Casey's seizure? NEW INFORMATION 2011.09.08

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i asked this question on the other thread. do those of you not watching want to know what happened from those of us who do watch it? !!

Not really, only curious to know how foolish they appeared and all that. I for one do not believe a single word they utter. :liar:
In the simple task of tuning into this we are boosting ratings. That is the sole reason they are appearing. By boosting the rating we justify giving more money for more appearances. We create their celebrity, and on this they thrive. I work hard for my money, I'll be damned if I help these creatures to sit back and do nothing but swim with dolphins and tell fairy tales on television. I'd rather read Mother Goose.
Quite so, but if your child appeared to have had one (much less three), wouldn't you insist on some sort of physical check up to determine what might be the matter? One of these ostensibly occurred while she was out on bond - wouldn't JB have insisted on having it checked out? And yet, huh, no confirmation of any work up of any kind - just the dx of Nurse CA who didn't know her belly button protruding daughter was pg.

Glad she's out of healthcare.

(not dissin' ya ranch, just trying to be rational)
Yes, I agree with you. Myself, having never seen someone having a seizure,has no experience in whether someone is faking one or not.Now to a trained nurse I would hope it would be obvious what was happening and how to respond.
i asked this question on the other thread. do those of you not watching want to know what happened from those of us who do watch it? !!

I don't think I could take it to be personally honest. Just seeing this made my blood pressure go sky high. It's a NO for me, but I'm not speaking for everyone. Thanks for offering!
If Casey has a medical condition that causes seizures it would be easy enough to prove. Maybe diagnosing the actual condition could take some time but seizure activity is very easy to identify even if a person is not having a seizure and has not had one for a long time. My daughter had them for awhile and takes medication. Since the meds, she has not had a single seizure (over 4 years since the last one) but she gets an EEG occasionally and each time it shows seizures being a possibility. Her condition is controlled but not cured.

If Casey has such seizures a test would confirm that. If it shows nothing then she either doesn't have seizures or they are not related to a medical condition, or they are faked.
I have never seen anyone have a seizure so I'm not sure if I could tell a real one from a staged one.MOO.

I have seen quite a few but never from one who was passed out. Usually the person having the seizure knows it's coming and yells out. That has been my experience. One person we were with had one right in front of a theater in NYC but he sat down first that's how we knew what was happening. I will say New Yorkers were very concerned, stopped and asked if we needed assistance. There was nothing anyone could do we just had to wait until he came out of it.

I don't think KC faked it. It could have been too much to drink which JG admitted, lack of sleep, which JG admitted and then Red Bull on top of it. Asking for trouble. Out on bail and in jail I'm assuming it would have been hard for her the recreate the same sceniaro. The hospital reports say they could find nothing wrong with KC. They kept her for testing so if she had a problem they would have found it, recommended a follow-up visit with a doctor and medication. None of that was done.

If the A's want us to believe this story they also have to accept the fact that the public will view them as irresponsible parents who would lie and obstruct justice just to keep their daughter from paying for her crime. Now they will have to live with it. jmo
O.... to the... M... to the G!!!!! These people will never change. They are still making excuses for princess. If she had grand mal seizures, again, why not sya everything. So is everything in that family worthwhile of secrecy. Secret non graduations, secret pregnancies, secret jobs, secret boyfriends, secret murders. geesh!!! And is it not a ridiculous coincidence on the day the Dr. phil interview comes out, this ridiculous casey marrying some rich dude story comes out. I used to think that the anthonys were all cozy and at home together, but now i know they arent together. Casey is always gonna want to one up momma. Thats why Caylee is no longer with us. Those two women will play destructive games with eachother till the day they die, and Cindy will continue to play the big game of denial with herself. She will never admit that the person she is, is responsible for the person casey has become. They will lie till the day they die!
I think Casey's "seizure" was ( A drunken to much alcohol seizure)

Case closed.
i asked this question on the other thread. do those of you not watching want to know what happened from those of us who do watch it? !!
I'm really not sure. I never watched the memorial...or the 1st 48 hours...did watch the "mock" jury one, though. I guess it depends how angry I am at the time it airs.
:cow: :cow: :cow:

I agree ... I do NOT see any signs of "denial".

It is "my opinion" what some refer to as "DENIALS" by Cindy, for over 3 years now, is AN ACT -- A PERFORMANCE by Cindy. Just like her daughter, both Cindy and Casey "love to perform" ... and it is "my opinion" that they like to "out-perform" each other.

Cindy KNOWS what she is doing, and her is BIGGEST CONCERN is APPEARANCES.

