Casey's Psych Evals unsealed

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When Casey told the Dr this rape story........was she saying she only had sex that one time (when she was raped)? I wasn't aware the conception time of a pregnancy could be pinpointed to the exact night.

Her having 2 beers and being drugged - more likely she got stupid drunk and just doesn't know what happened.

And who was supposedly molesting her at the time, George and Lee or just Lee? Yet she thought George could've been Caylee's father?

GMAB. More lies. She knows nothing else.
Respectfully snipped

I think the only way Lee would have touched her tata's is if she asked him to hold them up so she could find the lost pencil....

ha! but when she was only 14 or 15, she probably didn't have tatas capable of holding pencils - I know I didn't - ha!

Seriously, what I mean, boys have been known to do those types of things. I don't know if it happened or not but if it did and KC told Cindy and got the response she claims to have gotten, that would be damaging to her psychy.

Personal to me, when I was in sixth grade, a boy tried to rape me in someone elses house. The girl whose house I was in had an older brother and the mom was not home at the time. The older brother had friends over. When I was 12, I looked two years older as I was already almost 5'7" (my grownup height). I began developing when I was 10. Inside I was just a kid but already liked boys that were on my same level. Anyway, this older boy began to forcibly hold me down while trying to pull my pants off. I was kicking and screaming and in total fear. Luckily, the mother came home and rushed to the scene. She grabbed me by my arm, called me *advertiser censored* and basically threw me out of her house. I didn't know what hit me and was devasted and haunted by that experience for years to come.

My father called the parents of the boy to let them know how their son behaved. Beyond that, I don't know what happened. But I know my gf's mother immediately blamed me???? I was a 12 year old girl and the boy was already in high school. What gives? What a misguided fool that woman was. A week or so later, I remember taking my next door neighbor with me to collect my stuff from the now ex friend (I called first to announce I was coming). The mother answered the door and pushed a paper bag at me and knocked me off the three stair porch I had been standing on. Again, I remember hot tears rolling down my cheeks and my neighbor friend was shocked as we bolted out of there as fast as we could. What kind of a grown up was that mother? I lost all contact with the girl as we were already in different schools as she was older than me. Heck, I'm still traumatized when I think of this experience.

My point is, not all grown ups deal with situations fairly and they basically suck. Then their children suck and so on and so on.
Herein ends my therapy session.
IMO the prosecution should have listed this just like you did and put it on a "Jose Board" for the jury to see. It shows KC's world was not turned upside down by an accidental tagedy but by her own design, thus she carried on as usual.

ITA. Why didn't they do that? I can't remember - were KC's phone records provided as evidence? IOW, was this information made available to the jury? (though it would require the jury to actually look at it). If not, anyone know why not?
In my head I really think that the reason we saw Dr. D get kicked to the curb AFTER the first half of his depo on 4/7 but BEFORE he could deliver the final portion of his depo on 4/13.. That final portion just happened to contain ONLY ONE component to his developing his professional opinion.. In using his words, "Cindy and George Anthony's account of 'what happened'".. Jose had even allowed and went along with prosecutions moving forward with taking D's depo that day, even after clearly stating they had chosen to officially remove D from the witness list ALL TOGETHER(and not even use him in the penalty phase).. So, even tho Jose made that clear he still was allowing the depo to continue as Ashton pushed forward with it.. And it was only when D got to those final 3 pages and stated that the remainder of his testimony would be solely on the account of "what happened" according to Cindy and George(who he personally face to face interviewed, where as Weitz tho requesting and expressing much desire to meet face to face with Cindy and George for unknown reasons was never to have that opportunity)

Is it only me who clearly saw that the defenses very own paid lackey seemed to be not so favorable of the defendant for whom he was being paid to evaluate.. And actually was quite vocal in expressing his deep disturbance he had with much of what the defendant had alleged to him(stated he lost sleep, weight, and had taken a toll on him)..his having great concern of having to under oath repeat the allegations against someone quite possibly absolutely innocent of all the heinous crimes(ie. molestation, rape, murder)of which she was alleging.. This was a strong undercurrent throughout his testimony IMO..

And if showing any "allegiance" in his depo IMO it leaned way more heavily toward the prosecution with his continuing to repeat his concerns about various aspects regarding the defendant.. IMO there at the end of the depo he seemed almost elated that he'd had his name removed from the defense's witness list and seemed to be much more communicative with the prosecution.. Especially there at the end in his anxious to detail for them his last 3 pages of notes regarding "what happened" according Cindy and George as they had told him.. He twice stated that their acct of "what happened" was "truly unimaginable"..*

And with that we saw Jose make the adamant demand, not a request but demand to call the judge and he was strongly objecting to the depo going ANY FURTHER AT ALL WITH DR. D..

