Caylee Anthony 2 year old General Discussion #66

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it gets the stress out for me.......if you really knew how angry I was over this!

I had NO idea there were others like my own daughter......really!

Still keeps me up at night, why some kids turn out like they do. My other kids are in college, the service (1) and we have all paid a heavy price for my one childs actions. But none more than our grandchildren. This is EXACTLY why when they were taken from her we could not support her and stand by her. We had to put the grandkids first, we were too worried something would happen to them.

To be blunt, this case is exactly what we thought would happen if we did allow the kids to stay with her.

My sister-in-law is also the perfect twin of Casey. My mother and father-in-laws are now raising my two nephews. My husband and I argued with them till we were blue in the face b/c they never thought anything would happen to them until one day they found sister-in-law passed out in the middle of a busy road after she stole her sons bike to go get drugs. My hubby is perfectly normal (his sister). It is wierd how these things happen.
Ok,.. I feel bad for George and Cindy right now. TOMORROW is Caylee's 3rd Birthday,.. they don't know WHERE she is,.. IF she is alive or dead,.. I am sure that it is BREAKING their heart!!!!!! They truly love this little girl and it must be the most horrific pain to not know where she is, especially with her birthday tomorrow.
George is finally showing emotion,... I would be yelling at the media to stay off my property as well. I am sure he is hurting,.. and the media would probably ask, "so how do you feel that Caylee's birthday is tomorrow and she is still missing?" Well HOW to do you think they feel? Sometimes the media asks stupid questions!
Also,.. Cindy going out and buying Caylee presents isn't unusual. My one friends mom bought presents for every holiday and every birthday for years when her daughter died. JMO.

I whole-heartedly agree. Thank You!
George told media to stay off his property or he doesn't know what he's going to do.

He needs to be careful with the threats.
Remember when we were discussing how he looked like he
had a vicious temper? The real George is beginning to emerge.
jmo moo
They were on the verge of divorce in 2005 this will probably be the straw to break the camels back.

I have thought this as well.....

Survival rates on marriages with the death of a child are not good... a survival rate for this debacle would seem tough...

If they are truly grieving and weren't complicit.. just foolish... I truly wish them well as they'll need support to move on.

I'd move back to Ohio though
Ok,.. I feel bad for George and Cindy right now. TOMORROW is Caylee's 3rd Birthday,.. they don't know WHERE she is,.. IF she is alive or dead,.. I am sure that it is BREAKING their heart!!!!!! They truly love this little girl and it must be the most horrific pain to not know where she is, especially with her birthday tomorrow.
George is finally showing emotion,... I would be yelling at the media to stay off my property as well. I am sure he is hurting,.. and the media would probably ask, "so how do you feel that Caylee's birthday is tomorrow and she is still missing?" Well HOW to do you think they feel? Sometimes the media asks stupid questions!
Also,.. Cindy going out and buying Caylee presents isn't unusual. My one friends mom bought presents for every holiday and every birthday for years when her daughter died. JMO.

They should have thought of all of this before they did everything they do. I am sorry, but my feelings are that they helped protect there daughter.

They knew in there heart there grandaughter was killed by there daughter......I understand being there for a child in a time like this......but to go to the extreems they have, courting the media? TV talk shows every day?

All the while, there grandaughter is some place........crap.......rotting away! How can you do that????????

No excuses for them at all.
Quick post.

There is no way this attorney has any control over her.........why? Because unless he is telling her exactly what she wants to hear he is of no use to her.

My daughter has gone to about 7 different attorneys to get her kids back, of course she tells us "they all say I can get the kids back". Of course she has no money, and she just fired her court appointed attorney. Why? Because he told her that it was best to give up her kids rather than drag this out anymore.

I swear, somehow my daughter and Casey are friends :(

My heart goes out to you. I know what a tough road this can be.
My sister-in-law is also the perfect twin of Casey. My mother and father-in-laws are now raising my two nephews. My husband and I argued with them till we were blue in the face b/c they never thought anything would happen to them until one day they found sister-in-law passed out in the middle of a busy road after she stole her sons bike to go get drugs. My hubby is perfectly normal (his sister). It is wierd how these things happen.

Thank God your in-laws have the children. Hope they don't forget why they have them and fall into a trap of feeling sorry for her when she gets clean...if she ever does.

