Caylee Anthony 2 year old General Discussion #60

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Sorry to jump in, but maybe some of the evidence taken from the house was bedding, pillows, blankets. Maybe they are thinking that Caylee was smothered in the house...or something of that nature. Also, if Casey keeps a diary or a journal, I was wondering when they would get that. Those can be used to show state of mind and that sort of thing.
Can you find where George actually said he saw Casey later on? I don't recall George ever saying he saw Casey after June 15/16.
I believe he is saying he saw her on the 24th in the afternoon and discovered the gas cans in her trunk.
I will look for a link.
OK...I have 2 questions...perhaps someone can answer...there was mention of someone (ZG) filling out a guest card...but then on the last thread it was said the agent on site was reported as having done that...but it's been my experience that the person visiting does that...anyone else have a similar experience? The next question...GM and GP would like for everyone to believe that Casey was living at home the entire why did she have her stuff bagged in a "central" place in Tony's apartment?
Can you find where George actually said he saw Casey later on? I don't recall George ever saying he saw Casey after June 15/16.

On Greta last night George said he saw Casey on the 24th or 25 because that's when he caught her with the gas cans. The transcript or video should be on the media thread or on gretawire.
I know I am SO pouring a big fat glass of wine when I sit down tonight to watch Greta part 2.
Can you find where George actually said he saw Casey later on? I don't recall George ever saying he saw Casey after June 15/16.

It was on the Greta last night, Geaorge said that Casey stopped by the house when he was getting ready to go to work.
Actually in the very beginning of this case it was reported that George saw them on the 16th and he alone saw Casey a couple of weeks later. That is in their very first statements. What they are doing now is just filling in the gaps of things not mentioned before. It doesn't mean they are now lying or changing the story. They are simply giving more information than we previously knew.
Can you cite where you saw that? I would like to go and look (if it's not too much trouble). TIA
OK...I have 2 questions...perhaps someone can answer...there was mention of someone (ZG) filling out a guest card...but then on the last thread it was said the agent on site was reported as having done that...but it's been my experience that the person visiting does that...anyone else have a similar experience? The next question...GM and GP would like for everyone to believe that Casey was living at home the entire why did she have her stuff bagged in a "central" place in Tony's apartment?

Every time that I have looked at apartments I have had to fill out all the info, there are parts that the agents fill out, but the rest is usually done by the person that is looking. And I have been trying to figure out the thing about her stuff at Tony's too. It seems from the way CAsey said that she is leading people to believe that there was some unsavory people at Tony's. Probably leading up to "The phone was stolen at Tony's"
Sorry to jump in, but maybe some of the evidence taken from the house was bedding, pillows, blankets. Maybe they are thinking that Caylee was smothered in the house...or something of that nature. Also, if Casey keeps a diary or a journal, I was wondering when they would get that. Those can be used to show state of mind and that sort of thing.

Yes but they blacked out the windows in the back of the house, which is indicative of LUMINOL Photography, which is used only when looking for blood spatter or bodily fluids.....or the cleaning up of such things. Its ominous.
Actually, at the beginning, Cindy said George saw Casey and Caylee when they moved out. She was at work. So....are they saying that Casey moved out on the 16th? Just with a backpack for herself and one for Caylee?

What happened the night of the 15th after the visit to the nursing home? Was Casey there? Was there any Fathers Day party for George? Was Lee there?
I forgot to add. After my daughter had her kids, her mental state really deterred. I really believe it was the change of hormones after giving birth. She became very....almost like an air head with everything. Her actions and story's became worse and worse. I could only imagine this was to cover up what mistakes she was making as a parent.

Our daughters kids were taken away from her......and we supported it 100%. We refused to wait and watch harm come to them. It's a long story, not something I really want to get into here.

I can only assume that the grandparents know in there heart there grandchild is gone, so they are now trying to protect there daughter.
I really hope Greta has new info on the search when she airs part 2 tonight or else I'm trading in my glass of wine for a pitcher. With a straw.
Haven't read everything today so sorry...

what if Casey lied to her parents about the father :)eek: are you kidding?LIED?) and they truly believe the father is someone from out of state who died - and she said his last name was account for the possibility of latino traits in the baby that was REALLY sired by Jesus Ortiz...maybe he paid her off for never revealing his paternity... So Cindy and George really maybe do believe it isn't Jesus. But it is. And what if now Casey is pretending like Zanny the nanny is really her fake dead baby Daddy's MOM who has kidnapped the baby.... saying she allowed her to be the nanny all this time because she felt that the poor woman deserved to at least see Caylee...blah blah....but since her son died last year she has gone off the deep end and decided to steal Caylee and told her if she goes to investigators she will kill CAYLEE>

And meantime, Casey has made fake accounts Facebook, etc. for Zenaida to throw investigators off her trail....and visited the apt. as Zenaida...etc.

and now that investigators are closing in on her she is starting to say CAYLEE is in danger - because she knows Caylee will be found dead and wants to blame it on Zenaida.

