Caylee Anthony 2 yr old #29 general discussion

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I think we have wondered what went down with Cindy and Casey the last time they argued. It must have been something big and I wonder if possibly Casey didn't take Caylee out of the house at that time and tell her mother that she (Casey) would make sure that Cindy would never see Caylee again. I'm sure the grandmother never thought Casey would really do anything about it but is scared to death now. No matter how bad your child's behavior is you never want to think the worse. You always want to think they're not capable of the worst. Reality is so hard to face, especially about your loved ones.

I agree.

I do remember reading something about Cindy saying she came home from somewhere and she "thought" both were asleep with the door closed. Anyone have a link to that statement somewhere?
No evidence that I think she is alive. Just a gut feeling that there is a little truth in Casey's lies and that there is just nothing in her that flashes that the child is dead. Also, her smug attitude and her enjoyment of all the attention she is getting. I just believe she knows her child is ok but the thing I don't understand is why whoever has her wouldn't come forward with all that is going on. I think she must have given the child to some very unsavory characters or as someone else pointed out, she gave her to someone that took her out of the country (altho casey says she is close by so that is odd). I just have a gut feeling the child isn't dead but I don't believe for a second she was kidnapped. I think something may have gone awry with Casey's plan tho with this child and the unsavory characters she was involved with. It is possible she doesn't know what they have done with her kid now.

i hope you are right, just can't get past the decomp smell in trunk and car
Hello new here - lurker

Do you ever wonder how much longer Casey would have waited before reporting the child missing or alerting her family or even her close friends, had her mother not found her out?

When her mother found her after Amy gave her the address of where to find Casey, Cindy asks to go pick up Caylee from the babysitter and Casey told her it was late and her nap time (lie), but Cindy insisted, they drove around some more, maybe in circles. I am think Casey's mind was at work here, as she was busted, she needed a good story. By the time the third 911 call came it they were home with no Caylee and Casey now had her story in which she told LEE. The Zeinada story was born.

I firmly believe Casey would have held out a very long time, since she was going out and leaving messages on social networks and acting as though life was grand.

That puts a morbid tone to this entire case. If it was just a case about a misplaced child as she stated in the very beginning, this woman would have been found, or at least another person that knew the woman would have come forward and not Juliet Lewis and Jeffrey Hopkins, both fictitious in my book as no one else knows them.

No one knows Juliet Lewis and Jeffrey Hopkins, but Jefrrey and Luliet know the unknown Zeinada Fernandez-Gonzalez?

Have you seen the movie usual suspects? I think she makes things up as she goes along.

This child would have been seen by now if it was a babysitter. I am frightened for this child.

I think she died by mistake, due to some neglect and Casey didn't want to be pegged forever as the bad mother her mother knew she was and so she hustled it and took care of it and now thinks everyone will believe her sweet face like daddy does.

I hope I eat crow.

Welcome Men-

I also mentioned that film a few threads back for a variety of names of characters here, but there really is a Jeff Hopkins.. fyi
Whoa...don't even know if I can go there...

I don't think Cindy did anything (that Casey knows about). They have such a rocky relationship, I'd imagine Casey would have ratted Cindy out by my opinion.
Yes, Jeff Hopkins told me that Lee Anthony has asked him not to speak with the media. He said that when he divulged that he had only seen Casey once in the past year, he was told that she (Casey) was referring to a different Jeff Hopkins, not him :mad:

okay there are 2 jeff hopkins and more than one zanny's....
Hello new here - lurker

Do you ever wonder how much longer Casey would have waited before reporting the child missing or alerting her family or even her close friends, had her mother not found her out?

When her mother found her after Amy gave her the address of where to find Casey, Cindy asks to go pick up Caylee from the babysitter and Casey told her it was late and her nap time (lie), but Cindy insisted, they drove around some more, maybe in circles. I am think Casey's mind was at work here, as she was busted, she needed a good story. By the time the third 911 call came it they were home with no Caylee and Casey now had her story in which she told LEE. The Zeinada story was born.

I firmly believe Casey would have held out a very long time, since she was going out and leaving messages on social networks and acting as though life was grand.

