Caylee Anthony 2 year old General Discussion #54

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I'm getting a little scared to post now, but I thought this was interesting. Please don't bash me if this has already been posted and I missed it.

Anthony Family Posts Help-Wanted Ad For Unpaid Assistants

But, whoever that is won't get access to details of the case and won't get paid. The family posted the request on their MySpace page: "Both Caylee's grandfather, George, and her uncle, Lee, are seeking personal assistants," saying they've just gotten too busy.
"If they're thinking that they're coming on, frankly, and that we're even going to confide in them about anything, no. They're mistaken," Lee said.
Guardian Ad Litem- back to that?

Perhaps I am misinterpreting the header added to this post, and if so ignore the rest of what I'm going to say.

If my post on the last thread was so useless why go to the trouble of reposting here on this thread? To start another member bashing session? I think it is very telling that the Anthony family has reported Caylee sightings in the Charlotte area and yet not responded to a legitimate offer to help. Why attack someone who has actually offered to get of their *advertiser censored** and DO something to try to help find Caylee? As it was statetd last night "this is not about us" so I see no point in belittling other members. After less than 24 hours as an official member I am seriously questioning why I even bothered to join when I could have just remained lurking. If I can expect to be bashed for posting about something that relates to the case, or continue to see time and space wasted bashing others whether you agree with them or not I'll gladly go away and just follow the news. I thought the point of this forum was for a caring group of people to be able to come together and help find a missing little girl named Caylee - dead or alive. If that is not the case I won't waste any more board time or space posting and will get information elsewhere. I already know of other members who feel the same.

Again, as stated in the beginng, if I misinterpreted the heading ignore this post and please accept my apologies. I know this case has my emotions running very high and I'm sure it is the same for others as well.

WHOA-- wishing tree, my dear wishing tree, that was absolutely, I say emphatically, not my intent. As a matter of fact, I brought the post from the last thread out of respect for you to provide the answer..
I will change it immediately, it was meant to reflect that I still have not received a good answer as to why, as indicated in my post.

I am on the same wavelength as LadyBass.

It is frustrating to see folks post wrong info/old info because they haven't read the timeline, or think a speculation (that has been already been posted and shot down by the facts) is the latest hot news.

Then, we all have to decide whether to join in correcting the misinformed poster, or let it go.

The other threads are there for a reason. Read a bit before "breathlessly" posting a theory that has been discounted a few days back.

It saves bandwidth, and prevents the dreaded "server too busy" message.

With all due respect, then check the Daily recap thread. It lists all the new info we, LE, and news media has uncovered!

It is just so frustrating to have to read and reread things being posted 6 -10 different times by 10 different people, who post before they read! And it is a PITA to have to try and locate information, trying to scroll through tons of pages, where we keep rehashing the same info over and OVER and OVER and OVER!
I don't see anything wrong with rehashing old info, sometimes new info can come from it. And its easy to scroll down if its not intersting.

Enough with the wrong thread stuff. It has been two pages going over, none of which belongs here. So you who are complaining about posting in the wrong thread are doing the same thing.

Ok, done. Hugs and kisses to all.

Eliza - I think you are right. I can't even keep up with the reading.....

Also we have 200+ people posting on this thread. Everyone wants to be heard and responsed to, so going to the quieter thread, means less feedback.

I think it is a bit of a Catch 22 - but I also think we should all try to post in the appropriate thread so that we can keep track of what is going on.

Just my opinion,


Here's a great example. I started a thread about the gas cans:

There were 4 posts. We talked about the gas cans in the general thread after I started this thread. I abandoned it because I wanted to be part of the conversation.

Then someone else started this thread:

IMO, the posts on this thread should have been moved to the original Gas Cans thread by the mods immediately.

Just sayin'.
Ladybass, quit harrassing members by complaining of duplicate threads. Not everyone has the time you do to go back and look for everything that may have been posted somewhere and count how many times they are posted. Sheesh, you complain about this day and nite. Skip over anything that doesn't interest you and please stop making other posters feel bad.

It would seem more logical to me that the general discussion thread should be just that - general discussion. If someone posts something "astounding", then it should be moved to the appropriate topic thread.
This would then make it so that the general topic thread is "general" and specific topics are "specific" and can be found easily by going to that specific thread.
This is just my opinion, though. I'm just a poster trying to keep up with this case.

