Caylee Anthony 2 years old #10-General Discussion

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Casey's lawyer mentioned today (and only after Nancy Grace insisted), that the tip they received today about seeing Caylee on a flight from Orlando to Atlanta was on Airtran airlines. I think I read somewhere that the sighting occurred on Wednesday, June 2nd??? (please correct me if I'm wrong). Anyway, I researched the Airtran flights from Orlando to Atlanta on Wednesdays and found there are only 12. That shouldn't be so hard to track via security cameras. If it wasn't Caylee (and sadly I think it wasn't given the info LE has released), LE should dismiss / refute this sighting publicly so this pathetic excuse of a lawyer stops wasting more time on it.

Flight(s) Departs

748 6:00 AM
848 7:00 AM
611 8:00 AM
746 9:00 AM
49 10:10 AM
745 11:37 AM
754 2:49 PM
831 3:54 PM
862 5:58 PM
856 6:59 PM
841 8:48 PM
I'm wondering if chronic lying in some cases could be a form of OCD?

to me Cindy seems like one with OCD. (I now you mean Casey)

But with her wanting everything "her way" and her home looks super clean to have a missing baby. I think she is def a candidate for OCD.
Ok's a question for you. If Casey bought this woman's identity (need for cash explained) wouldn't she be able to then do a credit check...and if Sawgrass Apts. ran a background check on ZFG it would appear on the check (anyone who checks for credit, ie, credit card companies, would also pop up)? Long winded question, I know. But, maybe that's how Casey came up with the name of the apts. And just maybe this merry band of "friends" was into this kind of stuff? I'm not familiar with how an identity theft ring works, but I'm curious to know if Sawgrass Apts. did run a background check on this woman. It would be a good idea for LE to check out.

Great idea RR! I think LE should also check to see if Casey ever applied or looked at an apartment there.

Could you direct me to the posts where this happened?! I must have missed them.

We are allowed to speculate! We are allowed to voice our opinions!
yeah...I missed that too..and I thought I had read everything...and my bum is falling asleep too (oversharing sorry)
wow. i got lucky, i had NONE of these side effects, thank God. i was suuuuper chilled out.

cindy def. has the hostility going on, along w/ agitation. i'm going w/ cc's opinion this one... bi-polar/manic-depressive, or better yet... maybe there's a very "normal" reason for the way she's acting??

she's been caught in lies daily, her granddaughter is missing, her daughter is in jail, she probably hasn't slept, or has trouble sleeping, she's mad @ the world because she realizes (even if she won't admit it) that she's looked like a giant @$$ ('cuse the adjective) for the last few weeks, etc. -- seems to me she's doing the typical "i've been caught lying/etc., let's turn it around and make it everyone else's fault" tactic. @ least someone finally stood up for her and told her to be quiet in her last interview!!

Maybe she isn't on any drugs at all, not on booze either. Maybe she is "spirited" like me! I can imagine that I'd get just as hyper as she is if one of my grandchildren were missing. Heck, I get that hyper when I'm discussing a subject I care deeply about. Of course I'd make a lot more sense than she does (at least I hope I would).
I'm wondering if chronic lying in some cases could be a form of OCD? can have OCD and have an Impulse Control Disorder, both disorder together. But I've never heard impulsive lying grouped in the OCD realm/range. CC?
I have tried to keep up with you guys at work today. I could only log on when I got phone calls. We aren't supposed to do this kind of stuff at work. But then again - if I am obsessed, and can't concentrate at work, isn't it better that I get some relief and get on with my job??? Yea, I think so! Thus, I have done hit and runs all day. It is sort of interesting from this perspective. I see that we are speculating on whether or not any of the women involved in this case have been taking drugs like Xanax? INMHO, it doesn't matter. Go and read the affidavit. Casey is such a prolific liar that she actually accompanied LE to a false place of employment!!! She told them she worked there when she did not. Once there she told the security guard that she had lost her ID badge, and LE accompanied her to what she claimed was her office. Parphrasing the affidavit, she apparently took LE down a hallway as if she had been there before and knew where she was going. In reality - she had NEVER set foot in that building. That takes brass bulls ballzz!!! At some point, she stopped and told them she did not work there. WTF??? How do you one minute own brass bulls ballzz and then just stop, turn around and say - I was mistaken. Another example of why I don't work in LE. I would have slapped her into her next life. The lies that have been told by Mom, the co-dependancy we have witnessed with GM is the most extreme case of pathologically criminal people I have ever encountered. They take it to a whole new level. None of which excuses what has happened to this little girl. Give me five minutes alone with Mom or GM and we will get forward movement in this case. I am disgusted and amazed at the pathology in this case. Drugs don't account for it. We are witnessing a pathology deeper than anything which is induced by mankind. This is scary evil.
okay i have to settle this once and for all... about the fluids in the trunk.

