Casey's Psych Evals unsealed

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IMO she wasn't calling for help for G or C. She was afraid for herself.

I really wish Jose hadn't stopped the depo. I would have loved to read what the Anthony's had to say happened that day.

They had home surveillance cameras so they could see what was going on outside the house

Here are the 2 911 calls placed concerning that incident...the first from Cindy the 2nd from Casey, she is adamant and demanding that LE come over to the house...

[ame=""]Cindy and Casey Anthony's Calls to 911 about the Protesters - Sept 18 - Caylee Marie Anthony - YouTube[/ame]
Reading Dr. W's first depo......

Dr Drew needs to read p. 48 where he talks about his conversation with another dr. who had administered neuropsychological evals on FCA......
memory intact, her recent and remote, for specific information as far as content information; excellent frontal lobe functions, planning, organization, abstract conceptualization.
She was totally oriented. She was functioning normal or better. No areas of deficit in terms of the neuropsychological evaluation.

I believe Jeff Ashton got it precisely right when he says there is no category for FCA when it comes to diagnosis.
All I remember was Lippman saying he was no longer rep. Lee? Did he have a lawyer after that?

Yes -- I remember Lippman saying he was no longer representing Lee ...

And I think Lee did obtain counsel after that ... when I get the time, I will have to go back and check ...

OMG - this is so obvious it should have hit him over the head.

p. 49 talking about another test he administered to FCA - the Traumatic Sympton Inventory - a procedure like the MMPI. Similar except with only a hundred content items. The difference is the items tend to focus on a variety of areas linked with - potentially linked with stress events or incidents.

OK. Why oh why was he so ready to believe that a stress incident was FCA being molested by GA? Why could he not have seen the logical conclusion that the stress event was her murdering her daughter?

Oh wait...he was a paid gun for the defense. That's why
I guess we are suppose to believe that " the hiding under a rock baby killer " FIRED her savior..........I say NAH....I'm leaning toward Baez knows he's sinking and has jumped out of this sinking ship wreck. Did I hear correctly that Simms jumped out right behind him? I'd like to read the actual facts, impressions and diagnosis of the PSYCHOPATH by these professionals that were asked only to write down her lies as they came out of her lying mouth and only give an opinion as to whether she was not brain dead or not. JMO
Why the nose piercing?

I'm at the newsstand the other day and reading an article about the movie: "The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo." The actress in that movie has a nose piercing. Months ago, I brought up the topic of: "Nikita," or "La Femme Nikita." The character was a criminal who was trained to be an operative assassin for the government.

In the article about the movie, "The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo," the character was likened to other similar characters in movies, such as "Nikita," as I mention, above.

Still, wonder: Why the nose piercing? And do you think she lasered the Bella Vita Tattoo?

Who do you think FCA thinks she is now?

Now she thinks she's Rooney Mara as Lisbeth Salander? LOL. I'm waiting for the bleached eyebrows and the razor-cut asymmetrical black hair. Not to mention a dragon tattoo. Oh felon Anthony, you are SO pathetic.

Re: The psych evals and depos; even if all of this bullcarpy has come out during the trial, with the Pinellas 12 it wouldn't have made any difference. They could have found her guilty of any number of lesser charges but they gave her a Get-Out-of-Jail-Free card...except for the lying. Don't you think that would have been the tip off? She's a liar. They agreed she's a liar. She lies like a rug to save her own bacon...any fool can see it. Apparently, the Pinellas 12 came from a specially-bred variety of fool: deaf, DUMB and blind justice. As other posters have noted, they were way more interested in what movies they would get to watch and what was for dessert, than seeing that little Caylee received some measure of justice.

When the felon reoffends (and she will), I hope they are pleased that they let this monster loose on society.

Yes. But I guess my PROBLEM is that I see posters even to this day, who read the depos for instance, and believe that FCA was having a come to Jesus moment and telling all the dirty. Not so in my mind. She was putting out her defense in order or get it substantiated for trial. I'm sure that she and the DT practiced this crapola ad infinitum in their meetings. She is, if nothing else, a good actress for people with sub par brain cells who evidently can't think past a flirty smile. I DON'T MEAN ANYBODY HERE - I mean a certain 12 people.

LOL I always thought her smile was evil
Is this because Jose wanted to change the story so that a jury would swallow it easier? Hm.

How did it go from the nanny, to George molesting and killing and disposing of Caylee to an accidental drowning and George doing cover up? My guess is Jose and his lawyering skills. It's not right. It's not ethical. Can't prove it but it's so easy to infer don't you think?
Exactly! How does JB and team get away with that??? It seems obvious that she was concocting stories on her own and the her DT changed them to fit their purpose. Is that illegal?
Can anyone tell me what's happening with the Bar Complaints against JB?
Exactly! How does JB and team get away with that??? It seems obvious that she was concocting stories on her own and the her DT changed them to fit their purpose. Is that illegal?
Can anyone tell me what's happening with the Bar Complaints against JB?