Why is that?? It was his paid witness what was it that he did not want thoroughly detailed and explained to the prosecution?? As IMO D certainly appeared anxious to detail Cindy and George's "truly unimaginable" account of "what happened".. But equally if not more anxious was Jose Baez to ensure that which the doc so badly was bursting at the seems to detail for the prosecution WAS IMMEDIATELY HALTED AND PROHIBITED FROM GOING EVEN ONE WORD FURTHER WITH THE DR's depo..

What could their details have been that he was wanting to detail and explain to prosecution?? And what could their details have been that had Jose determined would NOT be laid out for the prosecution by Dr. D???

Maybe some semblence of the truth?
Are you reading this Pinelli? (that's the plural of Pinellas) OCA told Weitz that it COULD NOT HAVE BEEN AN ACCIDENT because even Casey couldn't move the ladder. She also told him Caylee could swim.

I thought JA put the good docs on the SA witness list after deposing them. Could he not have called them since the DT withdrew them? This would have been excellent testimony in light of the accident claim.
I love the way she turns the fact that Caylee slept with her IMO because she was too lazy to teach her to sleep on her own into a heroic deed to protect her from bad ole GA.
Why would a doctor say that a situation such as incest was unimaginable anyway? Unfortunately that happens all the time - I don't know the statistics for father to daughter sexual abuse but we know it happens.
What is so truly unimaginable about the possibility of that occurring for a Psychiatrist to fathom? Geesh.
Well, I read the depositions and dismissed everything the Drs said Casey told them. That is irrelevant to me. She lies. Always has. Always will.

What I did find highly entertaining was the interaction between the lawyers. Burdick nailed Mason's ears back a few times (he seemed oblivious that he was being put in his place). Baez was the usual entertaining clown. And after some long-winded arguments objecting to one thing or another, Ashton answered Baez with a simple "No" or "That's just Jose being Jose". Cracked me up. I do have a mild curiosity as to whether her parents feel slightly violated by their evil spawn.
I have to respectfully can the jury NOT see the discrepencies in her "stories"?? Though I would love to hear them explain her lies, I think they're digging themselves even bigger holes now to hide in. IMHO, there's not a hole deep enough.

I don't think so, sadly. Remember, NONE of the jurors listened to the news,or talk radio, nor did they read newspapers or periodicals. They are probably just as clueless now as they were then. imo They do not care what is happening around them. Well, other than what directly affects them like what's for dessert.
I love the way she turns the fact that Caylee slept with her IMO because she was too lazy to teach her to sleep on her own into a heroic deed to protect her from bad ole GA.

And yet we know that George was the one who often watched her in the early mornings and fed her breakfast and helped her get dressed and her diapers changed. So just how 'protective' was she really?
I've read the depositions.

From them, I have learned that:

a) GA may have molested Caylee, after which he murdered her in the pool. Afterward, Caylee was found dead, Casey was blamed, and George said he would "take care of it".

Casey then spent 31 days in denial, wanting/hoping that her daughter was still alive, and within that time period weaved a complex web of lies to explain Caylee's disappearance to everyone who asked. George kept quiet about Caylee's death, and Casey never told anyone the truth about what really happened the day Caylee died--except through her DT at trial.

b) Casey was subjected to repeated sexual abuse by GA that she never told her mother about, which he eventually stopped. Casey never told her mother that her father sexually abused her.

c) LA fondled Casey's breasts until she finally told him to stop. She told her mother, who didn't believe her and called her a *advertiser censored*.

d) Dr. Danziger had a great deal of difficulty reconciling Casey's affect and her seemingly unblemished childhood and adolescence with the severity of the sexual abuse she described, the severity of the crime she was charged with, her description of how her daughter was killed, and her ongoing incarceration. His "puzzlement" came about because the story didn't fit the overall nature of the person.


Casey could have been sexually abused by the males in the household. It is not uncommon for sexual abuse to continue unchecked with the effective concurrence of the adult female in the household who also lives in denial and does not step up to protect her daughter. Casey's ability to "compartmentalize" these events to allow her to function relatively normally to the outside world isn't unprecedented. It seems unlikely, but it isn't impossible.

Why would a young woman who had what appeared to be a well-adjusted life suddenly begin to compulsively lie and steal in the midst of the murder of her daughter?

How could she remain lost in 31 days of denial knowing that Caylee was dead, and that her father may have killed her?

Is it just as possible that the 31 days of denial were obscuring the fact that she killed Caylee herself?


Her story of George's complicity in Caylee's death makes absolutely no sense to me, but at some level, the jury bought it.

There are so many riddles in this case, it absolutely boggles the mind.

