Casey's Psych Evals unsealed

DNA Solves
DNA Solves
DNA Solves
Respectfully snipped

I think the only way Lee would have touched her tata's is if she asked him to hold them up so she could find the lost pencil....


Remember that picture of FCA where the guy has his hands wrapped completely around FCA's tata's and it appears he's holding them up - and she's grinning ear to ear in that photo. :waitasec:
Thanks! Those 134 are troubling, but people like Casey will always have supporters. OJ did, as does Joran Van Der Sloot, even Scott Peterson. Crazy world I guess.
Thanks! Those 134 are troubling, but people like Casey will always have supporters. OJ did, as does Joran Van Der Sloot, even Scott Peterson. Crazy world I guess.

That's because supporters are deeply insecure. :crazy:
Kc seemed to have convinced Dr. W she was so sensitive and attentive with Caylee, and she spent sooo much time with her, etc., yet a little research would have shown she was on her phone (or computers) talking, texting, myspacing and whatever almost every single second she was alone with Caylee!!!!! Poor Caylee! Seriously, that little girl was so neglected by her mother! It makes me want to scream when people say she was a good mother!!!! Remember her im's with rusciano..? Caseys brb?...and she slopped another piece of pizza in front of Caylee, took her a whoppin 10 seconds or so??? Yep. Great mom! I paid attention to the times surrounding this, wondering what that poor baby was doing during that 2 hour span of time ... we know per her messages it was just her and Caylee at home. What was Caylee doing? Wandering around the house, entertaining herself? I can see her sitting in her high chair, alone, babbling, ignored, trying to get her mom's attention. And this was kc's normal pattern, always on the phone/computer... Caylee never had her undivided attention! Not what a good, attentive mother does who is sensitive to her daughters needs!
Also, another pattern with kc that stands out to me is her referencing drugs that render people unconsious, date rape drugs (roofies), chloroform...this topic shows up in many conversations kc has had, like with both of the doctors evaluations, with Tracy M., computer searches, with ricardo, etc...We know there is a little bit of truth in everything she says, and this is just more confirmation to me that Caylee was rendered unconscious prior to the duct tape being applied. )-: jmo, tear, tear
I think it is easy for them when defense gives them only the information that is favorable to their client. If an evaluation is done defense should have to provide everything. Otherwise the conclusions are not accurate. Shame on the doctor for not asking. It's sloppy work at best. jmo

You are very kind, Lamb, to give him that benefit of the doubt-But for me, I get a certain feeling from this guy, the same feeling I got from the hippie lady who told AndreaL and JeffA that hussies aren't murderers, and the grief counselor non-published lady who tried to convince us KC was grieving. They are people that either purposefully live their lives against the grain (and not in a fun way, in a defiant way) and enjoy hearing themselves spin tales, or they have been paid to turn good solid science into a game.

I do agree it was sloppy work; and his hypotheses are not based on some of the same things I have read since this case started, for instance, I have read that sociopathy really starts to rear its head around and after 18, not prior to 16. If this "doctor" could infer that George killed Caylee or dumped her because, as an ex-cop, he was capable of covering it up, then couldn't he also infer that KC killed Caylee because KC hid the pregnancy? I can Google on a whim two or three studies that indicate that filicides of an unwanted child are often marked by the hiding or denial of pregnancy. And surely if he saw KC's medical records, he knew she did not seek prenatal care until way late in the game-Why? Did he not read the police report on Rick and what ACTUALLY went down at the wedding? That's just one example, there are many a way to infer that KC, and KC alone, murdered Caylee.

It's just as someone wrote here previously-This doctor is a mirror mage of the jury: Absent a smoking gun, he was not willing to indict KC for anything. Anything. If he ever considered she was lying, which he would not even call her a liar, where are the notations in his papers? Made sure to keep them out, eh?

Again I wonder why he would compromise himself amongst his peers-Even if he was only working with what the defense gave him, how is that defensable science? You have to have all available information, otherwise it's cherry-picking and I think other psychologists would call him on that. But, if he feels like he can be a career expert witness, then what he did in this depo will suit him just fine.
This semester I am taking Abnormal Psychology in college. This is a straight-out-of-the-textbook definition of Antisocial Personality Disorder:

"Sometimes described as "psychopaths" or "sociopaths", people with antisocial personality disorder persistently disregard and violate others' rights (APA 2000). Aside from substance-related disorders, this is the disorder most closely linked to adult criminal behavior. Most people with antisocial personality disorder displayed some patterns of misbehavior before they were 15, including truancy, running away, cruelty to animals or people, or destroying property.

