Casey's Reaction to Found Remains was Video Taped

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Is it just me, or did the OCSO corrections spokesperson's explanation of this video-taping event sound odd?

From what I could gather, KC was taken to the medical area because this is 'standard practice' when they are about to be given bad news. She was then left to 'wait' in a public area where there are cameras. I assume that this is where her reaction to the 'bad news' was actually caught on camera so was there a TV screen in that area that was showing the news about the remains discovery? If so, is it standard practice to impart bad news by placing the inmate in front of a relevant news bulletin, or was she 'waiting' to be told this news by an appropriate member of the prison staff in a private area, in which case, why was the TV kept on in the waiting area? If she was there to 'wait', that implies that the plan was to take her into a private area (e.g.medical room) before telling her the news, where I assume there would not be a camera running, or do they always make sure the inmate is in front of a camera when they give them bad news?

This explanation just doesn't ring true to me, and especially because on the day this event took place, the remains had only just been discovered and had not been identified, so why were they performing this 'standard procedure' for giving bad news even before it was established that it was Caylee?
Is it just me, or did the OCSO corrections spokesperson's explanation of this video-taping event sound odd?

From what I could gather, KC was taken to the medical area because this is 'standard practice' when they are about to be given bad news. She was then left to 'wait' in a public area where there are cameras. I assume that this is where her reaction to the 'bad news' was actually caught on camera so was there a TV screen in that area that was showing the news about the remains discovery? If so, is it standard practice to impart bad news by placing the inmate in front of a relevant news bulletin, or was she 'waiting' to be told this news by an appropriate member of the prison staff in a private area, in which case, why was the TV kept on in the waiting area? If she was there to 'wait', that implies that the plan was to take her into a private area (e.g.medical room) before telling her the news, where I assume there would not be a camera running, or do they always make sure the inmate is in front of a camera when they give them bad news?

This explanation just doesn't ring true to me, and especially because on the day this event took place, the remains had only just been discovered and had not been identified, so why were they performing this 'standard procedure' for giving bad news even before it was established that it was Caylee?

Inmates in the jail don't have private televisions, so she would have to be taken to a common area. As I've said before, if she went to the day room, that would involve moving other inmates out of there to give her the whole room. Seems to me if they have a room designated for viewing things like this and that is where they took her........where's the problem? I assume all cameras in a jail are running at all times.
Is it just me, or did the OCSO corrections spokesperson's explanation of this video-taping event sound odd?

From what I could gather, KC was taken to the medical area because this is 'standard practice' when they are about to be given bad news. She was then left to 'wait' in a public area where there are cameras. I assume that this is where her reaction to the 'bad news' was actually caught on camera so was there a TV screen in that area that was showing the news about the remains discovery? If so, is it standard practice to impart bad news by placing the inmate in front of a relevant news bulletin, or was she 'waiting' to be told this news by an appropriate member of the prison staff in a private area, in which case, why was the TV kept on in the waiting area? If she was there to 'wait', that implies that the plan was to take her into a private area (e.g.medical room) before telling her the news, where I assume there would not be a camera running, or do they always make sure the inmate is in front of a camera when they give them bad news?

This explanation just doesn't ring true to me, and especially because on the day this event took place, the remains had only just been discovered and had not been identified, so why were they performing this 'standard procedure' for giving bad news even before it was established that it was Caylee?

Good post - I've thought the whole thing odd -- I thought this is what they pay Chaplains for??? Agreed - why perform the "standard procedure" before it was established who the remains belonged to???
I'm sorry " IF I DON'T ~ GET IT ~ ! ? "
why would anyone be afraid... of anyone... seeing them...
If they were being them selves... and If the "TRUTH Was just the
T R U T H ! ? ? "

I'm sorry ~~~~ I don't get it ?