were they blood? or were they putridine and cadavertine (fluids body releases after death)? i am quite sure i heard last night on nancy grace that the fluids were what they suspected.
That's what I heard "bodily fluids" consistent with decomposition of the body was what the dogs hit on. The detective said on stand that they also got a luminol hit. I am not sure if it was blood.
Drugs can cause seizures.
Any info if Casey was already on record for seizures?

Only place I saw it was in the affidavit on page #4 where Jesse took her to hosp? or took care of her.
drugs are weird that way. my son is severly ADHD and we noticed the first symptoms were that downers upped him and uppers downed him. for instance... benadryl and him mixed produced hell, but i'd gladly give him a glass of mt. dew before bed, lol.

maybe cindy has had the same kind of reaction to whatever she's on.
Until he's a teenager and then for some reason it has the opposite least it did with the kids I taught.
I have tried to keep up with you guys at work today. I could only log on when I got phone calls. We aren't supposed to do this kind of stuff at work. But then again - if I am obsessed, and can't concentrate at work, isn't it better that I get some relief and get on with my job??? Yea, I think so! Thus, I have done hit and runs all day. It is sort of interesting from this perspective. I see that we are speculating on whether or not any of the women involved in this case have been taking drugs like Xanax? INMHO, it doesn't matter. Go and read the affidavit. Casey is such a prolific liar that she actually accompanied LE to a false place of employment!!! She told them she worked there when she did not. Once there she told the security guard that she had lost her ID badge, and LE accompanied her to what she claimed was her office. Parphrasing the affidavit, she apparently took LE down a hallway as if she had been there before and knew where she was going. In reality - she had NEVER set foot in that building. That takes brass bulls ballzz!!! At some point, she stopped and told them she did not work there. WTF??? How do you one minute own brass bulls ballzz and then just stop, turn around and say - I was mistaken. Another example of why I don't work in LE. I would have slapped her into her next life. The lies that have been told by Mom, the co-dependancy we have witnessed with GM is the most extreme case of pathologically criminal people I have ever encountered. They take it to a whole new level. None of which excuses what has happened to this little girl. Give me five minutes alone with Mom or GM and we will get forward movement in this case. I am disgusted and amazed at the pathology in this case. Drugs don't account for it. We are witnessing a pathology deeper than anything which is induced by mankind. This is scary evil.

You put it the best of anyone yet!! These folks give a new meaning to dysfunctional.:clap:
Jeff Hopkins is real. He is now 23 years old and was fired from Universal in 2002, although Casey gave his name to LE as someone who could verify her employment there.

He has a myspace page that shows him as 23 years old, wanting children "someday".

On the stand yesterday, Cindy referred to 'Zannie' as someone who worked as a babysitter for Jeff (and his evidently non-existent child), and who also started babysitting Caylee for Casey.

She also mentioned her belief that he and Casey were on vacation in Jacksonville at some point between June 16 - July 15th.
and what a standup guy Jeff seems to be. not. notice the surgically implanted (was that fran who said that?) bevra'ge in his juice anyone???
Until he's a teenager and then for some reason it has the opposite least it did with the kids I taught.

yep like Ritalin. It does opposite for elderly and children.

Give to elderly to speed them up
Give to children to slow them down

(I have done both since working with peds and LTC)

The truly sad part is...I don't think Cindy is on anything. It really IS just her. :cursing:

Yikes!!!! I just posted that I thought I could be just like her if one of my grandkids was missing (sans the lies). Some of us just have a very intense way of communicating. Believe me it's hell having to control yourself when your mind is going 500 miles an hour. I'm not condoning Cindy's behavior here, I'm just saying that she might really not be on anything at all. I sense a lot of IMPATIENCE in her (I am impatient) and a lot of frustration.