Most people with antisocial personality disorder lie repeatedly (Patrick, 2007). Many cannot work consistently at a job; they are absent frequently and are likely to quit their jobs altogether. Usually they are also careless with money and frequently fail to pay their debts. They are often impulsive, taking action without thinking of the consequences (Blair, Mitchell & Blair, 2005). Correspondingly, they may be irritable, aggressive, and quick to start fights. Many travel from place to place.

Recklessness is another common trait: People with antisocial personality disorder have little regard for the safety of others, even their own children. They are self-centered as well, and are likely to have trouble maintaining close relationships. Usually they develop a knack for gaining personal profit at the expense of other people. Because the pain or damage they cause seldom concerns them, clinicians commonly say they lack a moral conscience (Kantor, 2006). They think of their victims as weak and deserving of being conned, robbed, or even physically harmed.

Comer, Ronald J. Fundamentals of Abnormal Psychology, 6th ed (pp 402-403) 2011

Now, tell me this isn't classic FCA. I just have a hard time believing that neither one of those doctors thought FCA was sociopathic. :confused:
How funny, I just finished my Abnormal Psych class and we used that book too! I remember reading that section and thinking...Hmmmm, sounds like someone we know. It still amazes me that she was considered"normal" with no Axis 1 or 2 diagnosis. That book also has great descriptions of the tests they gave KC.
I'm a trial watcher of long-time standing more than a sleuth. Over the years of watching trials, I've seen a group of "expert witnesses" I won't bother to name here who will do anything to support the defense case. Dr. Weiss seems to want to be part of that clan. He does only what the defense wants him to do. They make the big bucks doing that.(IMHO only)

Dr. Danziger just calls things as he sees them. He saw through Casey's lies, because he already had spoken to her in 2008 when she reported NO abuse. That's why he was yanked out of the deposition and taken off the defense witness list immediately. Weiss would have lasted to trial if the prosecution hadn't asked to have their own experts examine Casey.

I would have loved to see LDB cross Dr. Weitz!
You are very kind, Lamb, to give him that benefit of the doubt-But for me, I get a certain feeling from this guy, the same feeling I got from the hippie lady who told AndreaL and JeffA that hussies aren't murderers, and the grief counselor non-published lady who tried to convince us KC was grieving. They are people that either purposefully live their lives against the grain (and not in a fun way, in a defiant way) and enjoy hearing themselves spin tales, or they have been paid to turn good solid science into a game.

I do agree it was sloppy work; and his hypotheses are not based on some of the same things I have read since this case started, for instance, I have read that sociopathy really starts to rear its head around and after 18, not prior to 16. If this "doctor" could infer that George killed Caylee or dumped her because, as an ex-cop, he was capable of covering it up, then couldn't he also infer that KC killed Caylee because KC hid the pregnancy? I can Google on a whim two or three studies that indicate that filicides of an unwanted child are often marked by the hiding or denial of pregnancy. And surely if he saw KC's medical records, he knew she did not seek prenatal care until way late in the game-Why? Did he not read the police report on Rick and what ACTUALLY went down at the wedding? That's just one example, there are many a way to infer that KC, and KC alone, murdered Caylee.

It's just as someone wrote here previously-This doctor is a mirror mage of the jury: Absent a smoking gun, he was not willing to indict KC for anything. Anything. If he ever considered she was lying, which he would not even call her a liar, where are the notations in his papers? Made sure to keep them out, eh?

Again I wonder why he would compromise himself amongst his peers-Even if he was only working with what the defense gave him, how is that defensable science? You have to have all available information, otherwise it's cherry-picking and I think other psychologists would call him on that. But, if he feels like he can be a career expert witness, then what he did in this depo will suit him just fine.

I have to admit that watching this "expert witness" parade at trial bothered me as much as anything in this whole sorry mess. I'm starting to wonder if there is something wrong with how we define "expert" in this country. This was a real eye opener, IMO.
I'm a trial watcher of long-time standing more than a sleuth. Over the years of watching trials, I've seen a group of "expert witnesses" I won't bother to name here who will do anything to support the defense case. Dr. Weiss seems to want to be part of that clan. He does only what the defense wants him to do. They make the big bucks doing that.(IMHO only)

Dr. Danziger just calls things as he sees them. He saw through Casey's lies, because he already had spoken to her in 2008 when she reported NO abuse. That's why he was yanked out of the deposition and taken off the defense witness list immediately. Weiss would have lasted to trial if the prosecution hadn't asked to have their own experts examine Casey.