Posted via Mobile Device
Well, even though I'm officially afraid to post anything now because I'm afraid I'll be reprimanded for posting the wrong thing, I'm still going to ask for clarification so I understand. My question is this:

What are we allowed to post here under "General Discussion"? So that I'm clear, we need to go through all the other threads to make sure our topic hasn't already been addressed? How many pages do we need to go back? All of them? I just want to be clear because I thought "General Discussion" was for any and everything, but I sense that I misunderstood. I appreciate being able to particpate on WS, but I really don't think I'm clear on the expectations. If anyone wants to help me out, that would be great! Thanks so much! :blowkiss:

I think the problem is that it's so easy to go off on tangents when discussing a topic & some of those tangent topics have their own threads.

Probably the best bet is to take a quick look at all the different threads to see if any topic has a specific thread.

If a newcomer shows up & wants to read up on the paternity issue, the moderators would prefer those posts are all found in a central location.

It's a pain in the butt and I'm sure even the moderators hate having to be such sticklers but otherwise everything would get way too disorganized in about 2 hours. lol
I'd like to toss in that the daily recap, while awesome (and evidences lots of work), doesn't always include a piece of information that was addressed that day...not the big ones, obviously (those ARE listed), but the small ones that require some deep thinking and deeper research. Just a thought...
Ladybass, quit harrassing members by complaining of duplicate threads. Not everyone has the time you do to go back and look for everything that may have been posted somewhere and count how many times they are posted. Sheesh, you complain about this day and nite. Skip over anything that doesn't interest you and please stop making other posters feel bad.

I felt stupid because I think one of the comments was directed at me, (but maybe not,) so I stopped posting. As for the daily updates, I didn't find it to answer the question I had posted about but I figure I'll just lurk and not bother to irritate any of the veterans.
But we already have so many threads that it's getting way too difficult to navigate. There isn't anything hardly left that hasn't been discussed at this point! Until we have new news.
It would be so much simpler to have some main topic threads and a DAILY thread. Each day being 24 hours so we can have a general, rehash whatever discussion.

That is what I was saying. Main threads for things like I listed. People still want to hash things out and newbies want to learn, so when they go to "Caylee Anthony 2 years old" and click it on, they will see a nice neat forum filled with Topics for each category.
I felt stupid because I think one of the comments was directed at me, (but maybe not,) so I stopped posting. As for the daily updates, I didn't find it to answer the question I had posted about but I figure I'll just lurk and not bother to irritate any of the veterans.

If you think someone is directing something directly at you ask them through a PM.
It would seem more logical to me that the general discussion thread should be just that - general discussion. If someone posts something "astounding", then it should be moved to the appropriate topic thread.
This would then make it so that the general topic thread is "general" and specific topics are "specific" and can be found easily by going to that specific thread.
This is just my opinion, though. I'm just a poster trying to keep up with this case.

Posted via Mobile Device

I agree that posts should be moved to the appropriate thread, but the mods frankly don't have the time for it since this is such a busy forum with not just this case, but multiple cases going on. And it should be up to us to police ourselves and post in the appropriate threads to begin with..

I wasn't trying to make anyone feel scared for posting, I was just trying to avoid all the mass confusion, by rehashing new threads. My apoligies to those I have made feel uncomfortable. :blowkiss:
This board moves way too fast for us all to read what the last poster said before making a comment of our own. My understanding is that "General Discussion" means "anything" we wish to discuss regarding the case.
Here's a great example. I started a thread about the gas cans:

There were 4 posts. We talked about the gas cans in the general thread after I started this thread. I abandoned it because I wanted to be part of the conversation.

Then someone else started this thread:

IMO, the posts on this thread should have been moved to the original Gas Cans thread by the mods immediately.

Just sayin'.

I know! :(
Okay everyone focus on why you want to be here!

Notice my post count is low. I'm a lurkaholic.
I'd like to toss in that the daily recap, while awesome (and evidences lots of work), doesn't always include a piece of information that was addressed that day...not the big ones, obviously (those ARE listed), but the small ones that require some deep thinking and deeper research. Just a thought...

I understand this, and if you would like something added to the daily recap thread, you can pm me, and I would happily add it.

And just a note, In making the daily recap thread, it does sometimes get frustrating, trying to get all the info, while scrolling through tons of posts that have already been rehashed.
OMG you're on thread # 54??? When I left the house this morning we were on thread # 51.

Did any of you go to work today??

I'll be busy reading for the next 10 hours....
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