Caylee Anthony General Discussion Thread #124

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This is somewhat off-topic, yet on topic (if that makes any sense). :)

I have a friend in AZ who's going through a nasty divorce. Her ex-husband evidently accessed her bank account online using her SSN, and transferred $1900.00 out of her account to his account, and then went into the bank and withdrew the money from his account.

When my friend confronted the bank with what had happened, the bank replaced the money in my friend's account and began their own investigation. My friend was told that the bank would handle it from that point, pressing charges against the ex-husband when they finished their investigation. This happen the first part of June, and the bank has yet to press charges against the ex-husband. When my friend inquired, the bank said the investigation was still ongoing and that investigators on the state level were also investigating. So, it looks like this sort of thing takes some time.

If Amy's bank is handling the theft in the same manner, it might be a while before charges are made.
I understand that about the bank - but according to Amy Casey stole CASH from her at a private residence - no bank involved. Why has she not pressed charges with that?
I'm not an LP fan by any means. But this is th track he's going on and it's a smart one, IMO.

But that track leads to where? Those people never had Caylee. LP's either working for the defense to put out reasonable doubt or he's being used by the defense to put out reasonable doubt. And you know what's going to be worse? When they don't find Caylee by going down this track, they are going to say these people are responsible for murder. That sucks big fricken time.
Have we ever found out what day Ricardo went to PR and when he came back? I kinda think we can surmise that he didn't come back on the 15th with Amy or Casey would have picked them both up. Any ideas anyone?
I'd like to know that, too. I don't remember seeing anything anywhere about Ricardo going to Puerto Rico, with or without Amy.
I understand that about the bank - but according to Amy Casey stole CASH from her at a private residence - no bank involved. Why has she not pressed charges with that?

She wrote checks out of the checkbook in the glovebox. While Amy was in PR.
So those who the media reported on saying Tony picked up Casey from the Amscot are not viable?

Not sure what reports you are talking about. Who did that come from? We know Tony is not talking.
Another thing that I keep getting hung up on is how the heck is CA smart enough to pull this off? I'm not sure many authors could pull off this plot. Without getting people confused. WAIT! We ARE confused. :confused:

How do we know she didn't leave a trail of evidence?
Another thing that I keep getting hung up on is how the heck is CA smart enough to pull this off? I'm not sure many authors could pull off this plot. Without getting people confused. WAIT! We ARE confused. :confused:

Pat Brown, the criminal profiler, has a great article about serial killers on Crime Library that rings volumes with the "smart" question. While the article applies to the "myths" about serial killers, one of "myths" rings true for your comment about her being "smart." People like her are only smart when you can't figure out the truth of what they did.
Another thing that I keep getting hung up on is how the heck is CA smart enough to pull this off? I'm not sure many authors could pull off this plot. Without getting people confused. WAIT! We ARE confused. :confused:

She is not really smart enough to pull anything off. There is an entire cast of liars creating confusion and basically interfering with the real investigation everyday, therefore she appears smart.

She is not. Just "free" for now. Girlfriend is going away for a long time.
The Pontiac was dumped. We don't know who was driving it.

Well, we would have to presume CA had some involvement. Otherwise, wouldn't she have reported her purse missing or stolen?
Swag. I thought Amy mentioned before the trip that Casey stole the money she was going to use FOR the trip and wasn't sure if she would get to go?! Casey told her she did that in her sleep or something like that.

I recall that Casey stole the cash prior to the trip, but when Amy came home from PR, she found that checks from her checkbook had been stolen and her bank account hit. I think she said it amounted to about $1000.
o/t ...thought it was " Something About Mary" ...ok, sorry but that movie was really funny, imo. Just keep thinking that when I see " something about xyz.

I also think of the singer Joan Baez everytime I see Jose Baez.
Amen to that.....So tired of playing into a cast of clowns. Not one of them is credible NOT ONE. Least of all The Anthony's and the nightmare that is Padilla....the man that is "tracking" down Caylee by camping out in the middle of a media sleepover five feet from the person of interest. If he is such a bada** as everyone claims he should get out of the spotlight and threaten to revoke her bail unless she gives up some information to find that little girl. They all make me want to vomit.

The only people I take seriously in any of this is LE; when they finally show their cards it will be all over and Caylee will get the justice she deserves.

G'nite. I have a splitting headache. Time to cuddle my new dog and get some rest. He is already snoring. LOL

G'nite. Take some tylenol or advil...and thanks, again, for sharing! WAIT! Do you find it interesting that there always seem to be more visitors to this site than members? paranoia's showing. O/T
Not sure what reports you are talking about. Who did that come from? We know Tony is not talking.

Now puffster I know you won't take this as gospel, I don't even need you to believe it. But I am giving you what I said I had read.

When Casey called Lazarro for a ride from the Amscot where she abandoned her car, she claimed it had broken down and that her father was going to get it to a shop later. That car holds some of the most significant evidence investigators have revealed, possible evidence of Caylee's hair, a suspicious stain and the odor of human decomposition, all in the trunk.
How do we know she didn't leave a trail of evidence?

Because what ever they found in the car -- there wasn't very much. We're not talking blood all over the place. And she got rid of the body and nobody ever noticed a thing. No witnessess saying that they saw a 22 year old woman at the park, the river bed. A Pontiac on the night of June 16. I mean, could LE have tons of DNA that they are holding back, I suppose. But police just today said they believe that she is alive. All we have is cadavar dogs and a small amount of possible DNA evidence that was gathered. Even Scott Peterson had to get out the bleach and mop to clean up his mess.
So those who the media reported on saying Tony picked up Casey from the Amscot are not viable?

I don't remember where it came from, but it was also said that Casey had gone jogging and the car broke down. Tony picked her up and she said her dad would come get it. I was wondering after reading that, because Casey would have had on jogging clothes and could have driven to a location where she would not have looked out of place. If the smell in car happened at that time, then they need to ping her after the 24th and on the 27th when the car was ditched.
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