Caylee Anthony 3 year old General discussion #93

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I figured the thing Casey missed, couldn't attend was Fathers Day seeing her Grandfather. Casey didn't go with Cindy and Caylee that day.
As to Casey, I don't need to judge her based on partying and theft, five minutes in court, or in her jail house phone calls. I judge based on the fact that her child was by her own admission, accepting it as true for the sake of argument, missing for 31 days and she never notified authorities or did anything about it. She was forced to admit it only when actions by her mother required it. CA's story is fantastical and lacking in credibility. She is free at any time, if her child is really just missing, to voluntarily forego protecting her own legal interests and start putting her child first. Her way hasn't worked after all this time to rescue Caylee. Time to move to Plan B, in the hands of LE professionals. It's all I need to know.

It's also worth noting that Casey's explanation that she lied to LE because to tell the truth would further jeopardize the safety of her child didn't come out until after her lies to LE were discovered and after she was arrested.

Even if she feared telling LE the truth, she could've at the very least told LE from the beginning that her child was kidnapped and that she could not disclose more information because of her fears. So even if Casey's current story is true, it still wouldn't justify the lies to LE about her employment, about the phantom nanny and about the outcry witnesses (Hopkins and Juliette).

This tale about Casey being unable to tell LE the truth is nothing more than an attempt to explain away the idiotic lies she told to LE just prior to her arrest.
Casey is just not smart. She's going to get caught. She really thought LE would just swallow her job at Universal like her parents did without checking it out. She believed it would be enough to throw out a few names, that don't exist, took them to locations that panned out to nothing... She actually tried to say she was doing her own investigation!!!! I think she left traces all over the place. LE is just picking up the pieces and putting it all together for a solid case that hopefully ends up with a DP conviction. The only people that have their heads buried in the Casey pit of lies are her parents.

Seriously, do you really?? I have never thought that but the comments made last night had me doing a double take. So what is your theory....why would Cindy hide that information? I mean, that is REALLY hiding something.

Please tell me your theory. And thanks....
It isn't really a is fact. Cindy (ok..say it with me, folks) is the last known person verified by an outside, independent source to be with Caylee. Now, we also have Clint (roomie of Tony) stating that he believes that Casey spent the night with Tony on the same night (June 15th), but he knows she was at least there which would put Caylee still with Cindy after the nursing center visit. We only have the word of the grandparents that Caylee was seen the next day at all and their word seems to be about as trustworthy as their daughter's. So yes...I DO believe Cindy is REALLY hiding something! Plenty as a matter of fact!
I understand this is your opinion. My opinion is George has every right to have a temper at this point. (I havent seen any violence)
If my granddaughter was missing and I was trying to suppress the thought that my own daughter did it and the media was hounding me, I would snap worse than him.
I said early on I have no idea how they are NOT freaking out. They have both been too calm for me.
I guess you never know if you haven't lived through it. I pray we never have to.

I will never discredit their pain. I see it deep enough to keep themselves in denial even when the facts are staring them in the face, simply because it is just too much to bear right now. That will come in segments for them, when they are ready to deal with it.

The other day George charged at the media and yelled for them to get off his property or he doesn't know what he'll do. That showed some violent tendencies and a threat that needs to be taken seriously, especially in a time like this. Hindsight is 20/20, as we all know, and personally, they should have stepped back away from the cameras from day 1 unless it was to plead with the kidnappers to bring their grand baby home. They have yet to speak on camera to Caylee or the kidnappers, like others have done in similar circumstances. It's just a little odd to me. But they haven't lacked in yelling at the public to get off their @sses and find their grand daughter.
I'm guessing it came from LE (remember Nancy Grace's comment last night about sources "deep within the police")?

I'm also guessing that LE is not all that upset by this particular unauthorized "leak", if you know what I mean.

Didn't GVS comment last night that her sources gave her the same info about the cell phone pings. This was when she was talking to the friend/reporter of House. The reporter was saying that his info came from a local station which is known to release unconfirmed info then Greta said they had the same from their source. Yes...NO...?
If Amy was re-imbursed by her bank (chances are she was unless Cindy and George paid her what Casey stole), then Amy won't have to press charges, the bank will (the bank did when my cousin stole money the same way from her mom).
Not all cases go the same way. You would be surprised who can jump up and pursue the fraud.
I have a IF Casey would tell now where Caylee is OR if she waited until she was found...any difference in the charges she would face?????KWIM?
That's what I wanted to know too. Is there a deal offered if Casey fesses up before they find Caylee.
I would love to know where that tv station got their hands on any triangulation for the 17th when those records were not released by LE. Anyone know?

I thought the reporter stated they got the ping maps from the cell phone company directly .
I have a feeling that the cell phone pings are going to lead LE to Cayle. I also think her google searches will be incriminating as well. I expect they will find Caylee soon.

I also have the same feeling. Casey is very cunning, obviously, and she thinks she's able to out smart LE and everyone else. I don't think she's that smart!:bang: In fact she's really pretty DUMB, IMO.