I would have loved to see LDB cross Dr. Weitz!

I agree with you, which totally baffles me about Danziger. Why did the defense ever think that he would be a good witness for them? Did they not know that he had seen Casey before? Or did they think because he saw Casey before that he would be more likely to go along with what they wanted? I can't believe the defense even went forward with the deposition. Why did Baez let it get so far before calling it off? He had to have to known from the first words Danziger uttered that this was going to go downhill for them. I guess he had to let it happen because Danziger did see Casey twice, and since they were going to use him at trial. Legally, the prosecution had a right to depose him. I just don't understand how Baez didn't seem to understand until the deposition just how much Danziger wasn't on the DT's team. Maybe he hid his real feelings from the DT until then?

And I was thinking about Weiss. He wanted to interview GA and CA, but wasn't allowed to. Why? Maybe Danziger interviewed them first, and the DT realized what a big mistake that was? If so, why would the DT still list Danziger as a witness for them? Why even let Danziger talk to GA and CA? I wish I knew the behind the scenes on this. Danziger totally wasn't on the DT's side at all in the deposition. You'd think the defense would have picked up on that before the deposition and yank him, but no. It was only when he was going to talk about CA and GA that Baez made the decision that this was a bad idea and shortly after, yanked both Danziger and Weitz.

Danziger went prosecution, and Weitz revealed himself to be easily confuddled and torn apart by the prosecution. Why oh why did the DT ever consider either of these men as a good idea for them? They are either morons or thought it was something else they'd be able to slide in and get away with. It couldn't be money because at that point there was none to give out!
You are very kind, Lamb, to give him that benefit of the doubt-But for me, I get a certain feeling from this guy, the same feeling I got from the hippie lady who told AndreaL and JeffA that hussies aren't murderers, and the grief counselor non-published lady who tried to convince us KC was grieving. They are people that either purposefully live their lives against the grain (and not in a fun way, in a defiant way) and enjoy hearing themselves spin tales, or they have been paid to turn good solid science into a game.

I do agree it was sloppy work; and his hypotheses are not based on some of the same things I have read since this case started, for instance, I have read that sociopathy really starts to rear its head around and after 18, not prior to 16. If this "doctor" could infer that George killed Caylee or dumped her because, as an ex-cop, he was capable of covering it up, then couldn't he also infer that KC killed Caylee because KC hid the pregnancy? I can Google on a whim two or three studies that indicate that filicides of an unwanted child are often marked by the hiding or denial of pregnancy. And surely if he saw KC's medical records, he knew she did not seek prenatal care until way late in the game-Why? Did he not read the police report on Rick and what ACTUALLY went down at the wedding? That's just one example, there are many a way to infer that KC, and KC alone, murdered Caylee.

It's just as someone wrote here previously-This doctor is a mirror mage of the jury: Absent a smoking gun, he was not willing to indict KC for anything. Anything. If he ever considered she was lying, which he would not even call her a liar, where are the notations in his papers? Made sure to keep them out, eh?

Again I wonder why he would compromise himself amongst his peers-Even if he was only working with what the defense gave him, how is that defensable science? You have to have all available information, otherwise it's cherry-picking and I think other psychologists would call him on that. But, if he feels like he can be a career expert witness, then what he did in this depo will suit him just fine.

Unlike Dr. W, I was not concerned about what he claims GA said about missing Caylee and that baby smell because I think we can all relate if we have personally taken care of children. What did bother me right off the bat was Dr. W writing down that KC had long, dark hair. He appears to have missed some really important issues in his observations but did not miss the fact that she had long, dark hair. jmo
My daughter has ADHD and I recently read an article which included a study that showed a frighteningly high percentage of children who either go undiagnosed or are not treated for ADHD (either behaviorally or medicinally) go on to display MANY of the same behaviors outlined in that definition of sociopathy once they reach adolescence/young adulthood.

Not to say that KC's major malfunction is as 'simple' as ADHD, but as a parent who is always educating herself to best help her child, I am often struck by the anti-social behaviors exhibited in some types of ADHD and the way the behaviors change as the child enters adulthood.

My child has primarily the inattentive type, which is more common in girls but she is very outgoing and gregarious which is less common in girls with ADHD. However, even at her young age I have seen the progression from fidgeting and a messy room to acting impulsively and making poor choices based on what she wants NOW, consequences be darned.

