Casey's Psych Evals unsealed

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According to Casey she says that there were no half or step siblings as I believe is what she or he referred to them as.. But of course that's Casey talking.. Take it FWIW..(to my knowledge there are no other half siblings IMO)

The doctor was talking about George's first marriage and Casey relaying that he had no children from that union...thus she had no half brothers or sisters.

I wonder if it's because that, in fact, IS true. I do wonder if LA fiddled her boobies a few times. I do not think anything at all she said about GA was true, I dont believe LA did anything other than cop a feel, I think she did tell CA and CA might have said something like that.

now, this is where I freely admit I might be projecting my own life experiences onto OCA or something she claimed. I did have a situation that I did tell my mother about who did counter it with her synopsis that I was, in fact, a lying *advertiser censored*.

my point being I know it's quite possible that mothers do, indeed, say things like these. however a similar issue is outlined in a V. C. andrews book that OCA may well have pulled it from ...!!

but...between the "*advertiser censored*" tossed in there, with the fact that before caylee was murdered OCA was already telling people this about LA, and let's face it, LA's C!M!A! crap was EXCEEDINGLY bizarre....I do wonder if there were boobies fondled.

Yes, there could have been boobies fondled. IMO that alone wouldn't result in PSTD or the like. It would explain a cool down in their relationship tho. To clarify what I meant is that I think it must have been true that Cindy accused KC of being a *advertiser censored* because who could make that up? Then, as you point out, it's written in a book so KC may have drawn from that. But, if it happened to you, then why couldn't it have happened to KC?

It's difficult for me to imagine a mother responding to a daughter like that - that alone would have traumatized me I think (more than a bro trying to fondle my *advertiser censored*). I'm unable to understand a response like that from a mother. Obviously, if true, Cindy couldn't wrap her brain around the possibility of Lee having bad behavior. That would have been the time to have a family meeting and address the issue head on and call everyone out and discuss boundaries, etc. We know they don't seem to have any boundaries. If the scenario is true as told by KC, I don't blame her for being resentful as it was Cindy's job to respond appropriately and face the possibility that her son went there. Instead she threw Casey a dagger to her heart.
According to Casey she says that there were no half or step siblings as I believe is what she or he referred to them as.. But of course that's Casey talking.. Take it FWIW..(to my knowledge there are no other half siblings IMO)

The doctor was talking about George's first marriage and Casey relaying that he had no children from that union...thus she had no half brothers or sisters.

This is another vague point. In the depo the Doctor says something like KC believed there are no step children. Step children are different than having a half brother or sister and finding out about him or her when you're 12-14.

I know Dr. Drew spoke directly to GA's first wife but, come to think of it, I'm not sure we ever explored if GA had a child with her. Anyway, I found it interesting that the Doctor just sort of glossed over that and didn't bother to find out for sure considering that the history of development is considered to be important. If GA could dismiss a whole other child, then another child could make other assumptions about their own worth from knowing a fact like that imo.
Just saw that Casey's evaluations will be the topic on Levi Page show tonight 9 pm EST.
I absoltely understand and agree with you that how could they not see the glaring discrepancies that Casey states from her own mouth.. But it is clearly obvious that I didn't just come up with this belief on my own.. See for yourself here's the post I referred to in stating that there are people who believe her boatload and that their opinion is that he Pinellas 12 will be happy about these docs.. I know hard to believe.. It is for me too.. But it's true..<BBM the portion regarding the jury.. But it's all relevant to this discussion>

Therefor this further leads me to believe its entirely POSSIBLE that the Pinellas 12 would have believed as well..
Huh?!...Danziger did meet Casey very early on.
Nah, I'm going to go with my gut feeling. And I hope they're stewing royally in their guilt.
This is another vague point. In the depo the Doctor says something like KC believed there are no step children. Step children are different than having a half brother or sister and finding out about him or her when you're 12-14.

