Caylee Anthony 2 year old General Discussion #15

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Why would Zanny take Caylee? There would have to be a compelling motive-she wanted a child of her own, she wanted to sell her, she wanted to extort money from Casey and her parents...Did this woman always pick up Casey in the stairwell? I mean she started sitting, allegedly, at least a year ago when she was "working" at Universal with Casey right???

Zanny never worked at Universal, just like Casey's fictitious boss...she is a figment...jmo
ITA with this. On thread 13 (I think it was) I posted maybe she won't be bonded out coz she might kill the 1 person who knows where Caylee is... herself.

This case is giving me the very same kinda chills & stomach turning.

I love that the sheriff's office has Caylee on the front web page!
Such a beautiful little girl!

I agree. I like they have her picture on their website. Very good idea.

They also need to have LE's cooperation to be involved. Plus where would they start to search? A grid search involves a particular area that is mapped out. There isn't a definative place to search.

ETA The family can get help through other organizations . They just have to pick up the phone and they will get it.
Does the family know this? I didn't. They didn't know about jailhouse rules. Maybe they are unaware who to go to for help.

exactly, which is what confused me. because generally, i wouldn't have thought anything of the fact that some patrick guy mentioned a mike that they both knew. it really did just sound like he was trying to jog her memory as to where she might kno him.

but then 2 minutes later i was reading the transcript of her call home on her first night in jail, and then noticed that when talking to kristina after asking everyone for TONY's number, that she asks for it, but then says, "i will call you tomorrow, i want to talk to him really quick. i wanted to actually try and call mike.

it's like mike came out of no where... i haven't heard the name once and we've heard about 4353 of her other friends/stories/lies/etc. so that made me wonder if mike that patrick knew, was mike SHE was talking about, and maybe patrick came as sort of a "message" from mike or something? idk. just a strange coincidence.
I think it might be "codes" too. Kind of interesting.


There no charges of theft on her booking sheet:

1. Neglect of a Child
2. False Official Statement
3. Obstruct Criminal Investigate

Thank you for this information. :blowkiss:

I'm way behind in reading this thread, but I wanted to mention that in one of the 911 calls Cindy says the last time she saw Caylee was June 7th. So now we've got another date.......
When and if I call 911 I get dates messed up. Your in a panic mode if you call 911 usually and dates are the farthest thing on your mind?

I have been thinking the same thing. That Zanny said she was a licensed Nanny in NC and NY. Another thing that has crossed my mind, (cause i so want to believe Casey's story because that means Caylee is alive) What if Zanny is an illegal immigrant?? Would there even be a paper trail with her? Can you easily find illegal immigrants? I am not sure about this and thats why I ask. I know that this is probably not the case, but i think i am going into denial along with Cindy so I can have some hope that little Caylee is alive. I can't take much more of this,.. so I can't even fathom how the family feels!
I was thinking imigrants too. All the flying to Puerto Rico makes you wonder...

Good catch on 'Mike'. Patrick says, "Mike wanted me to tell you to keep your head up" and something like "We're on your team".

What would that signal - that Mike is planning on keeping his mouth shut about something he knows? That he wants Casey to keep HER mouth shut?

Who is Mike seems to be the #1 question tonight huh?

Keep in mind that the address Casey led investigators to, the address she claimed was the nanny's, had not been lived in for months. So, this hypothetical faux nanny would have to be occupying a vacant apartment all this time that Casey was taking Caylee to.
Maybe there really is a Zanny and she took Caylee? Something is very strange about this whole mess.
Lee had it in his cell phone,.. Casey stated that in the jailhouse call to Christina do you think Lee knew where Casey was all along? You think she kept that from him? I don't. I think there are definitely "sides" in this family. I'd be mighty angry with my son if he had information that would have "found" my missing daughter and grandchild.
If she is infact dead, I think that LE has a witness that can place Casey disposing of something suspicious and they are waiting to make sure that the DNA is Caylee's in the trunk. Where ever she put her they won't be able to find her since its been so long. JMO

Oh my ! I hope not. They should be able to find something.
Thanks Sly. :) Pretty serious charges to be sure but I think it won't be long before she'll be facing much worse charges.

I worded that wrong... I was thinking of the reason her mom called 911 to report the car stolen & then we learned she stole from her friend.

Your welcome.

Yup, pretty serious charges. I hope they stick and then some but I'm getting scared this is gonna turn out like Trenton's case.

