Caylee Anthony 2 year old General Discussion #48

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No, I'm agreeing with you there. I'm thinking that LE WOULD be searching, or maybe are searching if they have relevant information, as it's just as important for them to find a body as it is to find it for family....

It will be interesting to see what what was going on behind the scenes when this all comes to light. I think we forget, as the public, that they are privy to A LOT more info than we are...I think we prematurely question their motives, sometimes.

Yeah, I had thought maybe this was part of a strategy to pressure Casey...not to do anything to show their hand as to what they've found out about her movements or what they don't know by not doing anything that would be covered by the media, e.g. if they're searching lakes and swamps and she did something totally opposite then she would know they had no solid leads.

But, I can't see police not trying to find the body of a 3 year old if they had any clue where to start looking.

Lastly, while almost everyone on this board thinks Casey killed her daughter, right now, there is no body, no crime scene, we don't know what the foreniscs will find about the car/hair/stain, etc. a 'dead body smell' that has now been recanted into pizza/detergent isn't much evidence...

If forensics come up inconclusive and for whatever reason Casey's movements are hard to track..paid cash, stayed with criminals...and Caylee's body isn't found it is going to be VERY hard to make a case stick.

At this point, if no physical or other evidence is found Casey is free to make up whatever story she wants of babysitters/cult members/one armed men/the mob/drug dealers who stole her baby and there will be nothing to prove it isn't true. LE is in a pretty tough spot right now..a strong theory of the case and not much factual evidence.
I think we, in the United States, with our 24-hour news channels, play it a little fast-and-loose with the word "journalist."

If you want decent journalism, I'd look to a local newspaper's crime reporter. And, by local, I mean LOCAL, not a huge city paper.

I so agree with you on this one. The journalists of today are nothing like the journalists of years ago. The journalist now are like Paparazzi ... grab anything and run with it.
Yup, he was trying to portray his daughter a certain way and even he wasn't convinced of what he is saying.

The Anthony's really need to stop speaking ... really they need to do this!
YEPPERS!!! I said this earlier - George needs to add two new words to his vocabulary and practice them EXTENSIVELY

OK. Suppose the shovel wasn't used for digging.

Suppose the shovel was used to break the lock on the shed to steal the gas?
OK, couldn't just pouring gasoline on a body (without setting it on fire) also kill evidence about who the perp was?

In this day & age, I wonder.

But why go to the trouble of using gas..... why not just dump her in a lake, the Atlantic, the Gulf..... OR better yet... the Everglades?
OK. Suppose the shovel wasn't used for digging.

Suppose the shovel was used to break the lock on the shed to steal the gas?

I have thought that, as well. Maybe the shovel in the shed was used for digging? Or not. Hmmm...
Supposedly they want to check the OUTSIDE of the cans....

maybe the thinking is that Casey needed extra gas for a long drive & she stuck the cans in the trunk next to a body?

I can see her dumping the body, I have more trouble thinking she'd risk setting a fire & being spotted by someone by the flames, smoke OR smell.

I wander if George had anything showing the mileage on casey's car. I'm guessing he did a lot of the work on it.. changing oil and things like that.... what kind of mileage did Casey put on that car recently? He knows to look for that kind of stuff. I know its been a while since he worked in LE, but at some point his LE training had to kick in.

I'd also ask the church members who come to pray to please go knocking on doors in that apartment building where the Nanny lived with her mother, Gloria. They won't find Caylee on the lawn of the Anthony's home.
I would search Jay Blanchard Park. My husband (career Army SF) says that the best lies, meaning the ones that are hardest to expose, usually contain some element of truth. Casey specifically mentioned JBP as the last place she remembered having her phone ...
... plus from these pics you can see ample wooded area, swamps and a lake. But those are just my thoughts!
Good point. If Casey killed Caylee she could have "lost" her phone at the time she disposed of the child's body.
Cindy's MySpace page announced yesterday they were shutting down that My Space page on August 4th.

As of yesterday, Casey and Lee's My Space page were staying up but will not be updated. I haven't checked there today to see if this has changed or not.
I don't know what that would do besides prove they were in Casey's trunk. ??

If the soil on the bottom of the cans does NOT match the soil in the backyard... it might tell them where the cans were taken.
One more thing about why she might have taken the gas cans, maybe she didn't want anyone at a gas station to be able to identify her later - while she was en route to wherever it was she dumped Caylee.
Yeah, I had thought maybe this was part of a strategy to pressure Casey...not to do anything to show their hand as to what they've found out about her movements or what they don't know by not doing anything that would be covered by the media, e.g. if they're searching lakes and swamps and she did something totally opposite then she would know they had no solid leads.

But, I can't see police not trying to find the body of a 3 year old if they had any clue where to start looking.

Lastly, while almost everyone on this board thinks Casey killed her daughter, right now, there is no body, no crime scene, we don't know what the foreniscs will find about the car/hair/stain, etc. a 'dead body smell' that has now been recanted into pizza/detergent isn't much evidence...

If forensics come up inconclusive and for whatever reason Casey's movements are hard to track..paid cash, stayed with criminals...and Caylee's body isn't found it is going to be VERY hard to make a case stick.

At this point, if no physical or other evidence is found Casey is free to make up whatever story she wants of babysitters/cult members/one armed men/the mob/drug dealers who stole her baby and there will be nothing to prove it isn't true. LE is in a pretty tough spot right now..a strong theory of the case and not much factual evidence.

Medea, it is very possible that Casey left her daughter in a hot car....
went off to play....
and she died alone.
OK. Suppose the shovel wasn't used for digging.

Suppose the shovel was used to break the lock on the shed to steal the gas?

Shovel was borrowed mid June ... theft was June 24-25 ... I guess that is possible ... but I think that they are already reasonably sure that Casey stole the gas.
In this day & age, I wonder.

But why go to the trouble of using gas..... why not just dump her in a lake, the Atlantic, the Gulf..... OR better yet... the Everglades?

I'm off the gas theory...burning a body works if you have a very secluded area, either a big property [like Steven Avery] or you're in a rural area. Neither is the case here.

George said he knows who took the gas, now that could be a lie, or it could be he knows its Casey and just didn't say that...but I am tending to think if LE knew she is the one that stole the gas cans they would have made that public, no reason not to.
I know this sounds horrible, but I feel like Casey is buying time. If she killed Caylee and buried her she may feel like the longer she keeps silents there may not be a body to find (decomp).

I did want to believe that she'd just given Caylee away, but it's just not believable anymore. She or someone in the family would have told LE the truth by now just to get Casey out of jail.
I wander if George had anything showing the mileage on casey's car. I'm guessing he did a lot of the work on it.. changing oil and things like that.... what kind of mileage did Casey put on that car recently? He knows to look for that kind of stuff. I know its been a while since he worked in LE, but at some point his LE training had to kick in.

Well, my hubby, for one, doesn't change the oil in our cars. He has no clue what kind of mileage has been used since the last oil change - unless they put a little sticker on my windshield! It may be that George didn't change the oil, either. So, he wouldn't know. Plus, I really just think she didn't go far. Not to mention, she was gone for 2 weeks before the car was found abandoned, right?
I have a quick question...

I checked at the Piggly Wiggly this morning when I bought groceries...they had no issues of People.

Does the article provide the names of the friends who were interviewed?
OK. Suppose the shovel wasn't used for digging.

Suppose the shovel was used to break the lock on the shed to steal the gas?

Or maybe she needed the shovel to start unloading the pile of (you know what) that has since been coming out of her smiling mouth.:mad:
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