Casey's PC and Related Searches #2

DNA Solves
DNA Solves
DNA Solves
I think she was into phone or web sex for and easy.......did she have a checking account that cashed checks recieved????
It is VERY expensive to party like a rock star. Clothes, makeup, booze, drugs, gas, entry to venue, shoes, hair stuff, etc. weekend after weekend after weekend, it is not cheap, there was money coming from somewhere. She probably didnt go on a stealing spree every Thursday to prepare for the weekend. where was the $$$ coming from. YES, she stole, but she could not have kept up this expensive fantasy life up, paying for her boyfriends meals, entry, etc on no job. I was a bartender for 10 yrs. I made a fortune every night, and I would spend it the very next night, I blew through thousands every month trying to be the big shot. Never the same outfit twice, always buying friends drinks, etc.....thousands.

I agree. I have a member of the family that worked at a topless bar as a waitress. Met many of the dancers who worked there with this family member. They made money and lots of it sometimes but were always broke the next day usually. Nice nails, hair cut, clothes etc...but always broke. Casey seemed to have just entered this arena it apprears maybe this year.
I agree. I have a member of the family that worked at a topless bar as a waitress. Met many of the dancers who worked there with this family member. They made money and lots of it sometimes but were always broke the next day usually. Nice nails, hair cut, clothes etc...but always broke. Casey seemed to have just entered this arena it apprears maybe this year.

Ok - I just read that this Nanny - Zenaida (or whatever) experienced a breakin and a computer theft the day Caylee was announced to have been missing..... hence the thief would have had a lot of info about her. They wonder if she/Casey is a thief - duh yeah... but don't know about organized stuff. Ratz.
Nanny person had a blog actually at that time.
Ok - I just read that this Nanny - Zenaida (or whatever) experienced a breakin and a computer theft the day Caylee was announced to have been missing..... hence the thief would have had a lot of info about her. They wonder if she/Casey is a thief - duh yeah... but don't know about organized stuff. Ratz.
Nanny person had a blog actually at that time.
ok, I am really confused now....:bang:
Now what I think may have happened is that Cindy tried to clean the trunk by first spraying the bugs with a pesticide, vacuuming them up, and then using dry-cleaning fluid to clean the carpet. She may have even had some sort of fumigant she sprayed to get rid of the smell. Right there are three very plausible and likely sources of chloroform.

I don't think she did this to hide evidence. She may have honestly thought at the time that the bag of garbage was the source of the smell. Remember the sequence of events. She and George go get the car, not knowing why it is there because they have not seen much of Casey for a month. The car smells like a dead body - and George is genuinely worried it might be a dead body. But when they pop the trunk they see a garbage bag with flies and maggots on it. No dead body anywhere.

When they get the car home, George takes off for work. Cindy still does not know what is going on with Casey or Caylee, but that nasty car is bugging her so she does what she can to clean the trunk. She also starts to clean the interior and comes across Amy's resume. She calls her, and the chain of events begin.

This, IMO, would have been an honest mistake. Not telling or admitting to LE that she did this, however, is obstruction.

Obviously the seizure of pesticides and other household items was done in part to possibly eliminate pesticides and dry-cleaning fluid as the source of the chloroform found in the car. Why those items were not seized in an earlier search once the presence of chloroform was detected is beyond me.

four may be true.

The problem I'm having with your defense or A) Why would CA (A Nurse) who knows the smell of a dead body...then go and try to clean up a car she smelled a dead body in when her Grand daughter is still missing..KNOWING it might be important evidence..and please don't say she wouldn't know that..I even know that much.

B) GA (Ex Deputy) knows the smell of a dead body and like he told the's not something you ever forget.He even said he was worried he would find Kc or KLee in the trunk when he opened...that's how prominent the odor was..
But he's going to go along with the new theory of Pizza rotting in the car?Okay ,but didnt they find that there was NO PIZZA in the box..just EMPTY pizza boxes? Now how is an empty pizza box going to cause that odor and maggots....?

The problem I'm having with your defense or A) Why would CA (A Nurse) who knows the smell of a dead body...then go and try to clean up a car she smelled a dead body in when her Grand daughter is still missing..KNOWING it might be important evidence..and please don't say she wouldn't know that..I even know that much.

B) GA (Ex Deputy) knows the smell of a dead body and like he told the's not something you ever forget.He even said he was worried he would find Kc or KLee in the trunk when he opened...that's how prominent the odor was..
But he's going to go along with the new theory of Pizza rotting in the car?Okay ,but didnt they find that there was NO PIZZA in the box..just EMPTY pizza boxes? Now how is an empty pizza box going to cause that odor and maggots....?

First...not a defense. I do not defend anything Casey has done.

