Casey's Lies, Stealing, Social/Sex Life: "Irrelevant and Scandalous"

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cindy--state depo--july 29, 2009

CA: As she got older, she had, you know a set breakfast. She'd get up---as she got older, she could get her own breakfast. She could go in and get a cup of cereal and go in and watch her movies, put them in herself and watch them.

LDB: You let her pour milk?

CA: No we'd udually have a sippy cup ready for her.

LDB: Okay.

CA: She could open the refrigerator and get stuff out. She'd open up the bin and get cheese out and whatever she wanted.

--------what's pathetic is that cindy seems to think is a sign of how "advanced" Caylee was, when really it shows how sad it is that Caylee had to fend for she "got older".
cindy--state depo--july 29, 2009

CA: As she got older, she had, you know a set breakfast. She'd get up---as she got older, she could get her own breakfast. She could go in and get a cup of cereal and go in and watch her movies, put them in herself and watch them.

LDB: You let her pour milk?

CA: No we'd udually have a sippy cup ready for her.

LDB: Okay.

CA: She could open the refrigerator and get stuff out. She'd open up the bin and get cheese out and whatever she wanted.

--------what's pathetic is that cindy seems to think is a sign of how "advanced" Caylee was, when really it shows how sad it is that Caylee had to fend for she "got older".

I'm making a leap here but I'm assuming CA would have left for work in the morning when Caylee "fed" herself? Cause we know there was no way ICA was waking up to get her breakfast.....
You don't let 2 year olds make their breakfast. That means they are running around the house unsupervised. At that age they could get into anything. She could have choked on something. Good grief.
You don't let 2 year olds make their breakfast. That means they are running around the house unsupervised. At that age they could get into anything. She could have choked on something. Good grief.

Yup, only happened once in my household, with my oldest. Got up to hear all this giggling in the kitchen, and found my DD with a big ole mud pie of flour, cereal, etc. etc in the middle of the floor, mixed with the orange juice she was able to get out of the fridge somehow. And of course she also was covered in it.

Only once.
^ Yes, Cindy would have left for work, so I guess this occurred because Casey had been out 'event planning' until late and didn't bother getting up to fix Caylee anything?

So is this a scenario fed to them by Casey as a good thing? More denial.

Sounds to me like this story, combined with the one from Richard Grund (during his police interview about how Casey and Jessie left Caylee alone in her cot when they were 'relating') paint a picture of an often unsupervised little girl who could have got into anything. Yet Cindy tells the story as if to show how advanced Caylee is.

I can't stand it: Does she really think this is a good scenario, or does she know it's not? Is she trying to make Casey look good by relating it, or is she covertly sticking the knife into her daugher? She drives me completely batty when I try and understand her, she really does!
^ Yes, Cindy would have left for work, so I guess this occurred because Casey had been out 'event planning' until late and didn't bother getting up to fix Caylee anything?

So is this a scenario fed to them by Casey as a good thing? More denial.

Sounds to me like this story, combined with the one from Richard Grund (during his police interview about how Casey and Jessie left Caylee alone in her cot when they were 'relating') paint a picture of an often unsupervised little girl who could have got into anything. Yet Cindy tells the story as if to show how advanced Caylee is.

I can't stand it: Does she really think this is a good scenario, or does she know it's not? Is she trying to make Casey look good by relating it, or is she covertly sticking the knife into her daugher? She drives me completely batty when I try and understand her, she really does!

Well, we know CA is a liar, and we suspect CA knows her daughter is guilty, and we know CA doesn't want to have to admit that to herself or anyone else - yet anyway - so I guess that makes her a very poor liar doesn't it?

Caylee's image must be pushing in her mind and her heart and CA just can't get those lies out so they sound believable.
As long as an adult was up also, I seen nothing wrong with Caylee being able to get her cereal and sippy cup from the fridge. It could show an organized household thinking ahead for the little girl's needs. I used to get my grandkids juice boxes and cereal bowls set out on the table for the next morning. A child almost three should be able to get a bowl of pre poured cereal and a sippy cup, and her being able to go into a bin and get some cheese shows that she had snacks and had the freedom to get them. Casey tending to her and fixing her lunch while Cindy was at work is probably another story though.

Thanks nums ~ Wasn't sure where to put this, and I thought that there had been a Christmas topic started this week but I'm obviously looking right through it and can't find it.

Anyway - this guy makes a funny commnt about her sex life.
Everyone knows what she has been like !

