Casey's Lies, Stealing, Social/Sex Life: "Irrelevant and Scandalous"

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And cosleeping implies a parent who has conscientiously thought about the best thing for their child, weighed different options, and chose cosleeping as a good option. With Casey, we know it was just disgusting laziness.

Something that has always stuck out in my mind are 2 things regarding Caylee's "sleeping habits".

First, we have Annie {?} telling that Caylee could sleep through ANYTHING, parties, etc.

Then, we have Amy {?} telling that Caylee was very clingy, that she needed a lot of her stuffed animals, Casey by her side to sleep, etc.

{I may have the girls confused with each other}

We have heard talk that even at home, Caylee slept with Casey.
Yes, lazy, IMO.

There is nothing wrong with a child sleeping with a parent if they are sick, etc, but, IMO, it is never a good thing to start because it can be near impossible to put a stop to it.

But, for Casey to have had Caylee share a bed with her while she was romping and stomping the night a way, no way.
I don't know, I'd hope that she laid down with her til she fell asleep, then, placed her on the floor on that mattress that Cindy talked about.
If Caylee woke up after the "fact", and crawled into bed, well, that still doesn't sit well with me.
You have a point; however the problem is even if she didn't kill her (yea right) she would have to explain how she went on with her life as usual even though Caylee was kidnapped. Picture someone you know taking off with someone you love. Who would just go on with life? GA and CA were on with their life as usual because they didn't know anything was amiss. I take that back, even CA was anxious about not hearing from Caylee although she thought she was with ICA. KWIM? If you don't know your baby is safe, you don't just say oh well, such is life.

Yes. Cindy DIDN'T just 'go on with life'. She made a Myspace posting. She invoked the power of Lee. She left messages and voices mails and sent text messages and unleashed the hounds. She found a piece of paper, made a phone call, and took a drive to the mall. She made an effort. She was proactive. She did a LOT in those 31 days. And now, she wants to turn around and say she didn't do any of that. Because to admit to that would be the equivalent of admitting that she knew.
And cosleeping implies a parent who has conscientiously thought about the best thing for their child, weighed different options, and chose cosleeping as a good option. With Casey, we know it was just disgusting laziness.

Yes. Cindy DIDN'T just 'go on with life'. She made a Myspace posting. She invoked the power of Lee. She left messages and voices mails and sent text messages and unleashed the hounds. She found a piece of paper, made a phone call, and took a drive to the mall. She made an effort. She was proactive. She did a LOT in those 31 days. And now, she wants to turn around and say she didn't do any of that. Because to admit to that would be the equivalent of admitting that she knew.

Heck yeah, she knew....she knew something wasn't right. And, I think she knew within a very short amount of time, or hours.

Casey's investigation, if you will, was her making calls to her friends to tell them to "ignore her mother" ~
bumping for potential relevance and revisit
I am still such a "newbie" here on the fab WS site, so forgive me if I have chosen an incorrect location for this article that I have been wanting to share with everyone. Since the testimony of Lee today has raised the level of lies, again, this info may be especially interesting to some people...There is such a mountain of lies that have been exposed in the trial of ICA. I am fascinated by the mental mechanism of this degree of pathological lying. I have been trying to get info regarding what might be going on in the brain of someone who tells such tall tales, with such unneeded detail..The article I'm sharing was enlightening and I see ICA a little clearer after reading this:
Could somebody please answer this for me? If the defense wanted this out, why did the defense ask Cindy if she knew who Casey's first sexual partner was (objection from state was then sustained). What am I missing?
Could somebody please answer this for me? If the defense wanted this out, why did the defense ask Cindy if she knew who Casey's first sexual partner was (objection from state was then sustained). What am I missing?

Well, I remember wondering that as well, but since the opening statement I can only assume they were insinuating that it was GA. :sick:

Was that during her deposition? I can't remember where that happened.
Well, I remember wondering that as well, but since the opening statement I can only assume they were insinuating that it was GA. :sick:

Was that during her deposition? I can't remember where that happened.

