Casey's PC and Related Searches #2

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Lanie - According to AH and the Tattoo parlor, she got the tattoo on July 3rd.

I think that was the beautiful life tattoo. I was wondering about the tattoo before that. Thanks, though.
Casey had no money. She was stealing from friends and family. IMO that is circumstantial evidence she was not a prostitute.

ITA and still do not think she was working as an Escort.
ITA and still do not think she was working as an Escort.

Onelost, I really appreciate your posts. I don't think she made it that far into that type world of an escort, it just doesn't seem so with the information we have heard. But then again how many people tell about that stuff? And honestly about this type of living/life? Can't wait for the trial.

Thanks for your posts.
I would imagine that LE could also recover the exact time that each escort site was accessed.

They will be able to rule out who made the searches based on those times.
I have been doing advanced searches and reading for hours. Interesting and now I wonder if the computer searches were strictly intended for Caylee as we have assumed. Maybe not. Two other people live in that house.:idea:

I'm thinking this too...When you really stop and think about it, it's not very hard to physically overpower a two year old. "Shovel" and "neck breaking" and "chloroform" would seem to be overkill.

Is it possible she was plotting against Cindy? Perhaps Cindy told her in March that if she stole any more money she was O-U-T. Maybe she felt that if some sort of "home accident happened" and Cindy was killed, the house and assets would go to good old George who would never kick her out, and wouldn't meddle so much in her life. Then she realizes that no Cindy also equals no babysitter, so maybe she was going to stage a home invasion where someone kills Cindy and kidnaps Caylee? Then she would be free of the two main "weights" that are tying her down, and on top of that, everyone will say "Oh, poor Casey" and "Oh, poor George", and lavish attention on them - and money and casseroles, and everything else we tend to do when someone loses a loved one.

I'm not saying it was something she was planning...maybe just something she was fantasizing about....
Then on the 15th Cindy discovers that KC stole money from grandma. CA hits the ceiling!! You are cut off!, she says. I am not giving you another dime! I'm not putting gas in your car, I'm not giving you spending money, I'm done with you! Fine! says KC...we'll leave and you'll never see Caylee again...Wrong! says Cindy. If you move out and take that baby away, I'll have you arrested on theft and fraud charges. Then no judge in his right mind would give you custody!

Well that's it. Now she is in an untenable situation. She can't stay because CA is making her life a living hell in her eyes, and all the controlling b.s. is literally driving her insane. She can't leave because secretly she has no job and no money anway, and couldn't support Caylee on her own, and if she tries to take Caylee she's going to jail. The only option Cindy has left her is to find some friends to crash with - and leave Caylee with CA. Casey would never let Cindy have that satisfaction and she's flaming mad that Caylee is usurping her role as the family princess while she is being tossed aside. What happens next is the result of a slow angry burn against Cindy, Caylee and their bond that has been building for nearly three years. She feels no guilt, because in her own mind, CA pushed her to this breaking point. She painted her into this corner and left her no other way out....

First...not a defense. I do not defend anything Casey has done.

Assume that both George and Cindy know what a dead human body smells like. Cindy is not near the car when George checks the trunk, but George is clearly fearful it might be Caylee or even Casey.

George checks the trunk and sees there is no body but there is a bag of garbage. Through the bag liner he sees a pizza box. George never opens the bag and inspects the box. It is reasonable, IMHO, for him to take a mental leap that the garbage and specifically the pizza are the source of the smell. After all, he has no reason to believe at that time that Caylee has been harmed, much less dead. Besides, George probably had no idea what a decomposing pizza smelled like.

After the car is driven home, it falls under Cindy's possession. Again, she smells a dead body, but there is no dead body. George says they found a bag of trash with pizza in it, and maggots on the bag. That must have been it. After all, Cindy has no reason to believe at that time that Caylee has been harmed, much less dead.

IMHO, neither of them knew the odor in the car was important evidence until LE later connected some dots and decided to tow the car in. From that point on they may have obstructed justice via their interviews, statements, and actions. But on day one (not from day one), I believe their actions to be innocent.

