Caylee Anthony 2 years old #10-General Discussion

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Not open for further replies. can have OCD and have an Impulse Control Disorder, both disorder together. But I've never heard impulsive lying grouped in the OCD realm/range. CC?
WELL, I think you actually can have OCD and be a compulsive liar. But it's not a symptom of OCD. I remember a "client" once that had both. But in Cindy's case I AGREE..really POOR impulse control. I don't see OCD with her. I see her as Manic. Bi-polar I think they call it these days.
I have tried to keep up with you guys at work today. I could only log on when I got phone calls. We aren't supposed to do this kind of stuff at work. But then again - if I am obsessed, and can't concentrate at work, isn't it better that I get some relief and get on with my job??? Yea, I think so! Thus, I have done hit and runs all day. It is sort of interesting from this perspective. I see that we are speculating on whether or not any of the women involved in this case have been taking drugs like Xanax? INMHO, it doesn't matter. Go and read the affidavit. Casey is such a prolific liar that she actually accompanied LE to a false place of employment!!! She told them she worked there when she did not. Once there she told the security guard that she had lost her ID badge, and LE accompanied her to what she claimed was her office. Parphrasing the affidavit, she apparently took LE down a hallway as if she had been there before and knew where she was going. In reality - she had NEVER set foot in that building. That takes brass bulls ballzz!!! At some point, she stopped and told them she did not work there. WTF??? How do you one minute own brass bulls ballzz and then just stop, turn around and say - I was mistaken. Another example of why I don't work in LE. I would have slapped her into her next life. The lies that have been told by Mom, the co-dependancy we have witnessed with GM is the most extreme case of pathologically criminal people I have ever encountered. They take it to a whole new level. None of which excuses what has happened to this little girl. Give me five minutes alone with Mom or GM and we will get forward movement in this case. I am disgusted and amazed at the pathology in this case. Drugs don't account for it. We are witnessing a pathology deeper than anything which is induced by mankind. This is scary evil.
Oh, Reannan...we were just addressing a poster as to whether or not we had proof (facts) that Casey was a "user". We are in no way trying to explain away what she's done. There is something most definitely "evil" here.
Drugs can cause seizures.
Any info if Casey was already on record for seizures?

I have a couple of friends that do have seizures and they don't go to the hospital for them, unless they become extreme. Normally, their husbands know to just wait it out and keep them comfortable and safe as much as possible.
I thought maybe when Cindy was using the term mini-vacation it was a way to skirt the issue of Casey and I had issues, she left for awhile. Maybe a mini-vacation from grandma.
WELL, I think you actually can have OCD and be a compulsive liar. But it's not a symptom of OCD. I remember a "client" once that had both. But in Cindy's case I AGREE..really POOR impulse control. I don't see OCD with her. I see her as Manic. Bi-polar I think they call it these days.

That's what I said...did I type it right? It's not uncommon to have more than on diagnosis. But lying isn't grouped with OCD. Does that make more sense?
That's what I heard "bodily fluids" consistent with decomposition of the body was what the dogs hit on. The detective said on stand that they also got a luminol hit. I am not sure if it was blood.

thank you.

oh and i REALLY HOPE they weren't feeding that poor baby xannie nannies.

it makes me wanna barf.
okay i have to settle this once and for all... about the fluids in the trunk.

were they blood? or were they putridine and cadavertine (fluids body releases after death)? i am quite sure i heard last night on nancy grace that the fluids were what they suspected.
dead bodies produce putricine and cadaverine...when they break down. Any fluids at all from a dead body would contain those two enzymes in them. They are what cadaver dogs alarm on.
okay i have to settle this once and for all... about the fluids in the trunk.

were they blood? or were they putridine and cadavertine (fluids body releases after death)? i am quite sure i heard last night on nancy grace that the fluids were what they suspected.
I thought the detective basically said they were "unknown" and in the process of being tested. Did he call it suspicious?
Here is what I found on Blacklights:

If you walked around all night with a portable black light, you would discover that there are phosphors all over the place. There are lots of natural phosphors, in your teeth and fingernails, among other things. There also a lot of phosphors in manmade material, including television screens and some paints, fabric and plastics. Most fluorescent colored things, such as highlighters, contain phosphors, and you'll find them in all glow-in-the-dark products. Clubs and amusement parks use special black light paint that glows different colors. You can also buy fluorescent black light bubbles, invisible black light ink, fluorescent black light carpet and even fluorescent black light hair gel. (more at link)
to me Cindy seems like one with OCD. (I now you mean Casey)

But with her wanting everything "her way" and her home looks super clean to have a missing baby. I think she is def a candidate for OCD.

Good Point! I actually looked in wikipedia to find a personality disorder that would fit her, but didn't have much luck. Of course, there's quite alot that I've not looked at and I know wiki is not always a reliable source. I've been quite curious about her though, because her whole attitude toward the press baffles me. :confused:
Anyone notice this facebook post from Casey to Amy:

Casey Anthony wrote
at 4:02pm on July 15th, 2008

so glad you're home.
i better not see you online.
life is on hold until tomorrow :)

Wasn't that the day LE was called??? If she had already picked up Amy from the airport, she must have dropped her off since they weren't together. So was Casey posting at her parent's house?? But didn't they say they didn't see her until after 6pm? The time stamp above is 4pm.

AND WHAT THE H#$L DOES SHE MEAN BY "life is on hold until tomorrow"???????????

I have to think that where ever she posted this from is where Cindy picked her up. Amy had her car back at this point.
Well, my basset hound is by my desk barking at me to go to bed and my relatively new husband is falling asleep on the floor of my office. Do you think they are trying to tell me something???
Really have enjoyed our great discussions!! Nite all!
I thought maybe when Cindy was using the term mini-vacation it was a way to skirt the issue of Casey and I had issues, she left for awhile. Maybe a mini-vacation from grandma.

The way we've come to know Cindy, this is probably what the mini vacation was all about.
Agreed. Cindy's behavior is very consistent with that of a person on Xanax.

I have to ask this question. I'm not familiar with Xanax. I've heard of it and thought it was a tranquilizer or anti-depressant.

What I've see of Cindy - she's hyper, hysterical, her sentences sometimes don't make any sense, and she verbally lashes out at people. I half expect her to physically assault someone!

If she's on Xanax, wouldn't we be seeing a calmer, sedate, Cindy???
In my opinion I don't think Casey was into the drugs. On all the comments and myspace account I didnt see any reference to drugs not even a mention of marijuna with this group of friends. She also doesnt have that "stoned" look in her pictures.
I thought maybe when Cindy was using the term mini-vacation it was a way to skirt the issue of Casey and I had issues, she left for awhile. Maybe a mini-vacation from grandma.
My thoughts exactly. When you have no job, no money, and a child to aren't what you usually think about. But, then again neither is partying while your daughter is missing.
I hate to be a dork, but I'm bumping my own post only b/c I don't think it has been addressed yet, and it seems to be an important peice of the puzzle.
Casey picked up Amy from the airport around 2:30?pm, in Amy's car.

Allowing an hour to get the luggage and drive back to Ricardo's place brings us to 3:30ish.

We don't know at what point Amy discovered checks missing and her bank account wiped out, but it was before her 11:30ish facebook post that night.

Where was Casey when she posted on Amy's myspace at 4pm? Can you text message from a cell phone into myspace?
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