Casey's Lies, Stealing, Social/Sex Life: "Irrelevant and Scandalous"

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Well, it depends. Some have lots of partners, and some, like me, had toys or other ways of solely pleasuring themselves. And some have it on their minds twenty four seven, but it doesn't mean they're actually having sex. So I guess any of those can be a sex addiction, in a way.

But some also don't. Not every twenty something year old is addicted to sex no matter how much television programs might try to make us think they are.


Need to add one for BondJamesBond too!
I could not care less about her sex life, and I do agree that what's good for the goose is good for the gander, the guy is called a 'player' but the girl is a *advertiser censored*. What does bother me is when either a 'player' or '*advertiser censored*' takes their little child with them into the bed of a casual partner. Then the sex life does become of interest, and I think it's everyone's business to step in and protect that child.

Too late now. CA and GA were sure KC could never hurt Caylee. They had no idea where she was staying yet they did nothing to find her. The other young people at the hangout apt. didn't object to Caylee's exposure to their lifestyle either. There seems to be a collective acceptance as to what is acceptable for a child to be exposed to these days. At least TL put his foot down as to having a child hanging out in his apt. He had no idea that in doing so, he put Caylee in deeper danger. The whole situation was setting up for a disaster with CA putting pressure on KC to be the mother she wasn't, the boyfriend rejecting Caylee's presence at his place, etc. It is pretty lame that none of those young people pressed KC as to why she never had to care for her child - hinky. Everyone tries to get the farthest away from their own ignorance of the situation. It takes a village, ya know?
Caylee was in danger before she was even born. Her family bears the full responsibility not KC's friends. You just can't expect that age group to want to be looking after a small child. That is Mom's responsibility and if she claims the baby is with the parents or a nanny why would anyone question her about it and especially those who are not aware of how much she lies. No community can protect a child unless they are aware there is some neglect. Her family would have known. They could have called that car back much earlier then they did and had KC not abandoned the car we still might not know the child was missing. jmo
Often girls/young women try to chase love this way. Actually I'm sick of hearing women being criticized for their sexuality while men go around demanding it and seem to have no remorse and don't apologize for doing so. Whoever KC had sex with (cept for maybe Jesse) were not virgins if you know what I mean. It's not like she went around stealing the virginity of young boys like many men are known to do to girls.

Let's get an inner closer look at TL's sex life history. Or that ex-cop guy. Or whoever is Caylee's father. Or RM. I think it is unfair to bring KC's sex life into the foreground of the case. Unfortunately she is no different than many other modern woman these days or women going as far back as the 60's.

When is society going to quit blaming women for immorality? As you can probably tell, I'm very passionate about this subject. What we need is more men in the world who respect women and have the character of wanting to develop a lasting relationship with a woman as opposed to taking what they can get anytime they can get it. :twocents:

Well I might be able to agree, but she was chasing after her thrills in the sack instead of taking care of Caylee, and her sexual appetites were what was putting Caylee at risk most of the time from what I have seen. It's not the sex itself, but her willingness to make it a priority over Caylee. I don't know anyone who wants to party and have sex bad enough to bring their 2 year old to parties/bed with her and her boyfriend. That is simply disgusting and a vulgar display of stupidity and carelessness imo.

If a guy did what Casey did, I'd say the exact same thing, btw!
FWIW...6 pages on this topic and its required very little moderation. I appreciate everyone's effort to make it so.

Need to add one for BondJamesBond too!

LOL. I hope I didn't offend anyone by my post. I just wanted to point out that I was one person not having sex in my twenties. I might have been rare in that category, but I'm a late bloomer to everything. Even though television tells us differently, not every twenty year old is hopping between beds.

Anyway, getting back to the main topic here, sex does have a direct bearing on Casey's case. She brought Caylee into bed with her and other men. And I don't know what Caylee saw or heard either. Plus, her desire to have sex outweighed her desire to be a mother to Caylee. I mean, for crying out loud, while Caylee was dying and then starting to rot in her car, what was Casey doing? I should say who - Tony Lazarro before he went to class. That was more important than caring about the welfare of her daughter. She had know that Caylee was dead or dying, but getting her sex fix, satisfying herself, was more important.

