Caylee Anthony 2 year old #21 General Discussion

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I feel very bad for the Anthony family. I didn't at first because I didn't understand them (Cindy) but now that I have had time to absorb it all I have to say my heart breaks for them. They are in such denial it's crazy. Obviously they adored & loved Caylee more then anything in this world..

Is it obvious to anyone else that Baez has lost his spunky smirk? And the Anthony family is looking tired and possibly losing hope, their spark in hoping to find Caylee alive seems to be fizzlin' out.

I do feel for this family. They must be in some intense pain.
Fox Orlando reported that the tapes released today will be of the family's visit with Casey on Friday.

Question: are taped jailhouse visits and phone calls that are recorded from there admissable in court? Thanks in advance
I had my first daughter at 19.. and I didn't even live w/my mom but she knew every babysitter I had! How could Cindy NOT know this babysitter of almost 2 yrs? Hmm.. maybe because she doesn't exist.. or if she did she certainly wasn't around for 2 yrs. I would assume GM, GF or brother Lee would have had the occasion to pick up or drop Caylee at the babysitters at least once over almost 2 yrs?? or be there when she was dropped off ?? Come on.. everyone needs help dropping/picking up their kid ONCE in 2 yrs!! Especially a teenage mom who likes to party!!

When grandma said on the tapes "I've given you a month to find her" that sealed it for me.

Grandma is probably in on this and Casey killed her child.
I would like to see Grandma Crazy sitting in jail right now. She knows something and is not helping find her grandkid. She wants to be the "grieving" granny all over ever freaking news cast she can find yet she will not tell the truth.

Welcome to WS, Cindi! :blowkiss:
Hi all,

I have been lurking for about a week now and have tried to become a member but had some trouble do to email issues. FINALLY got logged on! yay! =) :clap: guys are amazing at the investigative work you have been doing on your on. I can't believe all the info you have found. I keep this site minimized while at work, but I'm finding myself obsessing over it! It's bad! But you guys are on top of the media...blows my mind. I hope investigators have found all the leads and names you guys have and researched the myspace and facebook pages.

This case plagues me and totally disturbs me...I only live about 10 min from the Anthony's home, so I find myself constantly scanning the areas nearby looking for wooded areas and trying to think where Casey could have taken this baby. I try to shake the thought...hoping Caylee is alive, but I can't help but think about the other terrible, yet most likely possibility. And I really have to admit, if I were the grandparents, I would probably be in denial too and not want to believe the worst. Who would? I can't blame them for pressing on to find her alive.

I pray that this little girl is still alive, but if it turns for the worse and that little "borrowing of the shovel" incident really does coincide with Casey trying to dispose of a body, there are plenty of places within a 5 mile radius of their home she could bury her. There are plenty of wooded areas...THICK wooded areas at that...and possibly a little swampy. I mean I can look out my window and see swamp...they are common here. Also, if she only borrowed the shovel for an hour...then it's impossible for her to have gone far. Orlando has very heavy traffic and even during NON rush hour time...she wouldn't be able to travel more than 24 miles and turn around and come back (that would take the full hour.) So all the theories of the ocean and Jacksonville and Tampa...not feasable...that is if it has to do with the time she borrowed the shovel (which I read on here was an hour). Assuming she had to stop...obviously, cut that mileage much less. If Caylee is around here...I'm willing to bet she's within a 10 mile radius of their home. And the scary thought is... there is a landfill about 5 miles from their house also.

I just keep contemplating on what possible scenario could have taken place in which Caylee could still be alive and hidden somewhere. I mean if Casey was really worried about the safety of her family and Caylee because someone was threatening her, wouldn't this whole case never had of gone so public? I could definitely see how Casey could be hiding Caylee from Grandma...but why all the lies if that's the case? I also think if something did happen to Caylee I don't think it was an accident...she would have cracked from guilt by now. JMO =)
Question: are taped jailhouse visits and phone calls that are recorded from there admissable in court? Thanks in advance

Not a legal eagle, but I believe they are, unless an attorney can block them.
Florida has the death penalty, does it not?

Perhpas LE will bargain with Casey to take the death penalty off the table if she will tell them where the child's body is.

Body or no body, once the results of the stain found in the trunk of the car come back as human, that would be enough for a good case.