I thought she was asked if she knew when Casey had her first sexual partner, in court, and it was sustained.
I thought she was asked if she knew when Casey had her first sexual partner, in court, and it was sustained.

Maybe that was it. I just looked in the indices of her State depo and the question wasn't in the depo.
Could somebody please answer this for me? If the defense wanted this out, why did the defense ask Cindy if she knew who Casey's first sexual partner was (objection from state was then sustained). What am I missing?

It may have been to create innuendo that CA knew her daughter was "molested" by either her brother or father and chose to ignore it. In ICA's jailhouse letters she indicates she told her mom about Lee and her mother brushed it off. All part of the giant defense strategy to throw her parents under the bus and blame them for any later promiscuity on ICA's part.
I will say something now that I have never read here and that i will most definitely be POUNCED upon for having suggested but I have followed this case for three years now and so,...I feel entitled to say my peace.

I think KC is a sociopath. I think her mother is a narcissist and I think her father is bi-polar. That said. That done. Remember when LA was in despair and in the hospital for unknown things caused by Accutaine? Remember how CA stated that KC spent a lot of time with him and tended to him? Get ready...I think ICA seduced him. I think she (yes she) did the UNTHINKABLE. So, if it's possible that KC (sociopath) did this, where is he now? How does he explain that he may have had inappropriate relations with her? How can a "guy" explain that "she" came on to him and did things to him in a time that he was weak and confused? VERY difficult to explain!

Hey KC! I hope you find it funny that we are all here speculating about whether or not your father or brother molested you! You are guilty as sin. You and you alone restrained your daughter and killed her. You can wrap whatever story around it that you want but you and JB are forgetting something important. People aren't stupid. The jury ARE people.

I will say something now that I have never read here and that i will most definitely be POUNCED upon for having suggested but I have followed this case for three years now and so,...I feel entitled to say my peace.

I think KC is a sociopath. I think her mother is a narcissist and I think her father is bi-polar. That said. That done. Remember when LA was in despair and in the hospital for unknown things caused by Accutaine? Remember how CA stated that KC spent a lot of time with him and tended to him? Get ready...I think ICA seduced him. I think she (yes she) did the UNTHINKABLE. So, if it's possible that KC (sociopath) did this, where is he now? How does he explain that he may have had inappropriate relations with her? How can a "guy" explain that "she" came on to him and did things to him in a time that he was weak and confused? VERY difficult to explain!

I think any of these things are possible. This family is extremely difficult to understand, at least for me. ICA might have been the tip of the iceberg.
In this family, I do think Casey was a product of her environment. She may have tested her parents to know which buttons she could push and what she could get away with from an early age, but their allowing her to do so contributed to making her what she is today.

I can't get past her parents' pandering to her even when she was in jail. Maybe she had been threatening to claim abuse all her life and was holding that over her father's head for years, who knows. That could be one reason they seem so afraid of her. And now that she has accused him publicly, they hopefully realize they have nothing to lose and will stay on course.
In this family, I do think Casey was a product of her environment. She may have tested her parents to know which buttons she could push and what she could get away with from an early age, but their allowing her to do so contributed to making her what she is today.

I can't get past her parents' pandering to her even when she was in jail. Maybe she had been threatening to claim abuse all her life and was holding that over her father's head for years, who knows. That could be one reason they seem so afraid of her. And now that she has accused him publicly, they hopefully realize they have nothing to lose and will stay on course.

Has anyone on this thread, wondered why George did not take the 5th Amendment against Incriminating himself? He could have very easily said "I refuse to answer on grounds that it "may" incriminate me" and the jury would have been given a reasonable doubt I'm sure. The Death penalty off the table, it seems to me based on the father's own refusal to answer the abuse charge.

It occurred to me, that if this were my daughter (any child of mine) who was accusing me of some type of abuse, I would more then likely, try to save my child over my own reputation.
Especially so, because this is a Death Penalty Case.

What good is my reputation, if my child is given the Death Penalty and I honestly believe Casey is very ill mentally and emotionally, anyway. I'm sure the parents must feel the same way by now since the lies have been exposed.

Is there anyone here who would not do the same?