But GA was very clear to the FBI that he thought it was the smell of a decomposing body--that after he arrived home, CA said, that smell it's the rotting pizza right? And GA told the fbi he said yes to placate CA NOT because he actually thought it was rotting pizza.
..... but look at all the escort services. The one that interest me the most would not pull up when I tried.

That one is Ummm!

Cameron is roomie of Tony--who worked at Fusion. Does the feultra have anything to do with Fusion Ultra?????? Was there possibly an escort service connected to this lounge?

This may have long ago been answered, I'm still way at the beginning of this thread. I did a search, so do forgive me if it's been answered.

cameron gfe ultra

GFE is an acronym for "Girl Friend Experience" ("Affection" oriented escort) - found on Urban Dictionary.

It's not really important to the case itself, just thought I'd point out [if it hasn't been already] that this particular site isn't connected to Fusion.
This may have long ago been answered, I'm still way at the beginning of this thread. I did a search, so do forgive me if it's been answered.

cameron gfe ultra

GFE is an acronym for "Girl Friend Experience" ("Affection" oriented escort) - found on Urban Dictionary.

It's not really important to the case itself, just thought I'd point out [if it hasn't been already] that this particular site isn't connected to Fusion.

Wasn't Cameron (TL's roommate) just added to the witness list? If this is true and he has something to do with this escort service, could this have something to do with him being added to the witness list? I just don't know...
I'm thinking this too...When you really stop and think about it, it's not very hard to physically overpower a two year old. "Shovel" and "neck breaking" and "chloroform" would seem to be overkill.

Is it possible she was plotting against Cindy? Perhaps Cindy told her in March that if she stole any more money she was O-U-T. Maybe she felt that if some sort of "home accident happened" and Cindy was killed, the house and assets would go to good old George who would never kick her out, and wouldn't meddle so much in her life. Then she realizes that no Cindy also equals no babysitter, so maybe she was going to stage a home invasion where someone kills Cindy and kidnaps Caylee? Then she would be free of the two main "weights" that are tying her down, and on top of that, everyone will say "Oh, poor Casey" and "Oh, poor George", and lavish attention on them - and money and casseroles, and everything else we tend to do when someone loses a loved one.

I'm not saying it was something she was planning...maybe just something she was fantasizing about....
Then on the 15th Cindy discovers that KC stole money from grandma. CA hits the ceiling!! You are cut off!, she says. I am not giving you another dime! I'm not putting gas in your car, I'm not giving you spending money, I'm done with you! Fine! says KC...we'll leave and you'll never see Caylee again...Wrong! says Cindy. If you move out and take that baby away, I'll have you arrested on theft and fraud charges. Then no judge in his right mind would give you custody!

Well that's it. Now she is in an untenable situation. She can't stay because CA is making her life a living hell in her eyes, and all the controlling b.s. is literally driving her insane. She can't leave because secretly she has no job and no money anway, and couldn't support Caylee on her own, and if she tries to take Caylee she's going to jail. The only option Cindy has left her is to find some friends to crash with - and leave Caylee with CA. Casey would never let Cindy have that satisfaction and she's flaming mad that Caylee is usurping her role as the family princess while she is being tossed aside. What happens next is the result of a slow angry burn against Cindy, Caylee and their bond that has been building for nearly three years. She feels no guilt, because in her own mind, CA pushed her to this breaking point. She painted her into this corner and left her no other way out....


Very plausible! From what we know...a most valid scenario.

I just recently watched the entire GA FBI interview. There was a definite "us" against "her" flavor in his descriptions of the escalating KC problems. When he describes things that happen (like the towing of the car) he imitates CA's response: "You have GOT to be KIDDING me", CA says... "No, I am not kidding you" he replies. He used this "You have GOT to be kidding me" statement by CA over the gas can theft too. GA was obviously furious over these things and CA did not want to lose him after convincing him to come home...she wanted to show KC that she was united with GA in his anger! So CA was throwing down the gauntlet and ready to show the Princess the door. Tough love was the tipping point.