Besides, nowadays the "no body, no case" doesn't seem to hold up like it used to.

Don't we think police are examining cell phone records to see where Casey was and who she talked to over those "31 days"? They will be able to see exactly where both she, all her friends and her mother were throughout that time.
o/t but a little bit about being in denial... A lady who's husband was in Iraq was killed and when the uniformed officers came to her door to tell her she would NOT open the door for them. She said for them to go away they had the wrong house etc etc..she felt that as long as she didn't open that door and hear the words from their mouth then it wasn't true. I don't know how long this went on but when the door was finally opened (a day or two later) she ran and hid in a closet. Sometimes the truth just hurts so da*n bad that you rather live in your world of denial.
At the below video from this morning, Lee says two employees from Universal do know ZG. (uh hmmmm, are these the two that has been proven a lie? Also a description of ZG is:

About 26yrs old
5'6" to 5'7"
Shoulder length curly hair, sometimes straightened
Drives a 2008 Ford Focus

I'm betting that the 2 Universal employees will have not seen this woman in years.

As for the description...:confused:not enough information!

I did find a Zenaida Ortiz who is 26 years old in North Carolina.....

If it was true about jesus being the father then that would account for the last name Ortiz and casey did say North carolina as one of the states...

I still can't get past the smell in the car though....

(respectfully snipped)

Riiiight...because- what was it? She "stopped paying attention to the house" because she had gone there so often? :rolleyes:

She really is a piece of work.

I'd also like to know what happened/who had Caylee on those dates...I wonder if Casey moved out, but left Caylee home for that week? Who knows...I'm willing to bet that Casey didn't move out until the 15th. Something is really fishy. OR- maybe if that's the week Cindy and George were on vacation, Casey got in the house and was staying there then?

this made me laugh. but i also think it hits on the crux of the case. with or without the body, they will press charges. and like i said earlier, i would guess that they'll be amped up (as opposed with charging her with a lesser-crime and then hoping to add charges later); if anything, simply to force her hand and make her cooperate. the prosecution's job is to paint a picture and back it up with evidence - casey has provided plenty of this herself, even if it is circumstantial. she keeps shooting herself in the foot...over and over and over again. and it will screw her over in the end. some examples:

she made this huge deal about revamping her myspace page, focusing it solely on finding caylee; followed by giving her mother a message (publicly, of course) to tell zanny the imaginary nanny that casey "forgives her, just bring my caylee home," or some sort of BS like that. she cries in court, trying to foster all this sympathy for the wrongfully accused 22-year-old.

now compare this with the recorded jail conversation with her parents. how cold and awful she was to them. her total apathy towards the search for caylee. in fact, her jealousy that they only cared about finding caylee. while she should have known that she was being monitored, it still didn't dawn on her to keep up this act. so they will present that conversation as casey's true colors, in comparison to the phony act she puts on when the cameras are rolling.

factor in the whole, "i was doing my own investigation for an entire month by frequenting the clubs where ZFG likes to booze so i could rescue my daughter." of course you were. then they will offer some big, easy to read, damning exhibit that documents all of her myspace and facebook messages. i'm sure they will also have her email, so god only knows what she said personally to people, as opposed to posted in a public forum.

i don't even have to go through it all, but this girl has lied to the authorities perhaps more than half of the cocaine dealers in all of florida combined. it is all documented. i'm still amazed at universal and the nanny chase. they will show her as this calculating, sociopathic liar, able to look people in the eye and continue her unfounded manipulation. she didnt just tell them where she worked; she gave them a boss's name, she made up a story about her office, her co-workers, etc. she tried to fool the security guard. everyone in her own family thought she had been working all this time. the prosecutor will pose to the jury: if she can look her own parents in the face and lie to them daily, do you really think she would hesitate to do the same in front of us, or more importantly, in front of you, the honorable trier of fact?

and the authorities, i presume, are pretty certain that ZFG doesn't exist. they would have cross-checked national databases, searched her phone records, interviewed anyone who would possibly know of such a woman. this will be the kicker, though. because the only defense they really have is casey looooved caylee, she could never do this, go find zanny to nab your criminal. well, if casey cared so much, how do you entrust your kid with someone you clearly know nothing about? you dont know where she lives and yet you claim you drop caylee off everyday. she originally pointed to a senior living facility. it's just unbelievable. this is also why casey will never take the stand. i would be truly shocked if she did, she has screwed her own case to hell so badly.

