Casey's Lies, Stealing, Social/Sex Life: "Irrelevant and Scandalous"

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AFAIK and based on the State's response on this issue, they don't want to drag in the "details" at all. They barely gave three lines to Rusciano because apparently that hook-up pre-dated Caylee's disappearance. The State's aim is not to paint KC as a tramp, because it's secondary to proving their case and they can make the point well enough using only evidence between 6/15 and 7/15. The defense's claims that they are trying to drag KC's reputation through the mud just smack of "the lady doth protest too much" IYKWIM.

But the State does have good reason to look at how KC behaved with her new boyfriend TonE during the time period of June 15 through July 15/16. As the State points out in their response, if he was her boyfriend and she had essentially moved in during that timeframe, there was a certain level of intimacy implied in that relationship. So if Caylee had really been kidnapped, and KC really was so frantically searching for her during that 31 days--what are the odds that she never, ever mentioned any of this to TonE her new boyfriend/lived-in-with lover during this timeframe?
^ I also think that how she acted and was with TonE during those oh, so crucial 31 days says a lot. If something had happened to Caylee and she was truly frantic and worried, it would have shown on her face, in her voice, and in her actions. No way could you play off something like that. When I see a good friend in Wally World in the summer, and I have been sweating all day in the heat, I try not to get too close for fear that I may get sweat on them. That friend knows immediately that something is wrong because I am acting funny. If KC acted like a normal, affectionate, carefree young woman, it would speak to the fact that she wasn't scared, worried, or upset about anything. KWIM? JMO
Going to help the Prosecution in her murder trial?

It just does not make any sense to me at all why they want this to remain in her trial.

Because she was sleeping around during the time Caylee was "missing" for one, and shows that she was not doing any kind of her own investigation like she said. Plus the instant messages show she was astonishingly dishonest with her beaus and she was constantly trying to pawn Caylee off on other people. It all points to her possible motivation to get rid of Caylee so she could have bella vita - remember the "get me tony's number" call from jail? Uneblievable.
Some of it might point to motive.

Her Boyfriend at the time, didn't really want a girl with child responsibilities. He wanted to be fancy free. HE wasn't looking to get serious at that time, anyway. So why drag a kid into it? She couldn't 'hang out' like a girl with no responsibilities. He tried to get her to take the hint... But instead of moving on to a different guy.... (motive)

It isn't just her sexual history, it's her whole life style after the baby went missing. She wasn't looking for the baby, she was living it up, with out a care at all.
I don't imagine that I'd be thinking about sleeping with anyone if my toddler were just kidnapped. I'd feel guilty that the time I was spending getting intimate with guys I'd only known a month, would detract from me obsessing about finding my baby. On the other hand, if I murdered my child I might appreciate the diversion.
I believe it's relevant and will help the jury understand the defendants priorities.
^ I also think that how she acted and was with TonE during those oh, so crucial 31 days says a lot. If something had happened to Caylee and she was truly frantic and worried, it would have shown on her face, in her voice, and in her actions. No way could you play off something like that. When I see a good friend in Wally World in the summer, and I have been sweating all day in the heat, I try not to get too close for fear that I may get sweat on them. That friend knows immediately that something is wrong because I am acting funny. If KC acted like a normal, affectionate, carefree young woman, it would speak to the fact that she wasn't scared, worried, or upset about anything. KWIM? JMO

Not to get too personal, but most of us don't feel like doing the horizontal rumba if we're having a bad hair day, or have put on a couple of pounds. The fact that she was getting busy with Tony the very night that Caylee died says a lot about who she is, even apart from the fact that she was 'acting' as if everything was A-Ok. I mean it's stunning really, even for a murderess. This is beyond putting her own needs first, this is inhuman. Poor Tony too, knowing that must still freak him out.
IF we are to go along with Casey's version of events, then it is EXTREMELY relevent.

On June 16th, 2008... Casey says that she left work at 5:00pm. Mapquest says that it takes 25 minutes to get from Universal Studios to Sawgrass Apartments. We have to add in the fact that Casey had to go out into the parking lot and get into her car (10 minutes), she has to get out of the Universal Studios lot (10 minutes), she has to drive through Orlando rush hour traffic (50 minutes).

I estimate, according to Casey's timeline, that she got to Sawgrass Apartments at 6:10pm. Casey says that she sat there on the staircase until about 7:00pm. She tried calling ZFG's phone. It was no longer in service. She just sits there. She doesn't call local hospitals. She doesn't call the police department. She doesn't try to contact anyone on her little list of people who know ZFG. She assumed, by 7:00pm that ZFG had taken Caylee. She had only been at Sawgrass for less than 50 minutes.

She then decided to go to familiar places that ZFG had taken Caylee. Jay Blanchard Park was one of those places. According to Mapquest, it takes 16 minutes for Casey to drive to Jay Blanchard Park from Sawgrass Apartments. So, we are at 7:16pm.

Casey and Tony area at Blockbuster @ 7:54pm that night. It takes Casey, according to MapQuest, 8 minutes to get to Tony's house from Jay Blanchard Park. I am going to take 10 minutes for Casey to meet up with Tony before they head off to Blockbuster... which means that Casey spent a total of 20 minutes or less searching for her "missing baby" that day.

All of this according to her statement, of course. Which she is still adament that she worked at Universal Studios.

Tony and Casey rented two movies... I have only read the screenplay for Untraceable... but it is not the type of movie that I would want to rent if I believed my baby had been taken. IF Casey had any kind of sexual relation with Tony, that night, while Caylee's dead body lay in Casey's trunk... it it relevent. This is the day that she claims that her baby had been taken from her... unwillingly!

