Caylee Anthony 2 year old #21 General Discussion

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i'm wondering why we still don't have any results on the car? Seems like that should be out by now.

I think there was a Casey/Cindy fight and Casey took Caylee because she knew being without her would be the ultimate punishment for Cindy. I'm guessing a 2yr old in tow wasn't exactly easy for her, and she wanted to party and left Caylee sleeping in the hot car.. came out and found her dead. She probably panicked a bit and put her in the trunk. She started lying and kept partying without thinking of consequences until the stench was too much and she buried the body and dumped the car. Since she was used to lying and having everyone accept it.. she didnt' really come up w/ a story and was caught offguard when Cindy arrived and forced her hand. She had to come up w/something because the police were coming to arrest her.

Exactly what I've been thinking!

I look at the pictures of Caylee and Casey and while Casey does not exactly appear to be upset about Caylee's disappearance right now (my guess - she's in survival of her own selfish self at the moment), I do think she loved the baby. I can't, in my heart of hearts, believe she killed Caylee in cold blood.
i know this is far out there but could it be possible that the landlord to the Sawgrass apartments lied to LE about ZG living there? If she was an illegal and they knew they could lie so they didn't get in trouble for renting to an KNOWN illegal. jmo.

Let me state for the record I am not completely awake yet lol

Assuming it is a possibility, I don't think the neighbors they questioned in that complex would have also covered for ZFG/the apartment manager.

In my building, I know when an apartment if vacant for months...I think her neighbors would have, too:) Or they would have seen Caylee there, if she was "always with the nanny" as Casey claimed.

But it was a good question to raise...
Body language expert will be on Bill OReilly to night. I heard that this morning.

I hope an hour will be enough time to analyze the body language of mother and daughter.
when she called her family from jail looking for tony's number, did they say if she ever got a hold of him?

we only know that she got the number, we dont know if she made the call. i think it is a safe bet that she did. i would hope that even if it was outside the time limit/rules that LE would allow her to make the call hoping there could be some information provided by it.
Just MO.. love this site! I've been lurking for a few days now and finally signed up. Can't wait til NG tonite to see if there are any more updates!!! I fear there is no hope for poor Caylee but still can't help but hope and pray that we are all wrong and that she's out there somewhere and OK

Oh, I know. It seems there is rarely arguing on this site, and you are allowed to state your opinions (even if they differ) and people are still respectful! So much better than other forums I've found...

cheers, and good morning:)
I also heard on FOX where they were possibly going to video and release today's meeting between Lee and Casey after LE has a chance to go over it for new evidence. That doesn't look to me like LE has enough evidence yet to charge Casey so they are waiting to see how the meeting goes and if it reveals anything new.

I'm going to assume that Baez didn't let Casey speak to LE the other night and he spoke for her.

That guy is just festering under my skin.
Did anyone catch on FOX where Baez said something about knowing the media is curious to know what is going on, but no reason for Casey to tell the media, that she should only tell her attorney so he can properly defend her. Then tried to backup and say that she is held on certain charges.

This isn't his exact wording but my point is, he is setting up a murder defense for Casey, IMO.

Ditto. He's knows what's coming down. [FONT=verdana, arial, helvetica] Detectives met with Baez, Friday, after which, he had no comment, then Saturday, Baez met with Casey several hours. After that, suddenly, the Anthony family no longer were wanting Casey out of jail and they have not been talking publicly since. They likely know what is coming down as well.

[/FONT][FONT=verdana, arial, helvetica]"The investigators leading the case to try and find 2 year old Caylee Anthony and the lawyer defending the mother met face to face for the first time Friday night.

Neither side said much about what happened however."


[FONT=verdana, arial, helvetica] "Her attorney, Jose Baez, spent more than two hours at the jail Friday afternoon, speaking separately with his client and investigators from the Sheriff's Office. Neither he nor investigators released any information."


[FONT=verdana, arial, helvetica] "Meanwhile, Caylee's mother, Casey, met with attorney Jose Baez for most of the afternoon [Saturday] until just before 6 p.m. at the Orange County Jail."

[FONT=verdana, arial, helvetica]

[/FONT][FONT=verdana, arial, helvetica]
Ditto. He's knows what's coming down. [FONT=verdana, arial, helvetica] Detectives met with Baez, Friday, after which, he had no comment, then Saturday, Baez met with Casey several hours. After that, suddenly, the Anthony family no longer were wanting Casey out of jail and they have not been talking publicly since. They likely know what is coming down as well.

[/FONT][FONT=verdana, arial, helvetica]"The investigators leading the case to try and find 2 year old Caylee Anthony and the lawyer defending the mother met face to face for the first time Friday night.

