Caylee Anthony 2 years old #13 General Discussion

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The phone calls to the police were placed on July 15, don't know the time.
carlos padilla on FOX just now:

* still don't know the exact location of the supposed "nanny"

* 10 boxes of pizza could sit in a trunk for 30 days and it wouldn't smell like the car smell

* reporter asks if it was just a whiff or an overpowering odor and padilla says "oh yes, absolutely"

* still looking into the airport tip, they don't wanna release a sketch that could be misleading

* Casey told people that Caylee was with the nanny or with her MOM (hold up..........does Cindy know this????????? If Casey told people Caylee was with GM and GM knows for a fact she wasn't, then why the heck doesn't GM see that clearly Casey LIED??? Oy vey)

* still waiting on results of the stain in the trunk, hopefully will get them as soon as possible
Well, well, so it was Grama who first noticed 'the dead body smell in the damn car'. This case just gets weirder and weirder.:confused:

Cindy and George both. They both knew what the smell was.
Did anyone else see the Fox News conversation with the investigator in Orlando? Just curious what others might have thought about how soon the forensics can be expected...
carlos padilla on FOX just now:

* still don't know the exact location of the supposed "nanny"

* 10 boxes of pizza could sit in a trunk for 30 days and it wouldn't smell like the car smell

* reporter asks if it was just a whiff or an overpowering odor and padilla says "oh yes, absolutely"

* still looking into the airport tip, they don't wanna release a sketch that could be misleading

* Casey told people that Caylee was with the nanny or with her MOM (hold up..........does Cindy know this????????? If Casey told people Caylee was with GM and GM knows for a fact she wasn't, then why the heck doesn't GM see that clearly Casey LIED??? Oy vey)

* still waiting on results of the stain in the trunk, hopefully will get them as soon as possible

Wow, didn't know she told people she was with her grandma. That's a pretty important piece of information.
Did anyone else see the Fox News conversation with the investigator in Orlando? Just curious what others might have thought about how soon the forensics can be expected...

I just posted a summary of what he had to say. I was so hoping to hear him say the forensics would be back today! I have no idea how long it usually takes - so I'm clueless. :confused:
Did anyone else see the Fox News conversation with the investigator in Orlando? Just curious what others might have thought about how soon the forensics can be expected...

Padilla (sp?) almost said time for the forensics back. hesitated and then said as soon as possible. Did I hear that correct?
grandmother reports the smell of a dead body in the abandoned car of the mother of a missing girl. the police have now had 10 days to turn around forensic testing on the car, to possibly confirm that this is in fact a homicide and not a missing person case.

they dont even need to do DNA testing, they would simply need to confirm that something in the stain in the trunk is in fact a byproduct of human decomposition.

it is described as quite a large stain, so i dont think testing a few small areas would compromise it for further DNA testing.
Wow, the pool theory seems VERY plausible to me. I've been struggling with wondering why, if Caylee was killed somewhere other than the grandparents' house, would the decomp smell be in the yard? It would make no sense to bring her there if she was already dead. If Caylee drowned, Casey could have stashed her in or near the playhouse, possibly even for a few days while she figured out what to do. Finally backs the car up to the garage, puts Caylee's body in the trunk (with some dirt clinging to clothing, perhaps), and takes her ... where??? I tend to think that she ditched the car immediately after she disposed of the body - maybe she didn't realize the car would smell so bad even after a short while.

I don't know much about decomp - how long would a body have to remain somewhere for the smell to linger? Also - do we know of anything near to where her car was left? Lakes, woods, fields, etc ... ?

After all these events, Casey is so freaked out she can't stand the thought of being around her parents and them discovering what happened. Hence, she stays with friends and Cindy doesn't know where she is for a month. During this month, she is developing the kidnapping story and convincing herself (as pathological liars do) that it is actually true.
I wondered this too but I figured maybe Casey just was unsure about the dates. Because how else can it be explained? When we know that the 15th was the last time Caylee was alive with the GM. Although, how SURE are we that this video took place on the 15th? Is it just because GM said so? Is it just because of the Father's Day card? Has it been confirmed yet that they were actually there on the 15th? That simple detail could make a big difference.

I think there was a date on the video. Originally GM said she hadn't seen Caylee since 6/8 or 6/9. Then LE confronted her with this video from the assisted living place dated 6/15. She said, oh, yeah, that's right... or something to that effect. To give her the benefit of the doubt, the dates are about a week apart and she could have honestly forgotten the date of Father's day.
I've read several times how Cindy is controlling, I think you'd have to be if your daughter is a pathological liar and a thief.
Padilla (sp?) almost said time for the forensics back. hesitated and then said as soon as possible. Did I hear that correct?

Hang on I'm gonna rewind (TIVO) and see what he said exactly....

Reporter: "Is there anymore indication about what that mysterious stain was in the trunk?"

Padilla: "Well, that has been sent for the lab to be processed and we have not gotten the results yet, uh we expect to get that result, (brief pause) yeah, as soon as possible"

I heard the same as sounded like he was about to say something (maybe today, maybe tomorrow?) and for whatever reason he decided to not narrow it down.

very interesting,... they have pictures of pigs to identify. But description of what happens to a body.

" Stages of Decomposition
Stage 3: Putrefaction - 4 to 10 days after death
State of decay

Bacteria break down tissues and cells, releasing fluids into body cavities. They often respire in the absence of oxygen (anaerobically) and produce various gases including hydrogen sulphide, methane, cadaverine and putrescine as by-products. People might find these gases foul smelling, but they are very attractive to a variety of insects. "

Stage 4: Black putrefaction - 10 to 20 days after death
State of decay

The bloated body eventually collapses, leaving a flattened body whose flesh has a creamy consistency. The exposed parts of the body are black in colour and there is a very strong smell of decay.

A large volume of body fluids drain from the body at this stage and seep into the surrounding soil. Other insects and mites feed on this material. "
more at link
Let's hope this test comes back as a positive match for human remains. The hair and dirt could easily be explained away.

It's hard though to explain away a dead body.

Cindy probably won't believe the results no matter what they turn out to be.
Carlos Padilla on FOX News said that ten 10 boxes of pizza, sitting in a trunk for 30 days, would not smell like the odor in the car. Hope to have the forensics back on the trunk soon.
Good Morning Everyone!

I'm getting a very late start today, looks like y'all been busy bees,
over 25 pages to catch up on.
Let's all hope today will be the day there is a break in this case.
:angel2: :grouphug:
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