Caylee Anthony 2 years old #13 General Discussion

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I sort of think the jig was up when Amy got back,Casey got desperate and got in touch with her mom. She had to have known that Amy was going to realize the money was gone. I need to read more about pathological liars and find out what she's all about.

Cindy found Casey because they picked up the car from the tow place. Realized,.. why is Casey's car here in Orlando and towed,.. when she was suppose to be in Tampa or Jacksonville. They got worried. They either did smell the trunk already or they didn't yet. They searched the car, found Amy's number. Amy said she was there. Cindy went to get her. She kept saying Caylee was with Zanny and they would get her in the morning. She was sleeping blah blah blah. Cindy was sick of hearing it and decided to get Casey to talk she would call the police. AFTER the first 911 call she finds out that Casey hasn't seen CAylee in 31 days and that in fact Zanny stole her. She makes a frantic 911 call and then puts two and two together with the fact that CAylee is missing and the car smells like a dead body.
I know, how many of us thought that the bond hearing would have in ANY way been nearly as informative as it was. I know that was the first time my heart sank in this case, when they said they smelled decomposition. That for me sealed it. I gave up hope then.

me too,.. and I think Cindy had no idea she had to go. Remember she told the media she wouldn't be there because she was going to look for Caylee???
Why hasn't the family changed the dates on the myspace pages, the website or the fliers to June 16th? And like the posts above why no description of the Zenaida? Every person mentioned in the press or in legal documents websleuths has found online in one way or another. Zenaida is the only one we can't find in this circle. That speaks volumes because no one in the circle knows her either.
me too,.. and I think Cindy had no idea she had to go. Remember she told the media she wouldn't be there because she was going to look for Caylee???

Oh yah, she said she wasn't going to waste valuable time. and then it was like a mini court hearing. I can't believe how many of their friends and family members are so closed mouthed in this case. In Brooke Bennett's people crawled out of the woodwork. This case is strange as heck from the start to the finish
I sort of think the jig was up when Amy got back,Casey got desperate and got in touch with her mom. She had to have known that Amy was going to realize the money was gone. I need to read more about pathological liars and find out what she's all about.

One thing I've learned about pathological liars (my sister is one as well as having BPD) - they get to a point where they actually believe their own lies - literally - and they don't even realize they are lying. Also they do take a shred of truth and turn it into a lie, and they also tend to tell different stories to different people, not remembering what they told the last person and believing that they wont put two and two together. Is Casey believing her own lies? I actually don't think she is - I think she knows fully what happened to her kid. But it's yet another possibility in this bizarre case. :confused: IMO!
I just got back the MYspace page is dated July 16,when was Casey arrested the 16th or 17th.
I have a question. I watched that video of the backyard. Someone said that the screened in porch separated the pool and the play yard. Is it possible to get to the pool though the screened porch? Could Caylee open up the door and get to the pool?
Why hasn't the family changed the dates on the myspace pages, the website or the fliers to June 16th? And like the posts above why no description of the Zenaida? Every person mentioned in the press or in legal documents websleuths has found online in one way or another. Zenaida is the only one we can't find in this circle. That speaks volumes because no one in the circle knows her either.

I know, the date should be changed and reflected EVERYWHERE and its strange that it hasn't been. There is no description of ZG cause imo she isn't real, only in Casey's demented head does she exist. But these are questions i would be asking that smug lawyer and Cindy. Too bad they can't get Lee to come talk, he seems like a stand up and decent guy.
Why aren't they putting out any info at all about ZG, ie. how old she is, i have no idea if this girl is 22 or 62, do any of you? What color is her hair, is she tall, short, fat, skinny, scars? Does she drive, what kind of car?

This is flipping ridiculous that they are allowed to get away with this charade. I'd be playing little Caylee's video in her mom's cell till she cracked. God the more i think about this case, the more aggravated i get.

IIRC, I read that LE would not pay for a sketch artist to draw a pic of the nanny. That the family would have to do that.

They don't believe that the nanny ever existed and aren't going to waste resources on it. IMO

The family can whine about the nanny all they want but when Casey can't explain why the apartment she dropped Caylee off at was vacant, well...

