Caylee Anthony 2 year old General Discussion #14

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What about Casey, in one of the phone calls, states that she has called all these different numbers to locate the nanny and they are all out of service? If that were the truth wouldn't those numbers be on her cell phone? And the cops could trace those numbers to see if she's telling the truth or just more lies?

If she had called all those numbers, then they would be on her phone. I'm assuming that the LE has her cell phone, and is looking all in it. Even if she were to call all these people to see where the nanny/child are, when no one could tell her or the numbers were disconnected, the normal thing to do after that would have been to *call the police* not wait 5 weeks, 4 weeks. It doesn't look like she was trying to find her daughter at all. The whole reason she is in jail right now is because she waited so long to get the police involved in her child's disappearance. If she had called the police to begin with, and they went looking for the nanny and the baby, and couldn't find either one of them, then Casey wouldn't look like so much of the "bad guy" in all this.
Man, oh man --> I would love to see her phone records! I'm sure that would prove another big fat lie on her part!
EXACTLY!!! Glad you brought this up. I was thinking the same thing yesterday. EVEN IF the calls were placed using a phone card. If you do last call return and the card was a phone card it will say it is "out of service".
LE could still trace it to the company ect. It wouldn't happen overnight though.
At the end of the day I get mad at myself for even speculating about someone taking Caylee.
No one in their right mind can add up the facts in this case and believe that poor little angel is still alive.:furious:

LOL- be proud, your looking at it from all angles, the only way to exclude..

Casey sounds like an self-centered, totally obnoxious teenager.

I think Cindy & George hoped she would grow out of this selfish & nasty stage & become a responsible adult. They had no idea just how far Casey could go to make sure they suffered.

Sure you look at the pictures of Casey & Caylee & see them smiling but I think Caylee was more like an accessory for her... something that brought her attention since Caylee was so adorable.
I thought this earlier:
so the gm says.."I want to see caylee, you don't know where she is? Well...i'll give you 1 month to produce her?"

i'm thinking she was trying to talk casey into coming home with caylee for a month, casey says let me figure stuff out, blah blah blah, the mom finds out casey abandoned the car, stole money, and still won't let her see caylee and flips. Never did she imagine this

Patrick & Peter (not Frand) Bourgeois visited Casey at the jail today. So did both of her parents.

<Film story of meeting on our local WFTV>

The men said they were classmates at the same junior high & high school with Casey and came to the jail to give her support. Casey said she did not know or remember either of them.
Wall to wall continuous TV coverage of this case down here locally ...

Rummy in the Orlando area ...

This just is too strange and I don't buy it. How many people would take time out of their lives to go visit someone in jail that didn't know them or remember them? Of course, it could be a religious thing, but that from a remote point of view, could be the only explanation....unless there was more to it.

Maybe they were delivering some more codes. Just a thought.

Always keep in mind Casey has been advised not to say anything at all about Caylee, nothing! I'm not surprised Casey allowed a visitor she really does not know. Visitation permission is usually immediate family. This is a very unusual case, all stops within the law will be used by both sides. There is a science to the jail madness regarding visitors, don't be surprised. Trust in it.
Just listened to the jailhouse phone call. Looked up Zenaida Gonzalez on and the name popped up with addresses in both Orlando and the Bronx. I am not going to spend $40 or whatever to buy the record info., but I know it's accurate because that's how I found my son's father out of state years after he "disappeared." Should be easy to find pretty recent info on her. I'd hope LE has at least done that much.
I think if this girl gets out on bail she will begin to spend her days sending the whole family on a wild goose chase.
She is trying to put off the end of the matter as long as she can.
My prediction is that she will get out and Cindy will be hitting the airways with "new and believable" information gleaned from Casey. In the meantime Casey will spend her days begging Tony to come over and zonked out on her drug of choice.
Casey reminds me of Susan Smith. All she could think of was wanting to be free and the boyfriend. All Casey wants to do is talk to that boyfriend of 6 weeks. She doesn't give 2 cents for her child but is all upset about talking to the boyfriend. She probably wants to make sure he still likes her or loves her and is there for her. Thats all she cares about. She's a real psychopath. I wonder how people get like this? Scott Peterson another. They appear nice looking, charming, nice etc and then they alll of a sudden kill for seemingly no reason.
This just is too strange and I don't buy it. How many people would take time out of their lives to go visit someone in jail that didn't know them or remember them? Of course, it could be a religious thing, but that from a remote point of view, could be the only explanation....unless there was more to it.

Maybe they were delivering some more codes. Just a thought.


Seriously, I think LE needed to verify whether Casey really knew this guy or not. She probably incorporated something about him in her lies and LE used this tactic to verify that she really didn't.
The more I think about it, I think Patrick's visit was more about getting an ID of him more than anything. And as we saw, Casey couldn't ID him.

The first thing I noticed is that he was nervous. Could he have been put up to making that visit? He had no real reason to be there and his father drove him there? Both names were mentioned but we didn't see the father. If he's Casey's age, he's certainly old enough to drive himself to the jail.
Seriously, I think LE needed to verify whether Casey really knew this guy or not. She probably incorporated something about him in her lies and LE used this tactic to verify that she really didn't.

Baby daddy rule out!
What about Casey, in one of the phone calls, states that she has called all these different numbers to locate the nanny and they are all out of service? If that were the truth wouldn't those numbers be on her cell phone? And the cops could trace those numbers to see if she's telling the truth or just more lies?

I think LE is checking it out.

Casey did go on a field trip with them where she relayed her fantasy job and nanny. Since they were trying to follow up on her 'story' if she had told them at this time all numbers were disconnected, I'm sure they'd be very curious to have those numbers she claimed to have called.

But it takes time for phone companies to shell out the info. I think thats the only reason we haven't heard more about them.

These calls released today are chilling. She is a habitual liar that is so self absorbed she can't see past her own nose. It's all about her. She doesn't care about Caylee AT ALL.
The first thing I noticed is that he was nervous. Could he have been put up to making that visit? He had no real reason to be there and his father drove him there? Both names were mentioned but we didn't see the father. If he's Casey's age, he's certainly old enough to drive himself to the jail.

Do you know me? Remember me? Ha! He didn't even bring up mutual friends, classes took together or anything.
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