** from the above article**
In essence… it’s a very lonely life for Casey… the one time party girl…. the sexually active girl who banged like a screen door in a hurricane and the mother of Caylee… who could not, or ever, speak for herself.
I guess I just never trusted a two-year-old to do go into a fridge or any kind of openable compartment in a kitchen... there is just too many things for them to get into. Maybe Caylee was advanced for her age, but my sister (for my niece when she was two... maybe even until she was three - three and a half until she figured out how to climb over them?) had those gates up leading to the kitchen, laundry room, etc...
I guess I just never trusted a two-year-old to do go into a fridge or any kind of openable compartment in a kitchen... there is just too many things for them to get into. Maybe Caylee was advanced for her age, but my sister (for my niece when she was two... maybe even until she was three - three and a half until she figured out how to climb over them?) had those gates up leading to the kitchen, laundry room, etc...

Dang straight, the kitchen was off limits to our kids when they were toddlers.
For that matter, I've got a 32yr old that should still be kept out of the kitchen !!! LOL!!

But, seriously, there is way to many things that could happen, or hurt a toddler alone in a kitchen.
And, lets say that she was "advanced", eating alone at that age, a hard cereal, that could pose a choking incident - no way ~

Cindy, #1, was building Caylee up, just like she does everything. Making it bigger and better than it was.
However, at the same time, I can see Casey allowing this so that she wouldn't be bothered in the morning.

And, furthermore - why would/should Caylee have had to have made her breakfast each morning?
Cindy was up getting ready for work ~
George was home, and by all accounts, Casey would have been getting ready for her job as well. Course, Casey's hours were flexible, as we have learned.

And, something that else that has bothered me, and though it is off topic for this thread, it is in regards to Caylee's hair brush.
When LE or the FBI asked for it, Cindy told that she went to HER bathroom to get it.
Why would it have been in there?
Wouldn't a person think that logically, it should have been in the bathroom that Casey used??
Oh well........
"Dr. Jeffrey Danziger practices addiction psychiatry, geriatric psychiatry,
forensic psychiatry and psychiatry in Maitland, Florida.
Dr. Danziger graduated..." snip from link:

I see he's a forensic psychiatrist but I wonder if he's going to say Casey was an addict? Her friends didn't seem to indicate she was addicted to anything, just the "usual" partying (jmo) indulged in by kids in her age group, but with this defense team you just never know.

How about sex addition?
How about sex addition?

But would an addiction to sex be a "defense" for having murdered her two year old daughter?

However, it would not surprise me to see JB try that among many other ludricrous defenses.... if you can even call it that.
Please tell me what 20 something person is not addicted to sex.
Please tell me what 20 something person is not addicted to sex.

Well, it depends. Some have lots of partners, and some, like me, had toys or other ways of solely pleasuring themselves. And some have it on their minds twenty four seven, but it doesn't mean they're actually having sex. So I guess any of those can be a sex addiction, in a way.

But some also don't. Not every twenty something year old is addicted to sex no matter how much television programs might try to make us think they are.
Well, it depends. Some have lots of partners, and some, like me, had toys or other ways of solely pleasuring themselves. And some have it on their minds twenty four seven, but it doesn't mean they're actually having sex. So I guess any of those can be a sex addiction, in a way.

But some also don't. Not every twenty something year old is addicted to sex no matter how much television programs might try to make us think they are.


Okay - NO WAY am I commenting about my sexual history on WS....:innocent:

Well, guys I was really kidding. I did not mean all 20 somethings but it is not unusual for young people to want to get together for something other than roasting marshmellows. I would say it is normal behavior. Jumping from partner to partner is more like someone you were trying to scam caught on to you and not a sexual partner, please. lol jmo
Well, guys I was really kidding. I did not mean all 20 somethings but it is not unusual for young people to want to get together for something other than roasting marshmellows. I would say it is normal behavior. Jumping from partner to partner is more like someone you were trying to scam caught on to you and not a sexual partner, please. lol jmo

Often girls/young women try to chase love this way. Actually I'm sick of hearing women being criticized for their sexuality while men go around demanding it and seem to have no remorse and don't apologize for doing so. Whoever KC had sex with (cept for maybe Jesse) were not virgins if you know what I mean. It's not like she went around stealing the virginity of young boys like many men are known to do to girls.

Let's get an inner closer look at TL's sex life history. Or that ex-cop guy. Or whoever is Caylee's father. Or RM. I think it is unfair to bring KC's sex life into the foreground of the case. Unfortunately she is no different than many other modern woman these days or women going as far back as the 60's.

