Caylee Anthony 3 year old General discussion #97

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Just a thought here - now that the news is on - Gov. Crist has issued a state of emergency for the entire state due to this storm. Does that affect the court system as well? Maybe Fay will help keep her in the slammer. They are already starting to evacuate the Keys (at least the tourists now). Probably kick up into high gear tomorrow. Any legal eagles out there that could clue us in on what happens if there is a state of emergency declared?

Good question! AND will hero Padilla still be able to fly in on his white horse? Are the planes still flying, Sunday or Monday, I wonder?
Good question! AND will hero Padilla still be able to fly in on his white horse? Are the planes still flying, Sunday or Monday, I wonder?

If he can't fly, he'll just drive. He has it set in his head he is riding in there on his white horse, so that is what he is going to do.
Good question! AND will hero Padilla still be able to fly in on his white horse? Are the planes still flying, Sunday or Monday, I wonder?
Yea - planes are coming in and out. Will even continue down here - I'm in Ft. Lauderdale (just north of Miami). Today there is a problem with planes going in and out of Caribbean. But now looks like this thing is going to track right up the middle of the state - which means Orlando by Tues. afternoon/night or early Wed. He'll get here ok - might not want to be here after tho. I just don't think they will be able to get her fitted and in a court room as quick as they think now. I don't know.
I hope you dont mind me adding to your post gitana-
They charged Casey with what they had probable cause to charge her with, that is the legal burden.. Money is not a factor in determining arrest warrents or arresting people for something in an effort to build a case in theory is unconstitutional. Does LE on occasion walk on the fringe of this, on occasion.. But a defense attorney worth half his salt will get the upcharge thrown out on that basis in a heartbeat. The legal burden is that the state must bring charges that they believe are successfully prosecutable.
I posted at length on this earlier- Assume there is GJ involvement here.
There may be basis for lesser includeds if that is what you are referring to, I also posted on those. In short. there is no DA in the world that is going to knee-jerk charges in a potential capital case, it would be a career burner ala Duke Lacrosse..

I agree. And she will have a monitoring device from what I understand. I wonder if there will also be undercover cops following her for good measure? I know that is extreme but since this has become a high profile case, wouldn't they want to make sure they don't end up looking bad?
If he can't fly, he'll just drive. He has it set in his head he is riding in there on his white horse, so that is what he is going to do.

I wish something really newsworthy would happen to upstage his appearance!
He must be a good attorney- he is doing a good job on keeping her trap shut!
How can someone be so silent when there child is missing I wander If she didnt say something on the last visit nothing was released?

I believe the consensus is her parents. If I am wrong someone correct me.
I believe the consensus is her parents. If I am wrong someone correct me.

I want to say there is an initial press account that states the parents are footing the bill, and when called on it, Cindy says something like "don't worry about it..." Point being I belive Jose as evidenced by recent events, is being retained with a "custom" agreement.. as I posted on before..
Does anyone think that since it was day after fathers day that she told the real father about his daughter and he freaked out and took her?
Just wondering how all this lawyering up and spokeshick and bounty$hunter deal works out. (If this has already been explained, sorry bout that)

If Casey is convicted of murder, Son of Sam law says she can't profit from books, movies, etc. But, if her parents make a deal with a publisher, they can profit from that. So, let's say this NY person who put together the spokes-hick and bounty(bottomscraper)hunter deal does it by cutting everyone in for a percent. Lawyer gets some, and the rest of the circus performers all get a cut. The only one who can't make any money is Casey.

So this whole deal is done on spec, on consignment.

I would be going crazy If I was in jail and a hurricane was coming and I didnt no where my child was!!!
She had a month to 'go crazy' and didn't even seem to be looking for her child so that says a lot, imo, that Caylee wasn't important to her and she knows exactly where she is. :(
Who is paying for casey attorney????

I've been asking that for weeks. Anybody think protesters will show up at the jail if Casey gets out? If I lived in Orlando I'd be there for sure with a huge sign that saiys, "justice for Caylee, keep Casey locked up!!!"

“Casey” Sitter needed. Must be available 24/7 and willing to work for free. Laundry and cooking required. Frequent runs to the local liquor store will also be required. Must be willing to answer a minimum of 500 death threat phone calls per day. Call Private Detective Lee Anthony for a formal interview:banghead:
True dat Seriously, you hit me in the bullseye once again- that is what this is about. Baby Caylee.

Isn't it crazy how far the focus has strayed from Caylee? I haven't even seen her picture on TV this weekend, just Cowboy and Casey. But I'm sure LE continues to focus on Caylee.
she will do nothing but aggravate her parents when she is home

she will be within 5 feet of them and they will not be able to NOT ask her questions..

they will see firsthand that none of this makes any sense at all and that her stories are filled with LIE after LIE

they wont be happy with her NON ANSWERS :banghead::banghead::banghead:

how come there is not a community out joining the other people looking for caylee? I'm watching nancy and they are showing about 6 people?
Just wondering how all this lawyering up and spokeshick and bounty$hunter deal works out. (If this has already been explained, sorry bout that)

If Casey is convicted of murder, Son of Sam law says she can't profit from books, movies, etc. But, if her parents make a deal with a publisher, they can profit from that. So, let's say this NY person who put together the spokes-hick and bounty(bottomscraper)hunter deal does it by cutting everyone in for a percent. Lawyer gets some, and the rest of the circus performers all get a cut. The only one who can't make any money is Casey.

So this whole deal is done on spec, on consignment.


Yes, that's the way I understand it. And I'll bet anything deals are already being struck. And even though Casey can't profit, if George and Cindy get a windfall do you really think they'll leave Casey out? I hope she goes to prison, because if not, I'm afraid she could become very rich.:banghead::behindbar
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