Casey's sunglasses that police took

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You know - all this talk about what we think might be in the pictures, and that perhaps she left them there and had to buy got me thinking. Cindy has to know whether they still have Caylee's little yellow book or not. If that was the last video of my grandchild and a very special book to her...I would have looked for that long ago. She also must know if Casey had big ugly white sunglasses before she bought the ones at Target. And even though Caylee had alot of toys and stuff in her room - Cindy most likely knows what is missing from that room. Especially since she knows what LE took - which should clue her in to what they found. I just wonder what must be going through her head right now...
I've blown up the only thing that remotely looks like sunglasses to me.
The scale looks right and they look like the ones she wore but, then again, it could be roots, leaves etc.

Has anyone found Waldo yet? :crazy:

(Sorry...I couldn't resist!)
Perhaps Waldo knows Zanny!

This is only connection I foresee at this time either. For donnam re little baby jersey girl, how cute is she (aawww...)

Since the sunglasses may only prove the economic charges, perhaps that is why GA had such a reaction when they went in for that search warrant. Kind of like "Don't you all have her on enough??"
Has anyone found Waldo yet? :crazy:

(Sorry...I couldn't resist!)


I was just about to say, if someone sees a potato chip in the shape of the Virgin Mary ........... I'm outta here!:eek:

Hope I didn't offend anyone, was not my intent.

I was just about to say, if someone sees a potato chip in the shape of the Virgin Mary ........... I'm outta here!:eek:

Hope I didn't offend anyone, was not my intent.

LOL...and I will be right behind you! :crazy:

I am not from Florida, but I understand they have a public information act that allows the documents to be accessed after a cetain period of time. Does anyone know when we might get a gander at the actual search warrant and what they took from the house? How does that work exactly - do they have to release everything they have? Certainly not things they found at the crime scene! Boy would I love it though...
I think they confiscated things she bought with forged checks which were obvious on the Target shopping video. I suppose they took the bras, shirt and neglige' (sp) as well.
I dunno .......... I think someone has to request the documents (ya know, like the media), but, then again, I really have no clue as it relates to FL's Sunshine Laws. So, take it for what it is ............. nuttin'!!!

I was just about to say, if someone sees a potato chip in the shape of the Virgin Mary ........... I'm outta here!:eek:

Hope I didn't offend anyone, was not my intent.

Actually, as I prepared the enlargement of the remains site for this thread, I spotted TWO potato chips in the image. One was in the shape of Waldo, and the other was in the shape of Mary... Kate Olsen. I'm not sure of the significance of all this. :rolleyes:
I agree that they took the sunglasses to use in the theft charges.

Those charges have been pending for a while. I would think they would have confiscated anything relative to those charges under the last Search Warrant.

However, you certainly could be right. This case sure isn't "cut & dry, by the book, 123, ABC!"

The Dets. have to positively wanna :bang: most days ...........

and maybe not themselves - but, "you know who."


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