Caylee Anthony 2 year old General Discussion #31

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I wonder if Geroge was actually living at the house. He filed for diference 12/29/05, then changed his mind about the divorce 11/27/07 (thereabouts) so ... not sure he was actually living there. In one of George's interviews he said something about "if I was here" .... so it makes me think he may have not been living in the house full time!
Was it ever stated that Geroge and Cindy were on vacation??? I remember Cindy saying in court her vacation ended June 8th ....
My theory (sorry if too long).

DIdn't quote the theory, but not bad, explains most of the facts. ALso explains why the LE should be checking local landfills, dumpsters, and other likely dump sites for her body.
One reason I discount the "accident" theory is by definition accidents don't normally happen in an isolated setting where nobody would notice, i.e. more than likely other people would be around if Cayley drowned in a pool, or died from overheating in a car and would have noticed. IF she was overdosed, that was no accident.
Hello everyone! I've anxiously been awaiting the activation of my account and it just happened! I've been one of the many lurkers here (hard to keep up with you all, lol) and decided to make an account! My mom and I have been reading the threads here and coming up with theories...

I wanted to share something. In the official affidavit, it mentioned Z's mother. Once her name was blacked out, later it was not. It said it was "Gloria." (page 2 of 4 of the officer's text). I assume they forgot to black it out the second time.

I went to search for any ZG's with a "Gloria" as a relative and found one:


Possible Relatives:

Possible Roommates / Associates:

(from here--#22)

Now, I know these searches can often be in error, but I thought it was interesting. Did Casey claim Z had connections to New York?

Also, as many have said, Casey can be mixing truth in with lies-- what if "Gloria" is not Z's mother, but a sister, aunt, or something like that? Edit: Not that I really think she's real, I'm just seeing if anything fits the story.

I'm going to try to look for any other possible Z's with a relative of Gloria, hope I find some!

Edit: Sorry if someone already brought this up ;)

Good Post, why not #15? Just wondering?

Great theory you put together. Since there is "concrete" slab under the playhouse. do you think that Casey knew her parents were going to put in the concrete slab around July 4th?

What jumped out in your theory is what also jumped out to me during the bond hearing when George called Lee and said: "I'm worried about your mother" and to come home as soon as possible. This gave me the impression George may have been called by Cindy to come to the house.

Have we ever located another address for George? Everytime I have seen Geroge he seems shocked, shocked that he may have never been told from his wife what had been happening that month.

I just thought it was strange that Cindy didn't know where her husband was working even though he just started a new job on the July 15th.
The thing about the car smelling so bad is some one at the tow company would have noticed and called the police....I am sure that they would be aware of what death smells like, they tow after fatality wrecks and all.
I don't know about that. If the windows were up the tow truck driver may have just hopped out of the truck, noted the plate, hooked it up and left it in the yard and no one really opened and smelled it until George picked it up. Then after nearly 2 weeks (or was it 19 days?) must have really stunk up the place after sitting in the heat that long. Stench a lot worse than when Par-Tay Princess dropped it off.

I wonder if Geroge was actually living at the house. He filed for diference 12/29/05, then changed his mind about the divorce 11/27/07 (thereabouts) so ... not sure he was actually living there. In one of George's interviews he said something about "if I was here" .... so it makes me think he may have not been living in the house full time!

I dunno--I've read so many conflicting reports about that. :confused:
I need to re-read Nurse.
Good Post, why not #15? Just wondering?

I didn't see anyone with the name Gloria (Z's mother's name of the official affidavit) listed for #15-- only #22.

Of course if Casey is telling the truth (ha!) it could be another Z on there with a relative with a "G" initial, those people searches sometimes work like that as well. I'll look later.

Edit: And as I said before, these people searches can have errors. The #22 thing was just something that stood out.
I haven't posted in a while because I didn't have anything to add to the discussions. But as much as I do believe Casey is a narcissistic liar, I began to think of some basic things in my life and applied them to her.

Think about it-when Casey became pregnant, why wouldn't she put the father's name on the birth certificate? Doesn't she seem like the type of person who would try to get as much money out of the father as possible, to help support her lifestyle? I've seen dozens of women who, no matter what, endlessly pursue deadbeat dads for child support. It doesn't make sense that she would let him off so easily.

So I thought about my own situation: unexpectedly pregnant at a MUCH older age by a man I had started dating a few months earlier. I thought I knew him, but it turned out that he wasn't at all who I thought he was. He had changed his name and procured a different social security number just before I met him, because he'd been in prison for several years. To top that off, he told me he was involved with a woman who had close ties with some very bad (gang) folks, and she herself wasn't a stable person. He said that if she found out about the baby, one or all of us could be in danger. I investigated enough to know this could be very well true.

Since I never imagined allowing an element like this into my life, I ended contact with him and didn't put him on the birth certificate.

It is plausible that Caylee's father could have been such a "bad boy". Maybe he was even married, like Touma's baby daddy was. Casey could also have been threatened. Maybe, though, the extended family accepted Caylee (like my son's father's family has), and took care of her from time to time.

