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Even if Caylee were alive and well, Casey did one of two things: either she has lied to LE and the rest of the world about knowing where she is and who she is with and that the person is taking good care of her (Casey's own words: "I'm petrified!" and "No, she's not in a better place." and "I have no idea where she is.")

OR she endangered Caylee by refusing to cooperate with LE to find Caylee, which caused them to follow the rules of common sense and focus on her instead of looking for the "real" kidnappers.

Either way, I would celebrate with the world if Caylee were found alive, but I would hardly feel that I owed the Anthonys an apology. They have done nothing to help find Caylee.

My thoughts excactly! :clap:
Did this question ever get answered? I read through the posts and couldn't find the simple answer from anyone? thanks for sharing the information.

No responses to the original question. No.

Some valuable extraneous insights were shared.

It all seems shrouded in secrecy and while there is some plausibility -maybe- to the need for secrecy in the case someone who loves Caylee has her -- there is absolutely nothing to support that is the case, not even from KC's lips.

[snip] ...(Casey's own words: "I'm petrified!" and "No, she's not in a better place." and "I have no idea where she is.")....[snip]
Even if Caylee were alive and well, Casey did one of two things: either she has lied to LE and the rest of the world about knowing where she is and who she is with and that the person is taking good care of her (Casey's own words: "I'm petrified!" and "No, she's not in a better place." and "I have no idea where she is.")

OR she endangered Caylee by refusing to cooperate with LE to find Caylee, which caused them to follow the rules of common sense and focus on her instead of looking for the "real" kidnappers.

Either way, I would celebrate with the world if Caylee were found alive, but I would hardly feel that I owed the Anthony's an apology. They have done nothing to help find Caylee.

I responded to a poster who said they'd have a hard time returning Caylee if they found out she was alive.
If by some miracle she were alive, the A's were right in defending Casey against claims that KC killed her. IMO, lying to LE wouldn't justify any one keeping any knowledge of a live Caylee to themselves.
To me it would also depend on her condition and the factual circumstances which nobody but KC is privy to right now.
They are looking for Caylee via the PI's.
I don't remember mentioning anything about an apology. If I personally had attacked the A's for being in 'denial' or refusing to accept the fact that Caylee was dead and she was found alive I know I'd feel bad. But that's just me. I obviously don't represent the majority of posters here.
Let's look at this LOGICALLY for one moment. IF Caylee were alive, say Casey has sold her, given her away or legally adopted her to someone else, would she remain silent in the face of murder charges? All logic defies the answer yes. There is not one chance that if the above options were a REAL option that this woman would be sitting there in silence. She is facing LIFE IN PRISON in all likelihood, and even for manslaughter she is going to serve a hefty chunk of time in prison. ALL THAT COULD BE AVOIDED if she would just say, "I gave Caylee to _", "I sold Caylee to _", "I adopted Caylee to _". She has said none of these things. I mean, come on, if she wanted to give Caylee away to free herself of obligation and allow herself the time to enjoy and live life as she desired, then HOW does spending years in prison fit in to this scheme of hers?

Now let's look at the "Caylee has been kidnapped" story. If that were true in any sense of the word, then she would have had REAL answers to give to LE concerning the kidnapping and the kidnapper. She would have had REAL places where she had taken Caylee to be cared for by Zenaida. She would have had receipts for the payments she had made to Zenaida. She would have had people who could say Yeah, I knew Zenaida, she was the babysitter, etc. She would have had the womans phone number in her phone. Her parents would have known the womans name and her LOCATION. There would have been a REAL job that she was going to and needed a sitter during those hours. There are none of those things. Zenaida is a character in a story that Casey wrote, and the kidnapping is a plot that she constructed for the very same story.
Let's look at this LOGICALLY for one moment. IF Caylee were alive, say Casey has sold her, given her away or legally adopted her to someone else, would she remain silent in the face of murder charges? All logic defies the answer yes. There is not one chance that if the above options were a REAL option that this woman would be sitting there in silence. She is facing LIFE IN PRISON in all likelihood, and even for manslaughter she is going to serve a hefty chunk of time in prison. ALL THAT COULD BE AVOIDED if she would just say, "I gave Caylee to _", "I sold Caylee to _", "I adopted Caylee to _". She has said none of these things. I mean, come on, if she wanted to give Caylee away to free herself of obligation and allow herself the time to enjoy and live life as she desired, then HOW does spending years in prison fit in to this scheme of hers?