Casey choosing sex over her child is just sick and disgusting to me and should TOTALLY be brought into the trial. It COMPLETELY goes to motive here and Casey's state of mind. I can't wait to hear Ashton talk about Caylee's death and bring Casey's sex life into it. That's going to be some powerful statements against Casey there, IMO. Not one person on that jury is going to be able to ignore it. And that's why Baez wants it thrown out. I really, seriously hope this motion gets denied.
LOL. I hope I didn't offend anyone by my post. I just wanted to point out that I was one person not having sex in my twenties. I might have been rare in that category, but I'm a late bloomer to everything. Even though television tells us differently, not every twenty year old is hopping between beds.

Anyway, getting back to the main topic here, sex does have a direct bearing on Casey's case. She brought Caylee into bed with her and other men. And I don't know what Caylee saw or heard either. Plus, her desire to have sex outweighed her desire to be a mother to Caylee. I mean, for crying out loud, while Caylee was dying and then starting to rot in her car, what was Casey doing? I should say who - Tony Lazarro before he went to class. That was more important than caring about the welfare of her daughter. She had know that Caylee was dead or dying, but getting her sex fix, satisfying herself, was more important.

Casey choosing sex over her child is just sick and disgusting to me and should TOTALLY be brought into the trial. It COMPLETELY goes to motive here and Casey's state of mind. I can't wait to hear Ashton talk about Caylee's death and bring Casey's sex life into it. That's going to be some powerful statements against Casey there, IMO. Not one person on that jury is going to be able to ignore it. And that's why Baez wants it thrown out. I really, seriously hope this motion gets denied.

Umm - er - :blushing: no offense taken at all.....but it's just possible that I was......but my children were never with me, or at risk - ever.

I certainly agree ICA made choices for herself over Caylee, but I do think she saw sex as the "hook" to lure or try to lure a man into a relationship to look after her, rather than the joy, thrill or satisfaction of the "act" itself.
What the defense team cannot find, is one witness who can prove that indeed ICA was "looking for " her daughter in those 31 days. Instead, the State has found witness after witness who can testify that ICA was lying, stealing, dancing, shopping, and yes, sleeping with multiple partners. There is not one iota of truth regarding ICA's secret search for her "kidnapped" child, and the defense knows this. These motions are just SOP for a guilty as charged client.
Let's get an inner closer look at TL's sex life history. Or that ex-cop guy. Or whoever is Caylee's father. Or RM. I think it is unfair to bring KC's sex life into the foreground of the case. Unfortunately she is no different than many other modern woman these days or women going as far back as the 60's.

If TL or the ex-cop or whoever Caylee's father or RM's daughter goes missing and they don't report it for 30 days, their sex life during the 30 days they don't report it will be looked at closer.

The reason her sex life is being scrutinized is because this supposedly happened while she was lookin' for Caylee, not because she's a woman.

If TL or the ex-cop or whoever Caylee's father or RM's daughter goes missing and they don't report it for 30 days, their sex life during the 30 days they don't report it will be looked at closer.

The reason her sex life is being scrutinized is because this supposedly happened while she was lookin' for Caylee, not because she's a woman.


I agree 100% with that statement. Do I care what KC did or did not do sexually when she was 17 or 18 or even 20? Not one bit. I do think her social and sex life is relevant for about 6 months to a year before Caylee went missing. If the State can prove that there was no difference in her social life and sex life after June 16th, it goes to show that she had no concern at all for Caylee's welfare. If they can prove that she went on just as she had been going on for the last year, it is damning evidence. I think this is why the State wants this evidence to be brought out at trial.
What the defense team cannot find, is one witness who can prove that indeed ICA was "looking for " her daughter in those 31 days. Instead, the State has found witness after witness who can testify that ICA was lying, stealing, dancing, shopping, and yes, sleeping with multiple partners. There is not one iota of truth regarding ICA's secret search for her "kidnapped" child, and the defense knows this. These motions are just SOP for a guilty as charged client.

