Casey's Psych Evals unsealed

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Identity Suppression Syndrome? Why not just say she lies to herself?
It's very clear that Dr Ablow requires extensive help from a qualified therapist.

I never thought Dr. Ablow highly. He's no different from Dr. Phil.
Ablow ALSO wrote a blog on Faux News about why Newt may make a good president BECAUSE of his adulterous affairs. So THERE ya have it. He's a whack job!

OK, this guy is talking and writing simply to inflame. He's getting a kick out of people's reactions. Even he doesn't believe his own nonsense.
OK, this guy is talking and writing simply to inflame. He's getting a kick out of people's reactions. Even he doesn't believe his own nonsense.

Sounds like he needs some counseling on his own. jmo

For those church folks with FCA right now - we have many many more. Shall we continue to post them? My MOST DISTURBING one was the one that she posted of the Chinese type..........where a women was in front of a scroll, that woman pointing at two folks cowering...and those 2 were under a skeleton!!!!!!! FTLOG! I was bowled over on that one.

Does anyone else remember that one!?
OK, this guy is talking and writing simply to inflame. He's getting a kick out of people's reactions. Even he doesn't believe his own nonsense.

His schtick is to state the opposite of whatever common sense dictates - then make a bizarre, illogical argument to support it. That way, he gets attention. He wouldn't be on tv if he were stating the obvious. He should not be licensed.
Sometimes I think being molested as a child clouds some people's vision. It is like "I was sexually abused so if she says she was, I believe it.' Some are unable to look beyond their own pain and suffering and really look to see if the 'molestation claim' by someone else really makes any sense.

I am not talking about your good friend but Casey Anthony. I am a childhood abuse survivor and I dont believe a word that comes out of Casey's mouth. One thing about true sexual abuse the truth stays the same and remains consistent. It doesnt constantly change. One thing is not told to someone and another thing told to someone else. She claimed her father molested her then Lee and now she is saying she was raped and that is how she got pregnant with Caylee. All a bunch of concocted bull by a fullblown narcissist drama queen, imo.

It wouldnt surprise me at all if in the future we hear CA say that Baez also forced himself on her sexually. She has to be painted as the victim and she lies easier than water runs off a duck's back.

You are right to an extent- I too am a molestation survivor, and for that reason, despite her prolific lies ( crying Wolf), I was willing to grant Casey the benefit of the doubt regarding her molestation claims- UNTIL the opening statements. When I heard what a crock of BS they were, it changed my mind. I no longer believe she was ever molested!!!
A very good friend of mine growing up told her mother in high school she was sexually molested for years by her father and uncle. Her mother didn't believe her at all. Don't know if she called her names, but my friend ended up moving out of the house as a result. Her father was found guilty and the parents divorced.

I've lost track of this friend so I'm not sure if mother/daughter ever reunited. My friend was deeply affected I think more by her mother than her abusers.
Unfortunately, it's a common reaction, when I told my mother that I was molested by her brother, her reaction was, "Not my brother!!!". She even insisted I invite him to my wedding!:eek::eek::eek:
He's been there and done that. Check out his background. I can't find it now, but IIRC, he had some issues.

Not sure how to link to an old post, but I had posted the following after Ablow's WS Radio interview:

"Dr. Keith has some Mommy/Daddy issues of his own.

Between the accusations/misrepresentations of George, the comments about keeping children from watching Chaz on dancing, and this Maria/Arnold thing --- I would say the Dr. needs some help. Fox News is his perfect home."
IMHO, Dr. Ablow is another enabler Ms. A can add to her list. By casting family history as the source of her problems, it let's her off the hook for taking responsibility for her actions.

Now 6 months into her "new life", people are enabling her to not study for her GED or get the training to learn the skills needed to find a decent-paying job.

She may use the excuse that nobody will hire her because of the murder case and controversial acquittal. The fact is, she didin't want to work and still doesn't, so why bother to even try?
With Amy Huizenga saying that KCA had told her that CA and GA were intending to leave their house and sign it over to KCA, does anyone else think that maybe she was intending to "get rid" of them?
I feel your pain. It still feels so raw as though someone punched me in my heart. Sometimes my heart physically hurts. My only consoling thought is that in some mysterious way her being out in the world is better. Better as in some great big karmic lessons for KC to learn and sweeter justice for Caylee.

She will end up like OJ, sitting in prison for something stupid when she should have been grateful for simply breathing fresh air.

Misty C. didn't get a 25 year sentence for selling a bottle of pills. She was 17, barely 18 with a sixth grade education. Any other person in that situation, without a missing child in the picture, would have walked away with a slap on the wrist. The judge nailed her on what he could.

FCA will mess up and hopefully she'll get Misty's judge.

