Caylee Anthony 2 year old General Discussion #65

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i don't think that the person talking about the rape kit meant that caylee was assaulted or anything of the sort. I think she was referrencing the way condy handled possible evidence whe she washed the pants. The reference to the rape kit was that cindy, as a nurse, should be versed in the proper way to handle and collect evidence.

(not that i agree, i just think that many have misunderstood why the rape kit comment was made)

im so glad someone finally understood my point thank u
They could have discovered it when she told them. bec ause the reality the only way they could know is if she told them.

This video is about how she invited them to the house and offered up more things she thought would be important.

And it took 3 weeks?! Seriously?? I would have been calling every day telling them to get to my house and get these pants that I found in the car that smelled like it had a d*mn dead body in it! You can't tell me LE was in no hurry to get that evidence.
I'm not a professional psychiatrist or anything but I am a special education teacher and I have cared for seriously mentally ill children in my classes.

I do believe that there are some people who live in their own world and truly believe it. I've seen it in my students. Sometimes I wonder if they lie first and convince themselves of the lie, but unfortunately I think a lot of the times they just go into warped thinking mode and they completely disconnect from reality and go into these strange worlds. They really think these things are true. This is just my opinion only based on what I've seen. The mind does scary things to protect itself- people can do things and totally compartmentalize that from any other thing they've done...
Yes they can. Mental illness is a strange "world". Just look at that guy on the Greyhound bus last weekend - deheaded, ate and then even had the nose, an ear and part of the mouth in a plastic bag on him once they got to the police station. I think Casey may have "blacked out" what happened due to trauma. Notice I said MAY HAVE
I think you can write child care off on your taxes so they should have proof in the way of canceled checks. (LE: get tax returns on GPs and Casey!!)

IIRC, the IRS wouldn't let the grandparents get credits for child care on their taxes unless they had custody of Caylee. I don't know about any state income tax stuff though.
Yes they can. Mental illness is a strange "world". Just look at that guy on the Greyhound bus last weekend - deheaded, ate and then even had the nose, an ear and part of the mouth in a plastic bag on him once they got to the police station. I think Casey may have "blacked out" what happened due to trauma. Notice I said MAY HAVE

I have always believed that that is part of it. I think Casey knows some things, but that her memories don't feel right to her, due to trauma. Or she may have trained herself to forget things. That is possible, I know.
Swag - you do believe Caylee is alive? Why? I would very much like to believe this also so would appreciate hearing what makes you think so, if you don't mind sharing.


My theory is in the Theories on what happened to Caylle thread - probably buried by now - try around page 6 or 7. It's quite long. And I've had to make some adj's to it lately (small adjs. - theory is still holding). You are welcome to go read it.
Rose Red I have been following your posts and they are excellent. I notice you have been chiming in here and there with facts to squash rumors and I personally really appreciate that.

Thank you JB. I feel so badly for this family and little Caylee.
Could Casey be schizophrenic?

It would, sadly, explain so very much about this case.. (from my admittedly ill-educated remembrance of abnormal psych)
How do you know someone making the diagnosis doesn't have the credentials? There is way more info out there on Casey than one normally gets in an intake interview.

Ah, I have been reading the posts.
Someone mentioned Casey's mental health earlier. Could it be a possiblility that if Caylee died and Casey found her...Casey went into some kind of a blocked memory? I know....far fetched...
I know she had a reputation for lying and stealing. Does anyone say she ever mistreated Caylee? or say the Caylee and Casey did not have a close relationship?
I think the grandparents made many mistakes, but If this was happening in my family, I would be a basket case and probably make all kinds of stupid mistakes too.

Heck, I make mistakes everyday that I continually ask God's forgiveness for and I'm not even in a crisis situation. :))

I have definitely thought the same and I understand that no one is perfect. There are just SOOO many inconsistencies. So many! Afterall, George is ex-LE, he should know just how important it is to be very meticulous and forthcoming in their situation.
Yes they can. Mental illness is a strange "world". Just look at that guy on the Greyhound bus last weekend - deheaded, ate and then even had the nose, an ear and part of the mouth in a plastic bag on him once they got to the police station. I think Casey may have "blacked out" what happened due to trauma. Notice I said MAY HAVE

I my opinion, it was either some sort of traumatic accident or some sort of accident that occurred when Casey was in her dream world.

As for Cindy...(I love ellipses) I am trying to give her the benefit of the doubt. She may have smelled decomposition in her daughter's car, but I am sure that she would have never believed Casey did anything to Cylee, I am sure she didn't think Cylee was no longer with us due to Casey's actions when she removed the pants. She may have just thought the car smelled awful. My brother is 22, he is really irresponsible and I know my mom just takes clothes out of his car and washes them, she did it today. All of this is just something to think about, not anything I necessarily believe, but something I have been thinking about and wondering if this was the scenerio.
IIRC, the IRS wouldn't let the grandparents get credits for child care on their taxes unless they had custody of Caylee. I don't know about any state income tax stuff though.
That would depend on who was claiming Caylee on their return - I would think that GP's could not have only claimed Caylee but Casey as well - casey is still their child - but it probably was Casey claiming Caylee and she would have gotten any child car credits - interesting if she has done this - she could now smell an IRS audit coming -

C'mon Miss Anthony, we need to see the receipts for this deduction.

hahahahahahahah Miss Anthony is gonna need a set of taller boots now.
What I don't understand is that if there is no evidence of Casey having a job, then just exactly where did she go (presumably on a regular schedule) when she told her parents she was going to work and taking Caylee to the "nanny"? And did they not ask her where she worked or ever call her at work? If they were giving her all the money for hers and Caylee's support, did they not wonder when Casey's paycheck went? Didn't they wonder why she didn't file tax returns each year? It was my understanding that they still thought she worked an Universal. I'm trying to figure out how she could have kept that charade up for 2 years without anyone getting suspicious!?!?!? :confused:
So, why not offer this info as soon as you realized your granddaughter was missing? Why did LE just happen upon it in an interview on 8/4?? That's the part that gets me. No way should it have taken almost 3 weeks for her to come clean on this. No way!

she offered it before too
Have the police said that the grandparents and even Zanaida are totally cleared? It's not even been reported yet if there was dna or more found at the home. The one detective said something about Zanaida not being totally cleared, so how could anyone who lived in the home where Caylee was last seen be?
IIRC, the IRS wouldn't let the grandparents get credits for child care on their taxes unless they had custody of Caylee. I don't know about any state income tax stuff though.

Actually, I think they will if they are claiming them both. Which, if Casey lived at home and made less than a certain amount, they most certainly would be claiming her & Caylee. I was a young mother and my mom claimed me and my son for a while. Until I was working full-time.

Also, just fyi, babysitters are sometimes paid in cash and that isn't typically claimed at all.
Have the police said that the grandparents and even Zanaida are totally cleared? It's not even been reported yet if there was dna or more found at the home. The one detective said something about Zanaida not being totally cleared, so how could anyone who lived in the home where Caylee was last seen be?
They just keep saying the GP's are cooperating. I think they (LE) are sitting back with a six pack and a bag of chips watching the show (oh and writing it all down as they go). What good would it do to lock them up right now? They (LE) are making headway - let them go - watch dos hoosies run. . . . .
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