I know Dr. Drew spoke directly to GA's first wife but, come to think of it, I'm not sure we ever explored if GA had a child with her. Anyway, I found it interesting that the Doctor just sort of glossed over that and didn't bother to find out for sure considering that the history of development is considered to be important. If GA could dismiss a whole other child, then another child could make other assumptions about their own worth from knowing a fact like that imo.

I think it was just Casey using big words she didn't step-children or half-sibling. Seriously. She and family don't seem to know how or when to use the appropriate words....
So Casey tells the shrinks that she was sound asleep and George barged into her room about 9am and yelled that the baby was missing. But wasn't there cell phone evidence that she had already been texting and stuff earlier that morning?

This was her activity on the morning of June 16th.

Texting activity with TL from the night before until 3:22 am
7:45am Home phone calls KC's cell, KC calls voicemail
8:03am KC sends IMS to w/witeplayboi
8:46am KC texts TL
9:27am KC uploads to Photobucket on the home computer
11:47am TL calls KC for 11 minutes
12:53pm KC tests TL
1pm to 1:26 TL on the phone with KC
1:26pm KC tests Jesse
1:27pm KC texts Jesse
1:44pm KC calls Amy and talks for 36 minutes
2:52pm Jesse calls KC and talks for 12 minutes
GA reported to work at 3pm that day.

Must have been really, really hard to hold her dead child in her arms and text, too. Maybe the reason she did not call 911 was because she was too busy texting. Why wasn't this presented as evidence, or was it???? jmo
I'm wondering something. We all know Baez's OS at trial was different than what Casey told Weitz and Danziger. What if the reason Baez stopped Danziger from telling the prosecution about GA and CA's version of events was because their version matched what Baez was actually going to say in court, so he didn't want the prosecution hearing that version? I think the DT and the A's worked together all along, and Baez probably told them before the deposition what Casey had said, and they sat down together, or just Baez and Cindy, and came up with the version that was heard in court in Baez's OS. Why they would let Danziger look at it, I don't know, but what other explanation could there be? And apparently Weitz never looked at it as it never came up with him. I wonder why it was only with Danziger and not Weitz?
This was her activity on the morning of June 16th.

Texting activity with TL from the night before until 3:22 am
7:45am Home phone calls KC's cell, KC calls voicemail
8:03am KC sends IMS to w/witeplayboi
8:46am KC texts TL
9:27am KC uploads to Photobucket on the home computer
11:47am TL calls KC for 11 minutes
12:53pm KC tests TL
1pm to 1:26 TL on the phone with KC
1:26pm KC tests Jesse
1:27pm KC texts Jesse
1:44pm KC calls Amy and talks for 36 minutes
2:52pm Jesse calls KC and talks for 12 minutes
GA reported to work at 3pm that day.

Must have been really, really hard to hold her dead child in her arms and text, too. Maybe the reason she did not call 911 was because she was too busy texting. Why wasn't this presented as evidence, or was it???? jmo
I hope Dr. W has seen this little tidbit - you know - just so he realizes he was doped and should seriously consider changing professions!
This was her activity on the morning of June 16th.

Texting activity with TL from the night before until 3:22 am
7:45am Home phone calls KC's cell, KC calls voicemail
8:03am KC sends IMS to w/witeplayboi
8:46am KC texts TL
9:27am KC uploads to Photobucket on the home computer
11:47am TL calls KC for 11 minutes
12:53pm KC tests TL
1pm to 1:26 TL on the phone with KC
1:26pm KC tests Jesse
1:27pm KC texts Jesse
1:44pm KC calls Amy and talks for 36 minutes
2:52pm Jesse calls KC and talks for 12 minutes
GA reported to work at 3pm that day.

Must have been really, really hard to hold her dead child in her arms and text, too. Maybe the reason she did not call 911 was because she was too busy texting. Why wasn't this presented as evidence, or was it???? jmo

bbm there was a call immediately after Jesse's - GA called FCA - 26 second call. I have always wondered what that might have been.
This was her activity on the morning of June 16th.