I don't think we will ever know the truth, and I think the jury felt the same way. That is why Casey walked. She's impenetrable, unsolvable even--and that has proven to be a very dangerous talent.
IMO the prosecution should have listed this just like you did and put it on a "Jose Board" for the jury to see. It shows KC's world was not turned upside down by an accidental tagedy but by her own design, thus she carried on as usual.

I have always wondered why they never showed that cell and computer the jury. I have always seen it as being so damning. All I could think of is that the DT might have tried to use it as proof that she could not have just killed her child and then downloaded Fusion pictures. The state probably worried that the jury would not believe it was possible for her to be so callous. Especially since the state did not have the exact time of death nailed down.

But how could they? Casey barely ever put her cell down or got off the computer long enough to find a gap in time. It is hard to believe she could have carried on those texting convos and gone to the video store so immediately after such a horrid act.
I've read the depositions.

From them, I have learned that:

a) GA may have molested Caylee, after which he murdered her in the pool. Afterward, Caylee was found dead, Casey was blamed, and George said he would "take care of it".

Casey then spent 31 days in denial, wanting/hoping that her daughter was still alive, and within that time period weaved a complex web of lies to explain Caylee's disappearance to everyone who asked. George kept quiet about Caylee's death, and Casey never told anyone the truth about what really happened the day Caylee died--except through her DT at trial.

b) Casey was subjected to repeated sexual abuse by GA that she never told her mother about, which he eventually stopped. Casey never told her mother that her father sexually abused her.

c) LA fondled Casey's breasts until she finally told him to stop. She told her mother, who didn't believe her and called her a *advertiser censored*.

d) Dr. Danziger had a great deal of difficulty reconciling Casey's affect and her seemingly unblemished childhood and adolescence with the severity of the sexual abuse she described, the severity of the crime she was charged with, her description of how her daughter was killed, and her ongoing incarceration. His "puzzlement" came about because the story didn't fit the overall nature of the person.


Casey could have been sexually abused by the males in the household. It is not uncommon for sexual abuse to continue unchecked with the effective concurrence of the adult female in the household who also lives in denial and does not step up to protect her daughter. Casey's ability to "compartmentalize" these events to allow her to function relatively normally to the outside world isn't unprecedented. It seems unlikely, but it isn't impossible.

Why would a young woman who had what appeared to be a well-adjusted life suddenly begin to compulsively lie and steal in the midst of the murder of her daughter?

How could she remain lost in 31 days of denial knowing that Caylee was dead, and that her father may have killed her?

Is it just as possible that the 31 days of denial were obscuring the fact that she killed Caylee herself?


Her story of George's complicity in Caylee's death makes absolutely no sense to me, but at some level, the jury bought it.

There are so many riddles in this case, it absolutely boggles the mind.

I don't think we will ever know the truth, and I think the jury felt the same way. That is why Casey walked. She's impenetrable, unsolvable even--and that has proven to be a very dangerous talent.

She lied because she was guilty. 101 textbook case. The only riddles came from the family's further lies. They lied because they knew she was guilty. And so the little baby victim did not have a witness.
Sooo OCA was using the fact that GA said "he would take care of things" and "everything woulld be alright" as an excuse for why she acted like she was not worried. Did the doc not know that CA was calling her EVERY DAY wanting to see Caylee. If OCA thought Caylee was OK that would have told her otherwise.
Page 177 second Weitz depo he talks about how Caylee was boisterous and feels that, unlike OCA Caylee would tell if something happened to her and that's why GA murdered her. Um that sounds familiar. Caylee probably WOULD start telling, and that's why OCA murdered her. IMO
This semester I am taking Abnormal Psychology in college. This is a straight-out-of-the-textbook definition of Antisocial Personality Disorder:

"Sometimes described as "psychopaths" or "sociopaths", people with antisocial personality disorder persistently disregard and violate others' rights (APA 2000). Aside from substance-related disorders, this is the disorder most closely linked to adult criminal behavior. Most people with antisocial personality disorder displayed some patterns of misbehavior before they were 15, including truancy, running away, cruelty to animals or people, or destroying property.

Most people with antisocial personality disorder lie repeatedly (Patrick, 2007). Many cannot work consistently at a job; they are absent frequently and are likely to quit their jobs altogether. Usually they are also careless with money and frequently fail to pay their debts. They are often impulsive, taking action without thinking of the consequences (Blair, Mitchell & Blair, 2005). Correspondingly, they may be irritable, aggressive, and quick to start fights. Many travel from place to place.

Recklessness is another common trait: People with antisocial personality disorder have little regard for the safety of others, even their own children. They are self-centered as well, and are likely to have trouble maintaining close relationships. Usually they develop a knack for gaining personal profit at the expense of other people. Because the pain or damage they cause seldom concerns them, clinicians commonly say they lack a moral conscience (Kantor, 2006). They think of their victims as weak and deserving of being conned, robbed, or even physically harmed.

