Caylee Anthony 2 year old General Discussion #65

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Agreed. As far as I know, nothing George and Cindy have corrected or offered up after the fact was *found out*, but rather they came forward with it.

And I quote "On August 4th, Corporal Eric Edwards and... While discussing the recovery of Casey's white car it was discovered that Cynthia removed items prior to law enforcement being contacted." (search warrant, pg 7)

This does NOT sound to me like they came forward with it AT ALL!
He was the sex crime / missing persons division commander or captain or dectective or head honcho guy - I thought about that too - the was the media kept saying "sex crimes/missing persons" I knew this would start I knew it - see how it can manipulate you - gotta listen REAL HARD nowadays to pick your way through.

Sex crimes victims and and missing persons are usually investigated by the same detectives. Special victims, as they are called. Requires a level of delicacy that some other detectives so not have.
Thanks for clearing that up. :)
I am sure no one can be diagnosed on a message board from the little bit we have heard Casey speak. That is why they have personal visits with Dr's. with credentials to examine Casey.

How do you know someone making the diagnosis doesn't have the credentials? There is way more info out there on Casey than one normally gets in an intake interview.
I would love to hear what your theory is RoseRed... if you want to share, that is. :blowkiss:
I'm with ya Rose Red - I too, believe the GP's are innocent when it comes to Caylee and her disappearance - they mishandled evidence - if that is the PC way to put it - but that evidence had nothing to do with Caylee. (I have my own theory about where she is and who she is with - and I believe she is alive and well and happy - that is what I think and will continue to think until LE announces they have found her little poor borken body). I do believe she is alive.
I have seen a few Hispanic women who bleach their hair - I wasn't trying to say none do. My husband is Hispanic and I have a lot of Hispanic friends and none of their hair has been bleached, TMK. I'm just not "that" familiar with Hispanic's with bleached hair.

Okay, back to Caylee....bless her heart.

Can't speak for Florida, but in California, it's rare for a Hispanic to have bleached hair.
Would a dead animal and a dead human have the same smell? Im just wondering??

No, I don't think they would. My neighbor died inside his house and I could smell his body from my yard. It was strong & gross... I couldn't imagine how *nasty* his house must have smelled. The new owners had to air it out for weeks before they could even get in to redo it.

And for an animal... we had a pregnant cow die on the farm over from ours, they just left the cows body out in the field for weeks -- and when the wind blew just right coming our way, it was baddd. But still it wasn't as bad as the dead neighbor in his house.
Well since no job... and Casey only needed her own spending money because Cindy & George paid everything else -- then I'm guessing they would pay for the fake/pretend/invisible/missing nanny.
I think you can write child care off on your taxes so they should have proof in the way of canceled checks. (LE: get tax returns on GPs and Casey!!) Also, let's not forget that Cindy was quite aware things were not right before 7/15. She had already gotten affidavits from the bank about stolen money amounts so I don't think there were all these kissy face or text...going on. I think she was probably seriously worried about her g-d her daughter was out there stealing from her own mother (and friends). Go back and read her myspace message on July 3rd. SHE DID NOT KNOW HER GRANDDAUGHTER WAS OKAY!!! And everyone who thinks otherwise please explain it to me 'cause I'm just not getting what you're saying. I so want Caylee to be alive. But, I'm tired of the whole family. JMHO
I also just want to add that I think it is odd that Casey even needed a babysitter that rose to the level of being called a "nanny" when she didn't freaking have a job. :doh:

excellent point
Yeah, I'm wondering if Cindy just thought "gross, this car is stinky... let me get these pants out and wash them before they stink up the house." or something like that. Then George & her talk about what he found in the trunk -- or what HE thinks the smell is... then Cindy freaks out. :confused:

Geez, who knows...

You know, that's the most feasible thing in my opinion. George seemed to be the most concerned that Casey was hiding something, so I can totally see him being the one to pinpoint the smell as "dead body."

God, the more I think about this case the more I'm like, "HOW in the hell can you drive around with your child's dead body in your car." How did Casey not throw up all over? Is she really that sick? Not according to Cindy.

You know, a lot of mental illnesses set in the early 20s IIRC. :waitasec:
Now, my other thought after reading the search warrant is that something is very, very wrong with Casey Anthony. I know a lot of us have been going on the assumption that she has "deliberately" lied and made up stories about Caylee's disappearance and so on. But I wonder after reading that warrant:

Could it be that Casey really believes this is what happened? Could she believe these people she speaks about are real? Could she really be so bent that she lives in some imaginary world at times, with imaginary friends and imaginary jobs?

Could she have simply left Caylee somewhere, all the while in her crazy brain believing she was at a baby sitter's apartment?

Hmmmmm. :confused:

I'm not a professional psychiatrist or anything but I am a special education teacher and I have cared for seriously mentally ill children in my classes.

I do believe that there are some people who live in their own world and truly believe it. I've seen it in my students. Sometimes I wonder if they lie first and convince themselves of the lie, but unfortunately I think a lot of the times they just go into warped thinking mode and they completely disconnect from reality and go into these strange worlds. They really think these things are true. This is just my opinion only based on what I've seen. The mind does scary things to protect itself- people can do things and totally compartmentalize that from any other thing they've done...
I believe the whole sex crimes angle to the case is a red herring, and an example of shoot-from-the-hip jounalism. The detective DOES investigate sex crimes; but he/she also investigates Missing Persons!!!
And I quote "On August 4th, Corporal Eric Edwards and... While discussing the recovery of Casey's white car it was discovered that Cynthia removed items prior to law enforcement being contacted." (search warrant, pg 7)

This does NOT sound to me like they came forward with it AT ALL!
They could have discovered it when she told them. bec ause the reality the only way they could know is if she told them.

This video is about how she invited them to the house and offered up more things she thought would be important.
Can't speak for Florida, but in California, it's rare for a Hispanic to have bleached hair.
In South Florida it's rare to have just regular hair. Bleached, weaved, colored (red pink purple blue bright orange) all ages all genders lol
Ok, thanks for answering the decomposing smell question!
I think the grandparents made many mistakes, but If this was happening in my family, I would be a basket case and probably make all kinds of stupid mistakes too.

Heck, I make mistakes everyday that I continually ask God's forgiveness for and I'm not even in a crisis situation. :))
I'm with ya Rose Red - I too, believe the GP's are innocent when it comes to Caylee and her disappearance - they mishandled evidence - if that is the PC way to put it - but that evidence had nothing to do with Caylee. (I have my own theory about where she is and who she is with - and I believe she is alive and well and happy - that is what I think and will continue to think until LE announces they have found her little poor borken body). I do believe she is alive.

Swag - you do believe Caylee is alive? Why? I would very much like to believe this also so would appreciate hearing what makes you think so, if you don't mind sharing.


I'm trying to catch up on this thread, but wanted to jump in and ask if anyone else watched Bill O'Reilly tonight? He had Geraldo on and Geraldo explained about Zenaida Gonzolas coming forward and a few other details.

Geraldo showed a brief clip from the 2-part interview Greta did with George and Cindy. But the clip Geraldo showed is one I don't remember seeing, as I'm sure it would have been discussed here.

In the clip Cindy says that when this is over, all of America is going to proclaim Casey the mother of the year, and feel so bad that she had to go through what she's had to go through (not an exact quote).

Did anyone else see this clip? Does anyone remember Cindy saying this?
I would love to hear what your theory is RoseRed... if you want to share, that is. :blowkiss:

I don't believe the grand parents were involved in any way or any cover up of their missing grand daughter.
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