Casey's Psych Evals unsealed

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not in the interview with her, but certainly in the deposition with the Prosecutors.. it is under oath. :waitasec: Which means... in his opinion, she's this poor victim of her parents. yeah right.
So how is he supposed to know any better? Was he supposed to watch Nancy Grace first so he could properly be biased? You people are only looking at this from your point of view. He was a professional, hired to interview someone he doesn't know. He gave an honest assessment of the person after the interview. Simple as that. It's the lawyer's job to discredit Casey's statements, not the doctor's. He was doing his job.
So how is he supposed to know any better? Was he supposed to watch Nancy Grace first so he could properly be biased? You people are only looking at this from your point of view. He was a professional, hired to interview someone he doesn't know. He gave an honest assessment of the person after the interview. Simple as that. It's the lawyer's job to discredit Casey's statements, not the doctor's. He was doing his job.

Not my point of view.. the evidence. Remember that? It's all there for his perusal. He sure didn't dig very deep to come up with his "professional opinion". just my opinion. feel free to have yours, too. And to think he was willing to tell these "mistruths" under oath and vouch for them. yikes.
Talked to Muzikman...relayed the request...I'm sure he'll check in when he can and give you all an update. :)
It amazes me the questions Weitz did not ask. Good Lord, man, she tells you all of this stuff, and you don't ask her any questions to really validate it, like a description of the pajamas Caylee was wearing, or what daily routine she and Caylee had together? What the hell?

Why she didn't tell other people that Caylee was dead.
So how is he supposed to know any better? Was he supposed to watch Nancy Grace first so he could properly be biased? You people are only looking at this from your point of view. He was a professional, hired to interview someone he doesn't know. He gave an honest assessment of the person after the interview. Simple as that. It's the lawyer's job to discredit Casey's statements, not the doctor's. He was doing his job.

He believed everything that came from her mouth. He even discounted her lying as something normal people do. That is not doing his job. It is obvious he is biased on Casey's side and the DT was paying him to say what they wanted him to say. He is a terrible doctor, IMO.
So you honestly think the Doctor was reviewing evidence?

He admitted that he didn't take notes on the 31 days (which was what his depsotion was for, but yet there were no notes about it) because a lot of that stuff was in the media already. This guy confounds me.
Why she didn't tell other people that Caylee was dead.

I haven't read the PDFs yet....will do so ASAP.
Did he ask or even explore her disassociation after George walked out of her bedroom with a dead Caylee in his arms? Did he ask her about the 31 days worth of partying, boinking, cooking and playing wife?

Come on people...get with the program here. I think the State of Florida should immediately file charges against George Anthony. After all, there is as much evidence here in these depos against George as say...there was to let Casey walk out of court that day.
So you honestly think the Doctor was reviewing evidence?

He SAID he reviewed the documents and evidence. I would have to believe him, right? He is saying this under oath. He reviewed what was given to him. He certainly didn't go look for things/evidence to contradict what his paying clients and attorneys were saying. Like I said, there is plenty of evidence in just her photobucket account to reject the notion that she wasn't a 'party girl". just sayin'... and that phone call home? she sure wasn't silent, inter-respective, afraid of her parents then, right?
WESH has the depositions. Are we also going to be able to see the actual evaluations?
I'm still reading, but I agree with a previous poster who said a forensic psychologist should have done her evaluation. This guy Weiss is pointless. When I saw that he noted "long dark hair" in his notes at the beginning of his evaluation I thought that was bizarre. And he's less than thorough to put it nicely.
He admitted that he didn't take notes on the 31 days (which was what his depsotion was for, but yet there were no notes about it) because a lot of that stuff was in the media already. This guy confounds me.

The above, and the bit before it is where this eval got really, really weird. I get he was just going by what she said - but there is a IMHO huge mote of preconceived ideas in this. And it's kinda creepy IMHO.

And I reiterate - the fact that Medina was present for the first interview really raises and eyebrow for me.
All of you expressing outrage at the Dr. being "snowed"...what do you expect? The doctor to say "AHA!!! GOTCHA!!!! LIAR!!!!" during the interview? His job is to let her talk.

I agree. I think he says that he is a doctor and not a detective when they ask him if he asked FCA about reporting the date rape.

And he says he is a trauma expert, but when he says he makes note that he is wondering about it...

I guess it is just so frustrating because there are some questions that we want answers to so badly, its difficult to be actually reading his recounting of the sessions and not go "Right there! He could have asked her right there!"
I want George charged so Casey can testify as star witness in open court about this.

Maybe afterwards, perjury charges could be filed?

I guess I need to have a tee martooni lunch. I was so much better off when I distanced myself from this ... stuff.
Casey was given the standard MMPI. ( Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory test). I think we will be given a watered down summary of the test, if that.
One of the most important parts of the test will most likely not be released. It is the Validity score. This is a built- in " deception monitor". While I don't think Casey has the IQ to go along with her Sociopathy/ Psychopathy to cheat the Validity score, it might be possible.... IOW, a true psychopath can sometimes lie well enough that the lies are not detected in the written test. The answers are along the lines of " Sometimes" " Never" ", etc. for those who aren't familiar. I don't expect much from Casey's scoring at all.

Here is a good, basic article about the test and a chart regarding the scoring. Although this basically says the ability to lie successfully has been virtually eliminated, this is not correct in my experience. Just saying!!
Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

are you trained in giving and scoring the test??? I've been trying to google ALL AFTERNOON about sociopaths and other axis 2's and their ability to fake (or not) on this test, is it true in your experience that they can lie successfully???

I know there was a fella, a murderer, who helped to formulate some of the questions (that's how snowed he had them, then, after his first murders), I cannot remember who it was! been googling that one too! I wondered if I could find which questions he "helped" with (he was a big fella, like way over 6 feet, still living, anyone remember his name??)
Wow, towards the end, Baez accuses Ashton of calling Weiss an a$$hole, and the only other person who heard Ashton say that was Medina. Not even the doctor heard it, and he said, "we can all be friends here". Baez is just...there is no words. He tried so hard to make Ashton look bad in this deposition.

Oh but LDB cracked me up: "Another assumption" and then "You know what they say about those." I bet she was looking right at Baez when she said that! LOL

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