Casey's Pants & the Knife and The Cleaning of the Pontiac

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IMO, it's ICA saying something to the effect of ' I don't have anything to talk to them'.... (those dang ppl who might be concerned about her child), but as far as the title of this thread: I'll keep it short and sweet: Cindy.

ETA: Im not bashing Cindy. She may have unknowingly cleaned up a lot of critical evidence to make the smell *go away*

ETAA: YouTube - ‪Cindy Anthonys 911 call. A part NEVER heard on tv‬‏

I specifically hear a woman's voice saying, "I'll never get this trunk clean."
Also, CA was mortified about her missing g'daughter -while on the phone with police- admitting that 'it smells like there's been a dead body in the damn car.... why would ICA mention anything about getting her trunk clean?

I have been a voice transcriber for ChaCha for the last 2 years (which truly means nothing except that for 3 cents a call I have transcribed over 100,000 phone calls and you kind of get a feel for what people are doing because sometimes you have to listen the surroundings for a clue on what they are saying) and IMOO, it has always sounded to me like she had to walk a little bit to get to where KC was. She may have been in the garage and didn't figure she was close enough to be heard. She may not have heard all her mother had said. They weren't going to take her car. They didn't know her and they were about to hear her Oh, so believable kidnapping story. I have always believed that voice was KC and that she was probably saying something about talking to them when they got there (to put it off for as long as she could and have time to polish her story.). I've always been curious, and tried to hear it but never motivated enough to check it. If the state brought it up she would just say she was cleaning the stain from the garbage bag leaking, I'm sure. But it seems very interesting to me. And would prove that someone tried. They didn't pick the car up for days. It could have been cleaned by all of them before it was over.
Okay, I've played it over & over & the more I listen it DOES sound like she's saying "I'll never get this trunk clean". Wow. I dunno what to say except WHO was she talking to????
What a shame, this extremely interesting thread got merged with a thread about washing the pants and cleaning the car from nearly three years ago... which means... very few will actually read these 22 pages to get to your point.. Not pickin on any mods, but that is the way a NEW fascinating threads fade away because it is OLD NEWS.

Maybe a better title like, "enhanced audio relevent to witness statement in the actual trial" would have saved your thread. I am still going to check the audio through my programs and *magic* head phones... I will just PM my results. :)
I think it is just someone ranting... I do it all the time when I go into my teenagers' bedrooms. "I will never get this room clean." LOLOL

In the Anthony case, I think the ranting is because of the awful, horrendous, overwhelming odor...IMO
Cindy, in her recent testimony, said a steak knife was in the car. Why the SA stopped her from saying more is beyond me. We know CA washed the knife before handing it over, ruiining any evidence.

There is no good reason for a steak knife to be in Casey's car either. We still have not heard if they have determined what was used to cut the duct tape. I say the knife could be what was used.

I have not reviewed this great thread yet, but didn't CA say at one time there were maggots in the trunk after it was in their garage and she vacuumed it out?
Cindy, in her recent testimony, said a steak knife was in the car. Why the SA stopped her from saying more is beyond me. We know CA washed the knife before handing it over, ruiining any evidence.

There is no good reason for a steak knife to be in Casey's car either. We still have not heard if they have determined what was used to cut the duct tape. I say the knife could be what was used.

I have not reviewed this great thread yet, but didn't CA say at one time there were maggots in the trunk after it was in their garage and she vacuumed it out?

IIRC, SA had to stop the testimony about the knife because the SA and the DT had stipulated that neither would discuss the knife. I think it was because there was no evidence that it had cut the duct tape, and there was no accusations of any stabbing or cutting so they agreed to leave it out of evidence.

I thought CA had discussed vacuuming the trunk previously. There is video of her discussing the maggots. If she bothered to spray a can of febreze I would imagine she would at least vacuum some of the mess out first. imoo
If they knew it was decomp smell, then why even call the sherriff's office and turn her in? Why not get rid of the knife and pants instead of washing them? If you know it is evidence, you would get rid of it completely....that would be easy enough. Why even report it and incriminate yourself? Doesn't sound like Cindy was 'acting' on the 911 calls. If she was, she did an outstanding job. Sorry, but it just doesn't add up. I'm not defending them at all, nor am I saying that they are not hiding anything...which I think they are. But I don't think they really knew anything in the beginning.

