Caylee Anthony 3 year old General discussion #106

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If they are going to file additional charges, they had better do it soon.

IMO thats what this is all about. Watching Greta last night with Casey lawyer I got the impression that he is trying to push LE into pressing murders charges to soon. Thats how I see it anyway:)
I think a lot of things are beginning to smell rotten in Denmark, so to speak. Something is going on here and there that I can't quite put my finger on...but the stench is getting stronger and as unmistakable as the decomp in Casey's car.
Dont we already know what Casey did? Lie, lie, lie, oh ya and lie some more. Didn't tell her family.....????? how would a kidnapper know who she was telling? are we to believe the party that threatned her was also stalking and monitoring phone conversations? even LE says there is no evidence of a kidnapping! oh wait, I bet they are in on it too...they are just liars right? please!

Yep, the only safe place for good old Casey, was at Fusian.

The kidnappers wanted her to move on her with life & have some fun. :rolleyes:
I think a lot of things are beginning to smell rotten in Denmark, so to speak. Something is going on here and there that I can't quite put my finger on...but the stench is getting stronger and as unmistakable as the decomp in Casey's car.

I feel the same way. In what ways do you mean? With whom?

It's just been way too quiet for way too long as far as any real developments.
Assuming CA is afraid Caylee will be harmed if she talks to LE or helps them try to find Caylee, what is the ultimate solution to wrest Caylee from the hands of whoever is holding her safely? What exactly is it that the family wants, as opposed to all the unfair and judgmental people with ideas, or LE?Just to prove she is complying with a vow of silence, it seems the safest thing for Casey to do would be to sit in jail, keeping her own counsel, whether she is entitled to be out or not. It would be a comparatively minor, voluntary waiver of her own rights on behalf of Caylee, who is in grave danger. Mothers put the interests of their children ahead of their own every day.

The family alternately says they don't know who has Caylee; that they know who the kidnappers are and are watching them; that Casey needs to be out so she can search for Caylee; that LE can't search or go where Caylee is because that would be dangerous; that all private citizens should get off their *advertiser censored**** and search for Caylee; and, by implication, that Casey should get out, cooperate with the BH, and that he and his people should go hunt down whoever has Caylee. What is the solution they advocate?
Thanks, Patty! I just checked out that thread and it has some great info on it. :)
good point, blink. i hadn't really given thought to a guardian ad litem - but it is an interesting idea, especially in terms of the neglect charge against casey anthony, aka 2008 mother of the year. i'm not exactly sure how it works in cases like this; they wouldnt resort to the grandparents, or the next-of-kin after the mother, to represent the child's best interests? (um, this is not to say that i support ever trusting the best interests of a child to the anthonys, i am just curious...)

and the size of the bond is definitely telling, in my opinion.

Bluedeveil, guardian ad litems are court appointed and always someone not associated with the family. It's a court person to represent the child's interests...They only appoint these for children that are alive and are proven to be alive.
I think a lot of things are beginning to smell rotten in Denmark, so to speak. Something is going on here and there that I can't quite put my finger on...but the stench is getting stronger and as unmistakable as the decomp in Casey's car.

Agreed. Leonard thought it was gonna be easy--swoop down, grab the girl, get the answers. Garrison must be taking some time out cause he for sure doesn't know what's going on. LOL. What did Leonard think was gonna happen bonding out Casey? No backlash? That was a no brainer. If anything it just looks worse.
I think a lot of things are beginning to smell rotten in Denmark, so to speak. Something is going on here and there that I can't quite put my finger on...but the stench is getting stronger and as unmistakable as the decomp in Casey's car.

Ole Blinky Blink posted last night everything you want to know about what is going to happen next in this case and the defense strategy overall was in the first minute of that interview Baez..

