Caylee Anthony 2 year old #20 General Discussion

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I did the distancing thing too - it's my normal and it helps me when I'm having to deal with things I can't deal with. And she could well be doing that (which is forcing George to be more out in the open). And ITA I can't even imagine having people (like whoever was on the motorcycle) shout obscenities when you're heart is being ripped out. :(

Now, I do agree that both parents and Lee need to put their foot down and try to get *real* answers from Casey, but that doesn't seem to be an easy thing (for anyone!). They - especially Cindy - do seem to know how to work her and that could be part of what we've been seeing (as in give Casey sympathy, try for some answers, act like you believe her, push for more answers).

It's sad to see these dynamics being played out and frustrating because Casey still doesn't seem to be talking. Not as sad as the fact that a precious little girl is missing and most likely gone, but still sad...

I seriously think Casey will deny everything even if Caylee is found dead. We have seen nothing in her honesty since the very beginning.

Hopefully the presser tomorrow will help bring many things to light for us all. This case has been especially draining and riddled with emotions on all extremes.
Casey's words on the phone call with Christine the other day that others have highlighted struck me, as well. About is she telling the whole truth and Casey asks something about, "That I don't know where my daughter is? Yes" or however exactly it was phrased (I know what struck me was her being specific that THAT was what she was being completely truthful about ~ whether that's an inadvertent admission that might be the only truthful thing or not we obviously don't know)

Then there's also been a lot of discussion about Casey very specifically saying Caylee was missing for 31 days (then how that does/doesn't fit with the original and later dates) and about the fact that the Zanny name rolled right off her tongue.

The latter two struck me as almost very rehearsed. She was so nonchalant in the call and didn't hesitate on those two details. While it might be because they are both true (that it'd been 31 days and that Zanny is really known to her) I almost wondered if she'd been practicing with someone. Perhaps a someone who might have also been involved, thus opening the door for the possibility that she might NOT know where Caylee is now (as in someone else perhaps did something with what I'd guess are her remains, not Caylee still alive, unfortunately).

Sure she could have practiced on her own, but the odd emphasis in that conversation with Christine have me thinking through whether Casey was being truthful about that one little morsel or if it's another lie. Oh and I do think there may be a real Zanny, though I doubt she's ever been Caylee's nanny. I think it could be stolen ID or someone Casey (or associates) know and were on the outs with or something, and that was why Casey used a name, knowing eventually she'd HAVE to come up with a story to SOMEONE about where Caylee was...but that she practiced that in advance...just whether that was alone or with someone who may have had other roles, as well.

I also feel that there is a Zanny, as LE has pulled up a number of them in their DAVID (drivers license) database. So there are a number of people by that name. At one time Casey had a friend by that name.

Casey was between a rock and a hard place when LE asked her to take them to the apartment complex where she left Caylee with the babysitter. She may have been familiar with the Sawgrass Apartments because a friend once lived there. She could have toured the apartment complex sometime in the past month or two and saw Zenaida's name on the guest card and noted the coincidence that she knew someone by that name.

Despite being confronted with the fact that Zenaida Fernandez-Gonzolas doesn't live there and the apartment has been empty since February, Casey clings to her story because it's the only story she's got.......her daughter was kidnapped by a babysitter......because that's the story she stated and she can't back down without an admission of guilt.
Hi all. Finally, I have being reading and reading. This forum is so much better than the one I have been on since Friday. Really good discussions, opinions, theories, etc.
Truly..... I'm glad you posted this because it crossed my mind a couple of days ago. I don't want to be unfair to the Gma but everything about her makes my skin crawl.

That she has been a nurse for nearly 30 years and George was a homocide detective, I really don't understand the way they are.:waitasec:

I understand the shock and pain. I've had a family member kidnapped and murdered.....but this, this is bizarre.
I saw the video of the prayer vigil and was struck by how few people were there after the two church groups left and the Anthonys came out. Where are all their friends and neighbors? Where is the extended family? We know that Cindy's father is in an assisted living home, but I remember mention that Cindy's mother is alive and close by. She's Caylee's great-grandmother. Where are George and Cindy's brothers and sisters?

According to reports, the Anthonys have lived in that house and neighborhood since 1989. Where is everyone?