Texting activity with TL from the night before until 3:22 am
7:45am Home phone calls KC's cell, KC calls voicemail
8:03am KC sends IMS to w/witeplayboi
8:46am KC texts TL
9:27am KC uploads to Photobucket on the home computer
11:47am TL calls KC for 11 minutes
12:53pm KC tests TL
1pm to 1:26 TL on the phone with KC
1:26pm KC tests Jesse
1:27pm KC texts Jesse
1:44pm KC calls Amy and talks for 36 minutes
2:52pm Jesse calls KC and talks for 12 minutes
GA reported to work at 3pm that day.

Must have been really, really hard to hold her dead child in her arms and text, too. Maybe the reason she did not call 911 was because she was too busy texting. Why wasn't this presented as evidence, or was it???? jmo

we should add her computer usage to the above..she was too busy talking and texting on her cellphone and on the computer to take care of Caylee IMO...
This is another vague point. In the depo the Doctor says something like KC believed there are no step children. Step children are different than having a half brother or sister and finding out about him or her when you're 12-14.

I know Dr. Drew spoke directly to GA's first wife but, come to think of it, I'm not sure we ever explored if GA had a child with her. Anyway, I found it interesting that the Doctor just sort of glossed over that and didn't bother to find out for sure considering that the history of development is considered to be important. If GA could dismiss a whole other child, then another child could make other assumptions about their own worth from knowing a fact like that imo.

At the time (2008) that the A family background was first being discussed someone asked the first wife on TV about GA and their relationship.... don't remember who it was now, but she said no kids and GA had a problem with lying. That comment was all over the web for a while... plus - what do you expect from an ex-wife etc, but she knew him better than we did!
I hope Dr. W has seen this little tidbit - you know - just so he realizes he was doped and should seriously consider changing professions!

Shame he didn't find out that CA had called her an unfit mother numerous times, before Casey suckered him into believing she was a perfectionist in all things, and "very sensitive to her child"..
Exactly! How does JB and team get away with that??? It seems obvious that she was concocting stories on her own and the her DT changed them to fit their purpose. Is that illegal?
Can anyone tell me what's happening with the Bar Complaints against JB?

The way they get by with it is because it's impossible to prove that JB came up with it on his own. We are supposed to buy that Casey told him what he reiterated in the opening statement in open court - an entirely different scenario than she told police or doctors. No one could ever know. All the information is privileged.
As I thought your request over.. I see that my family member is a lot like Cindy and Casey

Many in the family believe her to be self-centered, a liar, drama queen, she has to be the centre of attention, righteous indignation, she is right you are wrong...she must control..even when confronted about her stories she will not back down or reflect upon it

Yes she married...she has accused him of physical abuse to family and friends.
She bad mouthed her husband and made sure her kids always sided with her against him and they grew up having no respect for the father.

Interestingly, she was a Nanny many many years ago and then worked odd jobs while her kids were growing up

She sees herself as the best mother and grand-mother around no one compares to's all about how great she is..

During the time her kids were growing up most of the family friends tolerated her and ignored what she was saying..but now they have little to no association with her...they have grown tired of her stories and lies..

I have not seen this family member in a very long time because of a verbal confrontation with her...I was going thru some very upsetting issues and she turned it around to make it all about she was suffering over it....

I feel you. We've had one in our family. She passed away from a long bout with cancer and never got nicer or reflected on anything except it was everyone else's fault. sigh. No Hallmark movie endings with these people. We have another in the family as well, but she's just been shut out. The only thing you can do is stay away from poison people like that.
Yes, there could have been boobies fondled. IMO that alone wouldn't result in PSTD or the like.
Respectfully snipped

I think the only way Lee would have touched her tata's is if she asked him to hold them up so she could find the lost pencil....
This was her activity on the morning of June 16th.

Texting activity with TL from the night before until 3:22 am
7:45am Home phone calls KC's cell, KC calls voicemail
8:03am KC sends IMS to w/witeplayboi
8:46am KC texts TL
9:27am KC uploads to Photobucket on the home computer
11:47am TL calls KC for 11 minutes
12:53pm KC tests TL
1pm to 1:26 TL on the phone with KC
1:26pm KC tests Jesse
1:27pm KC texts Jesse
1:44pm KC calls Amy and talks for 36 minutes
2:52pm Jesse calls KC and talks for 12 minutes
GA reported to work at 3pm that day.