I think you are right, Irish...that KC would have loved to have the house to herself..that was her fantasy. She was HOPING her parents would stay separated and that the house would "become" hers!
KC was caught in this triangle with her parents...and something finally happened that had been simmering ...Caylee might have innocently stated that she loved Nana...or wanted thing...oops...child "no more". KC might have actually have been desirous of breaking a bigger person's neck but the little person was easier and more accessible.
Very plausible! From what we know...a most valid scenario.

I just recently watched the entire GA FBI interview. There was a definite "us" against "her" flavor in his descriptions of the escalating KC problems. When he describes things that happen (like the towing of the car) he imitates CA's response: "You have GOT to be KIDDING me", CA says... "No, I am not kidding you" he replies. He used this "You have GOT to be kidding me" statement by CA over the gas can theft too. GA was obviously furious over these things and CA did not want to lose him after convincing him to come home...she wanted to show KC that she was united with GA in his anger! So CA was throwing down the gauntlet and ready to show the Princess the door. Tough love was the tipping point.

I think you are right, Irish...that KC would have loved to have the house to herself..that was her fantasy. She was HOPING her parents would stay separated and that the house would "become" hers!
KC was caught in this triangle with her parents...and something finally happened that had been simmering ...Caylee might have innocently stated that she loved Nana...or wanted thing...oops...child "no more". KC might have actually have been desirous of breaking a bigger person's neck but the little person was easier and more accessible.
It was always my first thought after reading allot in the first few days, that KC wanted her parents 'gone'...........and be free with the house and use Amy as a nanny................a make believe world...............IMO
But GA was very clear to the FBI that he thought it was the smell of a decomposing body--that after he arrived home, CA said, that smell it's the rotting pizza right? And GA told the fbi he said yes to placate CA NOT because he actually thought it was rotting pizza.

But GA was speaking to the FBI several days after the incident. Hind sight is 20-20!! One can never ignore the heat of the moment.


1. George had to have felt extreme relief at not finding a body but finding a garbage bag instead.

2. George had no reason to believe Caylee was missing.

Those facts can play tricks with the brain.
But GA was speaking to the FBI several days after the incident. Hind sight is 20-20!! One can never ignore the heat of the moment.


1. George had to have felt extreme relief at not finding a body but finding a garbage bag instead.

2. George had no reason to believe Caylee was missing.

Those facts can play tricks with the brain.

I do wonder if he had a feeling since he was talking to Simon Burch about his daughter keeps telling a bunch of lies. Now I admit most parents don't want to believe so they may blow things off but I wonder if deep in his mind he still wondered. Probably not but he knew something was up and I'm not sure how much discussion of Caylee was going on but I bet they were asking where she was.

I also think Irish Eyes has a great theory. I know of a situation where a grandchild was tricked out of the child's parent's custody by the grandparents just because they thought they could do better. They were very protective of the child (the grands were) to the point they would con their own child into giving up custody "Temporarily". In the end the grands threatened the parents that NO ONE would take the child away from them, even though in the beginning the agreement was for the grands to just help with the care while the parents got back on their feet financially. Once they were financially stable the grands refused because the child was 4 and they'd already bonded. Lifelong pain after that for the child and the parents but the grands are happy still except the child has gotten rebellious and suicidal.

But in this case, I think the Grandma (Cindy) was so protective she didn't acknowledge her own daughter to the point the daughter was jealous, especially when first put in jail as Casey repeatedly kept changing the subject with her mom from Caylee to "I want to talk to my boyfriend" (secretly thinking because he cares about me, the real me???). I get that vibe pretty strong.
Usually folks tend to feel that way strongest in their early/mid teens I think but I also think some can have stronger urges than others to have a "partner" to hide under, to show them love.

:waitasec: I'm still very curious as to why she had a connection to those sites.. The date sites, or what have you. Was she planning on working as an escort or was she already? She was a shot girl manager so we know she had some form of a job but she could've been looking for another job or a person. (but like was said, there's others in the house. It could've been someone else.)

Happy New Year.. and I gotta say I like the memorial of Caylee at MyFoxOrlando.. When I think of her I feel strongly I want the truth to come out. Maybe this New Year, just maybe...God bless and hope I've not annoyed any of you. :)

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