Caylee Anthony 2 years old #9: General Discussion

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Just read most if not all the news in this case. My theory?

I watched the interview with the grandmother on Gretta.

I believe BOTH women mother and daughter had something to do with the murder and cover-up of this child. The dirt found in the trunk of the daughter's car most likely led them to the garden of the backyard of the grandparents.

The grandmother's interview was just bizarrre. She refused to answer direct questions. She's covering for her daughter.
Thank you for saying you respect my opinion, let me clarify because we may agree after all- Either way, I respect yours as well-

I am saying I do not think GMA had anything to do with Caylee's death, and didnt really think she might be dead before 7/15. I DO HOWEVER, think she is absolutely trying her best to f- with this investigation for reasons:
1)She threw Casey out/or she left- either way blames herself.
2)She is a gruesome narcissist to the enth degree and she will be the Mom of a baby murderer..
3)Finding Caylee will make 1 and 2 true..

After 22 years for Casey and 2 3/4 years for Caylee. June 16th neither slept in that house or any night there after til July 15th when Cindy finally got Casey to come "home". Cindy has no explaination for this except for mini vacation but "they" still live with her and grandpa. So that leaves me at 2 places on the facts. Caylee was no longer alive after the 15th and mother and daughter went their seperate ways. Or if I throw in Jesse's phone call on the 24th. Caylee was no longer alive by Friday the 27th. Either way a life changing event was happening for Casey and Cindy June 16th. Did a 2nd more horrible act happen 9 days later?
It has never been shown that Casey and Caylee ever left Cindy's home. Not in Casey's websites. Not anywhere that I can see is there proof they ever moved out. The room doesn't reflect that either.

I wish someone would ask Cindy what Caylee called her. Interesting. (I called my own grandmother, "Nanny".)
He only came forward when Casey was on tv. Jesse called the detective before the detective could call him. They just interviewed her LATE the night before it was all over the news. They reported it late on July 15th. IT was on the news on July 16th.
Ohhh, interesting. I think I need an affidavit refresher - I'm experiencing tidbit overload.
No direct quote from the neighbor, but said "about a month before the police were at the backyard" so circa 6/15

guys- for the record, as much as it would give me pleasure to see this whackjob get her due ( i think she is an enabler big time) I do not think GM had anything to do with Caylee's death and did not really believe Casey was capable of killing her, before 7/15.
That being said, I think the woman is mentally unstable and she is acting out in the first stage of grief- denial...
Remember the 7/5 post from her about all the chances.. she robbed them blind, there's no way they left that house (shed was locked) open while they were on vacay. Casey was stuck for the first time with watching her own kid 24/7. They have a garage, why would Casey need to back the car up and not open the garage door? Because she was locked out.

I wish Lee, if your reading this, that you tell LE what you know, you are not betraying your Mom or sister, you are recovering the dignity of this sweet baby from the pit she is in. Do the right thing for Caylee.
Remember, she is named after you : CAY-LEE.
I agree with you Blink.

I also think that much can be taken from gma's interviews in terms of vacation, etc. I remember her saying that she had gotten off vacation on the 8th of June. Of course, I will have to go back and dig it up :crazy:

I think that Casey came to the home in the middle of the day while no one was home, backed up to the garage, per the neighbor. I bet grandma was at work and gpa was inprocessing his new job or on job interviews.

BECAUSE gma has had conflicting dates in her timeline of when she last saw Caylee...I have every confidence that now LE is going to her place of employment and veryifying her vacation days as well as whether she was working between june 9th and the weekend that she took Caylee to see great grandpa.

Grandma and Grandpa will also have to fess up to where Casey was that week in between...if she came to their home, etc. I would also hope that LE is following up on Gma's claim of text and voice messages as well as phone calls during and following the night they allegedly spent at gmas on 15 June, which was a Sunday. On the 16th gma stated that she knew they were in their room sleeping when she left for work. I would wonder if Gpa saw them leave and where he was at this time.

above all, gma and gpa NEED to speak honestly as to what they saw during the entire period of time in question. I do not believe they killed their grandchild but I believe that by not speaking the whole truth on this matter and trying to protect Casey they are hindering a homicide investigation and this can and will ruin them for the rest of their lives including current jobs, their home they have worked hard to pay for and make beautiful, and relationships with friends, etc that may not understand why they would go so far to cover the sins of a daughter.

again imhoo
Did you not hear Cindy under oath yesterday at the court hearing?! She does believe that Jesse IS Caylee's biological father and intimated that so does his family.

She did not say this. She said that she had believed, past tense. Casey and Jesse were engaged and broken up by the time that Caylee was a year old. At the time that they were engaged, Cindy believed that he was the father. She no longer thinks that, she did not say that he IS the father.
It has never been shown that Casey and Caylee ever left Cindy's home. Not in Casey's websites. Not anywhere that I can see is there proof they ever moved out. The room doesn't reflect that either.