THe body has to be found to determine time of death in this scenario. And I don't buy that Casey has a split personality or whatever, she's just trying to save her *advertiser censored* for being responsible somehow in the death of her daughter.

jmho and again if someone else has said this already...disregard.
It was the 24th JUne that George saw Casey.
Every time that I have looked at apartments I have had to fill out all the info, there are parts that the agents fill out, but the rest is usually done by the person that is looking. And I have been trying to figure out the thing about her stuff at Tony's too. It seems from the way CAsey said that she is leading people to believe that there was some unsavory people at Tony's. Probably leading up to "The phone was stolen at Tony's"
Thanks so much!
There is a law in Florida (named after a child but I can't remember the name off hand as I'm brain dead), whereby if a mother does not want their child, they can drop them off anonymously at a hospital or fire station. I don't think there is an age limit either, meaning it doesn't have to be an infant - can be older. If (and that's a big if) Caylee was kidnapped, this would be "an out" that any potential kidnapper or "holder" of Caylee would have to bring Caylee back to safety, anonymously.

Seems that the GM and GP could at least mention this fact every once in a while as they are doing all of these tv interviews IMO.
Yes but they blacked out the windows in the back of the house, which is indicative of LUMINOL Photography, which is used only when looking for blood spatter or bodily fluids.....or the cleaning up of such things. Its ominous.

The problem with this is that this child lived in this home. Going to be very, very difficult to prove much because of this.
Thanks Windchime! :blowkiss:

I'm bringing this post, posted by MitchLite over from the previous thread:

I have only made a few posts here.....but I wanted to share the following.

The reason this case is driving everyone so crazy is because we are all trying to figure out what is the truth that Casey is saying, and what is not the truth. In our hearts, we can see certain things happening, and then some things that make no sense.

I have a daughter that is a clone of Cassey.....that's what drew me to this case. I keep saying "there but for the grace of God would I be".

This girl lives in her own little world. A world she has developed in her mind, and only she knows the rules. She really believes what she is saying, and what she knows is a lie, she does not care about because she justifies it to herself. She only thinks of herself, not her daughter, not her parents, not her brother and not her friends.

She is detached from reality and from the feelings of others. She has never been able to hold a job because people like this despise rules. They hate being told what to do. They only have friends for a couple of months, because as time goes on, the friends catch them in so many lies that they move on to the next group of friends that they can use. Nothing, and I repeat nothing is ever there fault.

They don't think like normal people. They go with the flow of whatever group they are hanging out with. They are like cameilians.....until you get to really know them.

My guess is that Casey has a very, very long history of getting into trouble. It does not necessarily have to be legal trouble because they are very good at talking there way out of stuff. They are experts of making a sane person doubt themselves. They can be approached about one issue, and by the time you are done you have forgotten what in gods name you were scolding them about. A person like this only thinks of the moment, that one second in which they are speaking. They have no reference to how it will come back to haunt them later, because later does not exist for them. Even if that is one hour later.

Did she love her daughter? In her own sick way. But make no mistake, this child was never her priority, it was her grandparents priority and they forced her to take care of this child. Casey has no idea the cost of raising a child. How could she, she has never held a job.

Could she have killed her child? yes, without a question, but more than likely is was due to her not watching her appropriately. It could be because of the people she was hanging around with. Whatever happened to this child, only Casey knows and I doubt you will ever get the truth from her. She is incapable of telling the truth. I am very shocked at how the family is acting. They know more and more negative information will surface. There is no way around it. They are impeding the investigation, and they should be arrested for it. This little girl deserves to be found and laid to rest. This case will only get more confusing each time the family speaks or the mother speaks. In our minds we are trying to come up with scenarios of how something could happen. It's more than likely it was something very simple, IE: she left the child in the car, the child drowned in a pool, the child got a hold of some type of drug and overdosed.

This is an excellent description of Casey's state of mind and her behavior. Do you feel she falls into a personality disorder and if so, which one?
i agree with you .it was something of neglect. i have a younger sister who is a carbon copy of casey. she lies about EVERYTHING.she also believes her lies or convinces herself so well that she could probably pass a lie detector. she always heard ''a different drum'' than the other of my 5 siblings. we sort of look at her in a sympathetic way and tolerate her. she has a distant look about her and she is an incurable flirt. always needing to be the center of attention. i will admit there is a very cunning side to her.
There is a law in Florida (named after a child but I can't remember the name off hand as I'm brain dead), whereby if a mother does not want their child, they can drop them off anonymously at a hospital or fire station. I don't think there is an age limit either, meaning it doesn't have to be an infant - can be older. If (and that's a big if) Caylee was kidnapped, this would be "an out" that any potential kidnapper or "holder" of Caylee would have to bring Caylee back to safety, anonymously.

Seems that the GM and GP could at least mention this fact every once in a while as they are doing all of these tv interviews IMO.

The child has to be a newborn. I think it's with 72 hours of birth.
I believe he is saying he saw her on the 24th in the afternoon and discovered the gas cans in her trunk.
I will look for a link.
Yes - George is saying that NOW - that was a "revelation" that came out just LAST NIGHT on Greta's show. Up until then George has never said he saw Casey after the 15/16.
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