It's not the drugs, it's the life style that people lead, they don't have to be on drugs to be a danger to there kids. My daughter was not......she really has a mental illness that does not let her face reality.....
Casey Anthony Refuses Brother's Jailhouse Visit
Casey Anthony's brother tried to visit her in jail, Friday morning, but Casey
refused to see him. Meantime, sheriff's divers are conducting what have been
called "training exercises" in waterways near the Anthony home.
He needs to be careful with the threats.
Remember when we were discussing how he looked like he
had a vicious temper? The real George is beginning to emerge.
jmo moo

Yeah, I do remember that discussion. He's in pain, I'm positive. Reality will be hitting them very hard, especially tomorrow. Casey has given them false hope that Caylee will be home for her birthday and they are realizing it's another of her lies I bet.

George may have been putting out his warning that he's about to blow! Those threats may get serious and his temper will surface.
pulling .............myself.........away.............from...........the

got to!!!

God Bless you all!

Be back later.
Cindy said it best: Casey always lies but then she always tells me the truth. Casey the ball is in your court,tell your mother the truth.
What does this mean?

They also found several messages including one about an event at Universal Studios - in Casey Anthony's e-mail from e-mail addresses that don't exist, the search warrant said.
Quick post.

There is no way this attorney has any control over her.........why? Because unless he is telling her exactly what she wants to hear he is of no use to her.

My daughter has gone to about 7 different attorneys to get her kids back, of course she tells us "they all say I can get the kids back". Of course she has no money, and she just fired her court appointed attorney. Why? Because he told her that it was best to give up her kids rather than drag this out anymore.

I swear, somehow my daughter and Casey are friends :(

OT - Mitch - I'm sorry for your pain and I hope you get to see the children if they are not with you. I have an ex-DIL like this also. We live in a fairly small community. She went through 3 lawyers during the divorce and they all dumped her because she wouldn't listen to reason. My son has the kids. She now has to represent herself whenever she tries to take him back to court. It is very sad really. I feel bad for her, but not bad enough to let her jepordize the well-being of my grandkids.

I just want to send out a big ole cyberhug to MitchLite and say thank you for sharing your personal story. I've dealt with someone just like Casey too and raised her children for the last sixteen years. Doubt I'll ever receive a thank-you card. LOL.
Haven't some people said that they had heard of "Zanny" the nanny for a year and a half or so? So, she didn't just come up with the name on the 17th, right? Then again, I think the only one that has said that for sure is Cindy. Nevermind...

I do wonder if this isn't how all of this came about! Good thoughts!

Yes. They have heard of "Zanny" But not "Zaneida" Zaneida was born on the 17th when Casey somehow picked up her name (sign in sheet?) at the Sawgrass apartments. This is also why she could not indentify her in LE photos.
Yes. They have heard of "Zanny" But not "Zaneida" Zaneida was born on the 17th when Casey somehow picked up her name (sign in sheet?) at the Sawgrass apartments. This is also why she could not indentify her in LE photos.

I have pictures of my kids with their occasional babysitter. I put the pictures in their baby books as a reminder to them later on who cared for them and who was in their life.
Yeah, I do remember that discussion. He's in pain, I'm positive. Reality will be hitting them very hard, especially tomorrow. Casey has given them false hope that Caylee will be home for her birthday and they are realizing it's another of her lies I bet.

George may have been putting out his warning that he's about to blow! Those threats may get serious and his temper will surface.

Orlando Salinas may want to invest in some protective gear.
Yeah, I do remember that discussion. He's in pain, I'm positive. Reality will be hitting them very hard, especially tomorrow. Casey has given them false hope that Caylee will be home for her birthday and they are realizing it's another of her lies I bet.

George may have been putting out his warning that he's about to blow! Those threats may get serious and his temper will surface.
Yes - this could be very dangerous. I hope LE is closely watching (or has ears in that crowd) the house. I wonder if there are any weapons in the house? Doubt it - don't know - you can bet LE has asked - but I don't think they (LE) would have taken them away. These situations are very "fragile" and can take a violent turn at the drop of a hat.
Yeah, I do remember that discussion. He's in pain, I'm positive. Reality will be hitting them very hard, especially tomorrow. Casey has given them false hope that Caylee will be home for her birthday and they are realizing it's another of her lies I bet.

George may have been putting out his warning that he's about to blow! Those threats may get serious and his temper will surface.

It has to be hard for him to come to grips that his daughter has been less than honest. (an understatement)
Also for him to even fathom the thought she may have been involved in Caylee's demise.
I just wish I knew how much both he and Cindy really know.
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