Assume that both George and Cindy know what a dead human body smells like. Cindy is not near the car when George checks the trunk, but George is clearly fearful it might be Caylee or even Casey.

George checks the trunk and sees there is no body but there is a bag of garbage. Through the bag liner he sees a pizza box. George never opens the bag and inspects the box. It is reasonable, IMHO, for him to take a mental leap that the garbage and specifically the pizza are the source of the smell. After all, he has no reason to believe at that time that Caylee has been harmed, much less dead. Besides, George probably had no idea what a decomposing pizza smelled like.

After the car is driven home, it falls under Cindy's possession. Again, she smells a dead body, but there is no dead body. George says they found a bag of trash with pizza in it, and maggots on the bag. That must have been it. After all, Cindy has no reason to believe at that time that Caylee has been harmed, much less dead.

IMHO, neither of them knew the odor in the car was important evidence until LE later connected some dots and decided to tow the car in. From that point on they may have obstructed justice via their interviews, statements, and actions. But on day one (not from day one), I believe their actions to be innocent.
First...not a defense. I do not defend anything Casey has done.

Assume that both George and Cindy know what a dead human body smells like. Cindy is not near the car when George checks the trunk, but George is clearly fearful it might be Caylee or even Casey.

George checks the trunk and sees there is no body but there is a bag of garbage. Through the bag liner he sees a pizza box. George never opens the bag and inspects the box. It is reasonable, IMHO, for him to take a mental leap that the garbage and specifically the pizza are the source of the smell. After all, he has no reason to believe at that time that Caylee has been harmed, much less dead. Besides, George probably had no idea what a decomposing pizza smelled like.

After the car is driven home, it falls under Cindy's possession. Again, she smells a dead body, but there is no dead body. George says they found a bag of trash with pizza in it, and maggots on the bag. That must have been it. After all, Cindy has no reason to believe at that time that Caylee has been harmed, much less dead.

IMHO, neither of them knew the odor in the car was important evidence until LE later connected some dots and decided to tow the car in. From that point on they may have obstructed justice via their interviews, statements, and actions. But on day one (not from day one), I believe their actions to be innocent.

Exactly! That was well put.
I have been doing advanced searches and reading for hours. Interesting and now I wonder if the computer searches were strictly intended for Caylee as we have assumed. Maybe not. Two other people live in that house.:idea:
Assume that both George and Cindy know what a dead human body smells like. Cindy is not near the car when George checks the trunk, but George is clearly fearful it might be Caylee or even Casey.

George checks the trunk and sees there is no body but there is a bag of garbage. Through the bag liner he sees a pizza box. George never opens the bag and inspects the box. It is reasonable, IMHO, for him to take a mental leap that the garbage and specifically the pizza are the source of the smell. After all, he has no reason to believe at that time that Caylee has been harmed, much less dead. Besides, George probably had no idea what a decomposing pizza smelled like.

After the car is driven home, it falls under Cindy's possession. Again, she smells a dead body, but there is no dead body. George says they found a bag of trash with pizza in it, and maggots on the bag. That must have been it. After all, Cindy has no reason to believe at that time that Caylee has been harmed, much less dead.

"I had bad vibes the very first day when I got that car," the little girl's
grandfather George Anthony told investigators on July 24, adding: "I don't
want to believe that I have, have raised someone, and brought someone in
this world that could do something to another person. I don't want to
believe that."

The former cop told police that he was concerned about a familiar odor
wafting from the trunk of his daughter's Pontiac Sunfire. As a former
investigator, he said, he recognized the smell of death.

George Anthony's wife Cindy, who told the media the smell was that of
decomposing pizza, noticed the odor in their daughter's car too, he said in
interviews with detectives.

"After we pulled inside the garage ... her exact words were, 'Jesus Christ
what died?'" George Anthony told police. "That's exactly what she said. But
then she said it in a way, she says, 'George, it was the pizza right?' And I
said, 'Yeah, it was the pizza.'

"And that's what I left it go at that, but, I'm sitting here as the
grandfather, as the father, as George Anthony and as a guy who smelled the
smell before years ago, and you just never forget it. I even stuck my nose
down on it and I'm, I'm concerned."

Forensic tests released last month confirmed that hair found in the trunk of
the vehicle came from a decomposing body. DNA evidence suggests a corpse had
been in the car's trunk.

Their own words say they BOTH KNEW it was a dead body odor...Now this is interesting...
First...not a defense. I do not defend anything Casey has done.

Assume that both George and Cindy know what a dead human body smells like. Cindy is not near the car when George checks the trunk, but George is clearly fearful it might be Caylee or even Casey.

