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Doesn't everyone love baby smell? :(

Well, he said George said at the memorial that it was a smell of baby sweat (anyone who watched the memorial remember this?). He really focused on the sweat part. That seemed really disturb him. I guess he was wondering how George knew what baby sweat smells like? There are tons of different situations that he could know that from. Maybe it was part of her overall baby smell, who knows. Dr. W turned it into something bad. I think Dr. W. focused exclusively on George knowing it from molesting Caylee. Sick, just sick.
I also find it pitiful that Casey couldn't tell the exact date or even year her parents were married to this Weitz character but in the recent video diary released, she seems to be under the impression the entire month of March is her birthday. Strange behavior for someone who alleges to have been so close with their mother that the mother was confiding within the daughter supposed sexual issues troubling the marriage and from a girl both "Doctor" and "patient" claim need perfection in their life.

Has another video been released besides the first one and the nine second "teaser" of the second one? Any information provided would me much appreciated and TIA. I've been at my internship straight for the past couple of days and am so not caught up.

Thanks AZ, you are correct, of course. Here's an interesting take on the subject if anyone is interested:

From the article written in 2003 comes this gem:

"Some could confuse narcissistic personality disorder with pathological lying, but in the former "lies are told mainly for self-aggrandizement, and this is often obvious to the audience," he pointed out."

Sorry, but I disagree. People with personality disorders, especially Narcissistic PD, lie because they CAN. Doesn't matter whether the lie is "obvious", as the term " obvious" is quite subjective!!!
What's obvious to US about Lying FCA was not obvious to the brain dead jury.
Has another video been released besides the first one and the nine second "teaser" of the second one? Any information provided would me much appreciated and TIA. I've been at my internship straight for the past couple of days and am so not caught up.

Not that I am aware of. I was referring to the creepy black and white video with the blond bob, crazy eyes and rectangular glasses from the Ohio pictures. She complains she'll be "there" for quite a time. Then she goes on to guess how long hoping to get off probation sooner than sentenced. She goes on to guess; "March... my birthday...?" :crazy:
Not that I am aware of. I was referring to the creepy black and white video with the blond bob, crazy eyes and rectangular glasses from the Ohio pictures. She complains she be "there" for quite a time. Then she goes on to guess how long hoping to get off probation sooner than sentenced. She goes on to guess; "March... my birthday...?" :crazy:

Ok. The one with the imaginary dog that she "adopted" but someone has to bring the dog over because it apparently doesn't live with her. So weird. Thank you. Things have been moving so quickly for the past week I can barely keep up. Seems like every time I turn around there is a new development.
:floorlaugh: I love the term pathological blamer :great:

KC is not only a pathological liar, she is a pathological blamer, a pathological excuser as well as, a pathological victim.

She is so unluckly, everything has gone wrong for her and everyone else is to blame ... always, everytime, without fail.

There is always an excuse. KC has honed her life skills on making excuses to CA :banghead:
Well, he said George said at the memorial that it was a smell of baby sweat (anyone who watched the memorial remember this?). He really focused on the sweat part. That seemed really disturb him. I guess he was wondering how George knew what baby sweat smells like? There are tons of different situations that he could know that from. Maybe it was part of her overall baby smell, who knows. Dr. W turned it into something bad. I think Dr. W. focused exclusively on George knowing it from molesting Caylee. Sick, just sick.

They do live in Florida. Summers are hooooottttt. People sweat. Even kids. Does the Good Doctor not realize that? Does he have kids? Could he not know that a kid could be playing outside, her playhouse, and be sweaty and climb up in her grandpa's lap. I know how sweaty kids smell. This man is a sicko, IMHO. I know there are mental health people who FOCUS on sexual abuse and an answer to all. Whether real or not. My DD saw a therapist for awhile for issues relating to her dad....not sexual issues but rejection issues....but this man was hell bent on saying she had been sexually abused. She kept saying no...that's not it. She never brought anything related to sexual issues...but HE put it out there and then insisted it was true. She was like, WTH????? Needless to say, she changed therapist.
From the article written in 2003 comes this gem:

"Some could confuse narcissistic personality disorder with pathological lying, but in the former "lies are told mainly for self-aggrandizement, and this is often obvious to the audience," he pointed out."

Sorry, but I disagree. People with personality disorders, especially Narcissistic PD, lie because they CAN. Doesn't matter whether the lie is "obvious", as the term " obvious" is quite subjective!!!
What's obvious to US about Lying FCA was not obvious to the brain dead jury.


I am still trying to understand how they can find her guilty on 4 counts of lying to police after listening to how she lied incessantly, and yet, believe everything that she said? :waitasec:
If nothing else these depos show that OCA has These docs interviewed her less than 2 months before the trial and she was still lying about her job ("created websites for friends"), graduating HS, lack of family support, blah blah. She is a dangerous nutjob! It becomes clearer and clearer to me that she purposely murdered her daughter for her own gain.
OMG - this is so obvious it should have hit him over the head.

p. 49 talking about another test he administered to FCA - the Traumatic Sympton Inventory - a procedure like the MMPI. Similar except with only a hundred content items. The difference is the items tend to focus on a variety of areas linked with - potentially linked with stress events or incidents.

OK. Why oh why was he so ready to believe that a stress incident was FCA being molested by GA? Why could he not have seen the logical conclusion that the stress event was her murdering her daughter?