KC says " I am I N N O C E N T"
"ZFG Kidnapped my child at J Blanchard Park!"
" Zenaida is the Last person I say My Daughter with!"

so....... why would you care if someone taped you ?
Would NOT this ~~~ SAD.....Scary ~~~ Upsetting Time ~~
S H O C K I N G ~ News !!! finding a body near your home...
when You had been "SEARCHING Your Own Investigation for
31 day! " ~ Would not a tape of your actions....

Help the Jury to see your shocked reaction..... that
the KIDNAPPER.... had Killed your child....
when..... after all.......................................YOU FOLLOWED THE
AT ~ J Blanchard Park.... when they took your daughter.....

You hear the news.... You collapse ! the Jury Sees this
" T R U T H ! ! !" Proof............ You said You were
not the last one with CAYLEE ~ Zanny/Nanny Zenaida was !! ! !

So...... see I just don't get why KC:cool: & JB :snooty: are upset...
this would seem to be
" B R O W N I E POINTS " for the
" I ~ D I D ~ NOT ~ DO ~ IT ! ! !" case for KC !!!!

Color me dumb:

*** SEEKING JUSTICE FOR Little ~ ANGEL ~ CAYLEE ! ! ! * * *
Re. HIPAA in county jail (being covered)

Is a county jail a covered entity for HIPAA purposes?

A: The HIPAA Privacy Rule ("Privacy Rule") regulates only health plans, health care clearing houses and health care providers. If a jail does not meet the definition of any of these entities, it will not be regulated by the Privacy Rule.

A clearinghouse is an entity that transforms health care transactions from a paper format to an electronic format. A jail typically does not perform such functions.

The definition of a health plan specifically excludes from regulation a government-funded program whose principal purpose is other than providing or paying the cost of health care or making grants to fund the direct provision of health care. Jails generally do not have as their "principal purpose" the provision of health care, or paying the cost of health care or making grants to fund the direct provision of health care. The provision of health care in a jail is ancillary to the main function of incarceration. Thus, in the typical situation, a jail would not be a health plan.

The term health care provider would include all medical personnel providing services in the jail, including nurses, doctors and physicians assistants. If the county has a contract with a provider in private practice or not employed by the county, that provider must determine his or her own status for Privacy Rule purposes. Providers who are employees of the county would subject the county and the jail to HIPAA regulation if the county engaged in 10 transactions electronically in connection with the provision of health services in the jail. The 10 transactions are:

(1) health care claims or equivalent encounter information; (2) health care payment and remittance advice; (3) coordination of benefits; (4) health care claim status; (5) enrollment and disenrollment in a health plan; (6) eligibility for a health plan; (7) health plan premium payments; (8) referral certification and authorization; (9) first report of injury; and (10) health claims attachments.

If the county does not engage in any of these 10 transactions electronically in connection with the provision of health care services in the jail, the jail is not covered by the Privacy Rule.
He doesn't have crediblaty with me, because he never puts anything in his motions, etc.. that show the legeal standing he is trying to use.

He says "I object".. The courts says "Why?".. He says "Because I object."

Huh?? I don't think it's fair to Casey to have such as her lawyer. But she wants him... It when she uses his lack of ablity later, it will be wrong ... But she will...

As a Tax payer, I object!

I think JB spends a lot more time on the news sites than in the law library.
I'm getting tired of Nancy Grace saying Casey was "secretly" taped. If that video system was already in place and not set up specifically to "catch" Casey's reaction - it was not secret.
When you're in jail, there is tape being run all over the place. It's a way to protect both the prisoner and jail officials. The tapes don't lie.
We are all on tape - at the bank, the grocery store, the ATM, department stores. It's big brother everywhere these days.
I'm getting tired of Nancy Grace saying Casey was "secretly" taped. If that video system was already in place and not set up specifically to "catch" Casey's reaction - it was not secret.
When you're in jail, there is tape being run all over the place. It's a way to protect both the prisoner and jail officials. The tapes don't lie.
We are all on tape - at the bank, the grocery store, the ATM, department stores. It's big brother everywhere these days.
Exactly ~ also to protect the jail officials, mostly from inmates falsely claiming abuse. A point often forgotten! ;)
imo I feel JB is putting up such a fuss about the tape because HE KNOWS KC IS GUILTY! As most talking heads say, this could be a good thing for the defense. JB doesn't see it that way because HE KNOWS KC IS GUILTY!