When is society going to quit blaming women for immorality? As you can probably tell, I'm very passionate about this subject. What we need is more men in the world who respect women and have the character of wanting to develop a lasting relationship with a woman as opposed to taking what they can get anytime they can get it. :twocents:
Often girls/young women try to chase love this way. Actually I'm sick of hearing women being criticized for their sexuality while men go around demanding it and seem to have no remorse and don't apologize for doing so. Whoever KC had sex with (cept for maybe Jesse) were not virgins if you know what I mean. It's not like she went around stealing the virginity of young boys like many men are known to do to girls.

Let's get an inner closer look at TL's sex life history. Or that ex-cop guy. Or whoever is Caylee's father. Or RM. I think it is unfair to bring KC's sex life into the foreground of the case. Unfortunately she is no different than many other modern woman these days or women going as far back as the 60's.

When is society going to quit blaming women for immorality? As you can probably tell, I'm very passionate about this subject. What we need is more men in the world who respect women and have the character of wanting to develop a lasting relationship with a woman as opposed to taking what they can get anytime they can get it. :twocents:

I totally agree with you on this. Witness the fact that there is no male equivalent for the derogatory epithet "s1ut." :furious:

I don't think Casey's sex life is going to play a huge role in the trial. But it is a peripheral frequent event. I'll be content if it is mentioned, noted, and we can move on to the important evidence. I do not think it can be entirely overlooked as the defense would like, but I don't think we need to dwell on it, either.
Often girls/young women try to chase love this way. Actually I'm sick of hearing women being criticized for their sexuality while men go around demanding it and seem to have no remorse and don't apologize for doing so. Whoever KC had sex with (cept for maybe Jesse) were not virgins if you know what I mean. It's not like she went around stealing the virginity of young boys like many men are known to do to girls.

Let's get an inner closer look at TL's sex life history. Or that ex-cop guy. Or whoever is Caylee's father. Or RM. I think it is unfair to bring KC's sex life into the foreground of the case. Unfortunately she is no different than many other modern woman these days or women going as far back as the 60's.

When is society going to quit blaming women for immorality? As you can probably tell, I'm very passionate about this subject. What we need is more men in the world who respect women and have the character of wanting to develop a lasting relationship with a woman as opposed to taking what they can get anytime they can get it. :twocents:

I could not care less about her sex life, and I do agree that what's good for the goose is good for the gander, the guy is called a 'player' but the girl is a *advertiser censored*. What does bother me is when either a 'player' or '*advertiser censored*' takes their little child with them into the bed of a casual partner. Then the sex life does become of interest, and I think it's everyone's business to step in and protect that child.
Often girls/young women try to chase love this way. Actually I'm sick of hearing women being criticized for their sexuality while men go around demanding it and seem to have no remorse and don't apologize for doing so. Whoever KC had sex with (cept for maybe Jesse) were not virgins if you know what I mean. It's not like she went around stealing the virginity of young boys like many men are known to do to girls.

Let's get an inner closer look at TL's sex life history. Or that ex-cop guy. Or whoever is Caylee's father. Or RM. I think it is unfair to bring KC's sex life into the foreground of the case. Unfortunately she is no different than many other modern woman these days or women going as far back as the 60's.

When is society going to quit blaming women for immorality? As you can probably tell, I'm very passionate about this subject. What we need is more men in the world who respect women and have the character of wanting to develop a lasting relationship with a woman as opposed to taking what they can get anytime they can get it. :twocents:

I see nothing wrong with the younger women doing what men have been doing for years. I think it gives them a greater sense of freedom to be with whomever they want, test the waters for compatibility, etc. But that is not what KC was doing here. She was running from one BF to another to keep ahead of the lies. (exp. with RM, KC owed him money and avoided talking to him). Anyone who continually lies cannot be taken seriously about anything she says including her brother and her father. Look at her on those jail tapes. If anything happened she would have gone straight to her mother and CA would have taken care of it right there and then. Plus what KC described in her jailhouse letters made no sense which pretty much tells me she made it up. Pretty much like the nanny story. It's a story to get attention and that is how she pretty much has used it. Never told her friends (other than Jesse) about it. And we know she was trying to get Jesse's attention away from Caylee. She craves attention and will do anything to get it. Her latest attention getter. "Get those camera off me while I'm in court. I'm too important and have too many legal questions to ask my attorney while the camera is on me. Make them stop!!!!!" Too bad someone did not make her stop while she was ripping off those strips of duct tape. This case is still about Caylee and someone should remind her of that fact. jmo

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