Please posters going on & on about your families mental disorders, not to be rude but wanna make your own thread about it or take it to PM (that's what PMs are for) coz like it is way rude to keep posting about it for us who are here to discuss the casey & Caylee case.

Way sorry you've dealt with mental illness, going through it, ect....
I feel your pain. Start a thread and I'll be there to join you telling you about the suicides, addicts, BP, PTSD, OCD, BPD ect... I got in my family.

But here, on CAYLEE'S board PLEASE stop? Pretty please. It's so dang hard to keep up scrolling through.

What could Casey have possibly spent between $4500 and $45,000 on in the space of three weeks?
A nanny? I like how PC you were with the money amounts. Like I said earlier, can there please be anything consistent in this case OTHER THAN there being a missing and very precious child!?!
Another part of the written transcript that appears to have been edited out of the audiotape:

"Lee said he doesn't have Tony's phone number," Kristina said.

"Yes, he does," Casey Anthony said. "He has Tony's number in his phone. He needs to stop (expletive) lying. He just told me a second ago that he'd give me the number."

"So, if I go and get you Tony's number, are you going to finish talking to me?" Kristina said.

I heard that in the audio tape I heard. I have noticed some of the websites have only parts of things and not all. i have it posted in the sightings and phone calls,...
Your welcome.

Yup, pretty serious charges. I hope they stick and then some but I'm getting scared this is gonna turn out like Trenton's case.

Please posters going on & on about your families mental disorders, not to be rude but wanna make your own thread about it or take it to PM (that's what PMs are for) coz like it is way rude to keep posting about it for us who are here to discuss the casey & Caylee case.

Way sorry you've dealt with mental illness, going through it, ect....
I feel your pain. Start a thread and I'll be there to join you telling you about the suicides, addicts, BP, PTSD, OCD, BPD ect... I got in my family.

But here, on CAYLEE'S board PLEASE stop? Pretty please. It's so dang hard to keep up scrolling through.

IMO it gives perspective of what we might be dealing with here...which I appreciate. JMHO
kathryn2, I don't think anyone is quite sure where to look for poor Caylee. Everyone seems to be waiting for the next call into the tipline to direct them. Plus, there's that little nagging issue of the fact that she's been missing for over a month. I remember the Van Dam case so well, thats where I got my start on these forums. They reported her missing within hours, so it was much easier to organize things. This one is way too hard, unless Casey starts to talk.

Not speaking to anyone specifically- but asking a favor based on reading double digit duplicate posts discussed 10 threads ago-

The goal is to progress the case, if you have not taken the time to review this forum and it's multiple threads, and want to contribute your very important thoughts and impressions- just asking for you to review the previous threads. Welcome all new posters, you are critical for a fresh look and our growth, but we are on thread 14, and from a research perspective (trust me you will thank those that know this) it is going to be a nightmare if this case goes to trial.

Does anyone think it is worth it to start a thread for new and undiscussed info only?

This is a post way worth repeating!!!! :blowkiss:

PLEASE to those this applies to.

Sorry if this has been mentioned (I'm STILL 10 pages behind you guys...ugh!) but I wonder what Casey bought during her shopping spree?! Wouldn't it be pretty telling if she did not buy anything at all for Caylee?

Just a thought...

Y'all are doing great as always....keep up the good work sleuthers! I'm truly enjoying all of your posts!
Sorry if this has been mentioned (I'm STILL 10 pages behind you guys...ugh!) but I wonder what Casey bought during her shopping spree?! Wouldn't it be pretty telling if she did not buy anything at all for Caylee?

Do we have a reference to identify what she bought yet?

this is the link to casey's high school class. mike walker was voted most athletic....

i am trying to find some other link between them.

and for some reason, i feel like i read somewhere that casey had been staying with tony for awhile. and she used his computer to update her myspace page? i may be wrong about this...
Wow...just unbelieveable. Her contemptuous callous indifference to her daughters well-being is just chilling.

I have to give credit to that Kristina, she did a great job of asking the right questions and pointing out the inconsistencies to Casey. She wasn't deterred by Casey just saying "put my brother back on and get me Tony's number" she just kept bringing the conversation back to Caylee. Too bad they couldn't use her, I think she might have been able to get some information.
From a mother who has had experience with a daughter in jail- They can only receive money orders to be placed on their account. You are right that is what they use to buy shampoo, lotion, deodorant and personal hygiene items & also to buy phone cards. In my daughters experience an inmate can make any phone call out- all are collect.
EXACTLY! My husband had a cousin in the hooscow and she made all of her calls out, for the past 15 years, collect and I received many of them.
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