I worry quite a bit about what kinds of choices she will be making when she is no longer under my watchful eye 24/7. Stealing? Promiscuity? Self medicating? Lying?

I know many psych conditions have blurred lines with other psych conditions or learning disabilities making armchair diagnoses or even clinical diagnoses rather hard, esp. in young people.

But is it possible that KC always exhibited some of these behaviors and her parents ignored them or covered for them, until she became an adolescent and the fruits of her impulsivity became impossible to ignore? I am surely not qualified to make a diagnosis (but it appears being qualified is rather arbitrary...gahh) and KC is obviously pure evil, but I couldn't ignore the similarities and thought I'd share.

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My daughter has ADHD and I recently read an article which included a study that showed a frighteningly high percentage of children who either go undiagnosed or are not treated for ADHD (either behaviorally or medicinally) go on to display MANY of the same behaviors outlined in that definition of sociopathy once they reach adolescence/young adulthood.

Not to say that KC's major malfunction is as 'simple' as ADHD, but as a parent who is always educating herself to best help her child, I am often struck by the anti-social behaviors exhibited in some types of ADHD and the way the behaviors change as the child enters adulthood.

My child has primarily the inattentive type, which is more common in girls but she is very outgoing and gregarious which is less common in girls with ADHD. However, even at her young age I have seen the progression from fidgeting and a messy room to acting impulsively and making poor choices based on what she wants NOW, consequences be darned.

I worry quite a bit about what kinds of choices she will be making when she is no longer under my watchful eye 24/7. Stealing? Promiscuity? Self medicating? Lying?

I know many psych conditions have blurred lines with other psych conditions or learning disabilities making armchair diagnoses or even clinical diagnoses rather hard, esp. in young people.

But is it possible that KC always exhibited some of these behaviors and her parents ignored them or covered for them, until she became an adolescent and the fruits of her impulsivity became impossible to ignore? I am surely not qualified to make a diagnosis (but it appears being qualified is rather arbitrary...gahh) and KC is obviously pure evil, but I couldn't ignore the similarities and thought I'd share.

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You might want to investigate whether your daughter has Asperger syndrome rather than ADHD. I was told repeatedly that my youngest son had ADHD when he was a young boy but I knew what that was and had seen lots of kids with that and in my mind, it didn't really fit what my son's problem was. One Dr who tested him back then said as soon as he met our son that she could tell right away that he did not have ADHD and she was the only one who had said that. He is now 25 and we are now convinced beyond doubt that he has Asperger's which is a high functioning form of autism. Our son has a very high IQ is extremely gifted but cannot relate to other people like a normal person and his views of the world and how it works is what I would call, warped. The thing about Asperger's is that it manifests differently as they get older and to deal with it, you have to start when the kid is young in teaching them how to manage it.
Unlike Dr. W, I was not concerned about what he claims GA said about missing Caylee and that baby smell because I think we can all relate if we have personally taken care of children. What did bother me right off the bat was Dr. W writing down that KC had long, dark hair. He appears to have missed some really important issues in his observations but did not miss the fact that she had long, dark hair. jmo
Whew. Lucky. Otherwise she might have had the tendency to kill a child.
This was her activity on the morning of June 16th.

Texting activity with TL from the night before until 3:22 am
7:45am Home phone calls KC's cell, KC calls voicemail
8:03am KC sends IMS to w/witeplayboi
8:46am KC texts TL
9:27am KC uploads to Photobucket on the home computer

11:47am TL calls KC for 11 minutes
12:53pm KC tests TL
1pm to 1:26 TL on the phone with KC
1:26pm KC tests Jesse
1:27pm KC texts Jesse
1:44pm KC calls Amy and talks for 36 minutes
2:52pm Jesse calls KC and talks for 12 minutes
GA reported to work at 3pm that day.

Must have been really, really hard to hold her dead child in her arms and text, too. Maybe the reason she did not call 911 was because she was too busy texting. Why wasn't this presented as evidence, or was it???? jmo

ROFL!!! She was SO stunned and out of it when her daughter was discovered in the pool, brought in the house dripping wet by George, who promptly called her a bad mother, all she could think to do was upload of few photo's to Photobucket....?
ROFL!!! She was SO stunned and out of it when her daughter was discovered in the pool, brought in the house dripping wet by George, who promptly called her a bad mother, all she could think to do was upload of few photo's to Photobucket....?

Wonder what she IMS to w/witeplayboi....."Hey, my Dad just freed up my calendar and I can pencil you in between 4 and 6." jmo

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