Caylee Alive Search Feedback or News?

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I would also like to know.....

I don't believe that Caylee is alive but it would be interesting to know if the Anthony's are actually following through with their search for a "Live" Caylee & how they're going about it.

I truly don't care how the Anthonys are conducting their searches. All I know is I've never seen them do anything but argue with people. Other families make bold announcements, go on TV and plead for their children's safety plus numerous other things. If they need assistance, I could share a few hints with them - if they were truly serious about searching for the little child.

So, how does one really search for a living missing child? Seriously? Isn't it through word of mouth, TV spots, pictures on fliers and milk cartons, that sort of thing? Arguing and lying to LE isn't the way to go. So how do people like us actually go about helping? Obviously going on TV to make tearful pleadings would be far less effective by strangers than when family does it, right?

I would assume websites, posters, and that sort of stuff could be helpful, too. One could get oneself arrested because of repeatedly staring at young children and following them around to see how they interact with the people they are with. Some children have actually been found this way, though!

In Caylee's case, I believe appeals by non-Anthony people, total strangers, would gather more results and interest in searching for Caylee than anything the As could do. ABSOLUTELY. I know strangers would get a better response than that guy who was with them on Monday who cursed out the cameraman! :rolleyes:
Good Lord. This thread is NOT about whether anyone believes that Caylee is dead or alive!

There were several posters on this site that went to the Anthony's tent to offer help with searching for "a live Caylee". Their names and contacts were taken and they were told someone would contact them.

Cyberborg is just trying to ask if any of those people were contacted, nothing more, nothing less.

No one is trying to "bait" anyone.

Sorry. I really wasn't trying to bait anyone. I really would like to know more about these searches. I really would like to hear about tips that aren't related to psychics and people's dreams. I really would like to hear what the Anthonys believe to be the truth about the last time Casey saw Caylee and who took her. I haven't heard Cindy say for sure if she still believes there is a ZFG or if she now thinks that was a code name for another person or who that person is in a long time, and I wish they would release a statement to say who the public should be looking for.

Rumors do not help the situation, but the people who know are not talking. They are only bashing LE and saying there are tips not being followed up.

If the people who volunteered at the KFN tent were contacted, that would be reassuring. I would be interested to know where they are looking. If not, then why not? But I do think it is telling that there are no details. I believe that if actual searches were going on and credible tips coming in, they would be all over the news.
There were several posters on this site that went to the Anthony's tent to offer help with searching for "a live Caylee". Their names and contacts were taken and they were told someone would contact them.

Was there really an "Anthony Tent" or was it a missing persons organization tent, or a tent sent up by TES for the sole purpose of a live search in addition to the other kind?

Was it Kid Finders? It would be interesting to know if our volunteers were contacted by KFN, or if it was all for show. I'd hate to think that's what they are doing.
I would like to know how they are going about their search efforts too.

I befriended the family on both ms & facebook. I have repeatedly sent messages by both avenues to ask, what can I do to help, being that I'm so far away, but I have never gotten any reply whatsoever.

Although I personally don't believe Caylee to still be alive, I would most certainly do anything that I could to help in any effort to find her, no matter what I believe.

I just don't get it. Surely, with all the time that they spend at home, they have a chance to check messages. It's been over a month now since I sent my 1st message. How on earth are people to help them when they won't give us any clue as to how to do so, except to donate money, and why would anybody donate money for their efforts when we don't have a clue what those efforts really are. I'm so confused :waitasec:
I, for my opinion, do not understand why there are TWO search camps. It's like one group is looking for a deceased Caylee and another group for the alive Caylee. There is only ONE Caylee and the whole idea of a search for two different people just doesn't make sense. YM was the last person I heard say, in the CA interview, "I'm looking for CAYLEE". Period. She's only in one place.

Because the family wants it that way.

Most searches are done that way. Looking at ALL possiblities. The sooner they find information, the better. The more likely they can find the guilty party.

But the family spends more time trying to stop searches for her, then anything else.

There has always been hope that Trenten is alive. Yet there was searches for where his body might be. Very likely he is gone. But everyone still keeps an eye out for a LIVE Trenten.

It would have been no different with Caylee, except for the A's being so rude and mean. That it has raised flags. They forced folks to pick one or the other.

Seriouslyl? Why should they try to prevent folks from searching woods, etc. A good chance that stuff might be found. If they don't believe it would be Caylee, then they should realize that the search might find Trenten, etc. Who knows!
I would like to know how they are going about their search efforts too.

I befriended the family on both ms & facebook. I have repeatedly sent messages by both avenues to ask, what can I do to help, being that I'm so far away, but I have never gotten any reply whatsoever.