Anything that happened in those 31 days that Casey had not reported Caylee missing... is relevent. Her sexual escapades are just a tiny sliver of what was going on in Casey's mind during those 31 days. It clearly shows her state of mind... and let's not forget about Casey's phone call, when she was only worried about Tony... and getting Tony's number. Her state of mind, even when being confronted with the 31 days that Caylee was "missing", all she could think about was Tony.
As to admitting her intimate moments into evidence, anything from the moment she met Tony should be admitted, if you please.

Imagine her let down when during texting pillow talk he tells her he doesn't want girls when he has children..or words to that effect..
Too much work..
Happily, doodling her name to paper..Mrs.Tony Lazarro..Casey Lazarro
and then he tells her no girls.
I imagine her mumbling."whadda huge waste"..
..of paper

Motive: Keeping her new beau. Freedom.
Catalyst: Mother throttling you because for years you were a bad seed and she'd had enough, and one tiny voice who would soon blow the lid off your double/ triple life.
Pure evil.
My words are nothing new. Others have said the same thing with eloquence .. but thank you anyway for letting me get it out of my system.
What the jury will see is that Casey loved men and not “the little snot-head”. Undeniable motive… Bella Vida!!! I think Casey's behavior and actions will convince jurors of her guilt easily with forensics cementing the deal. moo
I also think things like changing bf's frequently and allowing caylee to sleep in bed with them is also somewhat relevant to character. this is not to say cosleeping is wrong, I fully support it. but that is not cosleeping, that's asking for trouble. it shows caylee's welfare wasnt in the forefront of ICA's mind. the fact ICA *had* boyfriends is not the issue.
Because she was sleeping around during the time Caylee was "missing" for one, and shows that she was not doing any kind of her own investigation like she said. Plus the instant messages show she was astonishingly dishonest with her beaus and she was constantly trying to pawn Caylee off on other people. It all points to her possible motivation to get rid of Caylee so she could have bella vita - remember the "get me tony's number" call from jail? Uneblievable.

yup that "tony number" call from jail, imo, makes it VERY the IM's, bella vita tattoo...makes it very revelant indeed...but that again is just my 2 opinion only
Let us not forget that it was Casey who said that she was actively searching for Caylee in those 31 days. She was doing her own investigation. So, the State has every right to show exactly what Casey was doing in those 31 days... her relationship with Tony goes to her state of mind. Like I said, her sexapades with Tony are only a sliver of what was going on during those 31 days... it is just a tiny piece of this case, but it is an important piece that helps tie into Casey's state of mind during the time she claims that Caylee was missing.
To play the devils advocate here. The fact she went on with her life as usual could cause some to believe she is telling the truth and she didn't kill her baby.

I believe she did and she will pay for it with no less then life w/o parole.
To play the devils advocate here. The fact she went on with her life as usual could cause some to believe she is telling the truth and she didn't kill her baby.

I believe she did and she will pay for it with no less then life w/o parole.

You have a point; however the problem is even if she didn't kill her (yea right) she would have to explain how she went on with her life as usual even though Caylee was kidnapped. Picture someone you know taking off with someone you love. Who would just go on with life? GA and CA were on with their life as usual because they didn't know anything was amiss. I take that back, even CA was anxious about not hearing from Caylee although she thought she was with ICA. KWIM? If you don't know your baby is safe, you don't just say oh well, such is life.
Going to help the Prosecution in her murder trial?

It just does not make any sense to me at all why they want this to remain in her trial.


When I lost my son I could barely function. I threw myself into planning his service for the next week and then I broke my nose when I passed out the night of his service. The devastation is indescribable. My next booty call was the LAST thing on my mind.

It's relevant.
I also think things like changing bf's frequently and allowing caylee to sleep in bed with them is also somewhat relevant to character. this is not to say cosleeping is wrong, I fully support it. but that is not cosleeping, that's asking for trouble. it shows caylee's welfare wasnt in the forefront of ICA's mind. the fact ICA *had* boyfriends is not the issue.


This right here has always bothered me very much. Such a dangerous situation to put her little girl in. She seemed to change boyfriends frequently, so just how many of those ex-bf's did she allow her daughter in the bed with? I find this to be very bothersome. It shows me that she never put Caylee's welfare in the forefront. Her man-life was more important. moo
Going to help the Prosecution in her murder trial?

It just does not make any sense to me at all why they want this to remain in her trial.

Because she was *playing* house while her daughter was missing.
Let us not forget that it was Casey who said that she was actively searching for Caylee in those 31 days. She was doing her own investigation. So, the State has every right to show exactly what Casey was doing in those 31 days... her relationship with Tony goes to her state of mind. Like I said, her sexapades with Tony are only a sliver of what was going on during those 31 days... it is just a tiny piece of this case, but it is an important piece that helps tie into Casey's state of mind during the time she claims that Caylee was missing.

I agree with your post Lola,

The State is rebutting Casey's statement about conducting her own investigation during June 16 and July 15 2008
Everything she did and who she was during that time is important because it shows she was not doing what she stated to LE she was doing...looking for Caylee, doing her own investigation...

In TL's interview he says that Casey was at his place a lot..he would find her there when he came back from school

Other than staying home watching movies and playing house. Casey and TL went to movies, they went out to dinner, they went to Fusian Ultra Lounge

Yesterday I read a message (will have to go back and find it) between Casey and TL, while he was in NY, and she said she was hanging with iirc Nate at the apartment watching Horror movies...

This right here has always bothered me very much. Such a dangerous situation to put her little girl in. She seemed to change boyfriends frequently, so just how many of those ex-bf's did she allow her daughter in the bed with? I find this to be very bothersome. It shows me that she never put Caylee's welfare in the forefront. Her man-life was more important. moo

And cosleeping implies a parent who has conscientiously thought about the best thing for their child, weighed different options, and chose cosleeping as a good option. With Casey, we know it was just disgusting laziness.

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