It's almost amusing to hear everyone say how JB doesn't know what he is doing. Again, he has another new lawyer for the defense. Does noone want to stay on his side or does he not like what they say? Hopefully with all the "help" he is getting from all these lawyers, KC won't be able to say down the line that her lawyer was a dunce.
The fact that she showed no emotion at all with the JB park finding before it was known what was found says VOLUMES!!


I will have to go back and watch the news coverage of 12/11/08; but if I remember correctly, all they said was human remains, possibly of a child were found. They did not say it was Caylee. Therefore, why the hysterical reaction from KC?

I will have to go back and watch the news coverage of 12/11/08; but if I remember correctly, all they said was human remains, possibly of a child were found. They did not say it was Caylee. Therefore, why the hysterical reaction from KC?
15 houses away from her home? I would be hysterical too if a two year old child's bones were found that close by. And I would assume it was probably a family member if one had gone missing.

The video is not important. It can be taken either way.
15 houses away from her home? I would be hysterical too if a two year old child's bones were found that close by. And I would assume it was probably a family member if one had gone missing.

The video is not important. It can be taken either way.

And yet, her observation of a possible find at JBP, the location she claims she last saw her daughter alive, garnered nothing but disinterested notice.
And yet, her observation of a possible find at JBP, the location she claims she last saw her daughter alive, garnered nothing but disinterested notice.

This is very telling to me. She should have broken down then as well and not just when the remains were found in December.
All I know is I'd like to see it and draw my own conclusions... but that's me thinking of me. :) - Gee, I hope me following this case isn't causing KC to rub off on me. LOL. j/k.

Bottom line, if this is viewed, I believe the other remains found videos (if any) would also need to be seen so you can witness the different reaction.
This is very telling to me. She should have broken down then as well and not just when the remains were found in December.
I'm curious if she was taken to the med unit when the search was going on at JB park? And, we all know nothing was found there. However, remains were found 15 houses away which is what the big hoopla was all about. Nothing was found at the park.
And yet, her observation of a possible find at JBP, the location she claims she last saw her daughter alive, garnered nothing but disinterested notice.

But do they have that on tape?

It would be very powerful if they had them both on tape.
I'm curious if she was taken to the med unit when the search was going on at JB park? And, we all know nothing was found there. However, remains were found 15 houses away which is what the big hoopla was all about. Nothing was found at the park.

But do they have that on tape?

It would be very powerful if they had them both on tape.

I'm sure they do. It was stated that she was in the day room watching the news when the segment about the search in JBP came on. The guards escorted her back to her cell and she went calmly and with little interest in what was on the TV.
I'm sure they do. It was stated that she was in the day room watching the news when the segment about the search in JBP came on. The guards escorted her back to her cell and she went calmly and with little interest in what was on the TV.
That would be very telling.
This is very telling to me. She should have broken down then as well and not just when the remains were found in December.

When all of the media was reporting finger bones had been pulled out of the Econ members and guests were logging onto websleuths in such numbers that the server kept crashing. We were all heartsick and transfixed.

Not Casey.

I think she was upset over something being found on Suburban because she'd gotten word than Domick C. hadn't turned up anything. She probably thought she was off the hook.

It is a miracle the animals hadn't scattered bones everywhere and that there was something for RK to find. I think triple bagging and being swamped with water helped. But, with algae and all most likely coating everything, I consider it a very, very fortunate find.

Although, it was a bad find for Casey. Thus her response.
I'm sure they do. It was stated that she was in the day room watching the news when the segment about the search in JBP came on. The guards escorted her back to her cell and she went calmly and with little interest in what was on the TV.

I so hope they have that on tape! :woohoo:
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