Cindy may have been concerned that the towyard people looked in the car. If she told LE she threw away the items, LE would retreive them from the dump. It was much better for casey this way.
I guess it really doesn't matter but this has been bugging me since the 911 call where Cindy says "It smells like there's been a dead body in the danm car!" was released. I have no idea why LE didn't enhance that audio, because I could hear a voice in the background on the original and it very quickly said, "I'll never get this trunk clean!" So, I've enhanced the audio with a program called audacity and I'd really like for y'all to hear it. The video runs fast on the intro slides because my movie maker isn't adjusting the speed properly but if you just go to appx. the 2:13 mark and listen from there you will hear the male voice and what he says. TIA and here's the link YouTube - ‪Enhanced audio of Cindy Anthony 911 call‬‏

I hope it isn't rude for me to bump my post. I really appreciate all the feedback and I don't want what was once a thread of it's own to become so inter-meshed with the other topics of this thread that it gets lost.
Did that make any sense at all? :giggle:
I do understand the merge though and I did look for a thread regarding the trunk of the Sunfire...sorry mods that I caused extra work for you.
I agree, I think she had OCD. I can tell you one thing, my house was never perfectly clean when I had 2 year olds!!! In fact, they are 13 and 8 now and my house STILL isn't clean. AND if my child or grandchild was missing, I wouldn't be as put together as she is, I can promise you that! My friend has OCD, and it amazes me the lengths she will go through to have a clean house... seriously!

ITA. My husband is OCD and cleans at the strangest times. In my opinion it calms him.
Everyone I've ever known or associated with has houses as clean, and the same as Cindy's even with pop in visits, kids or not. Only one person with ADD had clutter, but it was just as clean. Cindy also had George and the accused helping to clean the house. Casey HAD to clean so that she would leave it the same as when she left for "work".

Has it ever been said that the trunk carpet liner was washed? You'd think that experts could tell if it had been and what had made the two stains resulting in brown and yellow. Bleach will turn black and dark gray brown or yellow. Cindy would never use bleach on gray, plus she didn't have time.
I think to me, it sounds like CA is in the house on the phone talking to the 911 dispatcher and ICA and LA are in the Garage.

I think Lee knows more about the trunk cleaning then we realize, because I think ICA was in the garage cleaning that trunk while Lee was there with her. Could be that is when the duct tape disappears from the house too...LA was the one who put the command center together....

It DOES sound like CA has to walk a moment or two to get to ICA to hand over the phone. As she is walking toward ICA, ICA is talking to Lee. Asuming that no one can hear her and that her mother is on the phone.
FWIW, when I saw new interest on this thread, I skipped over the beginning and jumped to the last page, then backed up a couple. That "last" button can come in very handy.

The following facts need to be considered when entertaining whether the Sunfire was cleaned:

1) No bugs listed as found in the Anthony's vacuum cleaners or floor cleaning machines- pg. 52
(no mention of bugs in vacuums or cleaning machines mentioned during trial)

2) Dirt in the trunk-

(Bloise testified to this in court)

3) no decompositional hairs found in the Anthony’s various vacuums, many hairs found but none with apparent decomposition- 70 slides generated and checked. Pg. 56

4) only chloroform residue was found- no chemicals or cleaners were found in trunk carpet liner


5) volatile fatty acids were scraped from the carpet fibers on trunk liner


6) George went staight home from the tow yard

[ame=""]Websleuths Crime Sleuthing Community - View Single Post - 2010.04.23 Vacuum Cleaner Forensics[/ame]
VERY interesting about the Spot Bot. I've seen the swirly pattern they make. I don't recall that part of George's statement about the stain either, so even more interesting.

I mis-stated... this testimony by GA was not given on the first day, I am searching for it now, and I will post a link when I find the video. NOT the first time he was on the bad.
Eh in one section on my audio (not this modded version) It sounds like "I killed her" and "I'm never gonna talk to them." It is hard to be exact though since even the original mp3 sample (from the news site) is pretty bad quality even for mp3. I would love to hear original audio. Once something is mp3'd a lot of information on a recording is destroyed (around 90% depending on what bitrate and format the 911 call was originally made with).
FWIW, when I saw new interest on this thread, I skipped over the beginning and jumped to the last page, then backed up a couple. That "last" button can come in very handy.


