) of legalities, so I may be way off-base.
BBM Thanks BJB, that all makes sense. But isn't one of the charges against her aggravated child abuse? I would think all her text messaging, partying, phone calls, promiscuity, etc would come into play to prove child neglect and abuse. IMO.

ETA: Just basing this on reasoning, as I have no background (or knowledge) of legalities, so I may be way off-base.

I think the most blaring thing, to me, that screams neglect is the pictures of Caylee taken in the months leading up to her death. The dark circles and the emptiness that had seemed to take over Caylee's once beautiful, bright eyes. Something was wrong with that poor baby.

What we don't know is during all those hours of all those days that Casey was "supposed" to be at work and Caylee was "supposed" to be at the nanny's... well, we don't know what Casey was doing to Caylee. No one seems to know? I don't even want to imagine.

All claims by friends and family that Casey was a "wonderful" mother does not bother me. It has been proven, to me, that Casey did not care for Caylee physically, emotionally, or financially. I'm sure a jury, no matter how many people yell that she was a "wonderful" mother, will see that she was no mother at all to Caylee.
I think the most blaring thing, to me, that screams neglect is the pictures of Caylee taken in the months leading up to her death. The dark circles and the emptiness that had seemed to take over Caylee's once beautiful, bright eyes. Something was wrong with that poor baby.

What we don't know is during all those hours of all those days that Casey was "supposed" to be at work and Caylee was "supposed" to be at the nanny's... well, we don't know what Casey was doing to Caylee. No one seems to know? I don't even want to imagine.

All claims by friends and family that Casey was a "wonderful" mother does not bother me. It has been proven, to me, that Casey did not care for Caylee physically, emotionally, or financially. I'm sure a jury, no matter how many people yell that she was a "wonderful" mother, will see that she was no mother at all to Caylee.

BBM - I completely agree, the pictures and photos of Caylee taken with GGPa, she looks like a child who had been sick for weeks, the rings under her eyes - her hair looks thin - how CA didn't see how terribly fragile Caylee looked that day just breaks my heart -

I want to know what happened to Caylee the week before Father's Day, where she stayed and what ICA was doing to her?
The idea of excluding the relations with TL is ludicrous in my mind for this reason. TL told ICA that he did not want girl children. No problem, I'll just hand her off to the nanny.
This is just like susan Smith, infatuated with a successful man who told her he did not want a ready made family. No problem, I'll just let some bad guy carjack me with both my boys in their car seats.
Except for the thing with Jesse and relationship with Ricardo, all Casey's activities after them work together to help prove premeditation. IMO, bringing up Jesse and any lies before and soon after Caylee was born would help defense prove that she's always been a liar, not a murderer. Her sex life wasn't all that promiscuous, but agree with the other poster that the stealing and trying to get out of the blame was a big motive. The lies involve the stealing and extreme manipulating with plotting that Casey did to all people that got trapped in her web.
BBM Thanks BJB, that all makes sense. But isn't one of the charges against her aggravated child abuse? I would think all her text messaging, partying, phone calls, promiscuity, etc would come into play to prove child neglect and abuse. IMO .

ETA: Just basing this on reasoning, as I have no background (or knowledge) of legalities, so I may be way off-base.

I believe the charge of Aggravated Child Abuse only relates to Caylee's death. The Florida Legislature added ACA to its felony list in 1984. Casey is not charged with child neglect, that charge was dropped.

:twocents: The State imo will argue that the act of killing Caylee is in itself, child abuse. Maybe the lawyers here, could explain it better, but as I see it the fact that she is charged with first degree murder and the State are going to present a theory on how Caylee was murdered (duct tape), allows prosecutors to automatically add ACA.

Im sure defense lawyers could and do argue its over charging. Didn't Andrea Lyon?

Looks to me when these seven charges were drawn up, the State were seeking to get Casey Anthony maximum prison time.......if not found guilty of first degree murder.
I think the most blaring thing, to me, that screams neglect is the pictures of Caylee taken in the months leading up to her death. The dark circles and the emptiness that had seemed to take over Caylee's once beautiful, bright eyes. Something was wrong with that poor baby.

What we don't know is during all those hours of all those days that Casey was "supposed" to be at work and Caylee was "supposed" to be at the nanny's... well, we don't know what Casey was doing to Caylee. No one seems to know? I don't even want to imagine.

All claims by friends and family that Casey was a "wonderful" mother does not bother me. It has been proven, to me, that Casey did not care for Caylee physically, emotionally, or financially. I'm sure a jury, no matter how many people yell that she was a "wonderful" mother, will see that she was no mother at all to Caylee.