Oh wait...he was a paid gun for the defense. That's why

What does "FCA" stand for/mean? I've looked in the other threads but couldn't find this one..... TIA.

I am still trying to understand how they can find her guilty on 4 counts of lying to police after listening to how she lied incessantly, and yet, believe everything that she said? :waitasec:

I don't think the jury believed her, I think Cindy and George's testimony (along with Lee's bizarre emotional moment on the stand) made them feel like there was no solid ground to stand on. I posted about this during the trial, that all of the Anthony's lying and odd behavior was subverting any gains the prosecution was making (and that it may spell trouble in the end). But I thought LDB's terrific closing argument had overcome the Anthony's collective insanity and attempts to sabotage the process. Unfortunately it didn't.
If nothing else these depos show that OCA has These docs interviewed her less than 2 months before the trial and she was still lying about her job ("created websites for friends"), graduating HS, lack of family support, blah blah. She is a dangerous nutjob! It becomes clearer and clearer to me that she purposely murdered her daughter for her own gain.

Yes ... obviously CA and KC are interchangeable in that they both stick to their guns on the mistruths and half truths and both work hard to improve on the lies, to fill in the blanks and, address the flaws that are revealed.

KC worked hard for ~3 years to improve her story and while it does not pass the initial sniff test -- if she worked as hard to 'work' for real versus lie to 'not work' she'd be successful and productive and not be in this place.

Bizarre. Never seen someone work so hard to stick with lies -- especially when many are moot, a given, a waste. She is so defiant she sticks to her guns no matter what the cost.

If she was to concede some more blatant lies she might get some cover on others but since she is so stubborn even when called out on it -- it is silly.

I remember at the Universal LE interview when they did call her out on some lies and pointed out why there were lies and there was no getting around that -- KC still used those lies as if they were still valid.

I guess it worked with CA and KC snowballed her so it must work for everyone else .... right?
Well, yes and no.
I think the tables should be turned on all of the grifters. They played the entire world. Now I think somebody should answer. What better way than to try to hold the "real" killer accountable? It could get very interesting. You would see a blood bath.

Can anybody reconcile why KC seems to stick up for Cindy more than she does George? KC stated in a depo that her mother called her a *advertiser censored* and didn't take action when KC supposedly told her about situations that took place at home that would call for help. Who can make this stuff up? How would KC think to throw that comment into the story? I suppose it's possible but :waitasec:. Then, Cindy states in her depo that there were never any problems in the home prior to Caylee's birth. We know KC took checks from Lee and about the high school graduation confusion. Those are big issues to me. Examples abound of Cindy minimizing, passing blame, denying, excusing and sticking her head in the sand.

When the family was discussing finding the Pontiac in the towyard issue, Cindy asked, 'why didn't she pick up the car?' I don't know who 'she' is but I can't reconcile, that in order for her to ask that question, Cindy must have had prior insight to an overall plan that didn't go the way it was intended to play out. Therefore, at that point, Cindy must have been involved in some kind of a coverup and not thinking that KC and Caylee were out of town for KC's 'work'. I've been unable to forget the small details that keep me wondering who knew what when and why, etc.

The three of them are knee deep in coverups imo.
KC is a product of crazy and not simply a stand alone crazy imo.
The whole group of experts allowed them to remain above the law by not digging deeper into their confusing testimony and phony stories.

There just isn't an answer. These people are all crazy. I am almost to the point where I would actually like to see a reality show with them all in a Therapy House with honest to goodness verified, qualified professionals. OMG. I am most sure the show would run for years..... I think this family is the mental health professional's dream...or nightmare.
I do think KC borrows snippets from other folks life experiences or stories to embellish her own to add credibility.

She does often say things that sound plausible but I think it is because she came across something and added it to her story to embellish it. We do see many examples of this.

It is crazy in a cunning sort of way.
Oh *snort*

Dr. W first depo...p. 101

Dr. W: ,,, there is something about – I know that there is something about that she had two seizures. She indicated in 2008 that there was some evaluation by a neurologist. There were no physical signs. She had two outside of her time while incarcerated, I guess, in jail.
Something that she fell at the court – that she fell at the courthouse. So I’m checking out some medical information. I mean, we cover a lot of different things, but these were areas, the seizure issues and the fact that she fell at the courthouse and there were two seizure that she identified were of concern.....

I am feeling a little embarrassed for the Good Doctor. Doesn’t he realize she fell at the courthouse because SHE WAS SHACKLED. LOLOLOLOL.
God bless that little chain and elevator entrance. She was playing him like a fiddle. I sure wish Linda had had a chance to cross him on all these er... mistruths. That would have been a sight to see!
Casey can pretty much control Cindy, get Cindy to do what she wants. George is stumbling block for Casey to have full control.

Cindy however is one of those people who have to project that they live in a house with a white picket fence and that "Leave it to Beaver" home. Cindy takes this to a new level.
GA, a man in his 50's, is in the middle of a life situation where his daughter is accused of killing his granddaughter. What does he do?
He gets both of his ears pierced and parades around with 'diamonds' in both lobes. :waitasec:

Why then is it a surprise that when KC shows up again on video, after escaping a life or death sentence for killing her daughter,
one of the first things she does is to get her nose pierced. :waitasec:

There are no words.

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