Although I personally don't believe Caylee to still be alive, I would most certainly do anything that I could to help in any effort to find her, no matter what I believe.

I just don't get it. Surely, with all the time that they spend at home, they have a chance to check messages. It's been over a month now since I sent my 1st message. How on earth are people to help them when they won't give us any clue as to how to do so, except to donate money, and why would anybody donate money for their efforts when we don't have a clue what those efforts really are. I'm so confused :waitasec:

This speaks volumes about what the Anthony family TRULY believes concerning finding a "live Caylee," doesn't it?

They seem to release a Caylee sighting 'tip' ONLY when they want to deflect attention AWAY FROM any real search efforts.

They do NOT respond to ordinary people who wish to help them in their alleged 'search.'

And we have had multiple posts by people in the general area who say there aren't even any CAYLEE POSTERS that they've seen.

Other than whining that nobody is searching for a "live Caylee" and endlessly trying to convince people that poor Casey is just a victim.... what are THEY doing to find this poor baby?

Poor Caylee..... from day one, her family has ONLY made this 'All about Casey.'

Nah... don't expect to hear anything back from the Anthony camp UNLESS you all asking how you can help them DEFEND CASEY.
This speaks volumes about what the Anthony family TRULY believes concerning finding a "live Caylee," doesn't it?

They seem to release a Caylee sighting 'tip' ONLY when they want to deflect attention AWAY FROM any real search efforts.

They do NOT respond to ordinary people who wish to help them in their alleged 'search.'

And we have had multiple posts by people in the general area who say there aren't even any CAYLEE POSTERS that they've seen.

Other than whining that nobody is searching for a "live Caylee" and endlessly trying to convince people that poor Casey is just a victim.... what are THEY doing to find this poor baby?

Poor Caylee..... from day one, her family has ONLY made this 'All about Casey.'

Nah... don't expect to hear anything back from the Anthony camp UNLESS you all asking how you can help them DEFEND CASEY.

Or donate $.
So -if I were looking for a live child, whom I believe is being held by people who "love her and want her for their own", but have "threatened harm if a 30 day script" wasn't followed, where would I start and whose help would I enlist. Perhaps a list of names and numbers at a search site by the woods would not be my first choice. Would I send out descriptions of kidnappers that might harm the child if identified? Or would I just flood the media with pics of said child in hopes that spotters will report sightings? Would I release info about where the investigation is leading, which would surely let the kidnappers know if I was hot on the trail or waaaaay off base? Or would I be very quiet about the info that has been received, so they won't know how close I might be, and pray everyday for a new sighting? There may be some logic to searching silently as they describe a kidnapping that is not motivated by ransom or assault, but by want of the child. They might not follow up with folks that don't have information to provide......?
I hope that this is o.k. to post :confused: but some WS'ers volunteered to join the Caylee Alive Search at the tent.

I just wondered if they were ever contacted? Was there any news on how folks can assist? What is the game plan? Thank you.

Did this question ever get answered? I read through the posts and couldn't find the simple answer from anyone? thanks for sharing the information.
I, for my opinion, do not understand why there are TWO search camps. It's like one group is looking for a deceased Caylee and another group for the alive Caylee. There is only ONE Caylee and the whole idea of a search for two different people just doesn't make sense. YM was the last person I heard say, in the CA interview, "I'm looking for CAYLEE". Period. She's only in one place.

Boy-you nailed this for me. Why the division? Per Casey's words, Caylee was last seen in Blanchard Park if the story she told regarding the snatching was her final answer-how can it not be relevant to search the park and the river?

Beyond that, release some tips and people from all over the country will help ya out. I mean, what does anyone have to lose UNLESS there is time and energy being wasted that is better spent else where.
I have offered this before-get me a credible siting or tip involving New England and I know many, many people who would help run it to ground.
Although I don't believe that Caylee is still with us, I want to reassure each and every one of you who believe that she's alive: The people on this forum are here for Caylee's sake. Thousands upon thousands of good people from all over the world have commanded Caylee's face to memory and heart...and every day each of us goes off into our own corner of the world.

Can you imagine any one of us seeing a live Caylee and not reporting it? Can you imagine even one of us who wouldn't do everything in our power to bring this little girl home safe and sound?

If by some miracle Caylee is alive somewhere...she won't go without ground search could change that fact. However, if the official searches are prevented or discouraged, precious evidence may be lost forever. Caylee may be lost forever. JMO
Good Lord. This thread is NOT about whether anyone believes that Caylee is dead or alive!

There were several posters on this site that went to the Anthony's tent to offer help with searching for "a live Caylee". Their names and contacts were taken and they were told someone would contact them.

Cyberborg is just trying to ask if any of those people were contacted, nothing more, nothing less.

