Casey's Psych Evals unsealed

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NG on GMA this morning....stated she was aware of at least 13 different stories from Casey as to how Caylee was conceived. 13!

Otherwise, the clip was boring, not worth watching again.
Not even a possibility. The explanation of why nobody ever came forward is because nobody ever knew they were the father. Because FCA didn't know who it was. If anything, it was a one night stand which, of course she could never admit because you know, she was a virgin and all as told by Cindy. "I would have to have to sex to be pregnant" is what FCA told her mom when she finally asked about the possibility of pregnancy.

I was just thinking maybe we would have heard from SEVERAL guys claiming to be the baby daddy. not NONE.

I'm not saying I buy the rape story. She could have just laid down for a chain for all I know.
Always the victim, not a sl** and sleeping around, but raped. Par for course.

I need to get off here this morning or sit on my hands because I am so furious AGAIN that she got away with this that I will be in time out.

Guess I woke up on the wrong side of the bed :)

Cheer up bayouland. Unlike OCA, at least you can admit you were in a bed.
I don't know. There are probably a couple of guys KC was with that have it in the back of their minds, it could of been then. Maybe they did want to come forward to join the circus, or worse be another of her victims.

This. I think if Caylee's father is alive and he realized that he slept with Casey during "that time" that he would be way too scared to come forward. I don't know if I would blame him either?

We also have to remember that Orlando is a tourist town. People drink a lot when they are on vacation. Everyone sees Orlando as Disney, but they have a pretty good night life if you know where to go. The guy may not even remember sleeping with Casey Anthony (her fists are trembling as she reads this). She's not that special.
I never heard anything about a murderer helping standardize the MMPI 2. This rather sounds like an urban legend to me, but I will look into it. Wow.

thank you for your excellent reply, I have snipped to reply to this bit

my subconscious threw the name up, it was ed kemper, in this link he discusses his help with the MMPI

"I helped to develop some new tests and some new scales on MMPI. You've probably heard of it... the Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory. I helped to develop a new scale on that, the 'Overt Hostility Scale'. How's that for a... Ironic note. There we go, it was an ironic note that I helped to develop that scale and then look what happened to me when I got back out on the streets." - About being an aide in psychological testing and research at Atascadero State Hospital in Atascadero, California.

I dont know how well HIS word can be trusted but I looked into it as much as I could when I first read about it and it appears to be backed up by others although it's the internets, I cant know who those others really are. I dont know if this is something a mental health worker could find out better than I but I would truly love to know if it's true.

note: at the time he "helped" he was already in for he was a teen at the time, this is what they did with him, and he snowed them so much they let him work as a psych assistant til his time was up.

eta: he also notes that if they had actually DONE anything with him during his parole, he thinks he may not have carried on murdering as he did.
I thought the same exact thing!! She says she slept with Caylee every night to keep her safe and as usual, they slept in the same room on the night of June 15. So if Casey was still sleeping that next morning, and one would assume her door was closed and possibly locked, why would George think that Caylee is missing? Why would he even be looking for her if she's sleeping in her mom's room? It doesn't make any sense. And the reason it doesn't make sense is because it's a LIE.

I still scratch my head at the fact that the jury considered the defense's story of the drowning, and everything else that occurred that day, to be adequate reasonable doubt. Anybody with two brain cells to rub together can see that their "story" is just that... another story. Argh. The jury just didn't slow down and use their brains long enough to think it through.

Let's not forget that Cindy stated that when she went to work that morning, Caylee and her egg donor were sleeping, but that she didn't actually see them because the door was closed. IIRC, she also said she could hear them breathing, though how that's possible is beyond me.
What gets me is how her family could possibly still consider her their daughter if in fact the stories she told are false, I think I would have to publicly disown any child of mine that told such monstrous falsehoods about my family.

And if I were LA I would disown my parents if they allowed such falsehoods to be told about me and still stand behind the person that told them.

I know the family lawyer issued a statement saying those stories were false but that would not be enough for me if I was either GA or LA.
My favorite part was if GA stopped molesting her at did she think Caylee could have been his? I realize the A's are special and all, but really, it only seems like pregnancies last years... :floorlaugh:
Let's not forget that Cindy stated that when she went to work that morning, Caylee and her egg donor were sleeping, but that she didn't actually see them because the door was closed. IIRC, she also said she could hear them breathing, though how that's possible is beyond me.

Plus from what KC said she locked the bedroom door to keep GA from coming into her room but then says GA came into her room asking about Caylee. How did he do that if the door was locked?
My favorite part was if GA stopped molesting her at did she think Caylee could have been his? I realize the A's are special and all, but really, it only seems like pregnancies last years... :floorlaugh:

I thought in DR W's depo he stated that she did claim that GA did molest her a few times once she turned 18.
What gets me is how her family could possibly still consider her their daughter if in fact the stories she told are false, I think I would have to pubically disown any child of mine that told such monsterous falsehoods about my family.

And if I were LA I would disown my parents if they allowed such falsehoods to be told about me and still stand behind the person that told them.

I know the family lawyer issued a statement saying those stories were false but that would not be enough for me if I was either GA or LA.