Young or older child, it's still your child.

Why have they (the family) not been hostile witnesses, but cooperating ones with the Prosectution?

What about all those years of taking up for and pretending that Zannie was out there somewhere, raising money to find her and find Cayley?

What was that all about? :waitasec:

Just questions that I raise in case no one else has thought of them yet.
I will say something now that I have never read here and that i will most definitely be POUNCED upon for having suggested but I have followed this case for three years now and so,...I feel entitled to say my peace.

I think KC is a sociopath. I think her mother is a narcissist and I think her father is bi-polar. That said. That done. Remember when LA was in despair and in the hospital for unknown things caused by Accutaine? Remember how CA stated that KC spent a lot of time with him and tended to him? Get ready...I think ICA seduced him. I think she (yes she) did the UNTHINKABLE. So, if it's possible that KC (sociopath) did this, where is he now? How does he explain that he may have had inappropriate relations with her? How can a "guy" explain that "she" came on to him and did things to him in a time that he was weak and confused? VERY difficult to explain!


That is certainly one explanation. However, ICA has shown very jealous tendencies (breaking up with JG because he liked Caylee too much, her whole deal with CA, etc.). I'm thinking it might be just as logical that ICA was jealous of the attention that her brother was getting from the family being so ill, particularly of the attention her mother was giving him. He supposedly had to stay in bed a lot and couldn't drive and probably felt awful. She may have made up the story to redirect her mother's attention/sympathy back to her as a victim instead of toward Lee. It certainly has her "spiteful little b" trademark all over it. The fact her mother allegedly reacted with disbelief makes me think that CA saw right through her little stratagem.
Heck yeah, she knew....she knew something wasn't right. And, I think she knew within a very short amount of time, or hours.

Casey's investigation, if you will, was her making calls to her friends to tell them to "ignore her mother" ~

ITA! ICA did not want any of her friends in touch with her family! I recall somewhere there is a text between her and Jesse where she states to him to avoid her family, especially her mother. Cannot find it anywhere!!!

ICA is going to get hammered with this imo as far as the jurors go. Her defense will not fly imo the SA has definitely put the kebash on it. I don't see jurors buying into her defense no matter how her DT stretches and twists.
I am still such a "newbie" here on the fab WS site, so forgive me if I have chosen an incorrect location for this article that I have been wanting to share with everyone. Since the testimony of Lee today has raised the level of lies, again, this info may be especially interesting to some people...There is such a mountain of lies that have been exposed in the trial of ICA. I am fascinated by the mental mechanism of this degree of pathological lying. I have been trying to get info regarding what might be going on in the brain of someone who tells such tall tales, with such unneeded detail..The article I'm sharing was enlightening and I see ICA a little clearer after reading this:
would like to read the article but can't because the page immediately refreshes to a member log-in page. help? TIA
Has anyone on this thread, wondered why George did not take the 5th Amendment against Incriminating himself? He could have very easily said "I refuse to answer on grounds that it "may" incriminate me" and the jury would have been given a reasonable doubt I'm sure. The Death penalty off the table, it seems to me based on the father's own refusal to answer the abuse charge.

It occurred to me, that if this were my daughter (any child of mine) who was accusing me of some type of abuse, I would more then likely, try to save my child over my own reputation.
Especially so, because this is a Death Penalty Case.

What good is my reputation, if my child is given the Death Penalty and I honestly believe Casey is very ill mentally and emotionally, anyway. I'm sure the parents must feel the same way by now since the lies have been exposed.

Is there anyone here who would not do the same?

Young or older child, it's still your child.

Why have they (the family) not been hostile witnesses, but cooperating ones with the Prosectution?

What about all those years of taking up for and pretending that Zannie was out there somewhere, raising money to find her and find Cayley?

What was that all about? :waitasec:

Just questions that I raise in case no one else has thought of them yet.

I think because she threw her whole family under the bus in the defense opening statement.

ICA family finally learned 6 weeks ago, that she had killed Caylee, and had put the Anthony's through hell for the last 3 years.

They realize she is a monster and need to save themselves.

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