From that point, theories abound. Several of them are plausible to me. I just don't get why Casey wouldn't put the father on the bc and go after child support. Maybe George used contacts in LE to verify that baby daddy was bad news.


Great theory you put together. Since there is "concrete" slab under the playhouse. do you think that Casey knew her parents were going to put in the concrete slab around July 4th?

What jumped out in your theory is what also jumped out to me during the bond hearing when George called Lee and said: "I'm worried about your mother" and to come home as soon as possible. This gave me the impression George may have been called by Cindy to come to the house.

Have we ever located another address for George? Everytime I have seen Geroge he seems shocked, shocked that he may have never been told from his wife what had been happening that month.

I just thought it was strange that Cindy didn't know where her husband was working even though he just started a new job on the July 15th.

Im not aware the concrete slab was poured under the playhouse?
I haven't posted in a while because I didn't have anything to add to the discussions. But as much as I do believe Casey is a narcissistic liar, I began to think of some basic things in my life and applied them to her.

Think about it-when Casey became pregnant, why wouldn't she put the father's name on the birth certificate? Doesn't she seem like the type of person who would try to get as much money out of the father as possible, to help support her lifestyle? I've seen dozens of women who, no matter what, endlessly pursue deadbeat dads for child support. It doesn't make sense that she would let him off so easily.

So I thought about my own situation: unexpectedly pregnant at a MUCH older age by a man I had started dating a few months earlier. I thought I knew him, but it turned out that he wasn't at all who I thought he was. He had changed his name and procured a different social security number just before I met him, because he'd been in prison for several years. To top that off, he told me he was involved with a woman who had close ties with some very bad (gang) folks, and she herself wasn't a stable person. He said that if she found out about the baby, one or all of us could be in danger. I investigated enough to know this could be very well true.

Since I never imagined allowing an element like this into my life, I ended contact with him and didn't put him on the birth certificate.

It is plausible that Caylee's father could have been such a "bad boy". Maybe he was even married, like Touma's baby daddy was. Casey could also have been threatened. Maybe, though, the extended family accepted Caylee (like my son's father's family has), and took care of her from time to time.

From that point, theories abound. Several of them are plausible to me. I just don't get why Casey wouldn't put the father on the bc and go after child support. Maybe George used contacts in LE to verify that baby daddy was bad news.


I truly do not believe she was sure who the father was for certain when Caylee was born.
Just a quick note here about the birth certificate, in the state of FL if the parents are not married, no fathers name can be listed on the b/c without the "father" being present and show valid ID and he must sign the certificate as well and it must be noterized (sp?).
Im not aware the concrete slab was poured under the playhouse?

I think it is sand under the playhouse. Seems like early on there was arial video of LE in the backyard and the playhouse was moved off and it really looked like sand to me.
Just a quick note here about the birth certificate, in the state of FL if the parents are not married, no fathers name can be listed on the b/c without the "father" being present and show valid ID and he must sign the certificate as well and it must be noterized (sp?).

Thanks, LL - it's different in my state. Oh, well........
Have the pictures of Casey wrapped in the American Flag been shown on TV yet?

I haven't seen them. Not 100% sure, though.
They seem a little behind those on this forum with finding stuff! I'm sure they'll be on TV by the end of the week, though.

I have to see if I can find pictures of the backyard and whether there was a concrete slab under the playhouse. The media talked about the concrete slab, but I can't confirm it one way or another.
Just a Theory I received from someone unable to register here at WS, so please know this is NOT my theory but thought it was interesting..... She sent it to my mail on my own myspace page.
Caylee Marie Anthony Case --- Websleuths

Hi Cindy --

I can't register at Websleuths b/c of my email account (gmail; not accepted).

I located your myspace through Google, using your nick at Websleuths (where I've lurked for a long time now), since it sounded like a real name, and since I like your posts.

I have not seen anyone make the connection that I have made. (though it's hard to keep up with the thread!!)

It has to do with the only Zanaida Gonzalez (with an "a", not an "e") listed in WhitePages. com **for the entire U.S.A.** -- show is in Kissimmee, FL, just south of Orlando.

Her address is 1817 Catawba Circle in Kissimmee.

Barely two miles west from her address, straight down Hwy 192, is the entrance to the new and still under construction Resort called "La Bella Vida."

Satellite views of this property show it would be an ideal place to dispose of a body, with undeveloped areas, wooded areas, and water. And it looks like a pretty place.

Today I saw the stories and posts about the mystery of Jose Baez having been chosen to represent Casey, and who is paying for his services.

I looked him up on WhitePages, too. His home (on Abby Drive in Kissimmee) is approximately two miles from the address of Zanaida-with-an-a (the only one listed in the U.S.) ...

and approximately two miles from the new La Bella Vida resort property.

I have screenshots of maps and routes if anyone is interested. I could email them to you.

Sorry for being so out of the blue, but I wanted someone to see this.

her name for her myspace is ...Desdemona

wow....... that is freaky if nothing else
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