Comer, Ronald J. Fundamentals of Abnormal Psychology, 6th ed (pp 402-403) 2011

Now, tell me this isn't classic FCA. I just have a hard time believing that neither one of those doctors thought FCA was sociopathic. :confused:
In Dr. Weitz's Part I of the depo, part the DT plan becomes clear to me as it is the same as we saw with many of their witnesses. The information Weitz was given to work off of was a CD he was given by the DT, which contained only pp. 2271-2502 of the police reports, and the initial competency psych reports. LDB asks him a few times,

LDB: "Okay. Now let me make this clear in my mind. The CD that had the police reports on them, the pages contained are 2271 through 2502 and nothing else?"

LDB: "But as far as police-generated documents, they were those numbered 2271 through 2502 and nothing else generated by law enforcement on that?" --

around p. 39 of that Part I Weitz depo. Weitz indicates he found out from reading THESE SELECT PAGES GIVEN HIM BY THE DT lots of statements made by lots of people in Ms. Anthony's life, from boyfriends to family members to relatives, whatever.....and the way people perceived her.

Wonder if these pages were some of the "FCA appears to be a good mother, FCA is a good mother", etc., etc. interviews of OTHER PEOPLE....what about when they were interviewing FCA HERSELF??? I really wonder what specific info is in these pages.... sounds like there were thousands of pages of police reports, yet he was given ~230 PAGES ONLY.

this is so characteristic of the DT and their SKEWED WITNESSES, we saw time and time again where they were only given minimal information, Dr. Spitz was given a few photos, etc. before he cracked Caylee's little skull open, etc., so their SKEWED TESTIMONY could be tailored to exactly what the DT wanted.

I find this very interesting, and wonder what exactly was targeted on those ~230 pages the DT gave to Weitz.......

IMO, MOO, etc.

In addition to what you have written-

Dr. W implies that he has learned, through his study of KC's history, that George was a police officer who could/would have covered up Caylee's death. He was pretty proud of that little hypothesis. So proud that he wrote it down to call upon it later-potentially in front of the jury. With no factual/timeline basis to back any of it up. Does he know where George was during the 31 days? His demeanor? Why the Pontiac (KC's car) smelled like a dead body had been in it :waitasec:? Nope, but who cares, right? He was assessing KC's mental health, right?
No-He was enabling, excusing, rewriting, straw-manning, fantisizing, encouraging and humanizing a murderer.

Then, this dude flips out when LDB mentions antisocial personality disorder-Like he saw a ghost in the room, it seemed, because he was trying to avoid, at all costs, admitting that she is a narcissistic (in the clinical way, for the good Doc), antisocial sociopathic PSYCOPATH!

I am not sure how any of this advances the science or puts him in a good light in the eyes of his serious peers, so it has to be the money. Just reading this I admit to being a little shocked how far these witnesses go in skewing their work for a desired outcome (not science)-And since Dr. Spitz is at least 100 years older than Dr. W., I would say he probably is very good at the game.
In addition to what you have written-

Dr. W implies that he has learned, through his study of KC's history, that George was a police officer who could/would have covered up Caylee's death. He was pretty proud of that little hypothesis. So proud that he wrote it down to call upon it later-potentially in front of the jury. With no factual/timeline basis to back any of it up. Does he know where George was during the 31 days? His demeanor? Why the Pontiac (KC's car) smelled like a dead body had been in it :waitasec:? Nope, but who cares, right? He was assessing KC's mental health, right?
No-He was enabling, excusing, rewriting, straw-manning, fantisizing, encouraging and humanizing a murderer.

Then, this dude flips out when LDB mentions antisocial personality disorder-Like he saw a ghost in the room, it seemed, because he was trying to avoid, at all costs, admitting that she is a narcissistic (in the clinical way, for the good Doc), antisocial sociopathic PSYCOPATH!

I am not sure how any of this advances the science or puts him in a good light in the eyes of his serious peers, so it has to be the money. Just reading this I admit to being a little shocked how far these witnesses go in skewing their work for a desired outcome (not science)-And since Dr. Spitz is at least 100 years older than Dr. W., I would say he probably is very good at the game.

I think it is easy for them when defense gives them only the information that is favorable to their client. If an evaluation is done defense should have to provide everything. Otherwise the conclusions are not accurate. Shame on the doctor for not asking. It's sloppy work at best. jmo
I believe Caylee died between 330pm and 410pm June 16th and she was in the woods by 6pm. If you look at Casey's phone logs for that day - there are two HUGE breaks in all-day texting/phone calls at those times. I think if you put the chart in front of me and highlighted those two areas, and then showed me she was pinging from that local tower, I'd have hung her on high without a blink.

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