He STARTED that show with an open kimono, duh..
Your all welcome for that lovely mental image :)
Assuming CA is afraid Caylee will be harmed if she talks to LE or helps them try to find Caylee, what is the ultimate solution to wrest Caylee from the hands of whoever is holding her safely? What exactly is it that the family wants, as opposed to all the unfair and judgmental people with ideas, or LE?Just to prove she is complying with a vow of silence, it seems the safest thing for Casey to do would be to sit in jail, keeping her own counsel, whether she is entitled to be out or not. It would be a comparatively minor, voluntary waiver of her own rights on behalf of Caylee, who is in grave danger. Mothers put the interests of their children ahead of their own every day.

The family alternately says they don't know who has Caylee; that they know who the kidnappers are and are watching them; that Casey needs to be out so she can search for Caylee; that LE can't search or go where Caylee is because that would be dangerous; that all private citizens should get off their *advertiser censored**** and search for Caylee; and, by implication, that Casey should get out, cooperate with the BH, and that he and his people should go hunt down whoever has Caylee. What is the solution they advocate?

They have never offered a solution. I agree with your very good post! It's always somebodys fault but not their own and certainly not Casey's.

And what really bugs me is this whole line of the Anthony's thinking..if Casey really believed a 'bad' person had her...who the heck is she going to trust to go get her baby????


George and Cindy? No. She hasn't said a word to them.

Her friends? She doesnt have any left.

It's all crazy IMO
Bluedeveil, guardian ad litems are court appointed and always someone not associated with the family. It's a court person to represent the child's interests...They only appoint these for children that are alive and are proven to be alive.

actually the burden is without evidence of death, not proven to be alive, as in a missing person. BD is a new member of the Bar, congrads!!
I just find it hard to believe that LE would let a convicted FELON bail Casey out of jail. I am speaking of Leonard Padilla. I would like to see it explained to me.

As for the sighting in Georgia by Renea - I am sure she thought she saw little Caylee being handed off. I do not think the little girl was Caylee. This is the Anthony family playing games, IMO, with a person who really believes she saw Caylee. IMO, the entire Anthony family knows little Caylee is no longer with us. This sighting is being spinned by them to create doubt about a kidnapping. I just do not believe that Jesse had anything to do with this. If Lee scared Renea concerning Jesse, then he had a motive for it. I have had no respect for the Anthony family for a long time because of their lies. These are not mistruths or half thruths - they are lies.
This is a circus that needs to stop now. I must admit that it HAS been nice not having to see and listen to Cindy and George Anthony on TV for the last few days. Also - I very much resented seeing Lee laugh on camera when he was speaking with Padilla on camera at the vigil Sunday night. I see nothing to laugh at here.

Good luck Casey and the entire Anthony family because you are sure going to need it later on!!!!!

Whew! I feel better now!

I agree with your post. The Anthony's have told so many lies I've lost count. One day out of boredom I was listing all of their lies on another site. Cindy Anthony blatantly lies under oath numerous times. The DA chewed her up and spit her out on that stand. When the DA was questioning Cindy about the timeline when Casey worked at universal she was like, "it was right around graduation time" The DA says, graduation? Cindy says, "yes, Casey's graduation!" Did Cindy forget Casey never even graduated? She is still in denial about her own kid graduating? Then we have George. "Those pictures were taken so long ago when Casey was pregnant." Oh really George, then why is Tony in the pictures? Then we have the car smelled like pizza, Caylee's daddy died in a car wreck, the great grandmother talked to Caylee after she went missing, the kidnappers are being watched, the gas cans really weren't stolen, Casey worked for Universal but subcontracted with Kodak, and so on and so forth. My advice to the Anthony family is:


SHUT UP.......SHUT UP........SHUT UP

That's BEEN my advice to them and finally LE shut them up. JB didn't shut them up. LE took them in and told them to SHUT UP and stop interfering with the investigation. These people have wasted so much of their time, and our time with their LIES!

This family disgusts me. If their whole focus is on finding Caylee then why are they throwing so much spin out there? The other night when Lee was talking to the bounty hunter he quickly defended his sister when the bounty hunter said Casey has made some stupid mistakes. Lee jumped right on that and said, "see, here we go again, you're jumping to conclusions." His sister supposedly "lost" his niece and he believes that's explainable. This family irritates the he!! out of me.
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