Caylee Anthony 3 year old General discussion #97

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If I lived there I would be looking! I look here i went to the zoo here and was looking at all the little girls seeing if one could be caylee u never no!!
People who profit of tragedies should be in JAIL!
Yes, that's the way I understand it. And I'll bet anything deals are already being struck. And even though Casey can't profit, if George and Cindy get a windfall do you really think they'll leave Casey out? I hope she goes to prison, because if not, I'm afraid she could become very rich.:banghead::behindbar

what are these people thinking ?

that all of a sudden she is going to go on the STRAIGHT and NARROW

she is going to stop telling lie after lie

she is going to overnight become a really nice person ????


i can see it, now

"good morning casey, do you want some corn flakes for breakfast today?"

"SHUT UP, where is TONY ?"

"but casey dear, you need to eat"

"SHUT UP give me some more money"

"ohhhh casey, tell us what happened"


"where are you going dear?"


the parents will want her out of the house within half an hour

she will be right back in jail soon enough - RIGHT where she belongs:laugh:

im still laughing about this one.........hehehehee

:clap::laugh::D LOL

Casey: The car still reeks Mom, didn't you have Lee or Dad clean that out!
how come there is not a community out joining the other people looking for caylee? I'm watching nancy and they are showing about 6 people?
Because people have no respect for the Anthony family, imo. It is the only reason I can think of that they would not be supporting the family and out helping conduct searches for Caylee.
I know this is off-topic from the specific aspects of the case being discussed, but I wasn't really sure where else to ask this. Is anyone else starting to feel even more emotional about the case? I personally have been having a harder time of it the past couple of days, so I really can't imagine how anyone who ever met and loved this little angel must feel. I also can't even speak right now about my loathing for Casey, regardless of what she's done (though I have my thoughts). I keep crying a remembering Hailiejade's beautiful tribute and I have that song stuck in my head. It makes me remember that this is ALL ABOUT CAYLEE. Has everyone seen it? If not, please take time to view it at the link below. Hailiejade should really be applauded for such a beautiful tribute. I know it has its own thread, but its been kinda buried underneath the overload of threads we've had this week. Anyway, I just feel really sad and wondered if anyone else felt the same. :(
Caylee Tribute:
Because people have no respect for the Anthony family, imo. It is the only reason I can think of that they would not be supporting the family and out helping conduct searches for Caylee.

I find it odd that despite the anthony's and everything that has happened she is a missing child! I would help even though I dont care for someone its not caylee fault!
Just wondering how all this lawyering up and spokeshick and bounty$hunter deal works out. (If this has already been explained, sorry bout that)

If Casey is convicted of murder, Son of Sam law says she can't profit from books, movies, etc. But, if her parents make a deal with a publisher, they can profit from that. So, let's say this NY person who put together the spokes-hick and bounty(bottomscraper)hunter deal does it by cutting everyone in for a percent. Lawyer gets some, and the rest of the circus performers all get a cut. The only one who can't make any money is Casey.

So this whole deal is done on spec, on consignment.

Casey isn't convicted of anything. So if she makes the contract deal and completes it before the conviction, the Son of Sam laws don't apply to that contract.
she will do nothing but aggravate her parents when she is home

she will be within 5 feet of them and they will not be able to NOT ask her questions..

they will see firsthand that none of this makes any sense at all and that her stories are filled with LIE after LIE

they wont be happy with her NON ANSWERS :banghead::banghead::banghead:


I totally agree that this is disaster for these GP's, she is going to use every minute she has with them to torture them. I don't believe though that they will ask her any more questions, they don't want to believe anything other than what she has already told them. I think they will steer clear of this because if she changes any of the story then they have to face the reality...they don't want reality interring with their hope.
Casey isn't convicted of anything. So if she makes the contract deal and completes it before the conviction, the Son of Sam laws don't apply to that contract.

It's a loophole in the law big enough to drive a semi tractor trailer through it and that's just what they are doing.
Hey guys, they're discussing this case on the Carol Espy show right now with Tricia & Christine. Go to the main page of this forum & follow the link to hear them discuss this live on the radio.
Casey isn't convicted of anything. So if she makes the contract deal and completes it before the conviction, the Son of Sam laws don't apply to that contract.

yeap. only is she is convicted she cannot profit.
I find it odd that despite the anthony's and everything that has happened she is a missing child! I would help even though I dont care for someone its not caylee fault!

Well, I think there are groups of people who are searching. Wasn't it one of those groups that found the backpack today?
If caylee is still alive can u imagine the pain she must be feeling not being with her family, not talking to her mom or her grandparents! It's just been to long for this to go on! Something has got to give! why cant they go ahead and charge her and put her in the prison for the charges she all ready has?
Hurricane, Court seems to me, from reading the following, first time appearances and emergency matters, are heard. Other proceedings seem to be delayed. Love to hear others opinions on this...

Paladine, let's assume that there will be no disruption to jurisprudence in Orange Cty.. Worst case scenario everything waits, there is no scenario where she get out as a result of the weather..
if these parents think that all of this bullcrap with all the lies she has told
doesnt spell a pretty good picture of something horrific that happened
well........ what can i say

baby sitter that is invisible

job that doesnt exist

borrowing shovel

scent in the car

etc, etc etc

its about time they pull their heads out of the sand and get some GD answers
because it IS about the 3 year old..

a 3 year old GOT IT ???????? GOOD :D

its not about some clubbing, swanking, partying 20 ish year old that
obviously doesnt give 2 cents about anything
Casey isn't convicted of anything. So if she makes the contract deal and completes it before the conviction, the Son of Sam laws don't apply to that contract.

You'll notice I started the post with "If". Even tho Casey is a world-class liar, I doubt she could get a book done before her trial. Well, if she self-published, sold it on the net as .PDFs....nah, not enough exposure for her.
yeap. only is she is convicted she cannot profit.

with alot of caveats, in theory that is true. However, that would also net any deals in process as unexecutable, which no-one in this scenario is dumb enough to allow. The Son of Sam law is alot looser these days from it's original intention.
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