Caylee Anthony 2 year old General Discussion #55

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Some on here have been saying that they thought might go a whole lot deeper than just a missing child. This circus is turing into a "world's fair". Do you really think they would just come out and say "oh - so and so has Caylee because of such and such and they already know she is at whatever place?" Um - NO! So what better way to work this than let the media circus continue - let the nation keep razing on the GP's and hating the mom. Rumors take on a persona of their own and therefore create the perfect smokescreen to operate under.
Its funny that Cindy is calling in on all of the shows tonight. I thought she wanted the media to leave her alone?
Geragos saying hair banding is junk science!
Cindy seems worried about the hair in the trunk
Well, why would anyone keep saying that "We know where she is but we are not saying anything out of fear" Sometimes I think they do know who took Caylee and they paid her to do so. Maybe this is all a way to write a book, have a movie, ect. They were having financial problems???
Can any one name even one time when any of them have broken down crying uncontrollably, like most families would do. At least one of them should have broken down by now! Nothing.

Shhhhh.... don't give them any ideas!
based on the questions cindy just asked...........i think she might already know that the dna proves that it was blood or something like that.

my thoughts exactly!! Because of the questions she is asking...
I really think the press should ease up on the interviews of Cindy and George, they're really doing more harm than good as far as finding Caylee, all it is, is a forum for their lies and half-truths to protect Casey, someone who doesn't deserve their protection.

I agree ! Shut it all down..........and let the family stew....they are getting off on all this media attention.
Thanks for posting this...I am a huge skeptic. I at first thought Casey killed her daughter and this was just another one of "those" terrible cases like Susan Smith. Then I changed my mind and thought maybe there is a Nanny Z. Then I changed my mind again and was sure she had killed her and her body would be found or the tests would at least prove the DNA was from Caylee's poor dead body. NOW, I have started to go back the other way once again.

Cindy is an idiot, she has proven that. I just read "SWAGS" theory here -

Although, I am not saying it is 100% accurate ( because that would be impossible unless SWAG is a psychic) but I am starting to wonder if something similar to this is true.....

Here is what I am basing this on.....

1 When Cindy called the cops, why did Casey wait patiently at the house for them to come...why didnt she try to run?

2 All this talk Cindy and George are saying about how Caylee will be home soon and that she is alive and how we can't say this and we can't say that....she may be actually telling a lot more by saying just that.

3. Even though the judge ruled that there would be no gag new phone calls have been released....IIRC, the FBI became involved shortly after that ruling....All this coverage but NO PHONE CALLS released and no visits released to the media?

4. Cindy keeps saying how we will all owe Casey an apology and seems likes she sooo badly wants to tell something but can't.

Anyone else?

Only problem with this is Puerto Rico is a U.S. posssesion, they would have nabbed Ricardo and Caylee a long time ago. I'd say a no go on this one.
Well, why would anyone keep saying that "We know where she is but we are not saying anything out of fear" Sometimes I think they do know who took Caylee and they paid her to do so. Maybe this is all a way to write a book, have a movie, ect. They were having financial problems???
Can any one name even one time when any of them have broken down crying uncontrollably, like most families would do. At least one of them should have broken down by now! Nothing.

I have not seen anything from this whole family except erractic and irrational behavior. No tears and no begging these bad people to let Caylee go.

Follow the money (the elusive poster said).
Geragos! Gawd I hate that guy. I wouldn't put it past him to offer her some legal help.
He is defending Cameron Brown, a pile of human garbage who tossed his little child off a cliff over the ocean. Maybe child murderers are his milieu.
We keep hearing that Casey fears LE, but no one has ever said what exactly is causing this free-floating anxiety.

The vagueness seems to imply that she’s afraid they’ll band together against her. For what reason? One ex, Jesse, didn’t make it as a cop. The other ex, Ricardo, has never been confirmed as being a cop and has been strangely omitted from media scrutiny.

Maybe he is a cop, and maybe he’s an undercover cop. And maybe what Casey fears from LE has to do with more than misplacing her daughter.

Why she thinks she’s ‘safer’ with the feds is beyond me, since their resources are much more all-encompassing than the local sheriff’s. And it’s not as if they’re going to keep her secrets close to the chest.

Today, the FBI was all about the arrest of Junior Gotti on murder charges that stemmed from a drug investigation in Florida on which a federal grand jury in Tampa handed down the indictments.

Tomorrow, who knows?

For all we know, the state or the feds may be preparing a grand jury case against Casey Anthony at this very moment.

I am counting on it (ducking as when I brought this up the fur wenta flyin').. Anyone else bothered why although Cindy has had countless hours of meetings with LE and the Feds this week, she is asking about forensics on National TV?
would like to know what time the greta interview was taped.....maybe thats why she cancelled the visit
im lost .. too many threads about this case . which one is the first second ect .. btw i have hung flyers up with her pics at where i work i work in a truckstop in cadott wisconsin home of the country and rock fests .. you never know someone may see her may know something .. we get thousands of people in there daily that travel and lots of truckers that go all over the usa .. never lose hope

Hey, I think that was a great idea. You never know, right?
This grandmother has got to know that they charged her with what they did today becase they wanted to hold her longer, right? They must know that additional charges can be brought at any time.

No, I really (sadly) think that Cindy is in denial... or has amnesia... or something to that effect. She will really be surprised I guess when they really throw the big charge(s) on Casey. It's sad or crazy, I don't even know anymore!

But here's Casey some :boohoo: to pass the time away while she's sitting in :behindbar.
Did anyone else notice that on NG the family friend used the words "...her death" (referring to Caylee)? That is a very odd thing to say at this point. Maybe she knows something we don't? How else can it be explained?
Geragos! Gawd I hate that guy. I wouldn't put it past him to offer her some legal help.
He is defending Cameron Brown, a pile of human garbage who tossed his little child off a cliff over the ocean. Maybe child murderers are his milieu.

And I always acknowledge a post with the word milieu..
No one is over there. Cindy now on LKL, she dialing that phone faster than someone trying to get on the Old Millionaire game show. She called and wants to know info from
Kobalinski. Oh no, she is bonding with Geragos. He said hair stuff is bunk. Cindy is trying to prepare a defense case. Can't wait for the transcripts on this one.



I wouldn't be surprised to see Geragos or some other high profile lawyer take this case.
What did she ask?

she was basically asking about how the DNA is processed.......she was asking a defense attorney and he basically gave her the reasons on why he would fight it in court.......
I am counting on it (ducking as when I brought this up the fur wenta flyin').. Anyone else bothered why although Cindy has had countless hours of meetings with LE and the Feds this week, she is asking about forensics on National TV?

I sure am. But frankly this whole thing is so bizarre that I don't know what to think anymore.
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