my point is that, body or no body, casey has pretty much established the prosecution's case all by herself. we don't even know what has been found in her phone logs, emails, other witness interviews, security cameras, physical evidence from the scene, statements she made in her police interview. so this will all just keep piling on - and eventually, it's hard to draw any other conclusion except that casey killed her kid. it will be hard to stick murder on her, beyond a reasonable doubt, without the body though. unless there is physical evidence (which i assume there is) that we dont know about.

finally, i think baez's statement says a lot too. he has no experience in these matters and it has painfully shown at times. like with his i'm not sure when it was. nevertheless, an attorney who is still hoping that LE doesn't have enough evidence to indict his or her client wouldn't remind the public that she may be prosecuted for felony or homicide. you would drive home how ludicrous LE would be to charge your client with murder (the golden rule of criminal defense is deny, deny, deny). but here, he tells us how serious the situation is, and basically waters down expectations so that when she is ultimately charged, there won't be any huge shock. he is not going into today blind by any means. i'm sure they are much more aware of the current situation than they are letting on, including the anthonys'.

this is all just my opinion, but it should be interesting to watch...
I don't think grandma is in on this at all..I think she just won't allow herself to think that her crazy daughter did something so she is trying to keep the focus off that...

When grandma said on the tapes "I've given you a month to find her" that sealed it for me.

Grandma is probably in on this and Casey killed her child.
I would like to see Grandma Crazy sitting in jail right now. She knows something and is not helping find her grandkid. She wants to be the "grieving" granny all over ever freaking news cast she can find yet she will not tell the truth.

Welcome to WS, Cindi! :blowkiss:
Question: are taped jailhouse visits and phone calls that are recorded from there admissable in court? Thanks in advance

They can be if the prisoner knew he/she was being taped and monitored.

What I find interesting is that this is being released to the public. I don't think I have ever seen jailhouse videos like these before.

When grandma said on the tapes "I've given you a month to find her" that sealed it for me.

Grandma is probably in on this and Casey killed her child.
I would like to see Grandma Crazy sitting in jail right now. She knows something and is not helping find her grandkid. She wants to be the "grieving" granny all over ever freaking news cast she can find yet she will not tell the truth.

Welcome to WS, Cindi! :blowkiss:

Respectfully: I never heard Cindy say "I've given you a month to find her". I heard (and read) "I've given you a month." Which could mean any number of things. My first impression upon hearing it was that they were fighting over a custody issue with Caylee.

I personally believe it is important that we do not put words in people's mouths -- it is very easy to do, given what we know so far and all the lies and such.
Can I post a link to something even if we don't know this person is involved for sure?
Hi all,

I have been lurking for about a week now and have tried to become a member but had some trouble do to email issues. FINALLY got logged on! yay! =) :clap:
Respectfully snipped

WELCOME to Websleuths. This is an addictive bunch. lol..

So you only live about 10 minutes from the Anthony home? Interesting. Is there any local talk there about why extended family or friends tend to appear so distant? Or is this just what some of us are assuming, due to lack of the big picture from media?
Just want to let you guys know that I started my timeline and myspace comments. Here is the link

If I have left any out please let me know!

Hi Hailiejade,

Thank you for that timeline. I am somewhat confused (probably the norm with this case), was the car picked up by the grandfather on the 15th or 16th of July?

Also, I had this on my 'attempted' timeline "6/12 casey posted on comment on jeff hopkins myspace re refusion ultra lounge orlando" but am not sure where it came from.

Thanks again,
does anyone know if the cadaver dogs can mistake anything else for decomp? I know it's highly unlikely, but I think I read in a previous post here that garbage can release some of the same fluids as a decomposing body? was there any truth to that?

also I did a search for "zanny the nanny" on google and came across the character from the Starbucks books. Then of course I found the link where someone on here from a previous discussion had already found that. But I agree that Casey could have used the name from books she read as a kid.

This Zenaida Ortiz has an interesting possibility too...but once again....what's up with the dogs hitting on the back yard and trunk? Did that happen in the maddy mccain case tho too? Didn't they think there was decomp in the trunk?
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