I hate to be blunt . . . but Cindy needs to realize that most people have "common sense" and realize what has happened to this child.

It's my opinion that Cindy has been manipulated by Casey FOR YEARS and expects us ALL to belive her lies.

Not going to happen.
On the vigil video, Cindy should have been a bit more gracious, in my honest opinion. When asked if she was surprised about the two churches coming out, her reply was so flat and matter of fact...almost like they owed her to be there. "No, I am not surprised. This is what this is all about. The community coming together to find this little girl.", she said.

Would have been a good time for her to have at least pretended she was grateful! Sheesh! I guess she will be really surprised when no one else shows up next time!
an "Oh, this is so wondeful!" or "I'm speechless" would have worked for me.
Yes, you have a big point there. One BIG difference is the Van Dams were not trying to protect anyone in their family and they had to know what happened to their baby. They wanted help to find their child no matter what.

However the Anthony's only want people searching for something we all think is a lie. Looking for some woman we don't think exists. They don't want to find a dead child somewhere. I don't either but unfortunately I think thats what we are going to find. I think if grandma called on the community to do an inch by inch of the community to find the child and invited TES or another search group in, they would get more help.

How did they finally find that other adorable little girl in FL a couple of years ago that was buried alive on the perps property? The Anthony's are in a much more precarious situation as I think they know they daughter did something with Caylee and just can't admit it to themselves.

I think your observation is keen but don't the 2 cases are comparable in terms of public support.
However, I cmpletely agree there is no support for these people.
That, for me, says people dont really care how the f- this happened as the priority they want her to be found, but for people that so adamantly give the impression they think she is alive, who is geting in line to burst their bubble?
I have written a couple of times about how strange I find it that the people in Orlando or in the community there have not volunteered to do organized searches. During the Van Dam case here there was much support and volunteers, led by the dad were out searching for a couple of weeks. A big professional search team came here too from out of state. And the Van Dams had alot of negative publicity about themselves to boot so it wasn't like they were squeaky clean. Many people accused the dad of doing something. Are the people of Orlando just weird and have no sympathy or what?? I find this community odd. The search volunteers actually found Danielle too. They went inch by inch in this huge vast expanse of a community and they found here. Big grocery stores and companies donated food and water. There was a huge effort and they didn't know if they were looking for a live child or a dead child but they searched. I feel sorry for the Anthony's that people are so disinterested there. I do think they are afraid of what they will find tho.
I think the fact that the child was missing for five weeks and the mother never bothered to report it makes a huge difference here.

If you asked 100 people at random on the streets of Orlando, I'd venture to guess that a majority would say they believe Casey killed her. What else is there to think, given the fact that every word out of her mouth has been a total fabrication.

It was finally the little girl's grandmother who called the police -shades of Brooke Bennett's grandma and her 911-calling friend.

What must be eating away at Cindy is the thought that if she'd only called the cops earlier, Caylee would have been playing in the backyard today.

But how much earlier? The week of June 16th? The 24th? How much time did she have, without knowing that her daughter was capable of actually losing her child and not caring. Monstrous.

Cindy's guilt must be overwhelming.

The fact that Casey has so many friends and casual acquaintances, yet not one has stepped forward to defend her or even to help search for a little girl some of them actually know, is very telling.

Her brother Lee seems pretty normal, he must have friends. Where are they?
Goodnight Sleuthers and little Caylee. Maybe we'll hear at least SOMETHING tomorrow.

Keep on keepin on!
I wasn't aware but the threads are moving so quickly, I'm not surprised I missed that.

The one's I'm looking at now are at the Dragon Room and just wondered if Casey showed up there also. I notice there is a lot of "girl-on-girl" action that this photographer seems to be most impressed with.

Seeing these sure tends to make a person think there is much more behind the scenes than on the dance floor.
I commented on this the other night, but nobody responded. Looking at those pictures definitely pinged my gaydar, as they say.
Well, please do not think by my silence that I disagree with you. I have been told we should not discuss religion on the forum and I will abide by the rules, now that I am aware of them

i didnt know either, and i'm sorry. i think there is a difference, though, between criticizing someone's religion (which i would never do) and analyzing a political stunt draped in religion as the anthony's have done tonight.

that is only my opinion and i truly mean no offense by it.
Well, it made me laugh so it was good for something (hehe).

