Caylee Anthony 2 year old General Discussion #58

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It is impossible to burn the body to ashes yourself.

hmm I said evidence, but why would it be impossible to burn a body yourself? Do you mean teeth and bone fragments would be visible? Those can be easily removed though.
Does anyone remember something about the car being backed into the driveway and it was unusual. I think a neighbor mentioned this. When was this? Or am I losing my mind over this?

I am so rooting for Caylee to be alive and well but everytime I hear there's a press conference I feel sick to my stomach.

IIRC, the neighbor said that the same day Casey asked to borrow the shovel, she had also backed her car into the Anthony garage.:mad: Grrr.
I hope the Anthonys find the courage to eventually do the right thing by telling all they know about Caylee's disappearance like Mark Hacking's family and the Unabomber's brother did. There is no peace in living a lie. It's past time for this nightmare to be over.
Sorry if this has been posted. New info that the guest card filled out by Zenaida Gonzales was done in June, not April. From Orlando Channel 6:

Baby Sitter Remains Mystery

Deputies are still trying to figure out exactly when Caylee vanished and are not ruling out that her mother, Casey, may have posed as the mystery baby sitter no one can find.

Casey Anthony maintains the last time she saw her daughter was the day she dropped her off with a woman named Zenaida Gonzalez at the Sawgrass Apartments in Orlando.

According to the original arrest report from July 15, someone by the name of Zenaida Gonzalez looked at an apartment on April 17, 2008.

Local 6 has confirmed with apartment managers that the incident didn't happen in April but on June 17.

The date is important because Caylee was last seen two days before on June 15, Local 6's Lauren Rowe said.

Sawgrass managers said on June 17, someone came to inquire about an apartment.

Investigators said the person filled-out a guest card using the name Zenaida Gonzalez and the person who wrote it had sloppy handwriting.

Someone misread the date when filing out an original arrest record, Local 6 reported.

Sources told Local 6 that when apartment managers tried to follow up with the woman after June 25, the phone number she gave was no longer valid.

And the apartment where Anthony said she left Caylee had been vacant for about six months, Local 6 has learned.

Investigators said they located a woman named Zenaida Gonzales but she said she'd never heard of Caylee or Casey.

This just throws a whole new monkey wrench into things :waitasec:. Can anyone verify this or provide me with a link where this was reported?

They could do a handwriting analysis right?

Casey's pictures have been all over the news. Wouldn't the sawgrass apt employee have quickly been able to say "hey that's the one that filled out the card"?
Going back to the shovel thoughts. Isn't it fitting that Casey would borrow the neighbor's shovel to dig then realize how consuming that would be so she used the shovel to break the hasp on the shed to get into it for something better? Again, that attempt failing?

I agree that would make sense if i thought she was able to break open the shed with a shovel, but I don't. I think the Dad admitting to removing the gas cans himself blows that story up, imo..
Weew; thank god for wiki:

Obfuscation is the concealment of meaning in communication, making it confusing and harder to interpret.

That is correct, but again I say, GP sees gasguzzler on 6/24 and does not ask where the H*ll is my grandaughter and not tell GMA?

The 24th was also Jesses claim of "caylee get off the table" which he later retracted as to hearing Caylee's voice. On the 24th Casey told George Caylee was with Zanny....hmmmm
In Florida, our homeowner's insurance is so high it's crazy and that's if you can even GET insurance. Plus with a deductible, it's totally unreasonable to report it to the insurance. No way-not for 50 bucks worth of gas. Trust me on this.

Agree. I used to work for an insurance company and we would advise people not to claim things on their insurance if it was less than their deductible amount b/c your insurance would go up from the claim and its just not worth it. Easier to pay out of your pocket.
Burning a body isn't as easy as just pouring gas on it. It would take extreme heat to turn bones into ash. I really don't believe she did this. Casey could have burned her clothes, maybe trying to get rid of blood stained evidence? Something to that effect?