Well George could always sue for wrongful death - if the had the spine.
I also find it pitiful that Casey couldn't tell the exact date or even year her parents were married to this Weitz character but in the recent video diary released, she seems to be under the impression the entire month of March is her birthday. Strange behavior for someone who alleges to have been so close with their mother that the mother was confiding within the daughter supposed sexual issues troubling the marriage and from a girl both "Doctor" and "patient" claim need perfection in their life.


Exactly! How does JB and team get away with that??? It seems obvious that she was concocting stories on her own and the her DT changed them to fit their purpose. Is that illegal?
Can anyone tell me what's happening with the Bar Complaints against JB?

I was just mentioning this thing in another thread. Is it ethical for a lawyer to knowingly do this?
I was just mentioning this thing in another thread. Is it ethical for a lawyer to knowingly do this?

I really hope Kronk sues Baez over this. This is the most disgusting thing imaginable - knowingly LYING about Kronk to free a murderer. Unbelievable.
What doesn't make sense to me is why FCA remained living in the household with a man who had supposedly raped her repeatedly throughout her life. There were ways she could have escaped from that situation. She DID have a job at Universal/Kodak and had income. She could have rented an apartment or shared a place with a roommate. Heck, she could have afforded a studio or efficiency apartment. Who would want to continue living with their rapist??? After Caylee was born, or even while she was still pregnant with Caylee and hadn't given birth yet, FCA would have qualified for Government assistance in the form of rent, food stamps, medical care, assistance with utilities and even free schooling so she could have obtained her GED and gone on to higher education to attain a degree and get a better job in the future and not need assistance. But she didn't do that. Instead, she stayed in the same household with her "rapist". And then she allowed that "rapist" to care for her daughter in her absence. She had options available to her where she could have escaped having to live with her "rapist", yet she chose to stay. And she chose to have her daughter living in the same household and exposed to the same dangers of living with the "rapist".

And now we're to believe these "hacked" videos where FCA states that she basically doesn't know a lot about her new computer and is trying to figure it all out - like she's some kind of newbie to using a computer - yet in one of the depos it states that she said she left her job at Universal/Kodak and became self-employed, designing and building websites for people. She was afraid to tell her parents that she left Universal/Kodak and started her own business of designing and building websites. And NOW she plays dumb about knowing how to operate a computer???

And I wonder why, after GA supposedly produced a dead Caylee to her and said "Daddy will take care of it", why have we seen no outrage from FCA as to how "Daddy" handled Caylee's remains? Isn't she even just a teensy-weensy bit upset that GA's way of "taking care of it" was to toss Caylee into a couple of trash bags, hide her in the trunk of FCA's car and let her drive around with Caylee's body decomposing in the trunk for a few days, and then GA apparently removed the body from the trunk and tossed it into the swampy, trash-strewn woods to rot and be eaten by animals? Isn't she even the SLIGHTEST upset about ANY of that??? And how was GA able to retrieve the body from the trunk and toss it into the woods, when the car was in FCA's possession during all that time?

All of this carp story is full of more holes than grandma's lace curtains.
I just think it's crazy that Casey wasn't determined to have a mental illness. Seems obvious that she is a pathological liar, which is a mental illness. The fact that the scope of these doctors' examinations didn't include at least some kind of investigation of whether she was lying or not seems to be a big hole in this case.

There's something really wrong with Casey, we all know that. It's not a result of her being in denial of what happened to Caylee, it's something much more longstanding.

I think, actually, that pathological lying has never made it into the DSM. I haven't cracked open my copy in a few years, and it isn't the latest version anyway, but I don't think it's in there.

Well George could always sue for wrongful death - if the had the spine.

When this idea was first raised, I did some research and concluded that George would not have standing under the Florida statute.

I was just mentioning this thing in another thread. Is it ethical for a lawyer to knowingly do this?

It depends on what Casey told him. Clients can change their stories, and it is OK to believe them when they tell you Version 12.3 even if they are proven liars. Personally I have a strict policy of dropping clients who are proven liars or pathological blamers. :)
I think, actually, that pathological lying has never made it into the DSM. I haven't cracked open my copy in a few years, and it isn't the latest version anyway, but I don't think it's in there.

When this idea was first raised, I did some research and concluded that George would not have standing under the Florida statute.

It depends on what Casey told him. Clients can change their stories, and it is OK to believe them when they tell you Version 12.3 even if they are proven liars. Personally I have a strict policy of dropping clients who are proven liars or pathological blamers. :)

Yes, but you are probably seeking fair and equitable resolution of a case, not scamming and fame and fortune......
All of the childish arguing in the middle of the those depositions! The prosecution and the defense truly could not stand each other. Jose came off like a petulant little child in the face of the talent of the state. His objections were ridiculous and full of petty arguing and jabbing. I love they way they handled him am astounded at the amount of professionalism and control they showed in that courtroom after dealing with the utter nonsense Mason/Baez handed to them day in and day out.

No love lost there. Wow.

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