I wonder now if they have any friends at all and if there are so many deep family problems that they don't associate with each other. Sure looks as though Casey was trying to break free from them also.

I just know that if something terrible had happened to one of my neighbors, everyone would be there at a prayer vigil, and would be making and bringing food in for the family, and doing whatever they could to help.
I think the fact that the child was missing for five weeks and the mother never bothered to report it makes a huge difference here.

If you asked 100 people at random on the streets of Orlando, I'd venture to guess that a majority would say they believe Casey killed her. What else is there to think, given the fact that every word out of her mouth has been a total fabrication.

It was finally the little girl's grandmother who called the police -shades of Brooke Bennett's grandma and her 911-calling friend.

What must be eating away at Cindy is the thought that if she'd only called the cops earlier, Caylee would have been playing in the backyard today.

But how much earlier? The week of June 16th? The 24th? How much time did she have, without knowing that her daughter was capable of actually losing her child and not caring. Monstrous.

Cindy's guilt must be overwhelming.

The fact that Casey has so many friends and casual acquaintances, yet not one has stepped forward to defend her or even to help search for a little girl some of them actually know, is very telling.

Her brother Lee seems pretty normal, he must have friends. Where are they?

i agree with all of this. i think to organize a massive public search is directly related to a common public consensus of guilt. however, in this case, the very family that the public would be helping absolutely denies that they have any liability. it doesn't necessarily send people running to lend a helping hand.
Hi all. Finally, I have being reading and reading. This forum is so much better than the one I have been on since Friday. Really good discussions, opinions, theories, etc.

Welcome! I love this forum. The mods are great.
I wasn't aware but the threads are moving so quickly, I'm not surprised I missed that.

The one's I'm looking at now are at the Dragon Room and just wondered if Casey showed up there also. I notice there is a lot of "girl-on-girl" action that this photographer seems to be most impressed with.

Seeing these sure tends to make a person think there is much more behind the scenes than on the dance floor.
Oh, I was just asking if it was the same photographer. I am almost positive the name of the other one was TedE Piper. Or TediPiper. So your photographers name really jumped out at me. Most of his photos, except a few in clubs, (which looked kinda classy not trashy), were of boys doing bicycle jumps, or groups of young guys posing, or portraits of individual guys.

There was definitely a photo of Casey with a guy, who was identified as TonE, both of them dressed up at a fancy table. Anyone remember which thread it might have been on? Is there a way to search comments?

I'm just going to throw this out here before i go to bed.
This may have been tossed out there in one of the many threads.
But I"m wondering if maybe Casey was getting into event promoting/go-go dancing i.e. , they have a myspace page too or maybe part of the 'Whats Hot Live Crew'.
I'm simply tossing this out there as an idea, based on the photos above.
SHe's on the platform with another dancer, and then maybe that is why she is getting her photos taken with other patrons/djs/entertainers.

Just speculating
the girl she is dancing with is the blonde in the picture at the booth. I added her on myspace. She is a shot girl at fusian. It seems like the girls that work there are 18-19, not Casey's age. Although she is in pictures with them, from the myspaces, it doesnt seem like Casey is part of that group, just friends with the guys and that one blonde girl. Although the blonde girl has 8-10 albums of pictures and none of them have Casey in them

also here are comments casey left her recently
I have been reading this forum off and on for years. I am addicted to this case.

I keep trying to invent a different ending - some believable scenario other than the obvious.

Has anyone heard anything from the shovel loaning neighbor about the date? Middle of June is a little vague.

I never saw the news regarding her being on a suicide watch. A Dr would have had to clear her if that was the case...

I believe that after the (obviously pre-buried) dirt covered object was put in the trunk that the car did not travel far. Even a sociopath would have to be feeling a little sick and the smell would have been strong.

I would also be interested in finding out when the last service was done on the vehicle. Did they write down the mileage? It could potentially be helpful?

I hope I am wrong but I am betting there is water at the end of this story. Susan Smith, Scott Peterson - it's as though the really big liars think water will just clean up their messes...

Welcome JulieAnne!