I don't believe the State are going to go the neglect route and frankly imo there is not enough proof that Caylee's physical needs were not being met or that she was being harmed by Casey pre June 16th.

At the May 10th hearing LDB imo let it be known that if the defense present Casey as a great mother, she would be rebutting that. Lots of ways imo she can do that. This girl abdicated total financial responsibility for her child on to her parents. Who was therefore ensuring Caylee's shots or medical care was being taken care of? And remember Amy saying "the kid could sleep through anything". LDB can start there if the defense open that door.
Get this motion granted and the whole murder trial is just going to be everyone sitting around mute and staring at each other... with Baez wearing one heckuva smirk on his face.

This is Kronk in reverse, trying to get Casey's prior "bad acts" excluded from her murder trial. Won't matter a jot imo . Anything from June 16th onwards will imo be admissable if it has some probative value. Remember all the witnesses likely to testify only knew the successful single working mom charactateur who could afford professional child care. Casey Anthony was/is a complete phony.

Baez can't get T Lazarro, Amy or several other likely witnesses gagged because their testimony shows his client to have lied to them.....and in this gal's case they are whoppers and at least two years in the making. Her having sex with Tony, hours after her daughter is alledgedly taken from her is again imo going to be deemed relevant as it goes to her state of mind. Remember, she said June 16th, she was frantic, pacing and worrying. I guess you could call Tony's bed a neutral place.:waitasec: Who cares about Rusciano or any irrelevant lay.

We have witnesses galore, a common sense Judge of considerable experience and very seasoned prosecutors. I have no doubt the jury will come to know the real Casey during this trial, the grifter, liar extrordinaire, ice running through her veins, tatoo lovin Casey, all neatly encapsulated in 31 days.

The charge is murder and for that, they have proof by the bucket load.......... imvho.:dance:
Kriss, you have said something very important, if the defense opens that door. Horrible at predicting where something may lead and with the least self disciplined witnesses I have ever seen such as mom and pop in the civil depos, it is very likely the defense will unwittingly open a lot of doors. That is where the rebuttal can come into play.

Answer: Mom Anthony,
no my daughter would never lie about something like that.

Question from State Attorney:
Mrs. Anthony did your daughter lie to you about x, y and z?

Your daughter has felony convictions, correct?
What was she convicted of?

Answer from mom:
That was just for borrowing money from her friend, she was going to pay her right back.

Question from the State Attorney
M'am, the convictions are for ( reading from the sheet, the list) fraud, correct?

Answer from mom Anthony

Mrs. Drane-Burdick and Mr. Jeff Ashton have been at this for twenty years. They know how to walk through an open door, prop the hinge open and carry in the furniture!
Kriss, you have said something very important, if the defense opens that door. Horrible at predicting where something may lead and with the least self disciplined witnesses I have ever seen such as mom and pop in the civil depos, it is very likely the defense will unwittingly open a lot of doors. That is where the rebuttal can come into play.

Answer: Mom Anthony,
no my daughter would never lie about something like that.

Question from State Attorney:
Mrs. Anthony did your daughter lie to you about x, y and z?

Your daughter has felony convictions, correct?
What was she convicted of?

Answer from mom:
That was just for borrowing money from her friend, she was going to pay her right back.

Question from the State Attorney
M'am, the convictions are for ( reading from the sheet, the list) fraud, correct?

Answer from mom Anthony

Mrs. Drane-Burdick and Mr. Jeff Ashton have been at this for twenty years. They know how to walk through an open door, prop the hinge open and carry in the furniture!


You have a great knack at summing things up. :bow:

Only thing..... are they allowed to bring up the felony convictions before penalty phase? Specifically convictions as opposed to testimony that she stole from Amy. :waitasec: Would that in your opinion, preclude the prosecution asking Amy about being stiffed for nearly $700 dollars, since it occurred during the significant timeline ? And what's your opinion on them getting in the vt of her shopping at Target etc. I'm sure that will be featuring in a motion soon and could be the mother of all hearings. :woohoo:
Which guy was KC sleeping with when KC supposedly left in the midddle of the night to take Caylee back to Cindy's? Was it Tony L? IIRC correctly he said KC & Caylee were there spending the night and when he woke up KC was there but Caylee wasn't. And didn't Cindy say she didn't remember of this ever happening?

Will this be allowed in at trial? I sure hope Caylee wasn't in the trunk while KC was getting her groove on. :furious:

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