Gotcha...I find it super handy, however;

"Casey's Pants & the knife and cleaning of the car merged" will seem like a new post to most..then they see the date of the original post, or.. the seemingly irrelevant posts at this point in time, click to last and miss everything that the OP of the orginal thread brought up..

Which was of course the possible captured and enhanced muted audio of recorded background statments made during the orginal 911 call.... which I am sure you agree have nothing to do with washed pants or a knife in the car ..
First run with my super magic head phones.. on the original audio, tone sounds like ICA as she was being approached to get on the phone...JMO.

Thanks Momtective... I was running short on projects (sarcasim), but this will move up to the top of my list... dam* curiousity!!!

I agree, that is KC as she is getting on the phone. I've heard this before but not enhanced like this, before I thought she was saying "I"ll never tell them anything." But, after hearing this version, I'm convinced KC is saying "I'll never get this trunk clean." :sick:
What in the world could she have told Cindy about the trunk to make Cindy not think that the "damn dead body in the trunk" smell was not Caylee, why would KC be so interested in cleaning it IF Caylee was just MISSING??? Takes me back to a question about the first jail interview, where it sounds like Cindy says, "Why didn't SHE go back and get the car? It just doesn't make sense?" KC blows her off w/the usual this is being recorded and LE is already out to get me BS. :banghead:
The following facts need to be considered when entertaining whether the Sunfire was cleaned:

1) No bugs listed as found in the Anthony's vacuum cleaners or floor cleaning machines- pg. 52
(no mention of bugs in vacuums or cleaning machines mentioned during trial)

2) Dirt in the trunk-

(Bloise testified to this in court)

3) no decompositional hairs found in the Anthony’s various vacuums, many hairs found but none with apparent decomposition- 70 slides generated and checked. Pg. 56

4) only chloroform residue was found- no chemicals or cleaners were found in trunk carpet liner


5) volatile fatty acids were scraped from the carpet fibers on trunk liner


6) George went staight home from the tow yard

Websleuths Crime Sleuthing Community - View Single Post - 2010.04.23 Vacuum Cleaner Forensics

Agreed, only to add the availabilty of vacuums located at most public car washes as JA stated in court, not objected to.

I do not believe they secured the vacuum cleaners, or carpet cleaners from the residence for MONTHS afterward... which would not account for the amount of times these devices were used or cleaned. I will have to confirm that of course..but IIRC, they did not collect the vacuums and carpet cleaners till the remains were found. I believe that should be considered also.
The following facts need to be considered when entertaining whether the Sunfire was cleaned:

1) No bugs listed as found in the Anthony's vacuum cleaners or floor cleaning machines- pg. 52
(no mention of bugs in vacuums or cleaning machines mentioned during trial)

2) Dirt in the trunk-

(Bloise testified to this in court)

3) no decompositional hairs found in the Anthony’s various vacuums, many hairs found but none with apparent decomposition- 70 slides generated and checked. Pg. 56

4) only chloroform residue was found- no chemicals or cleaners were found in trunk carpet liner


5) volatile fatty acids were scraped from the carpet fibers on trunk liner


6) George went staight home from the tow yard

Websleuths Crime Sleuthing Community - View Single Post - 2010.04.23 Vacuum Cleaner Forensics

harmony, if I may respond to these?

1) The vacuums were not checked until a year after the fact. I'm sure they'd been dumped several times/cleaned out & would not have stuff in them from a vacuuming done a year prior.

2) I think CASEY is the one who vacuumed the trunk during one of those times she was backed in to the garage. The trunk was examined roughly a month after that. I'm sure a month is enough time for some dirt to accumulate in the trunk after a cleaning.

3) Same as #1.

4) I see "no chemicals", but nothing about cleaners. Cleaners have chemicals, of course, but maybe those particular ones were even more volatile than chloroform? I don't know about this one.

5) If the fatty acids were really ground in to the carpet fibers, perhaps they'd survive even through a cleaning? Aren't fatty acids a sort of greasy substance?

6) Not sure what George has to do with it. I think Casey vacuumed the car trunk.

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