I think you've got a good point about not traveling very far. I don't think we have anything more on the shovel-loaning neighbor than mid-June.
Back at ya, RR, I cannot shake this baby. Sorry my dear friend, RR.:blowkiss:
Sorry, I didn't get the chance to say goodnight...and sweet dreams dear do so much for others...I admire you so.
Welcome JulieAnne!

I think you've got a good point about not traveling very far. I don't think we have anything more on the shovel-loaning neighbor than mid-June.
Was it ever mentioned as to what time of day this shovel incident occurred? I remember the neighbor saying he had taken a shower, but that doesn't necessarily mean morning...I shower at night (FWIW).
I think the meeting w/ Baez and LE Fri eve yielded: Caylee is dead, we have her hair and DNA in the car. Pending further tests and as we begin to plan our search strategy for her remains, please inform your Client that unless she confesses immediately, she is playing beat the clock wih our efforts to find a body. Once we do, she is going to death row if she does not help us. No deals. I think the Anthony's know she is dead, but still cling to belief if was at another's hands.
They can and they will proceed w/out a body if Caylee's Dna is in that car, specifically blood evidence or decomp fluids, but I think like most of us, they are committed to finding her if they can.

You know I have not been able to do much but work on this case since it happened and I just want to say I'm so sorry Caylee and I wish I couold do more.:blowkiss:

i agree with you 100%. this is a post i wrote yesterday (but i think LE is done sitting on the evidence):

i think LE does have evidence that caylee is deceased; the car has been seized since the 17th, ample time to get forensics back. and at the same time, they sort of implied it:

A sheriff's investigator said on Friday that based on a smell and other evidence in Anthony's car, it's possible Caylee is dead and her mother is involved.

however, i also think LE may be sitting on whatever evidence that they have. the evidence they can get from the car will show whether caylee was alive or deceased; they will probably be able to distinguish this based solely on the strands of hair that they found. but they will need the body to prove how she died. for example, it will make a huge difference, legally speaking at least, if the body shows that she was strangled, as opposed to fell down the stairs (or any accident, etc). if there was intent, it will be murder; if it was only negligence, it will be manslaughter.

while the police cannot make casey talk to them (ever, in fact - she can remain silent forever and no one will ever get any answers from her, and that would be 100% within the bounds of the law - how much does that suck? this is why baez isn't letting LE speak to her. it's actually the smartest thing he has done, considering how much she has already incriminated herself), the fbi can make her talk. of course, in saying that, i am assuming (and hoping) that she won't continue her ridiculous denials. so, LE may sit on their evidence, wait for the fbi to try to break her, and then say "look at everything we have on you (you crazy lying )." and then force her to show them where the remains are in exchange for a lesser charge (or something along those lines). having the body itself is also better for public policy reasons - it will bring closure to the case.

this will go to a jury either way (unless she pleads, but that would mean accepting guilt). on one hand, it looks terrible for the mother of a 2-year-old to take the fifth, or to selfishly care more about remaining in jail than helping the authorities find her little girl who was "stolen" over a month ago (especially because she insists that caylee is alive). on the other hand, as much as all of this circumstantial evidence looks damning, it would be incredibly hard to pin murder on her (or maybe even manslaughter) without knowing that caylee was, in fact, killed.

i am sure LE will (or already does) have the credit card records, phone records, and maybe even computer records. thus, they will be able to discern exactly where she has been for the past month, what she has spent money on, if she has in fact spoken to the nanny (for that matter, if she has ever spoken to the nanny. casey said in her statement that the nanny has watched caylee for a year and a half or two years. that is basically caylee's whole life. i find it so hard to believe that she really does exist and NO one has ever met her). they will also probably be able to determine what emails and facebook/myspace messages she has posted and/or deleted, at what location she posted/deleted them, who she has hung out, and what other lies she has spun. they may also have the stolen/forged checks from amy, statements from all of her friends and family, her employment records, etc (so they can parade a slew of witnesses up there to trash her character). considering how much evidence we have already found, just by using the internet, i can't even imagine what they must know.

this gives me a little faith that, ultimately, justice will be served. i hope she got all of that partying out of her system....

this is just my opinion, please take it for whatever it's worth.
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