Neither side said much about what happened however."


[FONT=verdana, arial, helvetica] "Her attorney, Jose Baez, spent more than two hours at the jail Friday afternoon, speaking separately with his client and investigators from the Sheriff's Office. Neither he nor investigators released any information."


[FONT=verdana, arial, helvetica] "Meanwhile, Caylee's mother, Casey, met with attorney Jose Baez for most of the afternoon [Saturday] until just before 6 p.m. at the Orange County Jail."

[FONT=verdana, arial, helvetica]

[/FONT][FONT=verdana, arial, helvetica]

oh summer, all this info definitely leads to a 'coming down'

if it does happen the way it sounds it will, i think there will be alot of grief on these boards tonight.
I am off to take a shower. My daughter has to have Disney channel on the tv at all time whether or not she is watching it! lol So if someone could PM me when the press conference time is announced I would VERY much appreciate it!!!!!!!! TIA :)
I had my first daughter at 19.. and I didn't even live w/my mom but she knew every babysitter I had! How could Cindy NOT know this babysitter of almost 2 yrs? Hmm.. maybe because she doesn't exist.. or if she did she certainly wasn't around for 2 yrs. I would assume GM, GF or brother Lee would have had the occasion to pick up or drop Caylee at the babysitters at least once over almost 2 yrs?? or be there when she was dropped off ?? Come on.. everyone needs help dropping/picking up their kid ONCE in 2 yrs!! Especially a teenage mom who likes to party!!
if i were TonE i would quit using the E in my name it's cheesy.

sorry. had to be said. carry on. :rolleyes:

LOL- we all have our peeves, I agree with yours, but I have to admit looking at this groups activities made me feel really out of touch with this age group and their habits? Is this an area thing?
Just want to let you guys know that I started my timeline and myspace comments. Here is the link

If I have left any out please let me know!

Hey! Good job. I went to look, and caught this...I'm sure it's been discussed, but

Casey Anthony (Orlando, FL) wrote
at 7:33am on June 4th, 2008
oh, the times we will have!
i can't wait for us to become roomies in another week! the end of next week, it will be just us girls. i can't believe it!

The end of the next week is around the 14th...that suggests to me that maybe Casey DID stay at her parent's house until they came back from vacation?

I could be way wrong. She could have stayed anywhere, I guess. But I would think someone would have come forward saying that Casey stayed with them then...I guess we'll see:)
Oh, I know. It seems there is rarely arguing on this site, and you are allowed to state your opinions (even if they differ) and people are still respectful! So much better than other forums I've found...

cheers, and good morning:)

Just wanted to say I agree and thank you both for mentioning that.
If you think about it that's quite an accomplishment considering the emotions of such a subject matter.
LOL- we all have our peeves, I agree with yours, but I have to admit looking at this groups activities made me feel really out of touch with this age group and their habits? Is this an area thing?

i don't know you know. i mean i think when i was in my late teens/early twenties, which was in the 90s, if we had myspace and facebook then we probably would have had some pretty wild photos posted. i mean we went out and partied, i'm sure every generation did, it just wasn't documented.

i think nowadays, with reality shows, and people being famous for no reason, young people are creating their own little celebrity worlds and giving themselves self appointed cool names and stuff and in my honest opinion it's all for show. they probably sit at home wearing sweatpants half the time, and ham it up just for the cameras, making it look like they are living some kind of glamorous life. trying to outdo each other on myspace. lol.
The comment by Cindy that Casey took Caylee on a mini vacation 'to bond' makes me think that Cindy could have been threatening (even mildly) with getting custody of Caylee for sometime. We know George has said Casey had issues, and she was hanging with a new group of friends. Plus we know a neighbor has said the family was nice, but Casey was always trouble. Cindy and George were just at the end of their rope with their daughter. All they have encountered with her was lies.

At first I wondered how Casey could not have worked in the last two years, but then I thought that probably what happened is that Cindy said she could stay home with Caylee, bond, if you will. Obviously, that didn't quite happen the way Cindy imagined it would and as time passed Cindy didn't like what she was seeing. We know Cindy isn't one to sit back silently, so I am sure there were many disagreements how Caylee was being raised. Casey retaliated. Perhaps she misconstrued the advice that she was probably given: 'Casey, if you don't like it, get a job and take Caylee and leave.' 'Get your own place.'

I can't see Casey sitting around all day with a baby. But that is only the beginning of the case, and it doesn't lead us to what Casey did with Caylee. Until Casey gives us some facts that can be traced, we'll never know.

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