With Amy Huizenga saying that KCA had told her that CA and GA were intending to leave their house and sign it over to KCA, does anyone else think that maybe she was intending to "get rid" of them?

From minute one. If she hadn't been caught .....
From minute one. If she hadn't been caught .....

I often wondered if that is why she kept Caylee in the trunk for so long.... She just couldn't get her parents together long enough and it conflicted with her schedule to take them all out and make it look as if someone had broken into the home. They all would have had duct tape on them. Far fetched, but it is possible. jmo
With Amy Huizenga saying that KCA had told her that CA and GA were intending to leave their house and sign it over to KCA, does anyone else think that maybe she was intending to "get rid" of them?

No doubt in my mind. I think she fantasized about her entire family being slaughtered appearing as it was some sort of horrendous home invasion or some such. She would emerge as the lone survivor. Oh, the attention and pity she would garner from that! JMO
I have done many-a-Wiki search on this case, and had not come across this list until tonight-Sorry if someone has posted this previously. This list, according to my short Google attention span, seems to be the go-to list for cross checking your notes against a psychopath; From Dr. Hare's PCL-R Model of Psychopathy Check List:

[ame=""]Hare Psychopathy Checklist - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia[/ame]

Factor 1: Personality "Aggressive narcissism"

Glibness/superficial charm Check
Grandiose sense of self-worth Check
Pathological lying Double Check
Cunning/manipulative Check
Lack of remorse or guilt Check
Shallow affect (genuine emotion is short-lived and egocentric) Did y'all see those crying bouts during the trial?
Callousness; lack of empathy
Failure to accept responsibility for own actions And Check

Factor 2: Case history "Socially deviant lifestyle".

Need for stimulation/proneness to boredom
Parasitic lifestyle Um, yeah.
Poor behavioral control
Lack of realistic long-term goals Pfft!
Irresponsibility Paging Casey Anthony
Juvenile delinquency
Early behavior problems Not convinced there weren't
Revocation of conditional release

Uh, boy. So, this doctor could not have checked any of his notes on KC against this checklist? None? Nuts.
So I am on chapter 7 of The Psychopath Next Door by Martha Stout - She talks about the warning signs that you have met up with a psychopath? The author asks a psychopath she's treating, what he wants most in life. His answer....

Pity....for people to feel sorry for him. It's all part of his manipulation.
I often wondered if that is why she kept Caylee in the trunk for so long.... She just couldn't get her parents together long enough and it conflicted with her schedule to take them all out and make it look as if someone had broken into the home. They all would have had duct tape on them. Far fetched, but it is possible. jmo

Oh wow, that's interesting. Something was surely brewing in her devilish mind that month.
I have done many-a-Wiki search on this case, and had not come across this list until tonight-Sorry if someone has posted this previously. This list, according to my short Google attention span, seems to be the go-to list for cross checking your notes against a psychopath; From Dr. Hare's PCL-R Model of Psychopathy Check List:

Hare Psychopathy Checklist - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Factor 1: Personality "Aggressive narcissism"

Glibness/superficial charm Check
Grandiose sense of self-worth Check
Pathological lying Double Check
Cunning/manipulative Check
Lack of remorse or guilt Check
Shallow affect (genuine emotion is short-lived and egocentric) Did y'all see those crying bouts during the trial?
Callousness; lack of empathy
Failure to accept responsibility for own actions And Check

Factor 2: Case history "Socially deviant lifestyle".

Need for stimulation/proneness to boredom
Parasitic lifestyle Um, yeah.
Poor behavioral control
Lack of realistic long-term goals Pfft!
Irresponsibility Paging Casey Anthony
Juvenile delinquency
Early behavior problems Not convinced there weren't
Revocation of conditional release

Uh, boy. So, this doctor could not have checked any of his notes on KC against this checklist? None? Nuts.

I think you've missed a few under the socially deviant list! And yes, Dr. Robert Hare, who used to be based in our very own University of British Columbia has spent his entire career researching and working with psychopaths, over 30 years. He worked with many eminent USA doctors and established the psychopath check list and we have been talking about it off an on throughout the case as OCA's behaviour appeared to be more and more bizarre to us.

You can find a lot of information about him and his work just by searching Dr. Robert Hare on the web. He makes Dr. Ablow look just plain silly.
With Amy Huizenga saying that KCA had told her that CA and GA were intending to leave their house and sign it over to KCA, does anyone else think that maybe she was intending to "get rid" of them?

Yeppers. I'm 100% convinced that George and Cindy were next on Casey's Hit Parade. All those computer searches - neck breaking, et al - were for more than Caylee's "benefit." She wanted the parental units gone and outta her face. Did they have life insurance policies? Bet Cindy did.


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