Caylee Anthony 3 year old General discussion #106

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good point, blink. i hadn't really given thought to a guardian ad litem - but it is an interesting idea, especially in terms of the neglect charge against casey anthony, aka 2008 mother of the year. i'm not exactly sure how it works in cases like this; they wouldnt resort to the grandparents, or the next-of-kin after the mother, to represent the child's best interests? (um, this is not to say that i support ever trusting the best interests of a child to the anthonys, i am just curious...)

and the size of the bond is definitely telling, in my opinion.

I posted about this (Guardian ad Litem) earlier as well ... with a link to FL statutes for Petition for Involuntary Relinquishment of Parental Rights and Responsibilities

I have since had time to contact a former colleague who is currently serving pro tem for the UFC. He affirms what Blink has mentioned and what I wrote earlier ... In an email he explains that a Guardian ad Litem would likely be appointed once the case reaches the jurisdiction of the UFC, assuming there is no evidence that Caylee is deceased.
Read this:,2933,406301,00.html

By dinnertime? That means either she is getting released sometime now because its 5:10 EST or she is spending another night in jail. Choose one.

I had heard that if he made it there by 4pm, she would be released today but he would definitely be there by 5/6pm, around dinnertime is what they said. I'm not holding my breath though........
I could be incorrect, but I heard that 500k was the max for the charges she has against her, so in order to raise the bond, they would have to bring new charges.??? Am i incorrect?

According to this bail is set from a schedule for the crimes listed, everyone else goes in front of a judge who is just limited to "reasonable". I am still looking for Orange County's schedule but have only found Polk, Highland and Hardee.
Nope--we were locked. LOL--I guess some of us got a little snippy ( who me?) oops. Sorry mods! :)

I'm ashamed to say I was totally oblivious. Some sleuther I am :crazy:!
If they are going to file additional charges, they had better do it soon.
I've been at work to day are the BB,BH, spokesman going to be on any of the talking heads this evening?
If they are going to file additional charges, they had better do it soon.

If she did what I think she did, I hope they don't rush into anything. Let her out on bond if they have to, and build a strong case, just don't let her get away with anything if something bad has happened to Caylee.
By the way where has that spokesman (Larry) been?
That's what I went with. But again facts in this case are like sands through the hour glass.

Notice..... the reporter FIRST reports no calls on the 17th.....then ends his report with the last call o Amy (16th), & nothing til the next day @ 11:00AM (which would of been the 17th).............

Originally Posted by passin_through
WATTS: Well, that's a good question, Greta, and I'm sure investigators are taking a look at that. They obviously haven't released that information to us because it's part of their ongoing investigation. But now, remember, the last phone call she made was 7:20 to Amy. There's no incoming or outgoing calls on Casey's cell phone, Greta, until 11:00 AM the next day.
VAN SUSTEREN: All right. Steph, thank you.,2933,402721,00.html
good point, blink. i hadn't really given thought to a guardian ad litem - but it is an interesting idea, especially in terms of the neglect charge against casey anthony, aka 2008 mother of the year. i'm not exactly sure how it works in cases like this; they wouldnt resort to the grandparents, or the next-of-kin after the mother, to represent the child's best interests? (um, this is not to say that i support ever trusting the best interests of a child to the anthonys, i am just curious...)

and the size of the bond is definitely telling, in my opinion.

Could there be legal reasons LE would hold off appointing a Guardian Ad Litem.... would doing so possibly make it more difficult for LE to have a working relationship with Cindy & George?
I posted about this (Guardian ad Litem) earlier as well ... with a link to FL statutes for Petition for Involuntary Relinquishment of Parental Rights and Responsibilities

I have since had time to contact a former colleague who is currently serving pro tem for the UFC. He affirms what Blink has mentioned and what I wrote earlier ... In an email he explains that a Guardian ad Litem would likely be appointed once the case reaches the jurisdiction of the UFC, assuming there is no evidence that Caylee is deceased.

That is what I have based my fear that she is deceased on, coupled with the GJ decline without opinion to the bail reduction. It may also mean the defense jumps on that if filed and says "see they suppor our theory she is alive" or they would not have filed it.. The ole risk reward scenario
By the way where has that spokesman (Larry) been?

He was speaking from California this morning on the Fox News Channel. He still makes me laugh. I'm still not sure what his 'real' role is in this case because he doesn't seem to know this case as well as we do.
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