I think her computer searches and the cell phone pings, plus all of her lies are going to help in finding little Caylee soon.

It's beyond my imagination that something horrible happened, either by accident or her intention to her little girl, obviously, and the "Mother of the Year" went about her partying and whoring around full force! She was doing her " own investigation " ? Oh give me a break!:furious:
Stole $1000 from friend Amy
Stole Credit Cards from parents (Cindy has the bank statements to prove it per 911 call)
Stole gas from parents shed (per police report filed by George)
Out partying while Caylee was missing
Didn’t report Caylee missing for 31 days
Lied to law enforcement about where babysitter lived
Lied to law enforcement about where babysitter’s mother lived
Lied to law enforcement about babysitter
Lied to law enforcement about her office was located
Lied to law enforcement about being employed at Universal Studios
Lied to law enforcement about Hopkins and Lewis introducing her to babysitter
Will not talk to law enforcement about locating Caylee

No I think she just is what she is... Actions speak louder than words.

:clap::clap: miss lisa!! :clap: :clap: :clap: excellent! :clap: :clap: :clap:
I do think that Casey will be charged soon with something related to Caylees

disappearance but I keep thinking back to her taped phone call, "They are going to try to pin this on me."

Casey is such a victim...:bang:
I have a question...

Since it takes so much time to get DNA analysis, and sift through cell phone and ISP records...can Baez "demand" that his client have a speedy trial, forcing LE/prosecutors to either botch the research/results or present a solid case?

How much time to LE/prosecutors have prior to Casey standing trial? Is this where continuances and being let out on bail come in, or can they continue to hold Casey in jail until her trial based on the lesser crimes she's committed and the fact that no one can post bail?

I would hate to see her "skip" because her reluctance to assist and fessing up to her role in all of this drags things out too long, and charges are dropped/dismissed due to some stupid legal loophole/technicality!
$4 to $5 thousand dollars of charges at least makes some sort of sense, the problem still is that people are repeatedly quoting it as $45,000 which proves once again that many of the "facts" of this case are misinformation.....and this untruth can't be blamed on Casey!
Didn't GVS comment last night that her sources gave her the same info about the cell phone pings. This was when she was talking to the friend/reporter of House. The reporter was saying that his info came from a local station which is known to release unconfirmed info then Greta said they had the same from their source. Yes...NO...?
Yes, and she was careful not to identify that source.
I'm sick of everyone claiming that thay know what she is or how she is...we don't know S*@*T. All we know is what we're shown!! And we feed on it like cows in the meadow...

all I have to say is...everyone has based her total character and demeanor on less than an hour of media based info!!!

There are many reasons imo for the posters here to have strong feelings about Casey and I do not believe they are due to 5 minutes of video clips. When the story first broke we had no idea who Casey was, in the last month imo there has been to much come out for us to not have an oppinion. There is a pattern there that clearly shows her character. When she was pregnant, letting Jesse and his family believe he was the father, not bothering to graduate highschool and work towards being a functional member of society, lying about a job, stealing a large amount of money from a good friend, not letting Caylees father and his family into her life. Dragging her 2 year old daughter to her new boyfriends place 1 week after hooking up and leaving her alone with his room mate while she's otherwise occupied. All of these things imo are big indicators of a persons character.

It's been 2 months now that Caylee has been gone, that is 2 months that Casey has had the chance to do the right thing. Can you tell me of 1 instance where Casey has done the right thing in anything? Going to clubs, hanging with the boyfriend (lying to him along with everyone else) and getting a tattoo, stringing her family along with false hope imo is no where close to doing the right thing.

Originally Posted by lisalei321
If Amy was re-imbursed by her bank (chances are she was unless Cindy and George paid her what Casey stole), then Amy won't have to press charges, the bank will (the bank did when my cousin stole money the same way from her mom).

Not always the case - as I said my identity was stolen --- there were a list of 10-20 different companies/banks/myself involved --- EACH can press individual charges - but the case goes farther if pursued as "Continuing Criminal Enterprise" ie. Identity Theft, Fraud --- my ex husband will now be spending up to the next 30 years along with his girlfriend in prison.......
That's what I wanted to know too. Is there a deal offered if Casey fesses up before they find Caylee.

It is my understanding that they can offer her a deal BUT deals aside..would the charges be any different? Anyone?
Good morning everyone!!! Hey last night on Greta the roommate said that Casey would be on the phone with her mother discussing places that she would take Caylee. Do you think she was pretending to talk to Cindy on the phone?

Not necessarily. Casey would've still had to maintain the fiction that Caylee was still safe when she spoke to Cindy.
That's what I wanted to know too. Is there a deal offered if Casey fesses up before they find Caylee.

There probably would be a deal, but imo, there shouldn't be! She deserves nothing, except severe punishment! After all of her outrageous lies and then waiting 31 days to make a report!

This case is soooo upsetting in so many various ways!
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