This is exactly why I think the judge will allow much of her 'activities' in the trial.
1. State of mind while Caylee was "missing"
2. State has the right to prove what she was doing in those days was not an investigation into where Caylee was, but an investigation into men, clubs, texting, stealing, shopping, movies, booze and tattoo parlors.
As long as an adult was up also, I seen nothing wrong with Caylee being able to get her cereal and sippy cup from the fridge. It could show an organized household thinking ahead for the little girl's needs. I used to get my grandkids juice boxes and cereal bowls set out on the table for the next morning. A child almost three should be able to get a bowl of pre poured cereal and a sippy cup, and her being able to go into a bin and get some cheese shows that she had snacks and had the freedom to get them. Casey tending to her and fixing her lunch while Cindy was at work is probably another story though.

sorry, as a mother of 3 and former childcare provider, I disagree, In part.
I don't know if you meant to include "with an adult or responsible person present" in that statement.
A 2 1/2 year old toddler should not, IMO, be left to roam a home unsupervised, or be unattended while getting food or feeding themselves..
Often girls/young women try to chase love this way. Actually I'm sick of hearing women being criticized for their sexuality while men go around demanding it and seem to have no remorse and don't apologize for doing so. Whoever KC had sex with (cept for maybe Jesse) were not virgins if you know what I mean. It's not like she went around stealing the virginity of young boys like many men are known to do to girls.

Let's get an inner closer look at TL's sex life history. Or that ex-cop guy. Or whoever is Caylee's father. Or RM. I think it is unfair to bring KC's sex life into the foreground of the case. Unfortunately she is no different than many other modern woman these days or women going as far back as the 60's.

When is society going to quit blaming women for immorality? As you can probably tell, I'm very passionate about this subject. What we need is more men in the world who respect women and have the character of wanting to develop a lasting relationship with a woman as opposed to taking what they can get anytime they can get it. :twocents:

I wholeheartedly agree with you on society's misconstrued standards when it comes to morality and sexual practices of women and men not being equal...(here it comes)....BUT....KC's sex life is at the forefront of this case simply because of Caylee. TL, Ex-Cop,RM were not taking a 2 year old to adult parties where she slept on couches. They were not allowing their 2 year old in a shared bed while who knows what was going on. Their 2 year old was not "missing". Their 2 year old was not found in a swamp with it's precious little bones scattered by scavengers.
Yes, it is quite the double standard for men and women but in this particular case I believe the sexual activities of the accused goes directly to motive for murder. JMO of course
Dang straight, the kitchen was off limits to our kids when they were toddlers.
For that matter, I've got a 32yr old that should still be kept out of the kitchen !!! LOL!!

But, seriously, there is way to many things that could happen, or hurt a toddler alone in a kitchen.
And, lets say that she was "advanced", eating alone at that age, a hard cereal, that could pose a choking incident - no way ~

Cindy, #1, was building Caylee up, just like she does everything. Making it bigger and better than it was.
However, at the same time, I can see Casey allowing this so that she wouldn't be bothered in the morning.

And, furthermore - why would/should Caylee have had to have made her breakfast each morning?
Cindy was up getting ready for work ~
George was home, and by all accounts, Casey would have been getting ready for her job as well. Course, Casey's hours were flexible, as we have learned.

And, something that else that has bothered me, and though it is off topic for this thread, it is in regards to Caylee's hair brush.
When LE or the FBI asked for it, Cindy told that she went to HER bathroom to get it.
Why would it have been in there?
Wouldn't a person think that logically, it should have been in the bathroom that Casey used??
Oh well........

BBM....I too agree with you this is probably just build's why..CA is a neat freak, the inside of her house is white, her tile is white, her carpet is white, geez, I even think the grout in her tile is white. In pictures and videos that house was spotless and very organized. I just don't see them/her, CA, allowing Caylee free rein with cereal bowls and sippy cups all over white carpet....just my thoughts and opinions.
sorry, as a mother of 3 and former childcare provider, I disagree, In part.
I don't know if you meant to include "with an adult or responsible person present" in that statement.
A 2 1/2 year old toddler should not, IMO, be left to roam a home unsupervised, or be unattended while getting food or feeding themselves..

And I would add, this is the Anthony family we're talking about, so it was undoubtedly Cindy trying to make a horrid situation sound positive. Everyone was too busy/lazy to get Caylee food - but the spin was - "Look how advanced she is! She can get her own breakfast!" The real question to me is: Why was she getting her own breakfast for heaven's sake?
2010.12.21 Motion in Limine Regarding Any Testimony That Defendant Has History of Lying And Or Stealing

This is going to be interesting at the hearing.