George checks the trunk and sees there is no body but there is a bag of garbage. Through the bag liner he sees a pizza box. George never opens the bag and inspects the box. It is reasonable, IMHO, for him to take a mental leap that the garbage and specifically the pizza are the source of the smell. After all, he has no reason to believe at that time that Caylee has been harmed, much less dead. Besides, George probably had no idea what a decomposing pizza smelled like.

After the car is driven home, it falls under Cindy's possession. Again, she smells a dead body, but there is no dead body. George says they found a bag of trash with pizza in it, and maggots on the bag. That must have been it. After all, Cindy has no reason to believe at that time that Caylee has been harmed, much less dead.

IMHO, neither of them knew the odor in the car was important evidence until LE later connected some dots and decided to tow the car in. From that point on they may have obstructed justice via their interviews, statements, and actions. But on day one (not from day one), I believe their actions to be innocent.

IIRC.......C & G searched their backyard/playhouse BEFORE LE arrived in full force, the night of the 15th......(this in the docs, & been discussed before).

So were they searching for a LIVE Caylee that had been wandering around their backyard for about a month ??........
Their own words say they BOTH KNEW it was a dead body odor...Now this is interesting...

IIRC.......C & G searched their backyard/playhouse BEFORE LE arrived in full force, the night of the 15th......(this in the docs, & been discussed before).

So were they searching for a LIVE Caylee that had been wandering around their backyard for about a month ??........

And now we know there wasnt even any pizza IN the "damn car" ...

All of the above is correct. However, I point all of you again to the sequence of events that day:

George and Cindy drive to the tow yard to retrieve the Pontiac. It is important to remember that neither at that point in time have any idea whatsoever that Caylee is missing. They simply believe Casey has been preventing them from seeing her.

George opens the car door and smells what he believes is human decomposition (and we later learn he was correct.) Mr. Burch smells it too.

George is obviously worried it might be Caylee or even Casey. He asks Mr. Burch to go to the trunk with him. They open the trunk and there is no body, but there is a bag of trash with flies and maggots on it. Mr. Burch says that must be the source of the smell and tosses the bag. George never inspects the garbage to make sure there was a pizza in it - why should he?

IMHO, it is quite reasonable for George to temporarily accept this alternate explanation for the smell because he is not aware that Caylee is missing.

Progressing with the sequence of events, George drives the car home, puts it in the garage, and disconnects the battery just in case his daughter shows up and tries to drive it away. Cindy comments on the smell being that of something dead. George says there was a bag of garbage in the trunk with a pizza in it and that the bag had maggots and flies on it. Cindy asks if it was the pizza and George says it was. Again, a reminder that to this point neither knows Caylee is missing.

I can imagine George then saying a few things about how irresponsible Casey had become to abandon a perfectly good vehicle, never tell her parents about it, and on top of all that leave a bag of rotting garbage in the trunk while the car sat in the hot Florida sun for two weeks.

The two try to air out the car while it is parked in the garage, and I believe they try to clean it. First they spray the bugs in the trunk with pesticide, which may have been manufactured with chloroform as a solvent. Then they vacuum out the dead bugs and other debris. They try to clean the stain in the trunk, which they believe came from the trash bag. They may have used their portable steam cleaner to do this. They may have used dry cleaning fluid to do this which, by the way, has chloroform as an ingredient.

Cindy cleans out the interior, seeing Casey's slacks, noticing the smell, and tossing them in the wash. Remember, they are trying to clean a stinking car their daughter abandoned and they had to "bail out" for several hundred dollars. They still do not have any clue Caylee is missing.

Cindy texts Casey, gets a response, texts her back, gets another response. No idea what was in that exchange. George takes off for work.

Cindy continues going through the car and runs across Amy's resume. Apparently Cindy's text exchange earlier with Casey did not satisfy the question(s) she had, so she calls Amy and asks her to take her to Casey.

During the ride over Cindy complains about Casey. IIRC it ran the gamut of her stealing, lying, not letting them see Casey. They arrive at Tony's, get Casey, and drive back to Ric's to drop Amy off.

Now Cindy wants some answers. She is angry and confused, and Casey is not giving her a story that makes sense. They drive to a police station, and from the parking lot Cindy makes the first 911 call. She also calls George. George calls Lee and asks him to head over to their house to help Cindy get to the bottom of whatever is going on. Cindy drives back to the home with Casey - Lee is already there.

Cindy makes a second 911 call. Continues trying to talk to Casey and get some answers. George heads home from work. Cindy leaves the room and Lee tries talking to her. It is then that Casey mentions the kidnapping story which Cindy overhears. She rushes in, gets more information from Casey, and goes into a panic. I submit that this is the point where Cindy first puts two and two together.