Must have been really, really hard to hold her dead child in her arms and text, too. Maybe the reason she did not call 911 was because she was too busy texting. Why wasn't this presented as evidence, or was it???? jmo

IMO the prosecution should have listed this just like you did and put it on a "Jose Board" for the jury to see. It shows KC's world was not turned upside down by an accidental tagedy but by her own design, thus she carried on as usual.
"Although she believed the child was deceased, part of her wanted her daughter to be alive."
WTF does this mean???? Part of her.... I haven't read this whole article, I just can't get past this statement, "part of her" I wonder which PART she's talking about! This, I don't even know what to call her, the word "IT" comes to mind!!! She's sooooo unbelievable!!!
The part that would get her off the murder rap if she could produce a live child- only that part!!!
So she claimed that she was drugged at a party and that's how she became pregnant with Caylee. I have to wonder if she has ever taken responsibility for anything, ever, in her entire life. I buy that story like I buy George was molesting her. I HIGHLY doubt anyone would have had to drug her to get her to sleep with them anyway. UGH. She is a monster.
In my head I really think that the reason we saw Dr. D get kicked to the curb AFTER the first half of his depo on 4/7 but BEFORE he could deliver the final portion of his depo on 4/13.. That final portion just happened to contain ONLY ONE component to his developing his professional opinion.. In using his words, "Cindy and George Anthony's account of 'what happened'".. Jose had even allowed and went along with prosecutions moving forward with taking D's depo that day, even after clearly stating they had chosen to officially remove D from the witness list ALL TOGETHER(and not even use him in the penalty phase).. So, even tho Jose made that clear he still was allowing the depo to continue as Ashton pushed forward with it.. And it was only when D got to those final 3 pages and stated that the remainder of his testimony would be solely on the account of "what happened" according to Cindy and George(who he personally face to face interviewed, where as Weitz tho requesting and expressing much desire to meet face to face with Cindy and George for unknown reasons was never to have that opportunity)

Is it only me who clearly saw that the defenses very own paid lackey seemed to be not so favorable of the defendant for whom he was being paid to evaluate.. And actually was quite vocal in expressing his deep disturbance he had with much of what the defendant had alleged to him(stated he lost sleep, weight, and had taken a toll on him)..his having great concern of having to under oath repeat the allegations against someone quite possibly absolutely innocent of all the heinous crimes(ie. molestation, rape, murder)of which she was alleging.. This was a strong undercurrent throughout his testimony IMO..

And if showing any "allegiance" in his depo IMO it leaned way more heavily toward the prosecution with his continuing to repeat his concerns about various aspects regarding the defendant.. IMO there at the end of the depo he seemed almost elated that he'd had his name removed from the defense's witness list and seemed to be much more communicative with the prosecution.. Especially there at the end in his anxious to detail for them his last 3 pages of notes regarding "what happened" according Cindy and George as they had told him.. He twice stated that their acct of "what happened" was "truly unimaginable"..*

And with that we saw Jose make the adamant demand, not a request but demand to call the judge and he was strongly objecting to the depo going ANY FURTHER AT ALL WITH DR. D..

Why is that?? It was his paid witness what was it that he did not want thoroughly detailed and explained to the prosecution?? As IMO D certainly appeared anxious to detail Cindy and George's "truly unimaginable" account of "what happened".. But equally if not more anxious was Jose Baez to ensure that which the doc so badly was bursting at the seems to detail for the prosecution WAS IMMEDIATELY HALTED AND PROHIBITED FROM GOING EVEN ONE WORD FURTHER WITH THE DR's depo..

What could their details have been that he was wanting to detail and explain to prosecution?? And what could their details have been that had Jose determined would NOT be laid out for the prosecution by Dr. D???

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