That puts a morbid tone to this entire case. If it was just a case about a misplaced child as she stated in the very beginning, this woman would have been found, or at least another person that knew the woman would have come forward and not Juliet Lewis and Jeffrey Hopkins, both fictitious in my book as no one else knows them.

No one knows Juliet Lewis and Jeffrey Hopkins, but Jefrrey and Luliet know the unknown Zeinada Fernandez-Gonzalez?

Have you seen the movie usual suspects? I think she makes things up as she goes along.

This child would have been seen by now if it was a babysitter. I am frightened for this child.

I think she died by mistake, due to some neglect and Casey didn't want to be pegged forever as the bad mother her mother knew she was and so she hustled it and took care of it and now thinks everyone will believe her sweet face like daddy does.

I hope I eat crow.

Welcome, Mendara.

That's basically what everyone believes... an accident, trying to forget it ever happened & then Casey lying to stay out of trouble.
I kind of have a hard time reconcilling "accidental" death with being out clubbing repeatedly...this looks more to me like "I'm finally free of my toddler that was cramping my lifestyle" activity.

If she accidentally killed the chld, even if she covered it up, wouldn't you expect some kind of somber behavior..instead of out partying and making up detailed lies about the baby?
Yes, Jeff Hopkins told me that Lee Anthony has asked him not to speak with the media. He said that when he divulged that he had only seen Casey once in the past year, he was told that she (Casey) was referring to a different Jeff Hopkins, not him :mad:

Oh my dear Lord! If this is not obstruction of justice what is??? Can this family really do and get by with this nonsense? A child's life is at stake! It's one thing for Casey to be a habitual liar but it's an entirely different beast for the entire family (Lee now included) to go behind her and smooth things or to make them to appear to be the truth! This is driving me MAD! :furious:

done ranting....
If you look at the picture of Caylee in the white sundress closely, and zoom in on Caylee's left arm, there's what appears to be a bruise. I remember Cindy saying Caylee had a birthmark on one of her arms, but this doesn't look like a looks more like bruising, and there's also a scratch on her arm.

Does it look like a birthmark or a bruise?

I'm not seeing it in this photo - scratch?

this video is great. check it out. its long too. I kind of agree with the guy now. I think I have gone nuts. this case makes me nuts.

Argghh. I can never get videos from that site to load.

Is there another link? :confused:
Shepard Smith on now....he is YELLING about having questions about Casey....darnit, he is not the only one! Sheesh!

Where the heck is Caylee? And thank you to the poster who posted Caylee's picture for us to remind us of why we are here. It brought tears to my eyes because I've been so focused on Cindy and Casey the past few days...
So for 31 days they were getting away with the crime of the century, so they called 911?
No - when Cindy finally gets back in touch with Casey - Casey can't tell her what she has done to "clean it all up". Casey has now spent alot of money, abandoned the car, yadda yadda yadda - so Cindy says "fine - I'm calling the cops and this will get pinned on you". And, IIRC Casey used those exact words in a phone call - BUT she said the COPS had told her that.
ROFL Shep Smith on Fox News is as frustrated as we are. LOL. Did anyone else just hear him?? Not to mention the attorney who called Casey "A twenty-two year old party girl with ice water running through her veins."
Yes, Jeff Hopkins told me that Lee Anthony has asked him not to speak with the media. He said that when he divulged that he had only seen Casey once in the past year, he was told that she (Casey) was referring to a different Jeff Hopkins, not him :mad:
A different Jeff many names are they going to go through?!!
I'm not seeing it in this photo - scratch?


It's more towards the back of her arm... and it also depends on the exposure of the film if the color of the mark will show up clearly.
I kind of have a hard time reconcilling "accidental" death with being out clubbing repeatedly...this looks more to me like "I'm finally free of my toddler that was cramping my lifestyle" activity.

If she accidentally killed the chld, even if she covered it up, wouldn't you expect some kind of somber behavior..instead of out partying and making up detailed lies about the baby?
We discussed early on she may be, and in my opinion is, a raging substance abuser and alcoholic, which would present as alot less than somber, imo
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