Now let's look at the "Caylee has been kidnapped" story. If that were true in any sense of the word, then she would have had REAL answers to give to LE concerning the kidnapping and the kidnapper. She would have had REAL places where she had taken Caylee to be cared for by Zenaida. She would have had receipts for the payments she had made to Zenaida. She would have had people who could say Yeah, I knew Zenaida, she was the babysitter, etc. She would have had the womans phone number in her phone. Her parents would have known the womans name and her LOCATION. There would have been a REAL job that she was going to and needed a sitter during those hours. There are none of those things. Zenaida is a character in a story that Casey wrote, and the kidnapping is a plot that she constructed for the very same story.

But magic-cat, you forget that Casey can not give a "clear picture" at this time according to Cindy. :blowkiss: Sorry, I couldn't resist!
So -if I were looking for a live child, whom I believe is being held by people who "love her and want her for their own", but have "threatened harm if a 30 day script" wasn't followed, where would I start and whose help would I enlist. Perhaps a list of names and numbers at a search site by the woods would not be my first choice. Would I send out descriptions of kidnappers that might harm the child if identified? Or would I just flood the media with pics of said child in hopes that spotters will report sightings? Would I release info about where the investigation is leading, which would surely let the kidnappers know if I was hot on the trail or waaaaay off base? Or would I be very quiet about the info that has been received, so they won't know how close I might be, and pray everyday for a new sighting? There may be some logic to searching silently as they describe a kidnapping that is not motivated by ransom or assault, but by want of the child. They might not follow up with folks that don't have information to provide......?
If someone kidnapped the child because they wanted her for their own, I find it highly unlikely that there would have been a 'script" Why threaten to harm a child you wanted as your own? None of that story makes ANY sense at all. The family is in danger, the child is safe, she is not safe, we are two steps away,(announced by the A's), we are close,very close....But wait, we can't tell anyone or Caylee is in danger..Not on this planet...Sorry
If the A's wanted to get the public and LE's attention on finding an alive Caylee wouldn't it be in their best interest to cooperate with LE (dna, polygraph etc) right from the start and also explain the trunk contents if it is not Caylee??? IMO finding an alive Caylee would be alot easier to do if they involved the public in their search efforts.....all of these people would be searching for her wherever the A's said they thought she could be and the chances of her being found would be greater. Instead they are basicly asking everyone to sort of take their word for it even though the evidence says otherwise. If their story is true, and they have valid reason to believe Caylee is alive and they are not doing as much as they can to find her they would be just as guilty as they are saying LE is for not searching for her alive.
Except if Caylee is alive, they were right in their defense of Casey. They would also be right about LE putting more effort into prosecuting Casey than looking for Caylee.
If they're right their anger and actions are totally justified IMO and those that criticized them shou

ld be ashamed because they'd written Caylee off for dead but the Anthony's never gave up.

I couldn't allow anybody to suffer by not knowing wether their family member were alive or dead. There's also no evidence that the A's ever abused Caylee.

No, I also think the Cindy, George & Lee loved Caylee totally & were good to her while she lived with them.

All I'm saying is that it's possible that some misguided person somewhere could feel the Anthony family are out of control & not a fit family, they could potentially take matters into their own hands & decide to 'save her' from the whole pathetic circus. They wouldn't bother worrying if the Anthonys were suffering more because they'd feel they were doing what's best for Caylee.
So it seems there is NO INFO about the "live search."

Plenty of important news about the loss of their spokesman though. lol
I don't think the question has been answered b/c there is no search currently happening for an alive Caylee, mostly b/c she is deceased.
I don't think the question has been answered b/c there is no search currently happening for an alive Caylee, mostly b/c she is deceased.