No one is trying to "bait" anyone.

Exactly!!! Thank you.

I did NOT want this to devolve into a discussion about evidence one way or the other. Simply to know what efforts, what strategy, what news on the parallel Caylee search.

You can still search but what is the plan? What are the leads? what are the developments? Are people being leveraged or just left hanging?
Boy-you nailed this for me. Why the division? Per Casey's words, Caylee was last seen in Blanchard Park if the story she told regarding the snatching was her final answer-how can it not be relevant to search the park and the river?

Beyond that, release some tips and people from all over the country will help ya out. I mean, what does anyone have to lose UNLESS there is time and energy being wasted that is better spent else where.
I have offered this before-get me a credible siting or tip involving New England and I know many, many people who would help run it to ground.

ITA. I do understand that fresh tips need to be dealt with by local LE first but -- info can still be shared on what's happened recently, any trends, any useful info that people could use -- like rumors Caylee's hair has been dyed or cut as a boy -- for example.

If you want to keep hope alive, you need to feed it and -- there is no harm disseminating info, sharing it and, enlisting the nation to help.

It works both ways. We do need to find Caylee. Period. And we should not exclude one path or the other, despite building evidence -- exhaust both paths.

It helps the Defense not to find Caylee's remains, it helps the Prosecution not to find Caylee alive. Above all though -- it helps Caylee to find her and it helps the A family to treat both paths as one. The same. We need to find Caylee. Period
Here's a thought for all those people who think Caylee might still be alive.....

After seeing the way Caylee's grandparents have done little more than DEFEND CASEY & insist she's a "loving mother" and a "hero".....

I think that increases the chances that someone who found the child would be HORRIFIED at the thought that Caylee would be returned to this totally dysfunctional family & might choose to KEEP HER & raise her as their own.
Here's a thought for all those people who think Caylee might still be alive.....

After seeing the way Caylee's grandparents have done little more than DEFEND CASEY & insist she's a "loving mother" and a "hero".....

I think that increases the chances that someone who found the child would be HORRIFIED at the thought that Caylee would be returned to this totally dysfunctional family & might choose to KEEP HER & raise her as their own.

Except if Caylee is alive, they were right in their defense of Casey. They would also be right about LE putting more effort into prosecuting Casey than looking for Caylee.
If they're right their anger and actions are totally justified IMO and those that criticized them should be ashamed because they'd written Caylee off for dead but the Anthony's never gave up.

I couldn't allow anybody to suffer by not knowing wether their family member were alive or dead. There's also no evidence that the A's ever abused Caylee.
The alive thread was closed on the regular threads when the indictment came out. Then, WS mods were kind enough to give the small group of believers a thread of their own to discuss w/o prejudice. You had to become a member of the alive thread group to post, and the thread was clearly marked for all non-believers to stay out of the thread. Then, someone started another alive thread over here on the reg threads and I think it became apartent that people did not want to use the alive thread to discuss , but rather to argue. You can tell that by the small amout of posts that are on the reserved Cayle alive thread (that has since been locked).
Well although this whole case is all too sad. This little girl was adorable and it is hard to imagine her own mother harming her, but look at the facts. If Caylee was alive do you think she is WELL. People who kidnap children usually do not take wonderful care of them, they usually are kidnapped, sexually/physically abuse, then killed and there battered bodies are tossed out like garbage. If you know of any cases where a small child was kidnapped by someone other than family and the kidnappers took wonderful care of the child please tell me about it because I can not find one. Maybe its easier for me to picture her safe in the arms of Jesus than out there being abused or decomposing. I hoped they would find her body so CA & GA could have closure. I know even if her body is never found Caylee is already at peace.
5 months after the fact with no viable leads and the only witness not talking....good luck.
Except if Caylee is alive, they were right in their defense of Casey. They would also be right about LE putting more effort into prosecuting Casey than looking for Caylee.
If they're right their anger and actions are totally justified IMO and those that criticized them should be ashamed because they'd written Caylee off for dead but the Anthony's never gave up.

I couldn't allow anybody to suffer by not knowing wether their family member were alive or dead. There's also no evidence that the A's ever abused Caylee.

Even if Caylee were alive and well, Casey did one of two things: either she has lied to LE and the rest of the world about knowing where she is and who she is with and that the person is taking good care of her (Casey's own words: "I'm petrified!" and "No, she's not in a better place." and "I have no idea where she is.")

OR she endangered Caylee by refusing to cooperate with LE to find Caylee, which caused them to follow the rules of common sense and focus on her instead of looking for the "real" kidnappers.

Either way, I would celebrate with the world if Caylee were found alive, but I would hardly feel that I owed the Anthonys an apology. They have done nothing to help find Caylee.

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