I don't know about GA, but IMO I think CA does have some sort of mental issue that does not allow her to accept things that are right in front of her where it concerns FCA. She has convinced herself to the point of disbelieving anything wrong with FCA. There is probably a psychosis for that, don't know what it's called (beyond crazy).
I just think it's crazy that Casey wasn't determined to have a mental illness. Seems obvious that she is a pathological liar, which is a mental illness. The fact that the scope of these doctors' examinations didn't include at least some kind of investigation of whether she was lying or not seems to be a big hole in this case.

There's something really wrong with Casey, we all know that. It's not a result of her being in denial of what happened to Caylee, it's something much more longstanding.

I don't know about GA, but IMO I think CA does have some sort of mental issue that does not allow her to accept things that are right in front of her where it concerns FCA. She has convinced herself to the point of disbelieving anything wrong with FCA. There is probably a psychosis for that, don't know what it's called (beyond crazy).

I am 53 years old. I was sexually abused/assaulted by just about every man/boy I came into contact with between the ages of 7-21. It was not an option for me to "tell" or discuss anything about it because in that time period, no one talked about such things. In fact, I never knew that it was abuse until much much later because it wasn't a subject discussed in public or private, I just thought it was something I had to live with and endure. I've had problems all my life as a result and was just very recently diagnosed with Complex PTSD and it was an overwhelming relief to know that there was a reason for my problems and that it wasn't that I was just crazy or sick. The first and main offender for me was my stepfather. I don't want to go on and on about it, the point is, I was never like Casey. Not even close. The only person I ever felt like killing was myself. I'm married and have three grown boys but if I had had girls, I NEVER would have let them anywhere near those who abused me. A majority of the adult offenders in my situation were alcoholics which is also something I cannot be around at all and I did keep my boys away from that. I was shuttled around to various psychiatrists and even institutionalized by my alcoholic abusive parents because they used me as their personal scapegoat for things they were guilty of and I have to say...not one single doctor ever asked me about sex, sex abuse or even physical abuse and it makes me somewhat angry and sad now in some ways to see what is available these days as far as legal remedies and therapy for victims that I never got. I could have had a very different life had there been options such as those. SO... I don't feel one bit sorry for Casey. She's no victim. If I had her alone in a room I would cram what a real victim is down her vile disgusting lying throat.
UNBIASED doctors? They are paid guns for the defense. They are given background info chosen by the defense. The defense even gave one of the doctors a PHONY diploma to make believe she graduated.

This girl drove around with her dead child in her car trunk. She went out on a movie date within a few hours of her child's death. I was in a child abuse survivor's support group and met a whole lot of abuse victims. Most had much worse circumstances then the ones Casey describes. And none of the people I met ever wrapped their dead kids in garbage bags and threw them in a swamp, then went and partied for a month.

I agree .. I feel these Dr's were very biased. Did anyone watch Dr. Drew last night? He had a neuro scientist on who looked over Casey's pscych evals.. and he started in with .. does she have a frontal lobe problem?

The neuro scientist just said no.. she's a psycho path. Dr. Drew seemed shocked.. he wanted so bad to think the killer had a brain problem. Then he said... soo... she can kill again? She said most murderers are psycopaths... but not all pyscho's are murderers... She seemed kind of in disbeliefe that these defense Dr.'s weren't stating what was so obvious to her.

Mark Iglarsh ..(not sure if spelling).. said he thought she was just as dangerous as jornan Van der sloot....

A very satisifying show... which was unexpected.. at least I thouth :crazy:
Weitz took in all of Casey's information, siphoned it through his wealth of highly respected education and clinical background. He has taken us along on a trip with him, through this deposition, from his first impressions of Casey all the way to his final assessment.

. . . and he's still allowed to practice? (I couldn't sleep last night, thinking of this.)
I just think it's crazy that Casey wasn't determined to have a mental illness. Seems obvious that she is a pathological liar, which is a mental illness. The fact that the scope of these doctors' examinations didn't include at least some kind of investigation of whether she was lying or not seems to be a big hole in this case.

There's something really wrong with Casey, we all know that. It's not a result of her being in denial of what happened to Caylee, it's something much more longstanding.

Maybe just being pure EVIL isn't considered a mental illness.
Weitz took in all of Casey's information, siphoned it through his wealth of highly respected education and clinical background. He has taken us along on a trip with him, through this deposition, from his first impressions of Casey all the way to his final assessment.

. . . and he's still allowed to practice? (I couldn't sleep last night, thinking of this.)

I'm at the beginning of the direct examination. On the trauma inventory she showed almost no emotion to all these supposed traumatic events..lower that someone who wasn't traumatized. Instead of concluding she was lying or a sociopath he concludes she's in denial and suprressing. GMAB
I wonder how GA feels about this. I hope the jury takes note as well. I'm sure they're busy with their lawns and pets and donuts, but it would be good for them to see how wrong they got this.

Hmm...I wonder why FCA left Caylee with GA the supposed molester? I cannot fathom what this woman has done to her family. Absolutely VILE.
"Dad took her from me, said all's going to be okay. Daddy will take care of it,"

Yeah. Sure. GA just decided to murder Caylee for no reason. If "daddy took care of it" why did she drive around with the body in her trunk? Why ditch the car? Oh this is just a wealth of nonsense.

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