That is why I wrote EVIDENCE and not BODY.
I thought the same thing at first. Unless she thought it could be discovered while preparing the area for the cement. I know when we got our flagstone patio, they dug up our existing patio and some of our landscaped yard - to make it all level. Not that Casey would know this but maybe she got paranoid?

Casey probably thought using the backyard for burial was safe and because she wasn't hanging out at her parents, she didn't know there was a patio going in - THEN decided to move the body because it was too close to comfort and could have been discovered.

Just talking about this in terms of this little girl makes me sick. Like we're talking about a pet fish or something. Sick.
Who would send a limo? A high powered attorney. I smell a lawsuit coming against media or LE by Cindy and George.

Or would it be the media trying to court Cindy??... uggh, I surely hope not! :mad:
If Cindy knows who the father is, then the pathetic loser liar should make it clear it's not Jesus or Jesse or any other rumored male. And, Lee, being a pretend detective, should also make it clear who the father ISN'T!

These people are cruel....
In Florida, our homeowner's insurance is so high it's crazy and that's if you can even GET insurance. Plus with a deductible, it's totally unreasonable to report it to the insurance. No way-not for 50 bucks worth of gas. Trust me on this.

Agreed 100%. No WAY they would claim that here!
IIRC, didn't Lee say at one time that Casey had never even informed the father (assuming she knew who it was, which at this point, who the hell knows?) that she was pregnant? And then Cindy says Casey and the father had this agreement? Which is it?!

I think that they had told so many different stories concerning paternity over the course of Caylee's life they don't even know what they've told anymore.
The police have said REPEATEDLY that there was NO CEMENT POURED! In the extensive video coverage of the backyard by Greta last night, there was NO CEMENT shown. Greta would have been very negligent in her story if there was cement anywhere and she did not point it out, and that would be uncharacteristic of her style. This is just one example of how one media source states something that is unsubstantiated and everyone else copies their statements and perpetuates incorrect information.
Two points.

1. Regarding purse left in car. I haven't seen anything that states her credit cards, ID, etc, were in that purse. The only article mentioned IIRC is the paper with the girlfriend's phone number (thus allowing GM to call the friend and make physical contact with Casey). My thought is that the purse (with no actual ID, valuables) was left to add additional lure to a potential car thief.

2. Blink34 asked about any past references to Casey pushing her car when it was "dumped."

My recollection is that Tony stated when he picked her up that she said she had pushed it into the space. He asked whether he needed to take her for gas/repair and she stated that her Dad was picking the car.

About the purse. I have asked this question so many times I can't count.
But, has it ever been substantiated by anyone other than Cindy that Casey actually did leave her purse in the car?
Two points.

1. Regarding purse left in car. I haven't seen anything that states her credit cards, ID, etc, were in that purse. The only article mentioned IIRC is the paper with the girlfriend's phone number (thus allowing GM to call the friend and make physical contact with Casey). My thought is that the purse (with no actual ID, valuables) was left to add additional lure to a potential car thief.

2. Blink34 asked about any past references to Casey pushing her car when it was "dumped."

My recollection is that Tony stated when he picked her up that she said she had pushed it into the space. He asked whether he needed to take her for gas/repair and she stated that her Dad was picking the car.

Hmmm... so she lied to Tony and said call was broken down and stated she called daddy, all lies.
hmm I said evidence, but why would it be impossible to burn a body yourself? Do you mean teeth and bone fragments would be visible? Those can be easily removed though.
crematories burn at, i think, 3200 can't get a personal fire to burn that hot..remember that guy in north carolina that tried to burn the marine? he had a bonfire in his back yard and a bbq and couldn't get it to burn
Raeann: Thank you for clarifying. So we are back to, if we are to assume that Caylee was at one time buried in the back yard, why was she moved?
hmm I said evidence, but why would it be impossible to burn a body yourself? Do you mean teeth and bone fragments would be visible? Those can be easily removed though.

It is really difficult to cremate a body. Alot of murderers light the body and walk away. Or try and try, but it keeps going out and takes days to accomplish. That's why there are alot of partially burnt remains discovered.
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