The state has no interest in pointing out Casey Anthony's promiscuity. If she had no toddler, of course whose bed she was in would not matter. This is not a societial question. It matters whose bed she was in; because, we need to know when and with whom she had little two year old Caylee. In that light, if she had little Caylee out all day with Tony and then she had little Caylee spend the night with she and Ricardo, that whereabouts matters, not the sex or cuddling.
If Ricardo testifies that when he fell asleep both Casey and little Caylee were in bed fast asleep right beside him, in the middle of the night Casey claims to have responded to a demand from her mom to bring the baby home, and voila when he wakes the next morning, the baby is not there or anywhere to be seen in his home, yet Cindy testifies she never made any such call......hell yes it matters who Casey is sleeping with., and that she lied about Caylee's wherabouts.

The lying is coming in a thousand different ways and not necessarily by design. Even if you just start with her statements to police and the wild goose chases, the fact that she is a pathological liar will be clear.

Lies she told years ago, I agree are irrelevant. Lies she told while this baby was missing and in the time of the investigation...absolutely relevant and coming in. That it all started in jr. high ...that is a matter for the penalty phase, ironically, it will be the defense raising it.

If you study any case that involves a mother and her reputation for lying is raised, you'll see this clear line of before the child was missing and after to help differenciate the two. The defense knows that the state KNOWS THE RULES!

The defense is going to do a victory lap over some of these things they are asking for that are obvious, and matters the state would never try. These are twenty year veteran prosecutors. They know the rules. They have plenty to work with, within the rules. The defense asking for Tony R. nonsense to be excluded is a good example. He was never taking the stand to be asked about what went on years before Caylee went missing.
Do I wish they wouldn't waste the court's time and annoy him with silly motions on matters they know to be disingenuous, rather than rolling up their sleeves and working on the nuts and bolts work they must do to be ready for the trial date? Of course.
Will this be of any headacke or harm to the prosecution or this learned judge? Of course not.

All I can say about this is what Judge Perry told them, "You might want to get you some lunch"!

I am perfectly fine with starting with her first police statement regarding her lies. It is a treasuer trove. One need not go into her "past history of years of lying in stealing", to get the truth of the matter across to the jury of who she is and what she does. She lies. They will get it.

We can start at the end of the hallway at Universal, with Yuri confronting her that every thing she has told them, they have checked out and found it all to be lies, every address, every phone number, every job...all lies.
"With a certainty, everything that you have told me today has been a lie, every single thing", Yuri began. "Especially where Caylee is", he continued. [ame][/ame]

Why are we here?, she was asked.
"Because I lied", Caey Anthony answered.

I know one lie that is coming in, Casey telling the detectives she got a call from Caylee that day! [ame][/ame]
You see how silly her past becomes when you have this treasure trove!!! Judge Strickland sure didn't need her past history to conclude that "The truth and Ms. Anthony are strangers", and likewise, neither will the hardworking , taxpaying members of the jury. That is my guess.



Clearly, because of this, she will never take the stand is my guess. Otherwise the incidents such as her uttering checks buying bras and beer at Target can get brought up. Instead she will be sitting at the defense table throughout all of everyone's testimony, and we've already seen she does not hold up well when listening to others tell it. [ame][/ame]

If the jury gets to hear any of these lies Casey told , any of them, it is over
her cell phone records prove this was a bold face lie about hearing from Caylee that day.

Clearly, because of this, she will never take the stand is my guess. Otherwise the incidents such as her uttering checks buying bras and beer at Target can get brought up. Instead she will be sitting at the defense table throughout all of everyone's testimony, and we've already seen she does not hold up well when listening to others tell it.

BBM-I think the Target videos will come in and the jurors will see what and how she bought those items because Casey herself said she was looking for Caylee during that month. Everything she did during that month is fair game for the prosecuters (IMO). She also said she would lie/steal to find her daughter. The videos are in direct contrast to her own words and show her state of mind. She was not a panicked mother looking for her daughter. She bought nothing that would benefit Caylee and she was not looking for her.

If Casey never said that she had been looking for Caylee on her own and that she would lie/steal to find her, perhaps it wouldn't come in but those videos directly contradict what she said during her sworn statement.

Going to help the Prosecution in her murder trial?

It just does not make any sense to me at all why they want this to remain in her trial.

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