Cindy will NEVER ADMIT PUBLICLY that she "produced" a "murdereress" ... and Cindy will NEVER ADMIT PUBLICLY anything NEGATIVE about her "daughter" ...

Cindy will do whatever it takes and SHIFT THE BLAME TO ANYONE BUT HER DAUGHTER -- no matter how "ridiculous" it looks and sounds, Cindy does not care ... she "revels" in it -- just like her daughter !

They love the "drama" and both Cindy and Casey love the "competition" ...

:cow: :cow: :cow:

:clap: :clap: :clap:
Having read some of the latest new info I have to say it only leads me to more questions. Since KC was allegedly having seizures I would have to ask did she have a seizure while she was wrapping duct tape around Caylee's head? I would think that would be a very stressful situation. How about when she was loading her in the car? Removing her from the car to where she was dumped?

Or how about when she was drinking? If she was having seizures I would think that intensive partying would have brought them on.

CA is supposed to be a nurse, but I really wonder about her capablility. Saying that seizures are a "mental health issue"? Or that it caused her to be unable to separate reality from fiction? Did they make her a sociopath too? (wasn't that CA's words?) Make her steal money from her family and friends? Bah! The more she talks the more it sounds like (lying) excuses and not real medical/mental issues.

Finally I do agree with KC on one issue (never thought it would happen.) The A's should stay out of the limelight. I was very sympathetic with the A's at the beginning. But the more CA talks, the less sympathetic I am.

As far as the alleged new boyfriend, I have to wonder if he plans on having kids?
I just want to read the great comments from all the WS who watch it- We have some pretty funny people here!!
I am on the verge of a seizure myself reading this latest CA fiction about KC's fiction. The only good thing is that it will be very easy to honor my vow not to watch this; I feel angry and bored just reading the headlines. There is no way I am spending any more time listening to their evil self-serving nonsense.
i asked this question on the other thread. do those of you not watching want to know what happened from those of us who do watch it? !!

Sure, I'm for it.I don't think members have to censor themselves on this. If anyone doesn't want to know, I guess they should avoid threads about it. Not wanting to give Dr Phil better ratings by not watching the show is different than not knowing what was said.MOO.
My mother is epileptic and has been since she was 16 yrs.old she is now 75..I grew up seeing my mother have seizures a lot and they are very scary to see-I am 46 yrs old now and it still scares me to death when I see her having one.And b/c my mother has this condition...she could NEVER drive at least here in NY.

I'm in New York - Long Beach, N.Y. and I know someone who has seizures and drives every day to work to NYC. I take it your mother really did not drive even though she was not supposed to? She could not get a license because of the seizures? I don't know if this guy has a license.
Having read some of the latest new info I have to say it only leads me to more questions. Since KC was allegedly having seizures I would have to ask did she have a seizure while she was wrapping duct tape around Caylee's head? I would think that would be a very stressful situation. How about when she was loading her in the car? Removing her from the car to where she was dumped?

Or how about when she was drinking? If she was having seizures I would think that intensive partying would have brought them on.

CA is supposed to be a nurse, but I really wonder about her capablility. Saying that seizures are a "mental health issue"? Or that it caused her to be unable to separate reality from fiction? Did they make her a sociopath too? (wasn't that CA's words?) Make her steal money from her family and friends? Bah! The more she talks the more it sounds like (lying) excuses and not real medical/mental issues.

Finally I do agree with KC on one issue (never thought it would happen.) The A's should stay out of the limelight. I was very sympathetic with the A's at the beginning. But the more CA talks, the less sympathetic I am.

As far as the alleged new boyfriend, I have to wonder if he plans on having kids?

She has a license but has not done any clinical for many years. She worked as a clinical nurse for a very short time when she graduated. She has been off the "Floor" for many years....thank heavens!
So now it's a seizure (SHOCKER)
I guess the ant's want to rule out:
the nanny ZFG
roy kronk

Even in a seizure like state, Casey still won't take responsibility (as far as I know). Okay, given the BOTD, she had a seizure, comes out of it, finds Caylee drowned in the pool (or George holding Caylee - just pick a version). Does that give anyone the right to drive around with a body in the trunk then tossing Caylee Marie in a swamp?

AND...if George saw Casey have this supposed seizure, he doesn't call 911 to help not only his grandaughter, but his daughter?

What kinda kool-aid are they drinking?

If they expect the Dr. Phil world to believe this, I think they're in for a shocker!

Just my opinion only.


I'm in New York - Long Beach, N.Y. and I know someone who has seizures and drives every day to work to NYC. I take it your mother really did not drive even though she was not supposed to? She could not get a license because of the seizures? I don't know if this guy has a license.

that is right.. she never drove and never got a license!
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