I concur...the only mystery here is why we have to keep saying that. I thought we had gotten past that. There was one couple who did go to the kid finders tent and ask George what they could do to search. He said he was waiting for a call back from his PI in regards to that and he would let them know. They never heard back from anyone...As far as i'm concerned, enuf said.
I concur...the only mystery here is why we have to keep saying that. I thought we had gotten past that. There was one couple who did go to the kid finders tent and ask George what they could do to search. He said he was waiting for a call back from his PI in regards to that and he would let them know. They never heard back from anyone...As far as i'm concerned, enuf said.

Bolded by me.

That was the point of the thread. To confirm and validate that.

It had been stated as a complement to the TES search that there would be a Caylee Alive search. I was trying to determine if anything is being done at all by the A's, KFN, PI, JB, etc -- to find ZFG or Caylee as is suggested.

This wasn't a thread to determine the fate of Caylee, it was to question and validate the assertions and claims that are made.
I don't think the question has been answered b/c there is no search currently happening for an alive Caylee, mostly b/c she is deceased.

With respect, I was not debating that evidence. What I was driving at was the claims of the search work by the A's, KFN, PI, JB and the statement that there is/was a complementary Caylee Alive search -- so to dig into that.

What is supposedly being done?, inquiring minds want to know. There are statements that go un-challenged.
Bolded by me.

That was the point of the thread. To confirm and validate that.

It had been stated as a complement to the TES search that there would be a Caylee Alive search. I was trying to determine if anything is being done at all by the A's, KFN, PI, JB, etc -- to find ZFG or Caylee as is suggested.

This wasn't a thread to determine the fate of Caylee, it was to question and validate the assertions and claims that are made.

Nada, cyberborg, and I don't think we should be holding our breath! :mad:
Here's a thought for all those people who think Caylee might still be alive.....

After seeing the way Caylee's grandparents have done little more than DEFEND CASEY & insist she's a "loving mother" and a "hero".....

I think that increases the chances that someone who found the child would be HORRIFIED at the thought that Caylee would be returned to this totally dysfunctional family & might choose to KEEP HER & raise her as their own.

JMO but I could see that happening.
Good Lord. This thread is NOT about whether anyone believes that Caylee is dead or alive!

There were several posters on this site that went to the Anthony's tent to offer help with searching for "a live Caylee". Their names and contacts were taken and they were told someone would contact them.

Cyberborg is just trying to ask if any of those people were contacted, nothing more, nothing less.

No one is trying to "bait" anyone.
Thanks...I was interested in knowing if they'd heard back, myself.
Let's restate the obvious: Has anyone out there who has requested information from the Anthony's/Kidfinder's about details of an ALIVE CAYLEE SEARCH received any? If so, would you mind to share the details, as in where will these searches be conducted and are volunteers needed, and who is organizing the searches and when are they occurring? These are valid questions to a statement that was made by the Anthony's that a Live Search was also happening as the Dead Search continues.
Bolded by me.

That was the point of the thread. To confirm and validate that.

It had been stated as a complement to the TES search that there would be a Caylee Alive search. I was trying to determine if anything is being done at all by the A's, KFN, PI, JB, etc -- to find ZFG or Caylee as is suggested.

This wasn't a thread to determine the fate of Caylee, it was to question and validate the assertions and claims that are made.

Cybor, sad to say, the only way that GA & CA want anyone's help in "searching" for an alive Caylee, is in the form of donations....after all, Cindy is one-handedly taking care of all the tips!:rolleyes:
I'd like to clarify something. Caylee alive posters are more than welcome to post their opinions here and reasons why they think she could still be with us.
The problem that caused so many threads to be shut down is the attacking, arguing, and general disruption that occurs in these threads.
It important to note that this bickering has been a 2 way street. Both sides of the fence have been equally disruptive.

In any thread if anyone feels bullied or attacked, the posts must be reported. If you respond in kind it becomes mutual combat and everyone becomes guilty of violating TOS and the end result is lots of arguing and TO's.

People cannot argue by themselves, it takes 2 to keep it going.

If we a scroll past offending posts or only respond to them in violation free manner, then there is no argument.

Healthy debate is fine and welcomed until it gets personal or about the poster and not the post. That cannot be tolerated here and we do the best we can to keep that from going on.

Challenging another's opinion is not a personal attack. Just remember, attack the post and not the poster. If your post passes that test then it is fine.

okay back to topic but I did want to clear that up.

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