Caylee Anthony 2 years old #13 General Discussion

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I think you just click on the Caylee Anthony forum and up at the top is the thread that says start new thread. Then you have to PM a mod to tell them to lock up this thread.
I wondered this too but I figured maybe Casey just was unsure about the dates. Because how else can it be explained? When we know that the 15th was the last time Caylee was alive with the GM. Although, how SURE are we that this video took place on the 15th? Is it just because GM said so? Is it just because of the Father's Day card? Has it been confirmed yet that they were actually there on the 15th? That simple detail could make a big difference.

Wasn't there an actual visitors log with their names on it when they went to visit ggp?

I agree with what you posted. No one wants to bad mouth the grandma, everyone is just caught up in emotions and they are quite high in this case. I have felt all along that it is just plain and simply TOO MUCH for this women to imagine her little Caylee not coming home. It would be for me. Who knows how any of us would react if this was us. Casey on the other hand, I have NO sympathy for
One thing i've never gotten since this case started is why anyone thinks that one of Casey's relatives (her dad or brother) are the father of Caylee. Can anyone with any insight help me see why they would think that?
Even if Casey is a pathological liar (and you won't get an argument from me on that) , she cannot be so delusional as to think that her child would not eventually be missed by family,friends and then definitely law enforcement. She cannot have believed that extreme consequences would not follow the discovery of Caylee's being missing. So , knowing that there is no way of not having to face that eventuality, Why put it off so long? The longer you put it off the guiltier you look. And there is NO WAY that she will not get caught, she has to know this. Is she waiting for the baby's body to decompose? What? Are there some psych majors here?
Anybody who has ever had a whiff of road kill knows what it smells like.

It's rank. And smells much different than any trash can sitting outside in the heat which hasn't been picked up for weeks.

Also, and JMO, but who puts pizza in their trunk and why would anyone forget its there? Pizza in this house never goes to waste. And if it is just 'crust' sitting in this box, that isn't going to smell much if any no matter how long it's been sitting.

I think down here, it would just get hard and kind of petrify, dont you?
I dont think it would stink.
Now, we had a rat die out in our garage and wow, THAT was some smell. I couldnt stand to go out there for 3 days PU!!
i think people have made a lot of judgements about the grandmother that may or may not be true because they consider her a suspect and are very emotional about the case.

she has not come across as the most sympathetic figure and has absolutely made conflicting statements, but im not sure how much her actions on TV during this case reflect her behavoir over the course of her married/adult life. because we really dont havfe any evidence as to what she was like before this, although there are reports now that she was nothing like how she is currently coming across.

to be blunt - people are trying to get her to imagine that her granddaughter is lying dead somewhere decomposing and that her daughter is a murderer that is lying to her face about it.

it is a nice little fantasy to think that everyone would react logically, and recognize what appears to be quite likely and pursue it. but it doesnt make you vile or a criminal if you just cant handle it and react strongly against people suggesting it.

After hearing the 911 call I tend to agree with this. I have to draw the line though if Cindy had done anything illegal or harmfull to the investigation. I hope she hasn't. It's the last thing she needs.
This is really, really bugging me. The fact that in the 911 call, Casey says this to the operator:

"I tried to contact her and I actually received a phone call today from a number that is no longer in service. I did get to speak to my daughter for about a minute."

I am relatively certain that this is a flat out LIE. The ONLY reason for this lie is if Caylee is no longer alive, and Casey wants to make it seem as though she is. So if the above is in fact a LIE.........then IMO Caylee is no longer alive. Which sadly I suspect that to be the case anyway, but I'm just trying to think of all the facts we know about the case and see if there is any way that Casey is telling the truth about Caylee being alive and I just can't find anything to SUPPORT that. I can find alot that contradicts it but not a single shred of evidence (other than Casey's words) supports the fact that Caylee Anthony is still with us. :(
It also tells me that she prepped for that statement. It came too easy and made absolutely no sense. LE can track down addresses of cell phone owners, I'm sure. She didn't say the number came up "unknown" (may have been smarter if she did)...she said the number was no longer in service. So who did the number belong to? I'm sure LE would have retieved it off her phone as that was the person who had Caylee. Has LE come out and called this an out-and-out lie?
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