I guess they don't want to waste the resources either.
In the 911 call Casey says 31 days, she said 31 days to Lee before the 911 call. The would have put them at the 15th or 16th of June. Cindy told 911 she thought the last time she saw Caylee was the 7th or 8th. Casey made no attempts to change anyones mind, and by the next morning she is telling police she dropped of Caylee to Zenaida on the 9th. But that would have been 36 or 37 days. I think she used the confusion to her advantage. She was counting days as early as day 9 in a facebook posting.
One thing I've learned about pathological liars (my sister is one as well as having BPD) - they get to a point where they actually believe their own lies - literally - and they don't even realize they are lying. Also they do take a shred of truth and turn it into a lie, and they also tend to tell different stories to different people, not remembering what they told the last person and believing that they wont put two and two together. Is Casey believing her own lies? I actually don't think she is - I think she knows fully what happened to her kid. But it's yet another possibility in this bizarre case. :confused: IMO!

i said this exact thing about the car! She told Anthony when he picked her up that it broke down and her dad would get it. I think she was planning on telling people the car got stolen.
I have a question. I watched that video of the backyard. Someone said that the screened in porch separated the pool and the play yard. Is it possible to get to the pool though the screened porch? Could Caylee open up the door and get to the pool?
One quote from the grandpa was that Caylee was wise beyond her years, and Cindy stressed safety so much in that one interview, the reason the shed was locked, the ladder wasn't ALLOWED to be down so on, i bet for sure she could get out. That poor kid. God what an angel. I will never understand, i just won't
One thing I've learned about pathological liars (my sister is one as well as having BPD) - they get to a point where they actually believe their own lies - literally - and they don't even realize they are lying. Also they do take a shred of truth and turn it into a lie, and they also tend to tell different stories to different people, not remembering what they told the last person and believing that they wont put two and two together. Is Casey believing her own lies? I actually don't think she is - I think she knows fully what happened to her kid. But it's yet another possibility in this bizarre case. :confused: IMO!

I've dealt with a pathological liar in my life. It's amazing how quickly they formulate a lie. They can "lie on the fly" and they seem genuine. Many times pathological liars are born from an unhappiness with their normal lives. To make up for this -- they create a "fantasy world" -- one in which they wished they lived.
i said this exact thing about the car! She told Anthony when he picked her up that it broke down and her dad would get it. I think she was planning on telling people the car got stolen.

That's kind of a good clue in my opinion. If she was dumb enough to leave a car sitting in a parking lot that smelled of death, maybe she did a shotty job of burying the body and they will eventually find it.
I know, the date should be changed and reflected EVERYWHERE and its strange that it hasn't been. There is no description of ZG cause imo she isn't real, only in Casey's demented head does she exist. But these are questions i would be asking that smug lawyer and Cindy. Too bad they can't get Lee to come talk, he seems like a stand up and decent guy.

Very good point - I've never heard a description of ZG!! I also find it odd that an amber alert wasn't issued in the case. Makes me think LE may know more than they can say right now.
But all of this is after Cindy talked to Amy, and Amy was upset about her car and money, also. I think the money she is referring to is her credit cards and and Amy's money? The legal term for what she is calling about is trespass to chattel -- Casey prevented Cindy from being able to access the car and if she thought the car was broken down, she still didn't have access to it, so it felt stolen.

What did Cindy think Casey was using for transportation when she supposedly was know longer living at home. If Casey was suppose to be using the (white)car while she was not there how could Cindy think she could report it stolen when it was in the driveway. Didn't they retreive the car before finding Casey?
One thing I've learned about pathological liars (my sister is one as well as having BPD) - they get to a point where they actually believe their own lies - literally - and they don't even realize they are lying. Also they do take a shred of truth and turn it into a lie, and they also tend to tell different stories to different people, not remembering what they told the last person and believing that they wont put two and two together. Is Casey believing her own lies? I actually don't think she is - I think she knows fully what happened to her kid. But it's yet another possibility in this bizarre case. :confused: IMO!

thanks for the insight Fae, so wierd huh? Must have been frustrating to live with that.
In the 911 call Casey says 31 days, she said 31 days to Lee before the 911 call. The would have put them at the 15th or 16th of June. Cindy told 911 she thought the last time she saw Caylee was the 7th or 8th. Casey made no attempts to change anyones mind, and by the next morning she is telling police she dropped of Caylee to Zenaida on the 9th. But that would have been 36 or 37 days. I think she used the confusion to her advantage. She was counting days as early as day 9 in a facebook posting.

I just read an article in the Orlando Sentinol were Cindy said that in early June Casey was going to Tampa for (work) and then was going on mini vacation.
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