She calls 911 again, this time mentioning the car smell and missing baby, and George happens to walk in on the call.

I do not view their cleaning of the call earlier as anything but innocent given they were not working with all the facts. If they hid the fact they cleaned the car in later LE interviews, that is obstruction. But the act itself was not.
On Nancy Grace tonight they posted on the screen some of the websites that were found on the computer. Here they are:

I have tried to no avail to located the document released by LE (presumably the Sept. 26 dump) that shows the above list. Does anyone have a specific link to the file with that list in it?

PS - I believe the list above was copied from a Nancy Grace transcript. I am trying to locate the official document from which NG grabbed that list.

IIRC.......C & G searched their backyard/playhouse BEFORE LE arrived in full force, the night of the 15th......(this in the docs, & been discussed before).

So were they searching for a LIVE Caylee that had been wandering around their backyard for about a month ??........

This is not true. The police arrive during the final call on the 15th. They do not bring cadaver dogs until the 18th, they knew something was horribly wrong and their daugther was withhold information... they looked at the yard and house between the time of arrest and the cadaver dogs. Their granddaughter was missing, I just don't find that to be incriminating behavior.
I have tried to no avail to located the document released by LE (presumably the Sept. 26 dump) that shows the above list. Does anyone have a specific link to the file with that list in it?

PS - I believe the list above was copied from a Nancy Grace transcript. I am trying to locate the official document from which NG grabbed that list.


IIRC, we have never seen the offical document. I'm not sure why or how Nancy Grace got it.
First...not a defense. I do not defend anything Casey has done.

Assume that both George and Cindy know what a dead human body smells like. Cindy is not near the car when George checks the trunk, but George is clearly fearful it might be Caylee or even Casey.

George checks the trunk and sees there is no body but there is a bag of garbage. Through the bag liner he sees a pizza box. George never opens the bag and inspects the box. It is reasonable, IMHO, for him to take a mental leap that the garbage and specifically the pizza are the source of the smell. After all, he has no reason to believe at that time that Caylee has been harmed, much less dead. Besides, George probably had no idea what a decomposing pizza smelled like.

After the car is driven home, it falls under Cindy's possession. Again, she smells a dead body, but there is no dead body. George says they found a bag of trash with pizza in it, and maggots on the bag. That must have been it. After all, Cindy has no reason to believe at that time that Caylee has been harmed, much less dead.

IMHO, neither of them knew the odor in the car was important evidence until LE later connected some dots and decided to tow the car in. From that point on they may have obstructed justice via their interviews, statements, and actions. But on day one (not from day one), I believe their actions to be innocent.

In the statement given by the guy at the impound (manager?), he says George and he opened the door of the car and smelled something awful, they discussed opening the trunk to find the source and there they found the bag. They checked the bag and the impound guy threw the bag over the fence in the direction of the dumpster. (which was later picked up by police before he could dumpster dive to find it) The impound guy stated that the car smelled similar to a car he'd had on the lot some time before where a guy had killed himself. He had to remove the car from the area due to the odor. He stated the car belonging to the Anthony's has a similar smell (not as strong but similar) and said it "could" be rotted food because each rotted food smells different but he really believed it to be that of a deceased person. George is said to have gotten his wife and came back up with cash and registration (going by another statement by another worker who was female) to get the car. They were frustrated because it was so expensive at first but calmed down after having the process explained to them.

When Cindy called in, she originally stated "dead smell" but then said pizza. That's thrown me since then. But if George didn't talk to her on the way home maybe that sparked the original call? I'm not sure when the 2 guys checked the car but no mention of Cindy being right there with them. I think they must've just talked about it later before she called in the ??2nd time?? and stated it was pizza smell.

The theory sounds quite pheasible to me... Atleast at this point. Though I may have missed something. It takes HOURS to read all the transcripts and I have family around usually prohibiting steady reading.

EDIT: Thanks Bisaillon, didn't see that post when I posted this (apologies). That makes sense, he pretty much was trying to convince himself and his wife it was pizza (subconsciously convincing, I'm thinking). Going by his first statement there and then when he answers her.

Wasn't Baez on Nancy Grace show? He's been on quite a few shows from my understanding. I just don't watch them all. I watched him in the emergency hearing clip at myfoxorlando (about 3 to 4 hrs long). Honestly, he bothers me, so I just try to not watch him unless I have to. I have no clue why Nancy Grace would have it.

Could Casey have been looking for someone in the sex sites? Someone she'd talked with at a party? I tried to visit one but it's a little too graphic for me.

I found a site with a nice name-list: through google trying to figure out who Cameron was and why they were going to the funeral. Not sure how accurate the site is but it looks good. Maybe it'll help some of you with your research into understanding.

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