Well, that was in Cindy's defense. On the other hand, she better start getting with the program and realize that she needs to fess up and tell the truth instead of leading everybody around in circles. It's one thing to have an intense personality, and quite another thing to be a freaking liar enjoying the limelight....
That was so beautifully said, Misty! Thank you for posting that. I have tried to curtail my negative remarks about me it's been hard. But, I've also gotten a feel for why she's behaving the way she has. From the onset, she realized that her daughter was considered a POI. She knew LE was going to work on building a case against her. Couple that with her grandaughter no longer in her life, I think the woman is on the verge of a nervous breakdown. So I'm trying to put my personal feelings aside. I do believe that GM has handled the publicity in the WORST possible way...she has hurt herself in that respect.

I felt the same way about GM -- she's had no sleep, she's full of grief and fear, in denial, overwhelmed, etc -- until I found out she'd lied about the last time she saw Caylee. No way she'd forget, no matter what state she was in, that the last time she (or any witnesses?) saw her granddaughter was when she took her on a Father's Day outing and taped it.
Oh, I went on the National Missing Children website and this was posted on their poster:

She was last seen wearing a pink shirt, jean shorts and white sneakers.

Know it was mentioned before that we didn't even know what she was wearing when she went missing.

:confused: Was this not from the alleged sighting at the mall by friends? Why is there no description on who she was allegedly with that day or did I miss that??? Was there also an issue of doubt on the individuals who provided the sighting? I just recall friends of the family. Sorry new to the board been trying to catch up across the boards.
I hate to be a dork, but I'm bumping my own post only b/c I don't think it has been addressed yet, and it seems to be an important peice of the puzzle.

Anyone notice this facebook post from Casey to Amy:

Casey Anthony wrote
at 4:02pm on July 15th, 2008

so glad you're home.
i better not see you online.
life is on hold until tomorrow :)

Wasn't that the day LE was called??? If she had already picked up Amy from the airport, she must have dropped her off since they weren't together. So was Casey posting at her parent's house?? But didn't they say they didn't see her until after 6pm? The time stamp above is 4pm.

AND WHAT THE H#$L DOES SHE MEAN BY "life is on hold until tomorrow"???????????
I have tried to keep up with you guys at work today. I could only log on when I got phone calls. We aren't supposed to do this kind of stuff at work. But then again - if I am obsessed, and can't concentrate at work, isn't it better that I get some relief and get on with my job??? Yea, I think so! Thus, I have done hit and runs all day. It is sort of interesting from this perspective. I see that we are speculating on whether or not any of the women involved in this case have been taking drugs like Xanax? INMHO, it doesn't matter. Go and read the affidavit. Casey is such a prolific liar that she actually accompanied LE to a false place of employment!!! She told them she worked there when she did not. Once there she told the security guard that she had lost her ID badge, and LE accompanied her to what she claimed was her office. Parphrasing the affidavit, she apparently took LE down a hallway as if she had been there before and knew where she was going. In reality - she had NEVER set foot in that building. That takes brass bulls ballzz!!! At some point, she stopped and told them she did not work there. WTF??? How do you one minute own brass bulls ballzz and then just stop, turn around and say - I was mistaken. Another example of why I don't work in LE. I would have slapped her into her next life. The lies that have been told by Mom, the co-dependancy we have witnessed with GM is the most extreme case of pathologically criminal people I have ever encountered. They take it to a whole new level. None of which excuses what has happened to this little girl. Give me five minutes alone with Mom or GM and we will get forward movement in this case. I am disgusted and amazed at the pathology in this case. Drugs don't account for it. We are witnessing a pathology deeper than anything which is induced by mankind. This is scary evil.

Yeah, I've tho't if this were me. My parents would beat the H*LL out of me until I told them everything....and I mean everything.
Anyone notice this facebook post from Casey to Amy:

Casey Anthony wrote
at 4:02pm on July 15th, 2008

so glad you're home.
i better not see you online.
life is on hold until tomorrow :)

Wasn't that the day LE was called??? If she had already picked up Amy from the airport, she must have dropped her off since they weren't together. So was Casey posting at her parent's house?? But didn't they say they didn't see her until after 6pm? The time stamp above is 4pm.

AND WHAT THE H#$L DOES SHE MEAN BY "life is on hold until tomorrow"???????????
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