I wish someone would ask Cindy what Caylee called her. Interesting. (I called my own grandmother, "Nanny".)

Look at the video of CAylee reading the book and listen.
It has never been shown that Casey and Caylee ever left Cindy's home. Not in Casey's websites. Not anywhere that I can see is there proof they ever moved out. The room doesn't reflect that either.

I wish someone would ask Cindy what Caylee called her. Interesting. (I called my own grandmother, "Nanny".)

Early on with the interview with GP he said that Caylee knows him as JoJo, and Cindy as CiCi (ceecee).

This interview:
Okay, we have heard rumors of the fact that Casey left the home because she wanted Caylee to bond with her. THEN we heard that GMA and GP were on "vacation" when this all happened. IF the second part is true and the grandparents were on vacations why the need for Casey to leave.
More blatant fact switching.
Let me go watch that video again then. Thanks.

Can someone show me any proof (other than from Cindy) that Casey with Caylee ever moved out or did not stay at home during the time after June 15th?
No problem, my issue is now there is a date "July 2" and it wasn't Caylee on her way to Atlanta is was the witness. Caylee was only at the airport. with as was pointed out last night about 1-2k other kids each day coming and going from Disney etc. So yet again the story changes even on the "tips"
...not to mention...local6 has reported that these tipsters HAVE NOT CONTACTED LE.... they have only called back and forth with the parents as they are now back from their vacation.

also interesting to that that gpa stated he was worried his wife was going to get hurt...I think he is a quiet man who is about ready to go loud....because he sees his wife melting down. I hope he gets loud sooner rather than later!
click on the video: investigation continues
Eyewitness News also learned Wednesday that there are four holds on Anthony before she's released. Two are related to the judge's requirements and two are undisclosed, but the jail won't explain why they aren't being disclosed. A mental health evaluation could be one reason for the undisclosed holds.

Casey's parents are trying to make bond, which requires $50,000 in cash and $450,000 in assets, something they said they don't have. However, a bondsman could take the risk by not requiring that the family provide the full amount in assets.

Casey Anthony's attorney said the bond should have been $10,000 dollars, because she has no criminal history. The judge said, because of Anthony's strange behavior and lack of cooperation since her daughter disappeared, the high bond was warranted.

Has anyone heard or seen any new interviews today with Cindy or any family? I just got home from an appt and haven't caught up on the case. Anything new? I was thinking maybe cindy would clam up now after what took place yesterday??? Don't know if that is possible for her tho the way she is!
Just read most if not all the news in this case. My theory?

I watched the interview with the grandmother on Gretta.

I believe BOTH women mother and daughter had something to do with the murder and cover-up of this child. The dirt found in the trunk of the daughter's car most likely led them to the garden of the backyard of the grandparents.

The grandmother's interview was just bizarrre. She refused to answer direct questions. She's covering for her daughter.
Quite a few people here share your theory! Believe me, none of it adds up!
Okay, we have heard rumors of the fact that Casey left the home because she wanted Caylee to bond with her. THEN we heard that GMA and GP were on "vacation" when this all happened. IF the second part is true and the grandparents were on vacations why the need for Casey to leave.
More blatant fact switching.
Excellent point, CC!! Indeed...if they were need for her to go anywhere to bond with Caylee!
Okay, we have heard rumors of the fact that Casey left the home because she wanted Caylee to bond with her. THEN we heard that GMA and GP were on "vacation" when this all happened. IF the second part is true and the grandparents were on vacations why the need for Casey to leave.
More blatant fact switching.

I'm not sure of any dates but

Casey & Caylee could leave so they can "bond" AND then the GP's can take their 'vacation' since the house is now empty/lonely.
She did not say this. She said that she had believed, past tense. Casey and Jesse were engaged and broken up by the time that Caylee was a year old. At the time that they were engaged, Cindy believed that he was the father. She no longer thinks that, she did not say that he IS the father.
SS...she said, "I thought he was the father" refering to jesse grund
There is information the LE may have that would come from the computers at the GP's home. All of Casey's postings to facebook, myspace etc. If she did not have access to internet or computers in her moving around, then she would have been at the GP's house many times after June 15th and those postings would show it. This would bring down a the whole house of cards around Cindy and Casey.
Ohhh, interesting. I think I need an affidavit refresher - I'm experiencing tidbit overload.

Yesterday Cindy said she finally called 911 at the house around 10. And then didn't the detective say it took him awhile to get there?
In the affidavit it says 0045 hours is when he got the call on July 15th. And I remember the news the next day was when Caylee was on. That is also when the affidavit (first page) is dated (the missing flier). She was arrested on the 16th after she showed them all the places that ZG would have been.
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